Buffy the Vampire Slayer - A Virtual Season 7 - Episode 11

The Sacrifice, Part 2

by The Devious One (letsrocket_1998@yahoo.com)
Follow the Virtual Season 7 of Buffy the Vampire by The Devious One Productions at https://deviousone2002.tripod.com/vir7season.htm.

Buffy and all characters who have appeared in the syndicated series Buffy the Vampire Slayer, together with the names, titles, and backstory are the sole copyright property of Mutant Enemy, the WB, UPN, and of course, Joss Whedon himself.  No copyright infringement was intended in the writing of this fan fiction.  All other characters, the story ideas, and VR season itself are the sole property of the author.  This story cannot be sold or used for profit in any way.  Copies of this story may be made for private use only and must include all disclaimers and copyright notices.

NOTE:  All works remain the © copyright of the original author.  These may not be republished in any way, shape, or form without the written expressed consent or acceptance of the author of the story.

(Anthony Steward Head VO)
"Previously on Buffy the Vampire Slayer"

The normal Previously on Buffy music cues up.

Various scenes from different episodes are now shown.  They are in the order as follows.

A small compilation of scenes are shown from the Season Premiere of VS7 'Alive Again', ending with Tara's return to life and the Hooded Figure's warning to the Slayer.  Following it are scenes from Returned, depicting Warren's re-appearance during the same time of Tara's re-appearance.  A few scenes are shown showing Warren's strike against Buffy and her friends at the Cemetery.

Next is a small compilation of scenes from 'Ties That Bind' and 'The Boss', depicting Xander and Anya's slowly rebuilding relationship, as well as the troubles Willow and Tara have been going through as they try to renew the relationship they had before Tara's tragic death.  Scenes from the same episodes regarding Buffy and Spike's relationship are shown.

And then, scenes from the episode 'Beneath You' are shown.  The scenes that are shown are the young woman in Germany being killed by the robed figures and the words she spoke that led to Tara's vision of her.  Also shown are the scenes of the worm creature attacking Nancy and Buffy's saving her, followed by the ending sequence of scenes between Buffy and Spike.

Next, scenes from the episodes 'The Test' and 'Selfless' are shown.  From the scenes of Xander and Dawn being captured by the Boss's people to the meeting with Warren and the Boss and including the fight involving Buffy, Willow, and Tara against the six demons, Willow's use of dark magick and Tara's newfound power making an appearance, to Spike saving Xander and Dawn and ending with the Boss's manipulation of Spike during the final scene where Spike attacks a homeless woman.  And the scenes depicting Anya's last wish and her fight with Buffy are shown.

Scenes from 'Revelations' are shown, showing the Harbingers attacking the Gang and taking Spike, and the final scene, in which the Source rises up a hideous beast that is a true full blooded vampire.  And then, scenes from 'Inner Demons' are shown, showing Willow and Tara's battle with Rack to Spike's torment by the Source and the Ubervamp.

And finally, scenes from episode 10 'The Sacrifice, Part 1' is shown.  The scenes shown are the Ubervamp's hunting of Buffy, Giles, Anya, Dawn, Willow, and Tara, followed by the conversation Willow and Tara had about possibly leaving Sunnydale when the big battle is over.  The scene showing Buffy's victory over the Ubervamp is shown, followed by the Source's interactions with the demon sorcerer Kronell.  A couple more scenes are shown of Kronell completing the ritual with Warren's unexpected appearance towards the end and ending with the Source's visit to the Council of Watcher's headquarters in London and the Harbingers attack against Xander, Andrew, and Jonathan at Xander's apartment.

EXT.  The Forestry Woods Outside Sunnydale - Late Night.

The forested area is mostly silent, only the sounds of the birds chirping or insects moving about heard.  But, as the shot opens on the ground, a foot crunches down on the ground and keeps going, moving in a frantic running attempt to move through the forest.

We pan up to reveal the back of WILLOW as she frenziedly runs through the forest.  The shot switches to her front and it appears as though Willow is running right at us.  There is a frightened look on her face as she moves through the forest, every once in a while, she glances up in the sky and to both sides of her, trying desperately to spot something that can't be seen.

The shot switches now to some feet behind her, we see BUFFY and GILES running as fast as they can, trying to keep up with the redheaded witch.  And some feet behind the Slayer and Watcher, revealed we are to see DAWN and ANYA chasing after them.

As Willow runs upward through a small hill, she stumbles at the top of the hill and drops to her knees.  She is about to get back up and continue running when Buffy and Giles reach her, both putting a hand on her shoulder to halt her movement.

Let me go!

Buffy gets a more solid grab on her best friend's shoulder.

Will!  Wait a minute!

Buffy, I've got find her!  We need to find out what happened to her!

I have a fairly certain idea of what's happened Willow.  But I want to get everyone together before I explain it.

We have to find her Giles. (to herself) I have to find her.

Giles smiles compassionately at her.

I know you do.  And we will find her.  I promise you that.  But we need to regroup first.

Yeah, once the Source finds out about that super vampire thing, he's liable to strike at us again.  We don't want to be out here in the middle of nowhere when that happens.

(sighs heavily)

Dawn and Anya catch up to them.

Wha.....what happened?  Why'd Tara go all dark Willow on us?


Anya sees the distressed look on Willow's face and looks apologetic, not meaning to hurt the witch's feelings.


Come on, we need to get to Xander's.  Make sure those three are alright.

