Buffy the Vampire Slayer - A Virtual Season 7 - Episode 10
The Sacrifice, Part 1
by The Devious One (letsrocket_1998@yahoo.com)
Follow the Virtual Season 7 of Buffy the Vampire by The Devious One Productions
at https://deviousone2002.tripod.com/vir7season.htm.
Buffy and all characters who have appeared in the syndicated series Buffy the Vampire Slayer, together with the names, titles, and backstory are the sole copyright property of Mutant Enemy, the WB, UPN, and of course, Joss Whedon himself. No copyright infringement was intended in the writing of this fan fiction. All other characters, the story ideas, and VR season itself are the sole property of the author. This story cannot be sold or used for profit in any way. Copies of this story may be made for private use only and must include all disclaimers and copyright notices.
NOTE: All works remain the © copyright of the original author. These may not be republished in any way, shape, or form without the written expressed consent or acceptance of the author of the story.
(Anthony Steward Head VO)
"Previously on Buffy the Vampire Slayer"
The normal Previously on Buffy music cues up.
Various scenes from different episodes are now shown. They are in the order as follows.
A small compilation of scenes are shown from the Season Premiere of VS7 'Alive Again', ending with Tara's return to life and the Hooded Figure's warning to the Slayer. Following it are scenes from Returned, depicting Warren's re-appearance during the same time of Tara's re-appearance. A few scenes are shown showing Warren's strike against Buffy and her friends at the Cemetery.
Next is a small compilation of scenes from 'Ties That Bind' and 'The Boss', depicting Xander and Anya's slowly rebuilding relationship, as well as the troubles Willow and Tara have been going through as they try to renew the relationship they had before Tara's tragic death. Scenes from the same episodes regarding Buffy and Spike's relationship are shown.
And then, scenes from the episode 'Beneath You' are shown. The scenes that are shown are the young woman in Germany being killed by the robed figures and the words she spoke that led to Tara's vision of her. Also shown are the scenes of the worm creature attacking Nancy and Buffy's saving her, followed by the ending sequence of scenes between Buffy and Spike.
Next, scenes from the episodes 'The Test' and 'Selfless' are shown. From the scenes of Xander and Dawn being captured by the Boss's people to the meeting with Warren and the Boss and including the fight involving Buffy, Willow, and Tara against the six demons, Willow's use of dark magick and Tara's newfound power making an appearance, to Spike saving Xander and Dawn and ending with the Boss's manipulation of Spike during the final scene where Spike attacks a homeless woman. And the scenes depicting Anya's last wish and her fight with Buffy are shown.
Scenes from 'Revelations' are shown, showing the Harbingers attacking the Gang and taking Spike, and the final scene, in which the Source rises up a hideous beast that is a true full blooded vampire. And finally, scenes from 'Inner Demons' are shown, showing Willow and Tara's battle with Rack to Spike's torment by the Source and the Ubervamp.
EXT. The Summers House, Willow & Tara's Room - Morning.
It is morning in the city of Sunnydale, a new day is beginning. It is mostly silent inside the Summers House. Most of the inhabitants are either still asleep or they are gone. Inside Willow and Tara's bedroom, however, the blonde Wicca, TARA, is sitting in the middle of the bed, her legs stretched out with her diary on her lap. She is writing in it. She is wearing a pair of blue jeans and a white short sleeved t-shirt. Her hair is pulled back into a ponytail as she writes.
As the shot opens, we hear her voice speaking the words she's writing, though she is not talking.
Tara (VO)
(shot on page)
Wow, it's been a little while since I've last written in this book of
mine. My last entry was two weeks ago. And, it's been a busy two
weeks since I last wrote here. I'm alone in the house right now. Mr.
Giles is at the shop with Xander, Buffy, and Anya. I guess they're
researching into the Source. Dawn's at school and Will just left to go to
her only class of the day. She really didn't want to go, she didn't want
to leave me alone. I understand her feeling because I kinda don't want her
to be away from me. But that's selfish and a little time apart isn't going
to kill either of us.
The time away from everyone else, although it's only going to be for a couple hours, it will be good for me. It'll give me some time to sort through some things that have been weighing in on me for a while. It was just a few weeks ago that Willow and I had to face that warlock that really got Will hooked on the darker magicks. I'm not glad we had to go through that, but I am relieved that we had to face that part of her past. We haven't really been talking much about her actions after the shooting. I know it's to protect us both from the realities of it all, but still. But since that happened, we've communicated more and I'm starting to feel that we're getting closer than we've ever been. There are a couple things that are still hanging between us, but I know we'll get through them as long as we're together. Of that, I have no doubt.
I've been thinking about this powerful baddie we've been dealing with. The Source. Mister Giles says he's....it's....the Source of all evil. I can't really be sure if that's completely true because I've always believed that evil, real evil, lies in the hearts of men and women all over the world. The rapists, the murderers, devil worshippers, racists....it all comes from man's own heart. I can't really see that having a physical form. I could be wrong though. I've been wrong before. And I don't think we're ever going to find any documented accounts anywhere. Of course, I don't tell them what I think because.....I always sound so stupid when I say stuff and I just don't want to get embarrassed like I used to do.
Tara pauses as she considers her words. She looks around the room one time, then continues with her writing.
Tara (VO)
(shot on page)
A couple of new things have started happening lately. Some good, some
bad. Mister Giles made some calls and got those two guys out of
jail. Jonathan and Andrew. They're in the process of getting those
other two scrolls for Buffy. She seems to think we can be better prepared
for the final battle with the Source if we have them. And I have to
agree. Learning more about this Final Apocalypse is the important
thing. And the search for Spike is continuing. We've all been
searching for the past few weeks now, but we haven't had much luck. Xander
doesn't really like the idea of helping Spike, and I kinda understand his
viewpoint, considering everything Spike's done to them. I know I wasn't
even around for a lot of it. But, Buffy thinks we need Spike and I have to
agree with her. Especially now that he's got a soul and all.
