Buffy the Vampire Slayer - A Virtual Season 7 - Episode 12
Alternate Possibilities
by The Devious One (letsrocket_1998@yahoo.com)
Follow the Virtual Season 7 of Buffy the Vampire by The Devious One Productions
at https://deviousone2002.tripod.com/vir7season.htm.
Buffy and all characters who have appeared in the syndicated series Buffy the Vampire Slayer, together with the names, titles, and backstory are the sole copyright property of Mutant Enemy, the WB, UPN, and of course, Joss Whedon himself. No copyright infringement was intended in the writing of this fan fiction. All other characters, the story ideas, and VR season itself are the sole property of the author. This story cannot be sold or used for profit in any way. Copies of this story may be made for private use only and must include all disclaimers and copyright notices.
NOTE: All works remain the © copyright of the original author. These may not be republished in any way, shape, or form without the written expressed consent or acceptance of the author of the story.
SPECIAL NOTE: This episode is part one in a trilogy of episodes that go together in a smaller arc within the main plot. It's surrounding Tara's absence and her coming return. You'll see what I am referring to towards the end of this ep and the other two eps in this trilogy. Also, this episode is more Buffy centered than Willow/Tara centered. The Willow/Tara basis will return during the next ep, but this one is Buffy centered with a Willow/Tara focus just beneath it.
(Anthony Steward Head VO)
"Previously on Buffy the Vampire Slayer"
The normal Previously on Buffy music cues up.
Various scenes from different episodes are now shown. They are in the order as follows.
A small compilation of scenes are shown from the Season Premiere of VS7 'Alive Again', ending with Tara's return to life and the Hooded Figure's warning to the Slayer. Following it are scenes from Returned, depicting Warren's re-appearance during the same time of Tara's re-appearance. A few scenes are shown showing Warren's strike against Buffy and her friends at the Cemetery.
Next is a small compilation of scenes from 'Ties That Bind' and 'The Boss', depicting Xander and Anya's slowly rebuilding relationship, as well as the troubles Willow and Tara have been going through as they try to renew the relationship they had before Tara's tragic death. Scenes from the same episodes regarding Buffy and Spike's relationship are shown.
And then, scenes from the episode 'Beneath You' are shown. The scenes that are shown are the young woman in Germany being killed by the robed figures and the words she spoke that led to Tara's vision of her. Also shown are the scenes of the worm creature attacking Nancy and Buffy's saving her, followed by the ending sequence of scenes between Buffy and Spike.
Next, scenes from the episodes 'The Test' and 'Selfless' are shown. From the scenes of Xander and Dawn being captured by the Boss's people to the meeting with Warren and the Boss and including the fight involving Buffy, Willow, and Tara against the six demons, Willow's use of dark magick and Tara's newfound power making an appearance, to Spike saving Xander and Dawn and ending with the Boss's manipulation of Spike during the final scene where Spike attacks a homeless woman. And the scenes depicting Anya's last wish and her fight with Buffy are shown.
Scenes from 'Revelations' are shown, showing the Harbingers attacking the Gang and taking Spike, and the final scene, in which the Source rises up a hideous beast that is a true full blooded vampire. And then, scenes from 'Inner Demons' are shown, showing Willow and Tara's battle with Rack to Spike's torment by the Source and the Ubervamp.
And next, scenes from episode 10 'The Sacrifice, Part 1' is shown. The scenes shown are the Ubervamp's hunting of Buffy, Giles, Anya, Dawn, Willow, and Tara, followed by the conversation Willow and Tara had about possibly leaving Sunnydale when the big battle is over. The scene showing Buffy's victory over the Ubervamp is shown, followed by the Source's interactions with the demon sorcerer Kronell. A couple more scenes are shown of Kronell completing the ritual with Warren's unexpected appearance towards the end and ending with the Source's visit to the Council of Watcher's headquarters in London and the Harbingers attack against Xander, Andrew, and Jonathan at Xander's apartment.
And finally, scenes from the episode 'The Sacrifice, Part 2' are shown. Beginning with the gang finding Xander, Andrew, and Jonathan unconscious, to Buffy, Xander, and Giles's meeting with the Old Woman, to Buffy's slaying of Kronell, and with the climactic scenes of saving Tara and Buffy's fight with Warren, and ending with the appearance of Michael, and the sad goodbye Tara made to her friends as she left with Michael to return to the Higher Realms.
EXT. The Summers House, Willow & Tara's Room - Morning.
It is early morning in the city of Sunnydale, the city that's built on top of the Hellmouth. Inside the Summers house, morning sunshine touches through the windows. There is hardly any activity going on inside the house. The shot opens in this scene inside the interior of Willow and Tara's bedroom.