Buffy helps support Willow as the group starts heading away from the wooded hills.  As they move away from our train of vision, we pan up to the top of a tree limb to show a pair of shoes there.  We pan up to reveal TARA, her eyes still coal black with the green flashes of energy surging in the center, watching their departure.  She lifts a brow before she vanishes in a cloud of green energy.

Cut to:

INT.  Xander's Apartment, Time Lapse - Late Night.

The shot opens on the floor at Xander's apartment, the living room.  We pan back to reveal that it appears as though the apartment has been ransacked.  We pan over towards the window to show JONATHAN's form laying, face down, on the ground, his head turned away from us.  The shot pans to the far left, near the couch, to reveal ANDREW's form slumped against it, not moving.  And finally, the shot pans over to the now broken table and under the table, we see the form of XANDER, face down, his face towards us.

His eyes are closed and his lips are not moving.  There is a trickle of blood on his right cheek.  The shot pans upward towards the door to show that it's been knocked off it's hinges and is laying on the ground.  Ominous music is heard as Xander's body is shown.

Cut to:

Opening Credits:

Sarah Michelle Gellar

Nicholas Brendan

Allyson Hannigan

Emma Caulfield

Michelle Trachtenberg

James Marsters

Amber Benson as Tara

Gratuitous Group Shots
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Special Guest Stars
Jason Isaacs
Adam Busch
Danny Strong
Tom Lenk
Anthony Steward Head as Giles
with a special appearance by Charles Mesure as Michael

Cut to:

EXT.  Xander's Apartment - Late Night.

The shot opens in the hallway leading to Xander's apartment.  We see BUFFY, GILES, DAWN, ANYA, and WILLOW slowly heading towards the front door to his apartment, still in a shocked daze at what transpired in the woods.  As they near the door, Buffy suddenly tenses.


They all look at where she is pointing.  The shot shows that his apartment door has been busted open.  It is not even on the hinges.  Without a word, Anya rushes forward to the doorway and moves into the apartment.

Xander!  Oh my god, Xander!

The rest of them file in after her and see the interior of the apartment.  It is in shambles.  The tables are either broken or overturned and the dressers have been effectively smashed.  They all look to the right when Anya runs over to the overturned round table.  Laying underneath it is their friend, XANDER.  They hurry over.

(dropping to her knees)
Xander!  Xander!

Buffy shoves the table away from Xander and helps Anya roll him over onto his back.  Giles silently goes over to Andrew and checks on him while Dawn moves over to Jonathan and checks on him.  Buffy presses her fingers to Xander's neck.  She exhales in relief.

He's okay, I think.  Xander, can you hear me?

Xander's head moves and he groans at the pain in his head.  After a few moments, he manages to open his eyes and looks around in confusion before finding Anya's face.


I'm here Xander.

Xander smiles for a moment, then looks over to where the others are.

I'm okay.....just a little headache. (he notices Willow's face)  You alright, Willow?

She doesn't meet his eyes and the silence in the room is awkward.

(motioning to the other two forms)
How are they?

Andrew is unconscious.

So is Jonathan.  He has some bruises, but I think he's still with us.


She looks at him.

The Bringers.....that Brujah guy....he led them here.  They took the scrolls.  I tried to stop them.....

It's okay Xand.....just relax.

Buffy rises after making sure Xander was okay and goes over to Giles.  The Watcher is picking up a notebook that has Xander's writing on it.


(looking at her)
Oh....it seems Xander and Jonathan might have been trying to decipher one of the scrolls before the attack.

Maybe it's something useful. (pause) I can't believe we were had like that.

What do you mean?

That super vampire.....it was just to keep us occupied while Brujah got the scrolls.

Buffy, let's not be too hasty.  Gather everyone together and let's get to the house.  I need to tell everyone what I believe has happened to Tara and see what I can make of Xander's writing.

Buffy nods silently as she turns and goes over to where Xander is now sitting up.

Cut to:

INT.  The Source's Mansion, Time Lapse - Late Night.

BRUJAH and some of the BRINGERS are standing near the fireplace in the living chambers on he first level of the mansion.  The doors that lead to the underground chamber are suddenly opened and a line of VAMPIRE SOLDIERS saunter in, followed by THE SOURCE.  There is an unreadable look on his face as he marches over towards Brujah and the Bringers.


The Source
Are you aware that Spike is not in his cell?

Yes, boss.

The Source
(walking around Brujah)
And are you also aware....that the Slayer has killed my Turok-Han?

Yes, Selena confirmed that once I returned here.

The Source
Brujah, not only is my Turok-Han gone.....but the one vampire I was going to turn against the Slayer is no longer in my possession.  Take a guess at how that makes me feel!!

Brujah nervously stands still at the ferocity of the Source's words.  Once he had been told of the developments, he knew his master would be greatly displeased.

The Source
And what's worse is the fact that I know Spike was NOT strong enough to get out of here on his own.

Boss, Toreador told me just a few minutes ago that Ravnos is missing.  It is a safe bet that Ravnos has betrayed us.

The Source
No, that's where your wrong.  Ravnos has not betrayed us, he has betrayed ME!  Brujah, I want every soldier we have, every Bringer here to search this town and bring me both Ravnos and Spike!  I want them both found and returned here.  Do you understand?

Yes, boss.

The Source
(his tone incredibly changes)
Now, tell me....has anything else of significance happened while I was away?

Yes, one other thing boss.

The Source
Do tell me.

Kronell has completed the ritual you asked of him.

The Source
Ah, that is good news.  So, the witch has been infused with enough dark magick to tempt her?

Well....the thing is.....