One other thing I've been thinking about more and more lately is the reason I'm here. As the days have gone on, I've been feeling all my new abilities get stronger. I wasn't capable of a lot of magick before the shooting, but now, I know if I concentrated, I could probably do a lot of damage. I don't really like having this power, but.....I believe in my heart that I was given this new power, given this second chance at life....for a great purpose. And I've started to feel that the time is drawing closer when I'll learn what that purpose is. I just hope it doesn't cost me and Will any more trouble than what we've already had to face. I love her so much and, even after everything that's happened, I don't want her to hate me because of my new powers and I don't want to drive her away.
Tara looks up from her writing and puts her pen down on the bedside table near her. She closes her diary up after a moment. A few beats pass until she swings her legs out from the bed and stands, putting her dairy back in the dresser and grabbing her black sweater jacket and leaving the room.
Fade to:
INT. Alleyway that leads to Old Woman's Shop, Time Lapse - Day.
The scene fades from Tara leaving her and Willow's room to Tara walking down the alleyway that holds the shop of the Old Woman last scene in 'Returned'. Tara stops just in front of the invisible barrier that appears as the wall of the building. She takes a deep breath and steps through the wall, slowly seeping into the wall and the shop. The shop fixes on Tara's back and shoulders as she moves through the shop, passing along the beaded strings in the doorway before walking to the round table where the OLD WOMAN is seen sitting.
The Old Woman looks the same as before, her hands holding her bag of coins. She smiles a sickish smile at sensing Tara.
Old Woman
Well, my child....you've come back.
Yes I have. And I'm not leaving this time.....until
you tell me the answers I know you have.
The Old Woman's face doesn't change, a sick smile on her face. She chuckles as the shot slowly cuts to blackness.
Cut to:
Opening Credits:
Special Guest Stars
Jason Isaacs
Adam Busch
Danny Strong
Tom Lenk
Anthony Steward Head as Giles
with a special appearance by Harris Yulin
Cut to:
EXT. The Magic Box - Day.
The shot opens at the front counter at the Magic Box. It is revealed that ANYA is finishing a sale to a customer, handing her the return change along with the receipt of the transaction. She watches the customer, a tall bald man wearing casual street clothes, walk away until the man is no longer in the store. Then, she glances around to make sure none of the other customers are ready to check out or shoplifting, then she walks over to the round table.
The shot pans around to reveal BUFFY, GILES, and XANDER at the table. All three are seated around the table, hords of books on the table and opened and it is evident that the small group has been at the researching for a long while. Anya puts her hands on her hips as she regards them.
Giles, you know as well as I know that there's nothing in
those books about the Source. We've been going through all these books and
things for weeks now and zippo!
Well, it's our only revenue of research Anya. The Council has the only
real data on the Source and the most important documents are kept under wraps.
Still.....there has to be some way to......get some answers.
What about Jonathan and Andrew? They're getting us those scrolls, right?
If you can trust them, you mean. They could just be running away
again. It's not like we have anything over them.
They won't run.
How can you be so sure?
(smiles secretly)
Two reasons. One, I know Jonathan. He's scared out of his boots
right now and he thinks I can stop what's coming. So, he's going to do
this to help me. And two, before Giles got them released, I had Xander go
to their hideouts and grab all their Star Wars stuff. The books, the
little toys, the videos, all of it. You have no idea how much they value
that crap.
You mean....
That's right. They don't get us those scrolls.....then their entire Star
Wars collection will be singed to a crisp.
Be glad when they get those scrolls then.
So will I, Anya. So will I.
They fall silent.
Cut to:
INT. The Old Woman's Shop, Time Lapse - Day.
The shot opens to reveal TARA, dressed in the same clothing as before, sitting in a chair directly across from the OLD WOMAN. The Old Woman is holding her old coins in her wrinkled hands and she has a pleased expression on her face as she sits across from the Wicca. It is as if she is looking at Tara, even without her eyes and the entire experience is slightly disconcerting to the blonde witch.
Tara silently links her hands together on her lap and forces herself to remain calm. She's here to get answers. Answers she knows the Old Woman knows.
Old Woman
(juggling her coins in her hands)
Well what?
Please, I don't have all day. I need the answers to these questions.
Old Woman
You come here, my child, seeking confirmation to something you already feel is
(shaking her head)
What are you talking about?
Old Woman
You already feel it. You know your time here is limited. You, as
well as the dark haired man....
You mean Warren?
Old Woman
Yes.....you and he shared a physical link when the doorway between this realm
and the Higher Realm was opened. That link is no longer as strong, but
it's still there. You both are here for a purpose and you know it.
What is that purpose? Please, I have to know.
Old Woman
My child, it is not my place to tell you such things. Everyone who comes
here to seek answers knows there are some answers I can never reveal. For
you, this is one of them.
But why? Why can't you tell me?
The Old Woman's face freezes for a moment, her lips pressed tightly together. Even her hands have stopped their movement for a long moment. Then, she continues to move her coins over her fingers.
Old Woman
I'm sorry, but I can not reveal these answers to you. You must uncover
them for yourself.
(shaking her head in disappointment)
Fine, then maybe you can tell me this. What about the Source?
Old Woman
What about it?
Is it really....the Source of All Evil?
Old Woman
(pensive for a moment)
What the Slayer now deals with is.....a form of the Source.
A form......
Old Woman
A form.
Why is he attacking now? What....what caused it?
Old Woman
The Source has never had the opportunity to strike against the forces of good
before now. The chance has just recently opened up.
What happened to cause this opportunity to open?
Old Woman
I think you know, my child. I have told you all I can. Now, please
Tara hesitates for a moment, but obediently leaves the shop. After the shot follows her departure, we pan back to the Old Woman. She presses her hands, coins against palms, and lets the coins fall onto the table. Once the coins have stopped moving, she runs her hands over the placement of the coins with her fingertips. She gasps in sudden realization.