The shot begins at the far window, the blinds drawn. There is still sunlight shining through and touching down on the carpeted floor of the bedroom. We pan over to the bed to show WILLOW. She is wearing her normal sleeping pajamas. She is sitting in the middle of the bed, her back leaning against the headboard with her knees drawn up to her chest and her arms wrapped around her knees. She is staring straight ahead, slowly blinking and just staring straight ahead.
There is a soft knock at the door, but Willow does not move. She stays completely still, just staring. The shot pans over to reveal BUFFY as she enters slowly. She stares at Willow for a beat, then frowns at Willow's completely still state. She moves over to the bed.
There is little response from the redhead, not that Buffy expected anything. It had been the same for the last two weeks. Ever since that night when Tara made the decision to ascend to the Higher Realms with the Higher Being Michael. Ever since that night, Willow would sit alone in their room for hours on end, just staring at nothing.
Her friends tried to reach her, but when Willow was in this state, there was really no reaching her. When she was in this state, she traveled somewhere deep within her mind. As a way of coping with Tara's decision, Buffy sometimes thought. Nevertheless, it was not a pleasant experience seeing Willow like this.
Buffy waved her hand in front of her friend's face.
Will? Come on, I know you're still there.
After a few beats without a response, Willow's eyes suddenly flickered a few times and she returned from whatever far away place she allowed her mind and consciousness to go to. She blinked and stared at Buffy.
(in a sad voice)
You okay, Will?
I'm about the same.
I hate seeing you like this, Will.
(shaking her head)
I hate feeling like this. I hate waking up and being the only person in
this bed. I hate knowing that she left without me going with her.
But mostly, I hate the way my life is.
What do you mean?
(looking at the window again)
Buffy, when I first met you, living the life of the hero was exciting.
Helping you face vampires, demons, giant Mayor snakes.....it was an exhilarating
experience for me. And for a while, I wished to never be away from
it. But now, looking back.....I kind of wonder I'll ever be able to be
away from it. To live a normal life.
Buffy looks at her feet for a second before looking back up. When she looks back up, it's with a sadness rarely seen on her face.
I know what you mean. (an awkward beat of silence) Dawn's getting breakfast
I'll be down in a few.
Buffy starts walking away from the room and goes down the hallway. The shot stays on her back and follows her steps as she walks by her room. She turns and goes into her room and walks over to the bed and sits down. She leans over and places her face in her hands, whispering some words.
I'm sorry Willow, Tara......if it wasn't for knowing me, none of you would be in
this mess. I wish....I wish there was a way all of you could be happy.
The shot pans into where she's holding her head, the vision getting darker and darker until it is nothing but blackness. Then, a second later, we pan back to see Buffy still in a sitting position, still holding her head in her hands. She removes her head from her face and looks up.
The shot shows a look of confusion and shock on her face. We pan around to reveal we are no longer at the Summers home, but in a circular shaped cavern with fire torches along the walls, illuminating the cavern. In the center is a small bonfire, the flames are blue with green inside the flames.
What the...
She starts to take a couple steps forward when she feels a presence just behind her. She turns to her right and we see a gold armored figure standing there, looking at the flames, then glancing at her. It is the demon SKIP. He extends his hand to her.
Hey Slayer, how ya doing?
Shot on Buffy's face as she looks incredibly surprised at his attitude. The shot stays on her face for a beat.
Opening Credits:
Special Guest Stars
David Boreanez
Harry Groener
Kristine Sutherland
David Denman as Skip
Anthony Steward Head as Giles
Cut to:
EXT. Unknown Cavern, Location Unknown - Morning.
The shot opens in the cavern, continuing the earlier scene. SKIP is revealed, his hand still outstretched towards Buffy. She is cautious, but she slowly grips his stronger demonic hand and squeezes it before she releases it. Skip puts his hand back to his side. He looks at her for a moment.
Buffy raises an eyebrow and Skip suddenly looks embarrassed.
Oh, I'm sorry. Where are my manners? I am Skip.
You seem to know who I am already.
You are the Vampire Slayer. The Chosen One. Blah blah blah, I'm sure
you've heard it all too many times.
Against her will, a grin forms on Buffy's face, unused to a demon having an easy attitude towards her. She crosses her arms over her chest and exhales.
You brought me here, I take it.
That's right.
And the reason why?
To answer the wish you made just now.
A look of realization crosses Buffy's face and her eyes narrow.
You're a vengeance demon. Now I get it.
No, I'm not a vengeance demon.
You're not?
(looking insulted)
Please...vengeance demons are lower beings. I am a servant to the Higher
Beings. I am here because for the past couple of weeks, one thought has
been entering your mind more than others. You have been feeling guilt over
the current circumstances that surrounds you and your friends.
It's my fault.
I won't deny that you believe that.
Can you get to the point?
Okay, if you want to like that. (a pause) Your wish was that there was a way all
those you hold dear could be happy. I'm here to give you the chance to see
that wish come true. You can call this an alternative possibility if you
How are you going to do this?