The Source notices the hesitation and moves forward, wrapping his hand around Brujah's throat and squeezing.

The Source
What happened?

That human....Warren Mears....he showed up and Kronell's spell sort of......I don't know.....merged them.

The Source releases Brujah and steps back.  He stares at Brujah's eyes.

The Source
Merged them?

Yes...I wasn't there boss.....but Kronell told me that his spell destroyed Warren's essence......but that it did infuse some of his darker characteristics inside the witch.  And whatever was merged inside the witch's body is slowly going to eat away at her own essence until there's nothing left.

Unexpectedly, the Source's face changes to that of pleased fascination.

The Source
Well, that is unexpected......but it's going to accomplish the goal nonetheless.

Yes boss.

The Source
Good....keep on eye on the witch, see what she does.  And once she's out of the way, we can begin preparations for the next phase.

Brujah nods as the Source turns and walks away.

Cut to:

INT.  The Summers House, the Living Room, Time Lapse - Early Morning.

Everyone is in the living room at the Summers House.  Having returned to the house, it was hesitantly agreed to wait until the morning to discuss what happened in the forested woods the night before.  Now that everyone was up, including Jonathan and Andrew, time to talk about that subject was now.

WILLOW was seated on the couch between DAWN and ANYA.  XANDER was seated on one of the recliner chairs while BUFFY was seated on the other. Xander had some gauze wrapped around his forehead.  ANDREW and JONATHAN was seated in dining room chairs brought into the living room.  They were seated near the foyer.

It was a very somber and serious moment as GILES entered from the kitchen, carrying a thick volumed text in his hands.  He set the book down on the coffee table, where everyone could look at the page he'd turned to.

Alright Giles, let's hear it.  What happened last night?

Giles glances at Willow for a second.  She was looking at the ground, a sad and despaired look on her face.  But he knew she needed to hear it, so he answered the Slayer's question.

The demon that appeared in the woods last night was a demonic sorcerer called Kronell.

A demonic sorcerer?

Yes, Kronell comes from a sister clan of the tribe that Toth belonged to.

Ah Toth, just what I needed to hear about.  The demon that split me in two.

Well, Kronell is not like Toth, Xander.  Kronell is an assassin for hire.  An assassin of the highest order.  Kronell uses dark magickal rituals and ceremonies to carry out his assignments.

Wait....last night.....I heard him say something.  He said.....my assignment is done.

What exactly happened last night Giles?

What I've been able to find is that Kronell was going to infuse within Tara powerful dark magicks.  Dark magcik has been known to corrupt the host until the original host is gone.

There is a small silence as they all remember Willow's descent into the dark magick less than a year before.  None of them wanted to say it, but Willow knew they were thinking about it.

You can say it......like me.

Willow, we were able to get through to you before the magicks consumed you.  And I believe that's what Kronell's assignment was.  To infuse dark magicks with Tara.  And if it is the Source who hired Kronell, then I have to believe that the Source wanted to recruit Tara.

Recruit Tara?  Why?

Because....with the dark magick inside her, Tara's desire to do good....to fight the Source would soon be diminished.  The Source would have been able to lure her to his way of thinking.

You keep using the past tense.  You don't think he succeeded?

Giles puts a hand on his hip and rubs the bridge of his nose.  He is silent for a few seconds.

I would say yes....but Warren's appearance changes the possibility of the ritual working.


Because I'm sure that it was dark magick that brought Warren back.  And the ritual Kronell was performing only works when only one person is involved.  Kronell was just as surprised as we were when Warren appeared.  What I believe happened is the dark magick consumed Warren's essence, but the magick merged some of Warren's darker characteristics within the dark magick and surged into Tara.

So....your saying that Warren is inside Tara?

No, I'm saying that the darker characteristics that made up Warren is inside her and that dark magick is slowly going to erase Tara's essence until there is nothing remaining.

But, Tara is still in there, right?

Of course she is!

Yes, I am certain that Tara is still there.  We just have to find a way to reach her.  Right now, the dark magick is in control of Tara.  And that means......the dark magick is in control of all the new strengths and magicks that Tara was given when she was returned.

Your saying she could be a threat?

(not wanting to say the words in front of Willow)
If we can't reach Tara, then she is a threat.

Willow raised her head and stared at Giles in his eyes.  Seeing the compassion and concern radiating there, but also seeing the guardian of the earth that he is.

Tara is still in there.  And I will do whatever I have to......to bring her back.  No matter the costs.

Willow gets up out of her seat and walks up the stairs, conscious of the eyes at her back, but at the moment, not caring.

Cut to:

INT.  A Demon Bar, Downtown Sunnydale, Time Lapse - Early Morning.

The atmosphere inside the demon bar is rowdy to say the least.  There are demons of all kinds sitting at the bar, playing pool, and sitting at tables.  There is a demon bartender and a human bartender serving the drinks.  The front door to the bar opens and in walks TARA.  Her eyes are the same coal black with the green sparks running through them, only her outfit has changed.  She is not wearing black pants with a long sleeved black shirt on.  A black leather vest is over her shoulders and chest area.  She has her hair tied back into a ponytail as she walks into the demon bar.

All motion stops as she enters and walks over to the bar.  A few moments later, the motion resumes.  Tara is about to take a seat at the bar when a DEMON approaches her.

Hey, human!  We don't accept your kind in here.  Go to another bar.

I will go where I please.

Tara's voice is different as well.  There is a stronger tint to it that holds a shred of danger in the tone.  She stares at the demon as she says the words.

