Information Center
by The Devious One

The Story

It is May of the year 2002.  For the most part, peace and prosperity has reigned over the universe.  There are the momentary threats that rise to certain planets, but there are rangers to deal with them.  The Wild Force Rangers have a threat that they are handling in the Orgs.  But, as said before, for the most part, peace reigns over the universe.  But that peace won't last much longer.

Because an old enemy of the original Power Rangers will return, with devastating new powers and a powerful new army.  It will take rangers from the past and present and the future to defeat him and keep the universe safe from his tyranny.

The Rangers

The Wild Force
Power Rangers

The Time Force
Power Rangers

The Lightspeed Rescue
Power Rangers

The Lost Galaxy
Power Rangers

The Space
Power Rangers

The Morphin Warriors

The Villains

- Central Villain -
Emperor Zedd

Lord Algotha
the Merciless & Deviot

Master Org
Jindrax & Toxica
Captain Mutiny
The Allies
Mr. Collins
Mrs. Fairweather Rawlings & Captain Mitchell

Karone - former Pink
Galaxy Ranger

Ransik - former Criminal 
form the year 3000


The Divisions of the Info Center

Visit the Character description page for the Power Rangers!
The Rangers Page 

Visit the Character description page for the Villains!
The Villains' Page

Visit the Character description page for the Allies!
The Allies Page

Visit the description page for the Rangers' & Warriors' Zords!
The Zords Page

And finally, read the installments to the Saga!
Read the Stories