Have you ever asked yourself one question? Have you ever wondered what
your life would be like if you had never been called as the Slayer? Ever
wonder how your friends' lives would have turned out if they had never gotten
involved in the matters of the Slayer?
Yes. It's been on my mind a lot lately.
I know.
You know?
Skip nods and glances at the dancing flames.
I don't think you realize it, Buffy, but your life and the lives of all your
loved ones are watched very carefully by the Powers That Be. Everything
that's happened to you, they've monitored. The Powers hardly interfere
because they don't want anymore attention drawn to them than necessary.
That makes sense I guess.
But when the Slayer doubts herself, doubts her calling, well, the Powers can't
ignore that. They have sent me to give you the chance you have been
wishing for. The chance to see your friends happy, for you to be happy.
How are you going to do this?
By changing the past to a certain degree. Changing certain events in the
past. Namely, your being called as Slayer. I will send you to the
alternate reality where you never became the Slayer. And by doing so, your
friends lives will be altered as well.
How...I don't....
Well, take Miss Rosenberg and Mr. Harris for example. If you accept this
offer, you will enter the world where they were never exposed to the dangers of
vampires, demons, the Hellmouth. They will have lived the life they would
have had you never been called. You will experience the life you'd have
had had you not been called.
What...what do I have to do?
Skip produces a necklace with a diamond shaped pendant. He shows it to her.
Put this necklace on if you accept this offer. You can spend as long as you want
in this alternate reality. If you decide not to stay there, merely take
the necklace off and I will bring you back. It's your decision Miss
Buffy pauses for just a second.
She reaches her hand out and takes the necklace. She reaches towards her neck with it.
I hope you find your answers.
Buffy nods as she puts the necklace on. A rapid sensation surges through Buffy as she closes her eyes and the entire area is filled with white light. When the light vanishes, Skip is alone in the cavern.
Cut to:
INT. Sunnydale Streets, Time Lapse - Late Morning.
It is late in the morning in Sunnydale and all appears as the same city that Buffy had awoken in this morning. We pan down from an overhead shot to reveal BUFFY, still in the same clothing she had been wearing, a pair of blue jeans with a long sleeved black top on, walking along the sidewalk.
She is looking at everything, trying to ascertain if anything is different in this reality she has been taken into. She is alert and keeping her guard up in case anything should happen.
Around her, there are other people walking down the sidewalk, walking passed her, plainly not paying attention to her. Buffy scans the buildings, searching for something, anything, that might seem familiar to her. Buffy stops by a showcase window, looking in it.
The shot is on the showcase window. It is revealed that there is a television set there. The TV is on and a news broadcast is showing. The news anchor is speaking.
And in other news, President Monroe has just passed the Genesis Bill, which will
make it more possible for our armed forces to be prepared to face the
increasingly dangerous threat that the Coalition of Demons and Vampires
currently represent. Tonight at six, we will take an in depth look at the
Coalition and discuss if going to war against them is our best option.
(an eyebrow raised)
Okay, that's weird.
She shakes her head and continues on down the street. She comes to the end of that particular stretch of sidewalk and finds herself standing near the coffee shop THE ESPRESSO PUMP. It is an old hangout for Buffy. But, with a sense of surrealness, Buffy realizes it may not be the hangout of her friends in this reality.
She looks at the people sitting at the tables and realizes with sadness that she doesn't recognize any of them. With a sigh, she turns and looks around her.
Maybe I'll see someone at the house.
With a little hope, she turns and begins heading on the path that will lead her back to the house. At least, she hopes the house is still in the same place in this reality.
Cut to:
INT. The Summers House, the Foyer, Time Lapse - Late Morning.
The front door to the Summers house opens slowly and we see that BUFFY is entering slowly, looking inside. She looks relieved that the house looks more or less the same as it did in her reality.
As she walks towards the living room, she hears a sound coming from the kitchen. Buffy's head turns towards the sound. She takes a deep breath and walks towards the kitchen. As she moves to the doorway, she sees a figure standing in front of the sink. Buffy's breathing deepens and she chokes back a sob at who she sees.
The shot pans to the person at the sink as that person turns around, facing Buffy. It is revealed to be JOYCE SUMMERS, Buffy's mother. She sees Buffy and her eyebrows arch upward.
Tears spring at Buffy's eyes and she does nothing to stop them from dropping down her face. She stares at her mother with a sense of shock rippling through her.
She continues to stare at her mother as we slowly fade away.
Fade to:
INT. Unknown Warehouse, Time Lapse - Afternoon.
The interior of this warehouse has been emptied of all the crates and boxes that was previously inside it. Now, there are banners hanging from the ceiling and vampires and demons in plenty standing in different lines, looking up at the second level, where three solitary figures are standing.