Hm....with that attitude....you'd think you were challenging the Slayer.  Is that it honey.....you trying to be the next big bad?

(smiling unexpectedly)
Sugar, I don't need to challenge the Slayer to prove I'm tough.  I'll prove that just by my actions.

Is that so?


Tara raises her right hand and holds the palm upward.  As she begins to tilt her hand, the demon starts levitating off the floor.  Then, Tara starts pulling her hand closed and we can hear the demon suffocating, making the choking sounds.  With a sudden move, Tara pulls her hand closed and the demon in front of her dies.  She lowers her arm and the demon falls to the ground, dead.  Tara turns and stares at the other demons.

They quickly go back to what they were doing.

Now (to bartenders) pour me something good to drink.

The bartenders hastily comply.

Cut to:

Commercial Break.

Cut to:

EXT.  Along A Street in Sunnydale - Morning.

With the morning clearly underway, a few cars were driving along the highway and people were walking down the sidewalk.  The shot opens over one of the buildings, showing the progress of the people on the street.  After a moment, it switches to three individuals walking along one side of the street.

It's revealed that BUFFY, XANDER, and GILES are walking along the sidewalk, apparently heading towards a certain area.

Are you sure about this, Buffy?

Yes.  I only did it once, but I did see Tara go down this alley.

They turn down a familiar alley.  It was the alley that lead to the Old Woman's shop.

Why were you following Tara anyway?

(giving him a look)
I wasn't following her.  I was heading home and I saw her.  I was going to call to her, but I saw her head down here.  By the time I got to the alley, she was gone.  So, I'm thinking that there has to be some reason she'd come here.

They start passing by the invisible barrier to the Old Woman's shop and Buffy stops.

This is it.

How do you know, Buffy?

It's hard to explain. It's just a powerful feeling.

The three stop in front of what looks like a wall of the building.  Buffy tentatively places her hand up against the wall, feeling her fingers, then her palm, slide through the wall into the shop within.  Buffy steps into the wall and through the entrance.  A beat passes as Giles and Xander follow her carefully.  They emerge into the Old Woman's Shop.

The Old Woman's shop looks the same as it always does.  Magickal items lined along the shelves, powerful books also on the shelves, a few tables are situated here and there.  And directly across from them is a beaded curtain that leads to where the Old Woman is sitting.

Old Woman (VO)
Well well.....the Slayer comes.

The three stare at the curtain of beads in silence.  Buffy hesitantly starts walking towards it, the others following silently.  As they reach the doorway, Buffy pushes the beads aside and moves forward.  The OLD WOMAN is sitting in her chair behind the table, her ever present bag of coins in her hands.

W...who are you?

Old Woman
(evading the question)
Finally, I get a visit from the Slayer.  I must tell you child.....I have been waiting to meet you for a long while.

What is this place?

Old Woman
This is my shop, Mister Giles.

How do you know his name?

Old Woman
I know all.  I know everything that happens in this place.  I know that a friend of yours is in the process of being seduced to the dark side.  Forgive the reference of course.

Then you must know how to undue what's been done.

Old Woman
What's done can not be undone.

There has to be a way.

Old Woman
The only way to undo this is time travel and sadly, you can not achieve that. (a pause) I said you cannot undo this, but you can fix what has been done.

How?  How can we save Tara?

The Old Woman places the bag of coins on the table.  She then motions to her chairs.

Old Woman
Please, sit down.

Hesitantly,. they sit down as she requested.

Cut to:

INT.  The Summers House, Willow & Tara's Room, Time Lapse - Around Noon.

The shot opens on WILLOW as she enters the bedroom and walks over to the bookshelf in the far corner.  She is scrolling through the books before she finally finds the book she came in her for.  She pulls it out and goes over to the bed, sitting down.  She opens the book and begins moving through the pages, looking for a certain page.

We pan up towards the doorway to reveal ANYA as she enters and regards Willow in silence.

What are you doing, Willow?

I'm trying to find a way to save Tara.

By magick?

It was magick that caused this.  There has to be something in one of these books that can fix this.

Anya crosses her arms over her chest as she watches Willow go through the books.

It was dark magick that did this, Willow.  Are you going to try to use dark magick to save Tara?

(pausing for a moment)
I don't want to go back to dark magick, not if I can help it.  But I will do whatever I have to.....to save Tara.  If that means using dark magick again....then I'll do it.

Have you told anyone yet?

I think they know how far I'll go to save her.

What kind of spell are you looking for?

Tara and I performed a bonding spell a few weeks after she was returned.  The spell bonded our souls on a powerful level.  If anyone of us is ever in danger, there's a spell that can help find the other.  I just need to find it.  I know I can get through to her if I find the spell.

I don't think you should do the spell until the others get back.  It might be dangerous if Tara, I mean the dark magick controlling her, gets to you before you can get through to her.

I know the risks Anya, but I can't just sit here and wait for Buffy to figure something out.  Help me or not, Anya, I'm doing this.

Anya sighs, not knowing what she should do.

Cut to:

INT.  The Old Woman's Shop, Time Lapse - Midday.

BUFFY, GILES, and XANDER are sitting before the OLD WOMAN.  She is running her fingers over her coins, her sown shut eyes appearing as though watching the three and making them slightly uncomfortable.

Old Woman
You are troubled by my appearance.

Well....that and wondering what exactly you are.

Old Woman
I am many things to different people, Mr. Harris.

You know my name!

Old Woman
I know all about all of you.  I know about the troubles you had with the Glorious one.....I know about the witch's descent to madness.....and I know about the rise of the Source.