Old Woman
Oh my.
Cut to:
INT. The Source's Underground Lair, Time Lapse - Day.
The underground caverns that run under the hills where the Source's Mansion is are about the same as they ever are. Fire lit torches are hung on the walls on both sides to provide the lighting. The shot opens to reveal BRUJAH, the head vampire follower of the Source, walking down the corridors. He is dressed in his same getup as ever. The shot moves aside as he walks from a narrow corridor to a larger chamber of the cavern.
The shot pans around to show SPIKE, chained and vulnerable, sitting with his back against the wall and his legs splayed out in front of him. The cuts are still very visible on his chest and stomach. The shot moves back and shows Brujah walking over to THE SOURCE. The Source is dressed as imaculate as ever, in his crisp white suit. Standing to the left and behind the Source is the creature known as the UBERVAMP. It stands ready, waiting for it's next orders.
The Source
You have news I take it?
Yes boss. Kronell has just arrived at the Mansion. He is very eager
to meet with you. I have Toreador, Selena, and Ravnos entertaining him,
but he seems restless.
The Source
Very well. I do not want him to be displeased for very long.
Brujah nods and waits for his boss to give the next order. Instead, the Source turns to Spike and walks to him.
The Source
Well, William. It seems as though our time together is dwindling
down. Tonight you see, that Slayer you've become so attached to is going
to meet my pet here and I'm afraid she may not survive. So...I want you to
be prepared when he brings me her head, because I'm going to show it to you. (he
turns and motions a vampire soldier over) Get a few others and take him back to
that drafty cell.
Yes, boss.
The Source
(turning to the Ubervamp)
And you......when the sun goes down.....kill them all. And when you go
after the Slayer, be slow. Make her death very painful.
The Ubervamp snarls and growls as it heads for a corridor that leads to the surface.
The Source
Alright Brujah, let's go.
The Source starts heading towards the opposite corridor, the one Brujah came from. The vampire follows.
Cut to:
INT. The Campus of UC Sunnydale, Time Lapse - Mid Afternoon.
The shot opens on one of the teaching buildings, the front doors. The glass doors are opened and we are shown that WILLOW is exiting from the building, her book bag slung over her right shoulder.
The redheaded witch is wearing a dark green, almost brown, button up V necked sweater with a pair of her dark jeans. She has her long red hair combed back away from her face. She walks down the steps of the building and looks up, seeing something that brings a smile to her face.
The shot pans around to reveal TARA, sitting on one of the padded wooden benches near the building. It is obvious that Tara has been there for a little while, just waiting for Willow's last class of the day to be over. Quietly, Willow walks over to her. Tara has her legs crossed at the ankles and her head is leaning back against the back rail and her eyes are closed.
Willow walks over and sits down on the bench beside her dozing lover. She blows on her cheeks, just a tiny bit and gets the reaction she was looking for. Tara's body shudders as if she was in a snowstorm. She opens her eyes and looks over.
Hey baby. How long have you been here?
Not too long. I just wanted to relax for a few minutes. (a pause) Cause
you know, I didn't get a lot of sleep last night.
(smirks slightly)
I know.
Tara grabs Willow's hand.
C'mon, we should head over to the shop. I think those nerd guys should be
getting back to us with those scrolls soon.
Okay, come on. Let's go.
Willow grabs Tara's hand and they begin walking through the campus, towards the parking lot where Willow left her and Tara's shared car.
So um....do you know what Saturday is?
(furrows her brow as she considers)
No...I don't....
It's the anniversary of the first time we met. Three years ago.
Willow's face shows surprise as she remembers that day they met. When the Gentlemen were in Sunnydale.
Wow....um....I didn't think it was this Saturday.
Yeah, I didn't think much of it either, but, I was going through my diary the
other day and I came across a passage that I wrote in it just after I had met
What did you write in it?
The tone in Willow's voice was slightly joking, but Tara's answer held no humor whatsoever, just seriousness.
(looking at Willow in the eyes)
I wrote....'I met the most beautiful girl today. She had red hair and
green eyes. Like deep emeralds. It was incredible. I never
really believed in love at first sight, but having met her, I'm starting to
think I should.' That's just a little of what I wrote.
(smiling wistfully)
Really? You felt something even then.
Honey, I knew the moment I saw you I wanted more than friendship. But I
knew you had to be ready before I even said anything.
I was so blind for so long.
Well, that's the past. The way I look at it, let's concentrate on the here
and now.
I'm with you on that one.
They stop near the car and Willow turns to Tara.
When this is over and we find Spike, beat this Sourcey guy and
everything.....let's you and me take a trip away from Sunnydale. Just the
two of us....no Buffy...no Hellmouth.
I like that idea. Where would we go?
Well, I was thinking Los Angeles. We can go visit Angel and his
crew. And there's a lot of fun to be had out there.
Okay. When this is all over, we go to L.A.
Willow is silent for a moment, then she leans over and gives Tara a slow, but thorough kiss. She pulls back after a few seconds of indulging in it and looks at her lover's relaxed face.
I love you.
I love you too. Now come on, we're causing a scene.
Willow chuckles as she goes to the driver's side and gets in. After Tara is in the car, they take off, leaving the University behind as they head towards the Magic Box.
Cut to:
INT. The Source's Mansion, Time Lapse - Late Evening.
The door in the back of the front room of the mansion opens and BRUJAH and THE SOURCE enter into the front chamber area. Seated near the fireplace is a demon like creature known as KRONELL. The three head vampire generals, TOREADOR, RAVNOS, and SELENA are standing nearby and they salute the Source when he enters.