The three figures are being saluted by the vamps and demons. All around the warehouse, the windows are tinted and painted black, keeping the sunlight out and there are lights on that provide the needed light to see inside the warehouse.
Shot on the three figures standing and watching the demons and vamps. The first figure is recognizable anywhere. It is SPIKE. His platinum blonde hair slicked back as usual, his same black appearance and his long black trench coat visable. He is smirking at the loyal following below.
The figure on the other side of the middle figure is revealed to be none other than the vampire ANGELUS. He is smirking also. He's wearing a black leather jacket, sharp black leather pants and a black long sleeved shirt tucked into the pants. He is also enjoying the loyalty of the demons and vampires.
The figure in the center is the one that's not a vampire. However, he is an immortal and has earned the following that he, Spike, and Angelus now have. The figure is wearing a business suit, looking as sharp as ever and it's revealed to be Richard Wilkins III, known as the Mayor of Sunnydale in Buffy's reality. He has his hands on the bar in front of him.
Vampires, demons! Hear me!
The group of assembled demons and vampires are silent.
As you all know by now, all our plans are finally beginning to take form.
The President has made the order. We're going to war with humanity and we
will slaughter them all!
The demons and vampires lift their hands into the air in triumphant cheers at Wilkins's words.
But...I want a clear message to be sent out to the President that WE are not to
be underestimated. That's why, tonight, I want you all to go out and
capture yourselves some humans. Grab em and bring 'em to our jails.
We'll show humanity we mean business!
As the hollars and cheers continue, Wilkins turns and begins walking to a room at the far end of the second level. Spike and Angelus follow behind. Wilkins speaks to them.
I'm glad you boys decided to bury the hatchet.
Well, seeing as how our ultimate goal is relatively the same, figured why not?
Fighting each other wouldn't help us at all, now would it?
Finally, you boys are learning. And I know you two hate me being in
charge, but it's only until this war gets started. We all just stick to
our bargain and we'll all get what we want.
Bloody well better.
So, do we get to have our fun tonight?
Not yet. My contacts overseas have almost tracked the identity of the
Slayer. The last report I got was that the Slayer is in Sunnydale, only
she doesn't know she's the Slayer.
How is that possible?
Simple, the Council couldn't find her when she was called, so she can't be
trained. And that's best for us because once we get her identity, we can
take her out and make it that much more difficult for those sneaky Watchers to
find the next one.
What are we supposed to do while everyone's out getting some humans?
We wait. Have patience, my blood thirsty buddies. Good things will
come to those who wait.
Wilkins smiles at his quote and the vampires just roll their eyes.
Cut to:
Commercial Break.
Cut to:
EXT. The Summers House, the Dining Room - Late Afternoon.
It has now been a couple of hours since Buffy's transdimensional reunion with her mother. There were many tears and many hugs exchanged between them. For Buffy, it was like a dream come true. She had her mother back and this world seemed so much like the old one.
And for Joyce, she was thrilled to see her daughter being so affectionate with her and it was a pleasant experience sharing hugs with her, though Joyce was confused as to why her daughter was here.
So now, the shot opens in the dining room. Buffy is sitting on one of the chairs with Joyce sitting on one of the ends, they are talking.
Buffy, you still haven't told me what your doing back here. I mean, you
only left three days ago.
I did? Oh, I mean, yeah of course I did. I just wanted to see you,
that's all. Make sure you were okay and all.
Well, as you can see, I'm fine. I'm concerned about you. You don't
seem like yourself.
Oh, I'm more myself now than I've been in a long while. I'm just glad your
When do you have to head back?
Back where?
Joyce gives her a look.
The school silly. I mean, you shouldn't be missing classes, Buffy.
Did you straighten everything out before you left?
O-of course I did. Everything's fine. I'll head back tonight.
Don't worry.
Joyce was going to continue, but the phone rang.
Let me go see who that is.
Joyce gets up and leaves the dining room to answer the phone. Buffy watches her go, a wistful look on her face. A moment later, her instincts flare up and she starts to rise as SKIP materializes a few feet from her.
Bet that was a pleasant surprise.
You have no idea.
Thinking about staying here then, aren't you?
I am staying here, Skip. I'm not taking this necklace off with my mother
alive and well.
Well, just remember something, okay? The surprises aren't all good.
What are you talking about?
Just remember that.
Before Buffy can say anything else, Skip dematerializes and we see Joyce head back into the dining room. She stops a few feet from where Buffy is sitting.
That was the curator of the museum. He needs me to come down there.
I'll only be gone for a few hours, alright?
Okay mom. I'll think I'll go see my friends. (a pause) Oh, um where's
(a puzzled look)
Yeah, my sister?
Buffy, stop kidding around. You know your the only child I have.