A look of realization and astonishment colors Giles's face as he stares at the Old Woman.

You....you're the Lost Oracle.

The Old Woman stills her motions.

Old Woman
I have not been referred to by that title for a long time, Watcher.

Then, it's true.

Old Woman
Aye, that is true.

Giles....what are you talking about?

In England, there are tons of Historical books and documents that describe the Four Oracles.  Legends told of the time when darkness reigned over the land.....one of the oracles began selling their knowledge to the highest bidder.  That oracle was cast out by the other three.  And she became known as the Lost Oracle.

Old Woman
It was a very long time ago.  That is why I am here, on the Hellmouth.

If your an Oracle, then you do know how to save Tara.  And how we might be able to stop the Source.

Old Woman
I can give you the knowledge to save your friend, only because I have felt her importance in the coming trials.

Buffy said she followed Tara here once.  Why was Tara coming to see you?

Old Woman
The Pure One sought answers about her new existence.  Answers she could get from anywhere else.

The Old Woman pulls a black box out from a shelf behind her and places it on the table in front of her.

Old Woman
The secret to saving your friend is inside this box.  But before I give it to you, I want to read the Slayer's future.  That is my price.

Giles shares a look with Buffy, but she finally shrugs.  She holds out her hands and the Old Woman grasps them with surprising strength and holds them for a moment before she releases them and picks her coins up.  Holding the coins in her hands for a moment, she then drops them to the table and runs her fingers over them.

Old Woman
Oh my...


Old Woman
There's.....life in your future.  But also death.  It is very strange.

Hearing the words, Buffy could not be helped but to remember two years prior and a message from the first Slayer.  'Death is your gift' was the message then.  Hearing that life and death was in her future was making Buffy slightly uncomfortable.

Will you give us what we came for now?

Old Woman
Certainly. (she opens the black box) Take this potion and spill it on her forehead.  It will dispense any and all dark magick inside her.  But only use the portion when you have completed the first task.

First task?

Old Woman
(snorts at them)
Certainly you know that this was the work of Kronell.

Yes we know that.

Old Woman
The only way to completely erase the effects of one of Kronell's workings is to destroy him first.  Otherwise, there will be the added complications of side effects later on.

(taking the vial of liquid)
Thank you, Lost Oracle.

Old Woman
Don't call me that ever again.

Giles nods as he, Buffy, and Xander walk away until they are no longer in the shop, but back on the street.  Once they are gone, the Old Woman presses her fingers to the coins again.

Old Woman
Life and death......very strange indeed.

Cut to:

INT.  The Source's Mansion, Time Lapse - Midday.

The scene opens to establish the Source's private chambers.  THE SOURCE is revealed to be sitting on his throne seat near the back wall, one leg crossed over the other at the knee, smoking a cigar slowly.  He is watching the door, though we cannot see it.  He is wearing his white dress suit as usual and there is a small smile on his face.

The Source
Somehow, I knew you'd come.

We pan over slowly to reveal TARA, dressed in her all black clothing, standing there watching him, her coal black eyes ever present as the dark magick continues to engulf her form.  Her face is slightly paler than usual, evident that the dark magick is slowly taking her essence away.

Did you believe I would come to where the power is?

The Source
I'm glad you have come here, Pure One.  Because really.....I was not looking forward to keeping you prisoner here.

(tilting her face)
Why would you have tried?

The Source
Oh...that's right....you haven't had a chance to glimpse at the scrolls yet.  You, my dear, are a huge part of the Final Apocalypse.  In fact, it's your death that can stop it from happening altogether.  But, let's not dwell on that right now.  You're obviously here for a reason?

I want to help you destroy the Slayer.

The Source
Is that the dark magick talking or what's left of Warren Mears?

A little of both, I think.  Although, the Pure One that's inside me somewhere is greatly struggling to free herself.

The Source
But she's not in control right now.

No, she's not.

The Source
Tell you what, you want to help me get rid of the Slayer.....I'm up for that.  They'll be using the redhead's soul seeking spell real soon.  Let's set a nice little ambush for them.

Sounds like fun.

The Source laughs as he gets up from his throne and walks over towards Tara.  He carefully plans out his ambush to her, watching her glee as she enjoys the making of the plan.  Then, the Source goes to the main chamber to inform Brujah of his intentions.

Cut to:

Commercial Break.

Cut to:

EXT.  The Summers House, Willow & Tara's Room - Early Evening.

The door to the witches' bedroom opens slowly and BUFFY, GILES, and XANDER emerge inside it, fresh with the potion to save Tara that they achieved from the Old Woman.  WILLOW, ANYA, and DAWN are already there.  Willow is sitting in the Indian crosslegged style on the bed, near the headboard.  She is just about to begin the soul searching ritual.

What are you doing, Willow?

(gazing at them)
Like I told Anya, I'm going to seek out Tara's soul.  Tara and I did a soul bonding spell not that long ago.  This spell will enable me to find her.

Is this spell of yours dark magick related?

No.....do you really think Tara would have done the bonding spell if it was?

We're just concerned Will.  About both of you.

I know.  Don't worry, everything will work itself out.

They all fall silent as Willow closes her eyes and begins the ritual.  She calms herself and takes several deep breaths, holding an item held by Tara recently.  In her hands is a necklace that Willow herself gave Tara for Valentine's day not that long ago.  Willow starts chanting Latin words while her eyes remain closed.