The Source gives them a nod and the three begin walking towards the back of the chamber. Brujah stays near the door as the Source walks over to the creature sitting in the chair. Kronell slowly rises from his chair and regards the Source in silence. Kronell is a demon much like the species that the demon Toth was when Xander was split into two different beings. In fact, Kronell comes from the very same bloodline. The only difference between Toth and Kronell is instead of the yellow furrows on his face, Kronell's body is brown skin with dark red furrows. He has black eyes with spectrals of white looping in the center of them.
He wears a thick black cape with a hood like Toth and is the same height. Kronell bows his head in respect as the Source walks up.
The Source
Well, Kronell, I'm glad to see that you are prompt.
(his voice deep toned)
The Source calls and I must answer.
The Source
Excellent. I take it you have the necessary materials you need for this
Yes, your people were very helpful with the materials I told them I would need.
(he is silent for a beat) But I must wonder.....why call upon me for this
ritual? You are very capable of doing this yourself.
The Source
Very true, Kronell. However, I must put my attention elsewhere this
evening. And I wanted the very best to do this and I know you are the best
when it comes to dark magick rituals.
What of the warlock, Rack? Surely he is better than I.
The Source
Rack is no longer living. He was destroyed by enemies.
Very well, my liege. Just tell me when you want this ritual to take place
and it will be done.
The Source
Prepare the ritual. Then, ten minutes before the stroke of midnight, begin
the ritual.
As you wish, my liege.
Kronell bows and walks away. The Source turns and looks at the window. The sun is almost completely gone for the day. He smiles.
The Source
Oh good. Just in time for the fun to begin.
Cut to:
Commercial Break.
Cut to:
EXT. The Magic Box - Night.
The entire group are assembled in the Magic Box. GILES is standing just next to the table while BUFFY, DAWN, WILLOW, TARA, XANDER, and ANYA sit around the table. They are talking about the recent events. Giles is holding the scroll Willow and Tara got from Warren.
So, any word from Jonathan and Andrew yet?
Not yet. Shouldn't be much longer though.
And you're really sure they won't just take off? Regardless of their Star
Wars stuff.
Well, if they do...they do. We just find another way to deal with the
Mister Giles, what about that Council guy? What happened to him?
Arthur? I don't know. I haven't seen him since that Harbinger
attack. Chances are likely we won't see him again. If those
Harbingers didn't get him, he's probably back in England now.
We need to try to take the fight to the Source. We've been waiting for the
past few weeks for him to make the next move. We need to do something.
Buffy, we don't know where his hideout is. And until we do, there isn't
much we can do.
Yeah, when this guy hides, he really hides.
Maybe Tara and I could do a locater spell.
I normally would suggest that, but the Source can't be traced like demons and
vampires can.
Giles, before all this started, that hooded guy, he was a vampire
(slowly realizing where she was going)
Yeah, Brujah. He's like, one of the Source's generals. He can be
traced with the spell. Right?
Yes, he can. Willow, Tara, how soon can you do the spell?
Well, all the stuff is here. We can do it now if you need us to.
Please, do that.
Tara looks at Willow, who nods at her. The two get up and go to gather all of the items they would need for the locater spell.
I hope you two plan on paying for the stuff you use.
Fine, but I better be reimbursed for the stuff they use.
Buffy just rolls her eyes.
Cut to:
INT. Streets of Sunnydale, Time Lapse - Night.
The streets of Sunnydale are mostly silent as the night lurks onward. Several blocks away from the Magic Box, a lone figure is stalking through the alleys on route to the Magic Box. It is revealed to be the UBERVAMP. It is following the Source's orders, on it's way to the Magic Box to destroy them all. The Ubervamp has already been at the house and found that the house was empty.
Now, the Ubervamp growls and snarls, getting closer to it's target location.
Cut to:
INT. The Source's Underground Caverns, Time Lapse - Night.
The shot opens to reveal SPIKE, slumped against the wall of his cell. He is taking several deep breaths. His torture has ceased, but the cuts on his chest are still raw and red. They are no longer breathing, but they are visibly bothering him. The swelling on the skin of his face has gone down, thanks to the vampire's rapid healing abilities.
The sound of footsteps are heard approaching Spike's cell and the platinum blonde haired vampire tenses himself in readiness for the torture session he knows is coming. A beat passes and the footsteps stop outside his cell. Then, the sound of a slight scruffle is heard just outside his door before there are two thumps heard. A moment later, the sound of keys rattling in his door is heard before the door is opened.
The shot pans around to reveal the form of RAVNOS filling the doorway, looking at Spike in silence for a moment, then stepping inside. In Ravnos's right hand is a black button up shirt. He hands it to Spike.
Put that on.
Why, it's just going to get ripped off later.
Spike, just shut up and do it. If you really want out of here, this is the
only chance you'll get.
(slipping his arms through the shirt sleeves)
Why are you helping me?
(gazing at him for a second)
I have a lot of reasons. One of them being that I don't agree with what
the Source is doing. He's wanting all vampires to worship him. When
he's just going to slaughter us all when the Slayer's dead.
How do you know that?
I've heard Brujah talking. There's a lot of unrest going on within the
Source's vampire ranks. Hurry up, I don't know how long that super vampire
thing is going to be gone. And the Source might be back soon.
Spike starts buttoning the shirt and rising onto his unsteady feet.
Where'd he go?
Had something he wanted to take care of. But before I get you out of here,
I want your word that you'll help me out.
What do you want?
Protection. I don't want to be slayed by Summers and I want her to protect
me from him. Besides, I have information she might want.
This way.
Ravnos begins heading down a corridor, with Spike following behind silently.
Cut to:
INT. The Magic Box, Time Lapse - Night.
The training room is full of individuals. The shot opens to reveal WILLOW and TARA seated across from one another. Between them is a map of the entire Sunnydale area, complete with outlining areas in the forrested hills that surround the town. Surrounding the witches are lit candles while everyone else stands and sits nearby.