Joyce turns and grabs her purse and leaves. Buffy looks on with a look of shock on her face. It's not until then that she realizes the affect of her being called as the Slayer had on everything around her. The monks sent the Key to her as Dawn because of Glory. They sent her to Buffy because she was the Slayer. With Buffy not the Slayer, Dawn was never sent to her. Buffy closed her eyes and felt a distinct feeling of loss. She shook her head.
(to herself)
I have my mother. I just have to remember that.
Cut to:
INT. UC Sunnydale, Time Lapse - Late Afternoon.
The shot opens on the campus at UC Sunnydale. We see that BUFFY is there, looking for any familiar faces. As she crosses past a university teaching building, she looks to her left and we see a smile breaking across her face. She runs in that direction.
The shot pans to show what she's seeing. It is revealed to be XANDER and WILLOW. They are sitting across from each other at a small table, apparently talking. Buffy heads towards them.
Willow! Xander!
They pause from their conversation and look at the blonde woman heading towards them. Their eyebrows widen almost simultaneously. She stops at the table they're sitting at as they rise.
She hugs Xander first, then she embraces the redheaded Willow. Both look a little surprised at seeing the blonde haired woman. Willow and Xander both look the same in this alternate reality.
Buffy Summers. Wow, what a surprise!
Yeah, it's been like what....four years?
(slowly losing the smile)
Yeah Will, four years. Just after graduation. That party
afterwards. After that, I don't really remember seeing you...well, until
We didn't keep in touch?
Well, things happened Buffy. I went off to school, Xander kind of went
traveling. We just lost touch. It happens.
Yeah, we all had our own things going and before you knew it, a couple years
passed by. But hey, we're all here now, so let's celebrate!
Okay. (a pause) So, Xander, what have you been up to?
Well, like the Willster said, I left Sunnydale after school was over, went
traveling. I met some good people in Los Angeles when I swung by there and
now I own a pretty successful carpentry company down there. I'm only in town to
see my folks for a few days.
Buffy smiles, glad that one thing stayed the same in this reality.
That's good Xander. You've done something good. What about you,
Will? What have been up to?
Well, after school was over, I got enrolled at Oxford over in England.
(surprised, but pleased)
Wow, that's great Will. Bet your having a grand old time learning from all
those geniuses, huh?
Willow shrugs and looks down. Buffy puts a comforting hand on her shoulder.
What is it, Willow?
It's just...yeah the classes are great and I enjoy all the professors and all. I
just feel like I've lost a big part of myself because I left. And I can't
help but think that I missed something really great by leaving.
Well, Sunnydale seems to be the same to me. Nothing much happening.
Are you guys going to be in town long?
I'll be leaving in a few days.
Me too.
How about the three of us get together tonight and just....hang out?
That sounds fun.
Yeah, just like old times.
A sudden idea hits Buffy.
What about Gi...Mister Giles? Where is he living now?
Oh, you don't know.
Know what?
(shuffling his feet)
I heard from a friend in L.A. a couple years ago that Mister Giles was attacked.
Yeah, you know that Coalition that the news keeps talking about?
(her demeanor changing)
Yeah, the Coalition of Demons and Vampires.
Yeah, well...the two head vamps there....
Spike and Angelus...
...yeah, Mister Giles kind of confronted them when they started rough housing
people at the school. They attacked Mister Giles and he didn't survive it.
Willow's words trailed away, but two thoughts permeated through Buffy before she had finished. One was Giles was dead in this reality. Skip's warning echoed through her head. The surprises aren't all good were the words. And it was Spike and Angelus that killed him. Angel.
Buffy's world was shocked again as she realized that in this reality, Angel either lost his soul after the curse, or he was never cursed at all. Still, Buffy wanted one last explanation before she made her decision to stay in this reality.
And that was finding out about Tara. How did Tara fare in this reality? And maybe, just maybe, if she did leave, she could leave helping Willow and Tara get together in this reality.
Cut to:
INT. A Sunnydale Cemetery, Time Lapse - Almost Night.
It is almost night in Sunnydale. The shot opens revealing BUFFY as she stands in front of a single tombstone with words etched into it. There is a look of absolute sadness on her face. We pan around to show the surface of the tombstone.
It reads: Rupert Giles, Librarian, Trusted Friend to All Who Knew Him. Buffy crouches down onto one knee and touches the tombstone, closing her eyes.
I'm sorry Giles. It seems, no matter where I go, there's always going to
be sadness, loss. I thought by accepting this chance, maybe all of you
could have happiness. I was wrong.
She lowers her head and stays in that crouched position for a few seconds. Then, she is forced out of her silence as she hears the unmistakable sounds of a woman screaming and sounds of footsteps. Buffy rises and runs towards the origin of the sounds.
The shot cuts to the woman being chased through the cemetery. We see about four vampires, all wearing the familiar clothing of vamps belonging to the Coalition. They are chasing a woman who's wearing a sweatshirt with a hood on. The hood is pulled over her head, keeping us from seeing her identity.