The shot is on Willow's face as it goes closer and closer to her closed eyes.  All the while, the shot is fading slowly and getting darker until we see nothing but darkness.  A moment later, we are looking through someone else's eyes.  The shot is blurry at first, but focuses after a moment to be at an abandoned construction site.  Then, a figure steps into our line of sight.  This individual's features become clearer.  It is the Source.  His lips are moving, but no sounds are understood.

Then, we see the vision move as Tara, presumably, moves away from the Source.  We see vampire soldiers and Harbingers alike all around the construction site, standing guard it appears.  The shot gets blurry again as we leave that scene and return to Willow's eyelids as she opens them.

The shot cuts back to show her complete face.  Buffy and Xander grab Willow as she slumps back against the mattress.  She is breathing heavily.  There are beads of sweat along her cheeks and forehead.  She looks at them despairingly.


Will, what did you see?  Did you find her?

Willow nods.

She.....or what's controlling her.....is with the Source.  Their laying a trap for us.

A trap?

Yeah....their at some construction site.  The Bringers and vampires are there.

What are we going to do?

(a determined look on her face)
We're not going to disappoint them.

Buffy......you're not suggesting that we just walk into a trap?

Giles, we are not letting them have Tara!  We're going to save her.  We just have to out think the Source and the dark magick that's controlling Tara.

Alright, what do you want us to do, Buffy?

Let's find the construction site and get Tara.  We'll load up on weapons and go after her.

You're forgetting about Kronell, Buffy.  Remember what we were told?  We have to destroy him first.

Buffy is silent for a moment.

Where would he base himself while in Sunnydale?

Well, like Toth, he is very sophisticated, but from what I've read, he prefers more luxurious accommodations than anything else.  There's only one place that will rent out places to demons and humans.

Alright, here's what we'll do.  Giles, keep the potion on you.  I'll go take care of Kronell and you guys find the construction site.  Wait until the sun goes down and strike.  Once you get close enough, use the potion.

How will we know if you've killed Kronell?

You won't.  You'll just have to have faith.  We're going to save Tara tonight.  I promise you Willow.

The silence reigns again over the group.

Cut to:

INT.  Kronell's Penthouse Suite, Downtown Sunnydale, Time Lapse - Near Sundown.

The shot opens with KRONELL standing in the center of his penthouse suite.  This suite is similar in appearance to that of Glory's apartment.  Stylish furniture and decorations are in the room.  Kronell is using his scepter to magickally pack all of his belongings.

Kronell turns to walk towards the bedroom area when his front door is suddenly kicked open.  Kronell spins around to see the intruder and he smiles.  We pan around to reveal BUFFY, a broadsword in her right hand, looking straight at the demon assassin.

Ah....it's the Slayer.

Live and in person.

Somehow, I expected your being here.

Seeing as how your death will help save my friend, I'm not surprised.

You wanna kill me, Slayer.......let's see what you've got.

Buffy smiles coolly.

Cut to:

INT.  Construction Site, Time Lapse - Near Sundown.

There are BRINGERS and VAMPIRE SOLDIERS at the construction site as the scene begins.  The Bringers are standing silently at different points of the construction site.  The Vampire Soldiers, however, are walking about the site talking with each other.  BRUJAH, SELENA, and TOREADOR are seen walking around among the center of the construction site.  The only ones not seen at the site are TARA and THE SOURCE.

At the second level of the construction site construct, we see WILLOW, XANDER, GILES, ANYA, and DAWN slowly move along towards the edge, overlooking everything.  They are silent as they see the many Harbingers and Vampire Soldiers about the place.

Man, when he sets a trap, the Source really sets a trap.

How long are we supposed to wait?

We'll wait until the sun goes down, then we'll move in.

(after a moment of silence)
I don't see Tara.

(looking around)
She's here.

How do you know?

I just do Dawnie.  Trust me.  Giles, maybe you should give me the potion.  I'm going to be the one that has to get close enough to her, anyway.

(handing the potion to Willow)
Alright, just be careful Willow.

I will.

As they gathered around to wait, the sun edges closer to it's point that will bring on the night.

Cut to:

INT.  Kronell's Penthouse Suite, Time Lapse - Near Sundown.

The fight has begun.  Buffy surges forward and kicks the scepter out of Kronell's hand, the sound of it clittering along the floor very audible.  Buffy then steps up and attacks with a flurry of different kicks and punches.  Kronell reaches out and grabs her and moves her and slams her to the floor.  Buffy quickly dives back to her feet and she lands a kick squarely on Kronell's head.  Dazed from the shot, Kronell staggers backward a few steps and Buffy seizes the advantage she has.

She drives him to the floor, her lower legs holding his arms down.  She pulls the sword over and raises it high over her head and thrusts her arms and the sword down, pushing through his skin.  He screams in sudden agony and dies almost instantly.  After Kronell dies, some smoke is seen rising off his corpse.  Seeing it, Buffy stands up off the defeated demon assassin and back away, dusting her hand off and panting from the exertion.

The smoke sizzles and Kronell's body erupts in a green flame before he is no more.  Buffy shakes her head and grabs her sword.

Well, that's done.

She turns and heads out of the penthouse apartment.

Cut to:

INT.  The Construction Site, Time Lapse - Night.

The sun has just set over the horizon, therefore bringing another night into Sunnydale's world.  GILES turns to look at the others.

Everyone ready?

Resolutely, they nod.

Alright, let's go.

Without another word said, he leads them down the ladder that's just behind them and they rush into the fray.  Once they are on the ground level, they're spotted almost immediately.  The Bringers and the Vampire Soldiers go right after them.