Alright, Tara. Let's begin.
Both Willow and Tara say a sequence of Latin words together in unison. When the words are finished being spoken by them, they both pick up twin bottles of magick powder and begin to sprinkle the powder over the map of the Sunnydale area. Everyone watches as the powder slowly turns into glowing lights The lights scatter around and the witches speak in unison once again.
Willow & Tara
Goddess, hear our plea. Show us.....guide us to the dwelling place of the
one true Source of Evil.
The lights stop swirling all over the map and gather to one certain position of the map. The witches slowly withdraw their hands that was holding onto each other and look at the map. With their hands no longer touching, the locater spell is ended and the candles go out on their own.
You guys can come over here now.
Giles walks over to the other side of them and looks at the glowing lights that are positioned over one area. He brings out a map of Sunnydale and matches the corresponding position with his map. His eyes widen as he finds the matching area.
Oh dear.
Did the spell not work?
No, the spell worked. It's just....I'm a little surprised at where the
location is.
Where is it, Giles?
Giles looks at her.
It's Angel's old mansion.
Similar looks of shock radiate across the training room.
Cut to:
INT. Streets of Sunnydale, Time Lapse - Late Night.
The shot fixes on the UBERVAMP's face as it snarls. It is now closing in on the Magic Box. Now, it is only five blocks from the Magic Box and moving faster as it gets closer to the Magic Box. It snarls, getting incredibly closer.
Cut to:
INT. The Magic Box, Time Lapse - Late Night.
GILES, BUFFY, XANDER, DAWN, ANYA, WILLOW, and TARA are now once again near the round table, the locater spell a complete success. The front door to the shop opens, the bell ringing and they all rise to face whatever it is. Their tense bodies relax slightly when they see the new arrivals.
The shot pans around to reveal the forms of JONATHAN LEVINSON and ANDREW WELLS as the two nerdy individuals walk inside the shop. Jonathan has a bag slung over his shoulder. They are wearing the same black clothing they wore before they were arrested.
Jonathan, Andrew. Did you get the scrolls?
Well great....you don't even say hi. That's gratitude for you.
Well, seeing as how it's you two, why would we bother.
Yeah, we got your scrolls. It was hard getting that last one. But
we've got 'em.
Would you hand them to us, please?
Jonathan pulls the bag off his shoulder and sets it on the round table, where everyone is assembled. He unzips it and pulls out two steel cylinders with intricate carvings over it and sets them on the table.
There. Those are the scrolls. Now, once you give us our stuff back,
we'll be gone.
Well, they're at my place, so you'll have to wait until later.
Giles picks up one of the cylinders just as the front door is shoved open with enough force that it's taken right off it's hinges and it lands on the floor with a solid crash. They all glance toward the door as the UBERVAMP enters, standing in the doorway and snarling menacingly.
Holy moly!
Why is it always my door that takes the damage?
What is that?
The question was directed at Giles, but he just stares at the creature in utter shock, too shocked to even move.
The Ubervamp moves forward, intent on destruction and death.
Cut to:
Commercial Break.
Cut to:
EXT. The Magic Box - Late Night.
The group scatters throughout the shop as the UBERVAMP surges forward, coming straight for Buffy. Buffy has no opportunity to dive out of the way and the Ubervamp knocks her with it's hand with a force so strong that it knocks her against the far wall before she slides to the ground, holding her shoulder. The Ubervamp moves forward and kicks her a few times in her rib area. Most of the blocks and parries she tries against the creature are ineffective.
Hoping to draw the creature's wrath off of her, Xander grabs an axe and heads straight towards it. Xander is about to swing the axe right at the Ubervamp's unprotected back, but it's as if it sensed danger because it turns around swiftly, grabbing the axe and throwing it to the floor. Then, the Ubervamp reels back and backhands Xander across the face, sending him crashing into the round table, falling at Jonathan and Andrew's feet.
Buffy gets back to her feet and grabs a stake from her coat pocket and surges after the Ubervamp. The Ubervamp anticipated the attempt of the stake and knocks it from her hand. She manages to hit the Ubervamp with her fists a few times, but the deadly creature is faster and tougher than she is. It avoids her attack and backhands her, sending her crashing against the far wall once again.
She lands on one knee and quickly gets to her feet as it attempts to go after Giles. She runs over and grabs her stake. Readying herself, she dives in front of Giles and the potential threat and she gets her shot in, staking the Ubervamp right into the heart. The Ubervamp looks at her, looks at the stake and looks back at her. It snarls and pulls the stake out of it's chest.
Buffy and Giles stare at the hole in the Ubervamp's chest for a moment, then see it heal itself. They stare in utter shock and disbelief. The creature snarls and moves forward again. A wave of magick suddenly slams into the Ubervamp and it's thrown against the far wall. Giles and Buffy look over at Willow and Tara to see them slowly lower their hands.
Everyone! We have to go, now!
(wiping his bloodied nose)
Where Buff?
I don't know.
(looking at the dazed Ubervamp)
Yes, we need to move now. It's not going to stay down long. Willow,
Tara, take Dawn and Anya and get somewhere safe. Xander, take Andrew and
Jonathan to your apartment. Keep the scrolls with you as well. Buffy
and I will try to lure this creature somewhere isolated and deal with it.
You heard him, GO!!
Willow, Tara, Anya, and Dawn hesitate, not wanting to leave anyone behind, but a look from Buffy gets them moving. Andrew and Jonathan grab the scrolls and puts them back in the bag before the two of them follow Xander out. Once they're all gone, Buffy and Giles look over at the creature. It is just now getting back to it's feet and is moments from coming at them again.
Alright Giles, what do we do now?
We try to get it somewhere isolated. We need to beat this thing.
I know where we can lure it.
Cut to:
INT. A Forest Clearing Outside Sunnydale, Time Lapse - Late Night.