As she runs past a tree, she is stopped by Buffy's sudden appearance. Buffy steps between the woman and the vamps.
How ya doing boys?
The first vamp, a redheaded vampire, steps forward.
Get out of the way, blondie. That there's our catch!
Sorry, but I can't let you have her. See, I have this overwhelming need to
help and that's gonna help me take care of you.
We'll see. Get her!
The other three vampires charge Buffy. Without a weapon in her hands, Buffy uses her experience as the Slayer to defend herself. She steps forward and kicks the first vamp with enough force to knock him down to the ground. As she turns to the other two vamps, she sees the woman that was being chased pull something out of her sweatshirt and tosses it toward her.
Buffy catches the item, recognizing the feel and shape of a wooden stake. She plunges it into one of the vamp's chest, dusting it. She turns and does the same to the other vamp before stepping back and whipping her arm out, embedding the stake in the vamp she knocked down. The 1st Vamp is left alone. He hesitates for a moment, then turns and runs.
Buffy shakes her head before she starts walking over to the girl that was being chased.
Are you alright?
(her voice shaky)
Buffy's eyes widen, recognizing the voice anywhere. The voice was hoarse, but Buffy would recognize it anywhere.
T-Tara, that you?
The girl pulls the hood back to reveal TARA, the Tara of this reality, looking anxious and scared, almost ready to bolt.
How'd you know my name?
Once again, Buffy's world is shocked as she shakes her head, unable to believe the differences in this reality and her own.
Cut to:
Commercial Break.
Cut to:
EXT. Tara's Apartment - Night.
The shot opens from the commercial inside of an unfamiliar apartment. It looks as most rundown apartments in any city does. There is a bed in the far corner, a table next to it with a lamp sitting on it. A dresser drawer is aligned against one wall and a door on the other wall that goes to the bathroom.
We are shown that it is Tara's apartment and TARA and BUFFY are inside it. Buffy is sitting down on a chair and Tara pouring a glass of something near the small kitchen area. Well, all it is is a sink and stove with a refrigerator near it. Tara walks back over and hands Buffy the cup.
Th-thank you for helping me tonight.
It wasn't a problem. I'm just glad I was in the area. (a pause) Why aren't
you in one of the college dorms?
Why should I be?
Well, you are going to college at UC Sunnydale, right?
(shaking her head)
There is a confused look on Buffy's face, so Tara explains.
I don't know why I'm going to tell you this, but I guess saving my life kind of
makes me owe you so....my dad and brother don't really treat me very well at
Buffy nods, realizing that that was the same here as it was in her home reality.
I did apply at UC Sunnydale, but I couldn't get the financial aid taken care of
by enrollment time, so. (pause) I didn't want to stay home for another year, so
I packed up a few things and I left. I got a job at the Magic Box, helping
the owner with different things and I got this apartment. I figure when
enrollment time rolls back around, I can get in then.
How...how long have you been living here?
About six months.
Why did you choose Sunnydale to begin with?
I'm not sure. I just felt, deep down...that this was the place I needed to
be. I keep feeling like....like there's something important here.
There is.
There is?
Well, of course there is. UC Sunnydale's a great school. A lot of
good people have gone here. (she changes the subject) I've sort of been out of
touch with the news lately, what's the deal with this Coalition?
Oh that. (a pause) Few years ago, some big business tycoon named Richard Wilkins
bought a time slot on all the major TV stations and made it public knowledge
that demons and vampires exist and that they were joining forces to become the
dominant species.
Another thing different, Buffy realized. In this reality, Richard Wilkins wasn't the Mayor, but someone with great power.
Wilkins is the one who united the two species. And the only way they'd all
coexist was if there were people they respected in charge like Wilkins.
So, Wilkins brought in two of the most notorious vampires he knew of.
Angel and Spike.
Yeah. He made some kind of bargain with them, just to get the demons and
vampires to cooperate. And ever since then, the Coalition was formed and
they've been waging war on humanity.
There has to be a way to stop them.
Are you like, a spy or something?
Me, no. I'm no spy. What I am, though, is something that doesn't
want to see this place end up a wasteland.
I don't really see how you can stop it.
Well, the vamps and demons are more or less following Spike and Angel, right?
Yeah, I guess.
So, I take out those two, then those demons and vamps won't follow Wilkins.
I see what you mean. D-do you want me to help?
(shaking her head)
No, I don't want my friends anywhere near this.
(looking surprised)
I-I'm your f-friend?
(smiling and nodding)
Yes, you are. (a pause) Will you do something for me, Tara?
Buffy takes a notepad near Tara's bed and takes a pen and jots something down on it. She hands it back to Tara.