They all split up and go in different directions.  The shot stays with Giles as he faces off with two Bringers and a Vampire Soldier.  The Vampire Soldier tries to punch Giles in the face, but the Watcher ducks under the attack and produces a stake out of his jacket and he shoves it into the vampire's heart, dusting the vamp quickly.  He turns around as a Bringer is swinging an axe, just narrowly avoiding the contact.

Giles grabs the axe on the next swing and jerks it out of the Bringer's hands.  He turns and swings it into the Bringer's chest.  The Bringer drops and Giles pulls a small knife out of his sleeve and thrusts it at the other Bringer, taking it down.

A little ways away, Dawn and Anya are facing their own little group of Bringers and Vampire Soldiers.  They are holding their own, dusting the vamps and keeping the Bringers on them.  Xander, meanwhile, it taking on a Bringer and a few vampire soldiers.  Like the younger Summers sibling and his ex, he is holding his own against the onslaught of Bringers and vampires.

The shot cuts from the battle and goes to Willow as she manages to get away from where the main battle is taking place and is following her feelings.  She is feeling the emotional ties with Tara that is leading her to where her lover is.  She is now alone and a good enough distance away from where the others are.  In her pocket is the potion she needs to free her lover from the control of the dark magick and what's left of Warren.

As she turns to her right and goes down a small wooden plank that's edging downward towards the ground, she hears footsteps.  She turns around to see the source of those footsteps and her eyebrows hike.


We pan over to see TARA, still in her black clothing, standing a good distance away, just watching the redhead.  The coal black eyes stare long and hard at Willow, so far, showing no recognition.

(seeing the look)
Tara?  Tara, I know you're in there.  C'mon baby, fight the dark magick!

Tara takes a step closer and Willow's hand slowly comes toward her pocket.

(continuing her attempt to get through to her)
Come on Tara.....I know you're in there......fight it!  Fight for yourself, fight for me.....for us!

A look of anger flashes on Tara's face and she moves closer to Willow.

(cool voice)
Tara.....is no longer an inhabitant of this body.

I don't believe that.  Tara, you're so much stronger than the dark magick!  I know you remember.  Remember me, us, all the times we've had together.  I know you remember what we were going to do together!  Remember!

The look of anger slowly transfixes to a look of stunned surprise and confusion.


That's right.....Los Angeles.  We talked about taking a trip to L.A.  Just the two of us!

Willow takes the last remaining step to Tara and gently grasps her hand.  Tara tries to wrench it free, but Willow holds on and pulls her vial out of her pocket.  As she uses her thumb to pull the top off the vial, Willow presses her lips against Tara's forehead.  Unseen by Willow, parts of Tara's eyes start returning within the blackness of the dark magickal eyes.

Willow raises her head away from Tara's and pours the vial on Tara's face as quickly as she can.  Tara's screams pierce the night sky as she dives away from Willow and falls to the ground.  Her body convulses as a dark, ominous black cloud, full of dark magick seep out of Tara's chest, the coal black eyes leaving as well.  The cloud gathers away from both Willow and Tara and slowly takes a form.

It is Warren.

Wow.....what a rush!


Hello Rosenberg.....I guess you cast me out of your girl's body, didn't you.

And now, I'm going to finish you.

I don't think so.

Warren's hands sparkle with the green dark magick that he was given when he was returned.  He steps menacingly toward Willow, who is guarding her unconscious lover.  As he gets closer, almost on them, he raises his hands to shoot Willow with enough dark magick to kill her.  Then, something happens.

Warren felt something grab onto his shirt at the back and tug him backwards.  Warren's body went flying as he landed with a thump near a pile of broken bricks. Getting to his feet, he turned to see who would dare lay their hands on him.

Shot pans around to reveal BUFFY, having sensed her assistance was needed and hurried to get back to the construction site as quickly as she could.  She'd arrived just in time to help the others fight off the Bringers and dust the remaining vampires. Now, she was here to help Willow and Tara, although unconscious, deal with Warren.

Willow....is Tara alright?

(checking Tara's pulse)
I think so....she's just unconscious.  That potion worked. I guess it was Warren controlling her.

That's right sweetpea.  I had my fill of her power and I'm gonna get some more of it.  As soon as I finish you, Slayer.

That just isn't going to happen, Warren. (a pause) I've been waiting a good long time for this.

Well.....bring it on, Slayer.

Buffy and Warren fight in earnest.  Buffy attacks with a flurry of kicks and punches, some of them blocked by Warren, others are very effective and drive Warren backward towards the edge that overlooks the main area where the fight was taking place.  As Warren draws closer to that edge, he extends his hand outward and sends a blast of green energy at Buffy.

Buffy, who was running forward, dodged the attack and drove herself right into Warren, taking both of them into the main fighting area.  They both suffered scrapes along their arms and faces as they got back to their feet.  Giles, Anya, Xander, and Dawn all gathered around as they watched the fight continue on the ground level.

While that was going on, Willow was on her knees next to Tara, trying to get her lover to wake up.

Tara.....Tara baby?

For a single solitary moment, there is no response.  Then, Tara's eyes flutter open slowly.  As they open, we see that they are Tara's eyes once again.  No longer coal black, but her own blue eyes.  She looks up at Willow and smiles in relief.


Oh god Tara..... (pulls Tara's head to her chest) I was so worried about you.

I'm....I'm okay now, Willow.

Are you sure?  You're not hurt anywhere?