It is a full moon out in the late night sky as the shot opens on it. The shot pans down to reveal a forest clearing with a group of the Source's vampire soldiers standing around. Some feet from where they stand guard is the demon assassin KRONELL. He is holding a scepter that is similar in appearance to the scepter that Toth had to perform his rituals. There is a dark crimson red jewel at the head of this scepter.
Kronell is chanting in an ancient language not understood by humans. Surrounding Kronell is a circle of greenish lights that illuminate the ground. After a few moments of his chanting, the lights change into an eerie green fire that surrounds him. Laying on the ground in front of him, but within the circle of fire, is a single photograph.
The shot pans down from Kronell's face to the surface of the photograph. It is revealed that it's a photograph of TARA.
The chanting continues.
Cut to:
INT. Xander's Apartment, Time Lapse - Late Night.
The shot opens and fixes on the front door of Xander's apartment as it opens and XANDER enters, letting ANDREW and JONATHAN enter behind him. He quickly closes the door behind him and makes sure the door is locked before he turns around. Andrew has moved over to one of the couches and sits down. Jonathan stands off to one side, both of the nerds scared and not sure what to do.
Xander shakes his head before he remembers something. He walks over to Jonathan.
Jonathan, give me the scrolls.
Why? I was keeping them safe.
Because it's my responsibility to keep them safe. Now, hand them to me.
Jonathan shrugs but does what Xander told him. He reaches down and unzips the bag slung over his shoulder and removes the two steel cylinders with the scrolls inside them and hands them to Xander. The construction worker takes them and walks over to the table, setting them down and sitting down a moment later. Xander takes one in his hand and looks at it, his face showing uncharacteristic concentration.
There is a beat of silence as Andrew leans back against the back of the couch and softly exhales. Jonathan walks over to the window overlooking the neighborhood and looks out the window. The shot fixes on Jonathan's face. A look of terror is on his face as he turns back to Xander.
Y'know, Xander.....maybe it wasn't such a good idea to come here.
(looking up)
Why's that Jonathan? That creature thing isn't after us and Buffy did tell
me to get somewhere safe.
Well....I only say that because......those guys with no eyes are outside.
Surprised fright shows on his face as Xander gets up and moves over to the window. He looks out. The shot pans down to the street around Xander's apartment. Outside, several of the robed and caped HARBINGERS are seen standing there, not moving, just standing in front of the apartment.
(now seeing them)
They followed us! We're not safe!!
Calm down.
Calm down? How can you say that? We're just seconds from being
What do they want?
What do you think? The Source obviously knows we have the scrolls.
That means there has to be something important in these scrolls that he doesn't
want Buffy to know about.
Shouldn't we try to get out of here before they start coming at us?
No.....they'd get us without a problem if we tried to run. They're
obviously waiting for something. Andrew, you stay by the window. If
they start moving, let me know.
What are you going to do?
I'm going to try to decipher the scrolls. Giles has shown me a few
things. I'm hoping it's enough.
Need some help? I am a good translater.
Xander and Jonathan sit at the table and begin translating one of the scrolls as Andrew nervously keeps watch on the Harbingers outside.
Cut to:
INT. The Edge of Sunnydale (Near the Forested Area), Time Lapse - Late Night.
The shot opens to reveal four solitary figures walking along a dirt and rock pebbled road, heading upward towards the forested area outside Sunnydale. This forested area holds horrible memories for Willow, though. It was the same area as the area that she was in when she skinned Warren just a year prior. The four figures walking are revealed to be TARA, WILLOW, DAWN, and ANYA.
Where are we going, anyway Willow? I thought we we supposed to get
somewhere safe?
That's what Buffy said.
Okay, and coming out here, in a place where danger has happened, is a safe
You and Buffy.....have something planned out, don't you?
Willow and Tara exchange looks.
Buffy wanted to get that creature somewhere isolated. She's bringing it
out here. And she's going to need out help in destroying it.
And how exactly do you know that?
Buffy sort of....sent us a message telepathically.
How can she do that?
Well, Slayers are born with a certain amount of telepathic ability. And
....the really powerful ones....
Can learn how to use their telepathic powers with just a thought?
Wait, I don't buy that. She just learned how to use telepathy?
Look.....Buffy came to us a few weeks ago......she kind of thought she could be
a better Slayer if she could learn more about telepathy. So, we've been
working with her.
That does make more sense then.
What's Buffy's plan, then? Is Xander going to meet us out here?
No....Xander's responsibility is keeping Andrew and Jonathan alive and making
sure nothing happens to those scrolls. Buffy and Giles are leading that
super vampire to a spot up here in the woods. We're going to meet her
there and face that thing.
And not leave until it's slayed.
The four continue up through the wooded area in silence. Behind them, however, enough distance behind them as to not detect his presence, the shot reveals the face of WARREN watching them moving. He smiles in silence and continues following them.
Cut to:
INT. A Difference Part of the Wooded Area Outside Sunnydale, Time Lapse - Late Night.
At another location of the same forested area, we see the shot open on BUFFY and GILES as they move through the forest as quickly as they can, trying to put as much distance between themselves and the Ubervamp as they can. As they move upward, they share a conversation with each other.
Alright Giles, I haven't asked this yet, but I think I should.....
You are wondering what that was.
Giles said it as a statement, rather than a question. Silently, Buffy nods as she looks back the way they are coming to make sure the Ubervamp's not right on their tails.
What we faced at the shop was something I never believed existed.
What was it?
All the myths I've read indicate that it's a Turok-Han. It's an ancient
primoridial vampire.
Well, it did have teeth that resemble vampires.
The Turok-Han were the foot soldiers for the very first vampire. The
vampire that eventually sired the Master.
But, it seems as though that Turok-Han was following the Source.