After I leave, call a cab and go this address. The Rosenbergs live
there. Ask for Willow Rosenberg. Tell her I sent you.
Oh...okay. I can do that. Though, I don't know if I have enough for
the cab.
(pulling something out of her pocket)
Here. This will take care of the cab.
Um...thanks Buffy.
Don't mention it. Now, do you happen to know where I can find this
Last I heard, they were based at a warehouse here in town.
Buffy smiled. She knew what her decision was now. She was going to go back to her home reality, but she was going to try to give this reality a chance. By helping to introduce Tara to Willow, she had faith that the two of them would recognize the connection their souls share right away and their relationship would build from there.
But she was also going to try to get rid of this coalition before she left. And that meant fighting someone she never thought she'd have to ever again. Angel.
Cut to:
INT. The Warehouse District - Night.
The shot opens on the rooftop of the warehouse where the Coalition of Demons and Vampires are residing. We see BUFFY crouched near a ceiling window, overlooking the interior of the warehouse. Buffy has scratched some of the paint off so that she can see into the warehouse.
Most of the demons and vampires are out, scrounging through the city, bringing back humans for the assembled jails. But we see that SPIKE, ANGELUS, and WILKINS are standing on the bottom level, apparently talking. Buffy regards the scene for a moment, then she makes a decision. She rises and steps back before jumping onto the window, knowing it would break.
Her feet hit the window first and it shatters. The three villains look up at the shattering of the window and see the figure fall through it and land on her knees before rolling to a crouching position. Buffy has armed herself with a sword, a two stakes, and a couple of daggers before coming here. She is ready for the fight.
Well, well....lookie what we have here, mates.
A pretty blonde to have some fun with before the others get back.
Sorry to disappoint, but your not gonna have your fun with me.
Oh, and why's that?
(staring at Angelus and momentarily getting lost in the familiar eyes)
(she shakes out of it)
Because I'm here to stake you boys.
Come on, Angelus, let's see what she's made of.
Angelus and Spike stop and stare at Wilkins. He is watching Buffy.
Who are you because your not the Slayer. And besides, there's something
'off' about you.
I'm Buffy and to answer what your saying, I'm not from this reality.
Oh, well that explains things.
It does?
Of course. Haven't you boys ever watched that show, you know the one. That
show 'Sliders' where there's infinite number of different parallel dimensions.
Sorry, don't get out much.
Well, basically, I believe this girl, Bunny, comes from a different reality.
It's Buffy and you got it right. See, in my reality, Angel here has a soul
and Spike's a stalker of me and by the way, did I mention I'm the Slayer in my
You, the Slayer?
That's funny.
Not gonna be funny when I stake you.
Boys, I don't care if she's lying or not. Get rid of her. I'll be
Wilkins begins heading up the stairs as Angelus and Spike charge Buffy. She ducks out of their way and brings her sword out. She begins trying to take their heads off, but they stay out of her range. After a few seconds, Angelus decides to stay back and lets Spike fight her.
Spike ducks below a swing of the sword and moves forward, striking Buffy across the face. Buffy falls on one knee, the sword falling to the ground. As Spike gets her her, Buffy pulls a bottle out of her pocket. She opens the top of the bottle and tosses it's contents all over Spike's face. It's Holy Water.
Spike screams painfully and his hands to his face. Buffy pulls her stake out and, without a second of hesitation, plunges it into Spike's chest. Spike's hands come from his face and he stares at Buffy in shock.
Bloody hell.
Spike crumbles into ashes, leaving Buffy to face Angelus. Angelus claps.
Bravo. You must really be the Slayer where you come from.
I told you.
Well, it doesn't matter because I'm much better than ole William was. And
now, I'll show you.
Buffy and Angelus fight each other in earnest. They exchange rights and lefts, some kicks go back and forth. Angelus tries to hit her again, but Buffy ducks under the blow and moves behind Angelus. When he turns around, she hits him with a back kick, knocking the vampire down to the ground. Buffy pulls out the stake and goes to stake him, but he grabs her wrist and twists it painfully.
Buffy cries out at the pain and Angelus throws him away from her. Coincidentally, she lands near where her axe was left lying. She grips it in her hand, ignoring the pain in her wrist and gets up to her knee, grabbing what's left of the Holy Water. He nears her.
She turns her body sideways and tosses the water at him. He saw it coming, however, and he ducks out of the way. But, when he gets vertical again, there is nothing he can do. Buffy's arm is already in motion.
I'm sorry Angel.
The axe severs his head from his shoulders and Angelus's body turns to ashes before her eyes. Buffy takes several deep breaths and reaches for the necklace as we...
Fade to:
INT. The Rosenberg Residence, Front Porch, Time Lapse - Night.