No....I feel fine.  I have some disturbing memories of things Warren did while he was in here....but other than that, I'm okay.

Things....what things did he do?

Well.....he killed a few demons at this demon bar.

But you're okay?

I'm okay, Will.  Help me up.

As Willow assists her lover in getting back to her feet, Tara looks down at the clothing she's wearing.

Ugh.....why does Warren love black so much?

(not answering)
C'mon, let's go help Buffy if we can.

The shot leaves them and goes back to the fight taking place at the ground level.  Buffy is the one with the dominant advantage.  She is kicking and hitting Warren with everything she's got.  Still human, Warren is bleeding now from the corner of his mouth and out of one of his nostrils as he takes the blows.  Buffy keeps hitting him with powerful blows, moving faster than Warren can block.  Buffy twists her body around and kicks him in the chest, knocking him backwards.  She presses forward, intent on finishing him off.

Xander tosses her the broadsword and she catches it in her hand.  As she nears him, there is a sudden white light that looms in from the night sky.  It temporarily blinds everyone.

The light touches down on the ground between the advancing Buffy and Warren.  The light goes in the shape of a circle, like that of a spotlight.  Slowly, as if in slow motion, a single orb of white light descends from the sky and stops just above the ground.  Everyone watches on in awe at the happenings.

Willow and Tara have rejoined the others in watching the orb of light.  Suddenly, the orb of light takes on a human shape and then, the light slowly shines away, leaving a person in it's place and the bright spotlight like light goes away as well, leaving the man standing there.  He is of average height, with solid white, short hair that is combed straight back.  He wears a white sleeveless gown that goes from his shoulders to his feet with white and gold slippers over his feet.  Over his chest is a piece of armor with intricate carving made in gold and silver.  The man smiles at the group assembled before looking at Warren, who is watching in astonished fascination, despite himself.

The Man In White
Hello, Vampire Slayer.

Wh....who are you?

The Man In White
I am Michael, a servant of the Powers That Be.  I have been sent here to intervene.  You, Miss Summers, cannot be allowed to destroy this human.

After what he's done....

His crimes are no longer punishable by human means.  The Powers will punish him.  I am here to bring him back to face the judgement for his deeds.

(slightly panicked)
No...no....you're not putting me in some fiery chamber again!  I won't let you!

Michael turns and looks at Warren with total disapproval.  He holds his left hand up, palm outward.  Warren's body is engulfed in the blinding white light before he slowly vanishes from sight, his screams the only sound penetrating the night.

I am afraid I must apologize.  Mr. Mears escaped his prison quite by accident.  His arrival here was not foreseen.

Giles walks over, regarding Michael in nothing less than stunned disbelief.

But...how can the Powers have allowed this to happen?  Surely they realized he was back.

Yes...but by then, Warren was already too involved in the current happenings here that they decided to wait and see what would happen.  You see, he managed to escape when the Powers allowed the Pure One to return.

Willow looked at Tara.  A look of realization came to Tara's features.

The Powers....they brought me back.

Yes.....the Powers realized that now was the time that the Source of All Evil was going to bring about the Final Apocalypse.  All the stars were in place, the signs were occurring.  The Pure One alone has the capability to prevent it from happening.

Is that why you're here now?

It is time for the Pure One to come home.

Now, the stunned disbelief turns to shock as they look back and forth between Michael and Tara.  The blonde takes a deep breath, now beginning to remember everything about her time in the Powers That Be's presence.  She remembered everything.....from what they told her to what she was to do on Earth.  Now, everything was making sense to her.

What.....what do you mean come home......she is home!


No!  No Tara.  You can't go!  What about us?  What about our life together!

Will...honey.....this is why I'm back.  The Source needs my death to trigger the final phase.  I remember everything now.  Only the Pure One's sacrifice can prevent the end of the world through the Final Apocalypse.  I know what means now.  I have to sacrifice my happiness.....my life to save the world.  It's something I know I have to do.

What about me!  Tara, I almost died when you were gone before.  Please don't go!  Or take me with you!

Will....please don't make this harder than it has to be.  This is the right thing to do.  I promise you everything will be okay.  You have to trust me Will.

I do....I do....but....

Tara gently takes her hands and cups Willow's cheeks in them.  She leans forward and kisses Willow's lips with gentle passion.  Tara kept up her gentle ministrations as Willow returned the kiss with equal passion that she felt for Tara.  After several moments, Tara pulled back, whispering two words.

Trust me.

Tara pulled back from Willow with reluctance.  She looked over at Michael.  He smiled compassionately at her and extended his left hand, palm up, towards her.  Tara felt tears coming as she looked back at the heart stricken Willow.  She looked at the others, who were now openly crying at the scene before them.

Take care of her for me.

Buffy nodded, Xander and Dawn sniffed, Giles closed his eyes, and Anya looked away.  Tara turned back to Michael and reached out, grasping his hand with her right one.  Almost immediately, both Michael and Tara were engulfed in blinding white light.  When the flash of light faded away, both Michael and Tara were gone.

Willow's shoulders shook as she collapsed onto her knees, sobbing uncontrollably.  Buffy and Xander moved over, comforting their friend as best they could, given the circumstances.  But they both knew the truth.  Their heartbroken friend would never be the same again until Tara came back.

And as the shot shows an overhead shot of them, the Scoobs gathering around Willow, the stars above twinkled with heartfelt compassion, one of them wanting so desperately to come back, but knowing what must happen now.....is for the best.  No matter the personal cost.


End of Episode 11 - The Sacrifice, Part 2
End Credits.