It was. All the myths and legends I've found about the Turok-Han indicate
that before mankind thrived over the Earth, it was the vampires and demons that
dwelled as the top species. There was a major war involving the first
vampire against the human race. Now, the first vampire lost that war, but
the thing is.....the Turok-Han are a single minded species of vampire.
They will follow whoever they sense has great powers of darkness.
And right now, that Turok-Han is following the Source.
Because it knows how powerful the Source is.
Is it Slayable?
Yes, back in the old legends I've read, a wooden stake can't kill it, but
sunlight and beheading it are still it's major weaknesses.
Great, then we have to chop it's head off....or wait for the sun.
Yes well....that's easier said than done.
Buffy and Giles move around a lining of trees and move to a small clearing where they stand still and wait. Part of Buffy's plan was to wait for Willow and Tara to get up here, and then they would face the Ubervamp. All that was left right now, was to wait.
Cut to:
INT. Xander's Apartment, Time Lapse - Late Night.
The shot opens on the table top at Xander's apartment. We see XANDER and JONATHAN going over one of the scrolls. Xander has a notepad and a pen near him. So far, they have had a lot of trouble deciphering the scroll, but they've managed to jot down some information on the notepad.
What Andrew?
You told me to tell you if those start moving? Well, they're coming!
Xander jumps from his chair and races to the window to see the HARBINGERS begin stalking forward to the apartment. Without hesitation, Xander rolls the scroll up and puts it back in the cylinder and takes both cylinders and puts them in Jonathan's bag and zips it up. He then puts the bag over his shoulder. A beat later, he's over at his weapons chest he keeps inside his apartment and opening it up. He pulls out an axe for himself and grabs a couple of swords for Andrew and Warren.
(looking at the sword)
What are these for?
(giving him a look)
Do I really have to tell you?
Andrew & Jonathan
Xander grabs a crossbow and loads it with an arrow as they face the door, hearing the sound of rapid footsteps closing in on them.
Cut to:
INT. The Forest Clearing, Time Lapse - Late Night.
WILLOW, TARA, ANYA, and DAWN run into the clearing where BUFFY and GILES are kneeling. They quickly get down on their knees.
Where's that creature? Did it follow you?
No, but I'm pretty sure it's not that far behind us.
Alright, here's how we should do this. Willow, Tara, take cover behind
some bushes, but be spaced out a little. Dawn and Anya, take cover over
there (indicates bushes some feet away) and Buffy and I will try to draw it out
into the open. When we have it in position, Willow and Tara will blast it
with a binding spell and Buffy should be able to get this chain around it's
neck. It's about the only option we have right now.
Sounds like a plan. Come on.
Willow and Tara each take cover behind a different set of bushes a few feet from each other. Just enough feet apart to be able to draw on the other's presence to hold the creature within the binding field. Anya and Dawn obediently take cover as well. Giles and Buffy stand up and go towards the center of the clearing.
As they are waiting for the creature to arrive, the shot pans down to Tara and her position. Her face is showing slight fear and great concern for the well beings of all her friends. She glances at Willow for a moment, then continues watching the clearing. Just then, a whispering sound is heard just behind Tara. She scrunches her forehead and looks behind her, but there is nothing there. The whisper comes again, this time forming a word.
The Whisper
Tara shakes her head just as a tree is suddenly thrown from the ground and UBERVAMP emerges into the clearing, snarling in anger at being on the hunt for so long. It stalks toward Buffy and Giles.
Buffy silently sends her thoughts out to Willow and Tara.
Buffy (VO)
Get ready.
The Ubervamp takes a few steps more towards them.
Buffy (VO)
The murderous creature closes in on Buffy and Giles.
Now Buffy.
Buffy (VO)
Now guys!
Without a moment's hesitation, Willow and Tara emerge from their hiding spots from the bushes and extend their hands. Willow's right hand goes up and from her left where Tara is, Tara's left hand goes up. They raise their other arm, palms facing each other, and begin chanting a Latin binding spell.
The spell takes effect almost immediately. A bluish green energy field entraps the Ubervamp. The super vampire struggles wildly, thrusting it's body one way, then another in an attempt to break the binding field.
Now Buffy!
Buffy pulls the steel chain from her pocket and runs behind the Ubervamp, jumping on it's back and throwing the chain around it's neck. She pulls her arms back and the chain tightens it's grip around the Ubervamp's neck. The Ubervamp breaks itself out of the binding field and Willow and Tara drop to the ground, breathing heavily at the exertion of the efforts in holding the creature as long as they were able to.
Over at the clearing, the Ubervamp starts stalking around, grasping at the chain tightened at it's neck. Buffy holds on, taking the brunt of the movements as the Ubervamp crashes into trees in a vain attempt to get her off of it. Just as the Ubervamp was going to attempt to crash into another tree, Buffy looked up and made a decision. She swung her body up, hooking her legs around a strong tree limb and holding on. She used her legs to lift the rest of her body upward, her hands still holding the chain around the Ubervamp's neck.
As Buffy's body went upward, so did the Ubervamp. It's feet no longer on solid ground, the strong chain with the sharp edges on it, sliced into it's throat as the chain finally managed the cut through it's entire neck area. The entire Ubervamp turned to dust as it's head was removed from the rest of it's now dusted remains. Buffy unhooked her legs from around the tree branch and let her body, now sore and hurt from the struggle, fall to the ground. She leaned up on her elbows as Giles moved over.
Buffy....are you alright?
Yeah.....and what do you know.....dust.
Anya and Dawn came out from their safe position and hurried over. Willow and Tara came over as well, all of them relieved that Buffy was alright and that the Ubervamp was no longer a danger to them.
Hey, what do you know, we beat the Source for once.
An Unknown Voice
I'm not sure I would call that a victory.
The voice was new and not one any of them could remember hearing in the recent past. They all looked around to identify it's source, but couldn't find anyone. They helped Buffy to her feet and glanced around. Then suddenly, a bright green flash of light surged through the clearing and they were all thrown in different directions of the clearing. The green flash surged together in the center of the clearing to form KRONELL, who held his scepter in his hand.