The shot opens and we see TARA getting out of the cab. She has done as Buffy requested and is walking up to the expensive looking home. She is wearing the same clothes and her jeans have holes in them. She smoothes her hands over them, feeling very self conscious, knowing she is a poor person and thinking that Buffy's friend Willow is most likely not.
She walks up the steps and goes to the door. She takes a deep breath and knocks on the door. There is a sound inside the house before the door is opened and we see WILLOW there, looking at the blonde haired girl.
Willow and Tara lock eyes and both are momentarily frozen in place. Blue meeting green, souls connecting on an intimate level. Tara smiles shyly and Willow returns the smile as we...
Cut to:
INT. The Warehouse, Time Lapse - Night.
The shot returns to see BUFFY's hand gripping the necklace around her neck. She grips the necklace tightly, closing her eyes.
Good bye mom.
A moment later, she rips the necklace from her neck. A bright white light envelops Buffy and then, she is no longer at the warehouse, nor is she even in that reality, the reality where she was never called to be the Slayer.
Cut to:
Commercial Break.
Cut to:
EXT. The Unknown Cavern, Unknown Location - Time of Day Unknown.
BUFFY's eyes slowly open and she glances around. She discovers, as we do, that she is back at the cavern that she was taken to earlier that morning. She slowly looks around, but doesn't see Skip. She feels something behind her and turns around. The shot shows that SKIP is there, looking at her.
Decided not to stay, huh?
(taking a deep breath)
You knew what my choice would be.
I had a strong inclination, sure.
Then why do it. Sending me to a place where Giles was killed and Tara's
living in poverty.
Because you made the request. You are the one who wished that, not
me. Besides, there was a lesson you had to learn that you would never have
learned otherwise. A lesson you need to learn if you and your friends are
going to beat the Source.
A lesson?
You see Buffy, for the longest time, you've let the fact that your the Slayer be
the one aspect of yourself that defines you.
Isn't it?
(shakes his head)
No. It's not the Slayer lineage within you that defines who you are.
It's your actions. Look what you just did in that other reality.
So what, I do that all the time.
You had your Slayer strengths then.
A look of surprise colors her face.
Are you saying...
The second you were in that place, you were not the Slayer. But look what
you accomplished through your actions. You helped your two friends meet
each other and I can tell you because I see futures that because of their
meeting, they are going to be happy together. And you faced Angelus and
Spike, the two most dangerous vampires in that reality and you slayed them
without being the Slayer.
Yeah well...
Your not defined by just being the Slayer. It's your actions. The
Powers had their doubts that you would return, but I never doubted you.
Even with having your mother back, I had faith that you would make the right
decision. And you have. You are truly a warrior of the light.
Now, are you ready to go home?
Be careful and pay attention, Buffy because from here on out, the Source will no
longer be fooling around with you.
Skip raises his hand and touches Buffy's forehead. She vanishes in white light that encompasses the entire cavern as we slowly...
Fade to:
INT. The Summers Residence, Buffy's Room - Mid Day.
The shot opens and we see that BUFFY is in the same position she was in when Skip first brought her to the cavern. She is sitting on her bed, holding her face. As she realizes that she's back where she belongs, she stands up and goes to the hallway. She looks down at Willow and Tara's room, but it's empty.
The shot changes to where she's going. She heads downstairs, but no one's home. She sighs, not sure what to do when the phone rings. Mindlessly, she picks it up.
On the other end, we hear XANDER's voice.
Buffy, where've you been? We've been trying to find you for the
past two hours.
Sorry, I must've dozed off.
Well, get over to the Magic Box. There's something there that you
need to see. I've got Willow and Dawn with me and I'm taking them over
now. Meet me there. If you get there before us, have Anya show you
what's there.
She hangs the phone up and she leaves the house. She gets in her car and takes off.
Cut to:
INT. The Magic Box, Time Lapse - Mid Day.
The front door to the Magic Box opens, the bell ringing as it usually does as BUFFY enters. Inside, we see ANYA, GILES, XANDER, and WILLOW are there, standing around. Willow, though, is off to one side and looking very lost.
Xander, what's going on?
(looking at Willow, nervously)
Well, I got a call this morning from Anya. She said when she got here this
morning, there was a bright light coming from the training room.
Buffy, why don't you take Willow back there.
Buffy looks confused a tad, but she and Willow go anyway. They walk to the door to the training room and open it. Inside, Dawn is on her knees next to a figure lying on the mat. There is a thick blanket around her, though it's obvious the figure is naked. The back of the figure is to them, but the hair, the hair is recognizable anywhere.
Oh my god. Tara!
Willow rushes over and drops to her knees, supporting what we now see as TARA in her arms. Tara's eyes blink open and she looks at Willow for a long moment before she looks at the others.
Wh...where am I? Who am I?
Up close shot of Willow's face, shock radiating through it. The shot stays on her face as we...
End of Episode 12 -
Alternative Possibilities
End Credits.