It is time.
Cut to:
INT. The Council of Watcher's Headquarters in London, England, Time Lapse - Day in England.
There are individuals moving here and there, to and fro, back and forth throughout the main hall in the headquarters. People are talking on the phone, there are some reviewing new reports and older reports and some are even conversing with one another in quiet hushed tones. The shot pans over to reveal QUENTIN TRAVERS walking into the main hall, a concerned look on his face.
All is silent as they look at him.
Quentin Travers
Alright everyone, listen up. We are finally prepared for our trip to the
Hellmouth. I have just spoken with the pilots. They are standing by at the
airport. Gather your things together, we must go now.
Just as everyone begins to gather their things together, the wooden double doors open from the back of the room and six vampire soldiers stalk into the room, double file and in lines of three. Everyone in the room freezes, including Quentin. Then, the shot pans back to the doors to reveal BRUJAH as he enters silently and steps to one side as THE SOURCE enters the Council conference chambers.
The Source
Well, hello Quentin.
Absolute shock covers everyone's faces. The Source smiles.
Cut to:
Commercial Break.
Cut to:
EXT. The Council of Watchers' Headquarters in London, England - Day in England.
Scene is continued from before the break. THE SOURCE is walking in the conference chambers, closer to where QUENTIN TRAVERS is standing, shocked at the bold move made by the Source.
The Source
So...this is where the lineage of the Slayer began. The Council of
The Source walks to the window and looks out. Then, he turns around.
The Source
Very not what I was expecting.
Quentin Travers
Wha....what do you want?
The Source
Well, I want a lot of things, Travers. The entire line of Slayers
eradicated.....all my other enemies gone......to rule the world as it's
king......and in the end, I'll achieve all three of those. But as for my
being here, well, let's just say I wanted to meet the head of the Council.
Quentin Travers
I'm not the head of the Council.
The Source
Oh...I am well aware of that, Travers. You are just a pawn the
Council uses to try to control the Slayer. Otherwise, all those other
potentials wouldn't have even begun training. I'm here because it's time
the Council learns that stepping in my path again is something I'm not going to
tolerate. The Council had an agreement with me. You broke that
Quentin Travers
We did no such thing.
The Source
It's not nice to lie to me.
The Source looks over at one of the men sitting in the chair. He lifts his left hand, palm out facing the man, and a fireball appears out of nowhere and torches the man instantly.
The Source
I wouldn't lie again.
Quentin Travers
So that's why you're attacking the world now?
The Source
Well, your breaking our agreement gave me the motivation. But no,
your not the reason. I have a much bigger reason than this. But,
it's time the Council learns never to cross me again. Good bye Travers,
it's been a blast.
The Source turns and begins walking back to the entrance and, ironically, exit of the chambers. He stops next to Brujah, his back facing the Watchers.
The Source
I believe you know what to do, Brujah. Leave no one breathing.
(smiling in anticipation)
As you wish, boss.
The Source leaves, whistling to an unheard tone and the shot stays on his form leaving. The shot is on the open doors as the vampires start grabbing people, the doors shutting with slam and several screams.
Cut to:
INT. The Forest Clearing, Time Lapse - Late Night.
KRONELL is standing in the center of the clearing as the shot opens. Everyone is trying to get to their feet. Kronell raises his hand with the scepter and points it at where TARA and WILLOW are recovering.
Barkonegra Condilosia!
A green mist appears around Kronell's form as he continues chanting. Then, the mist starts seeping towards Willow and Tara. They back away as the mist gets closer.
Willow! Tara! Get away from the mist! Now!!
Willow reaches for Tara's hand to grab so that both of them can get to safety, but she is suddenly blasted from behind by a green blast. Willow's body hits Buffy, who was on her way over to help Willow and Tara. Tara turns around to face her lover's attacker and is shocked to see Warren emerge from behind a thick tree. She slowly backs away and turns, but sees Kronell projecting the mist closer to her.
I guess this is it for you, blondie.
Get away from her, Warren!
Willow and Buffy try to run over towards Tara, but Kronell quickly puts up a barrier to prevent them from getting closer. Kronell looks back towards Warren with a look of surprise on his face.
Who are you?
Nobody important.
Then, that's good enough for me.
Kronell raises his hand again and the green mist, long with spectrels of red energy stop moving slowly, but moves rapidly and suddenly slams into both Warren and Tara.
Kronell turns and looks at the friends of witches as he takes the barrier down.
My assignment is done.
Kronell turns and begins walking away silently, but surely. Giles watches him for a moment, then goes with the others to get to Tara. They are a few feet from Tara's fallen form, when she gets to her hands and knees, not facing them. Willow moves forward and helps her lover to her feet.
Tara, you alright baby?
At the touch to her shoulder, Tara's head snaps back. Willow's hand jolts away at what she sees in Tara's face. Shot of Tara's face is revealed. Her eyes are completely filled with onyx blackness. Not a centimeter of white is left showing in her eyes. Green lightning bolts are charging in the center of them. Tara's lips turn into a snarl as she gets to her feet and raises her right hand, palm out. Giles, Buffy, Anya, and Dawn are thrown back and hit the ground. Willow, however, is unchanged from her position.
Tara's blackened eyes glance at Willow, a look of confusion there for a moment, before her face hardens and she lowers her hand and steps back. Tara, a second later, raises her arms equal level with her shoulders and her from raises from the ground, floating up above the ground. She raises maybe fifteen feet above ground before she looks back down at Willow and the others, staring at her in shock.
Then, a bright green flash and Tara is gone, leaving a shock and grief filled Willow behind, tears spilling over her cheeks.
To be continued...
End of Episode 10 - The Sacrifice, Part 1
End Credits.