Buffy the Vampire Slayer - A Virtual Season 7 - Episode 14
by The Devious One (letsrocket_1998@yahoo.com)
Follow the Virtual Season 7 of Buffy the Vampire Slayer by The Devious One
Productions at https://deviousone2002.tripod.com/vir7season.htm.
Buffy and all characters who have appeared in the syndicated series Buffy the Vampire Slayer, together with the names, titles, and backstory are the sole copyright property of Mutant Enemy, the WB, UPN, and of course, Joss Whedon himself. No copyright infringement was intended in the writing of this fan fiction. All other characters, the story ideas and VR season itself are the sole property of the author. This story cannot be sold or used for profit in any way. Copies of this story may be made for private use only and must include all disclaimers and copyright notices.
NOTE: All works remain the © copyright of the original author. These may not be republished in any way, shape, or form without the written expressed consent or acceptance of the author of the story.
Steward Head VO)
"Previously on Buffy the Vampire Slayer"
The normal Previously on Buffy music cues up.
Various scenes from different episodes are now shown. They are in the order as follows.
A small compilation of scenes from 'Ties That Bind' and 'The Boss', depicting Xander and Anya's slowly rebuilding relationship, as well as the troubles Willow and Tara have been going through as they try to renew the relationship they had before Tara's tragic death. Scenes from the same episodes regarding Buffy and Spike's relationship are shown.
And then, scenes from the episode 'Beneath You' are shown. The scenes that are shown are the young woman in Germany being killed by the robed figures and the words she spoke that led to Tara's vision of her. Also shown are the scenes of the worm creature attacking Nancy and Buffy's saving her, followed by the ending sequence of scenes between Buffy and Spike.
Next, scenes from the episodes 'The Test' and 'Selfless' are shown. From the scenes of Xander and Dawn being captured by the Boss's people to the meeting with Warren and the Boss and including the fight involving Buffy, Willow, and Tara against the six demons, Willow's use of dark magick and Tara's newfound power making an appearance, to Spike saving Xander and Dawn and ending with the Boss's manipulation of Spike during the final scene where Spike attacks a homeless woman. And the scenes depicting Anya's last wish and her fight with Buffy are shown.
Scenes from 'Revelations' are shown, showing the Harbingers attacking the Gang and taking Spike, and the final scene, in which the Source rises up a hideous beast that is a true full blooded vampire. And then, scenes from 'Inner Demons' are shown, showing Willow and Tara's battle with Rack to Spike's torment by the Source and the Ubervamp.
And next, scenes from episode 10 'The Sacrifice, Part 1' is shown. The scenes shown are the Ubervamp's hunting of Buffy, Giles, Anya, Dawn, Willow, and Tara, followed by the conversation Willow and Tara had about possibly leaving Sunnydale when the big battle is over. The scene showing Buffy's victory over the Ubervamp is shown, followed by the Source's interactions with the demon sorcerer Kronell. A couple more scenes are shown of Kronell completing the ritual with Warren's unexpected appearance towards the end and ending with the Source's visit to the Council of Watcher's headquarters in London and the Harbingers attack against Xander, Andrew, and Jonathan at Xander's apartment.
Following those scenes are scenes from the episode 'The Sacrifice, Part 2' are shown. Beginning with the gang finding Xander, Andrew, and Jonathan unconscious, to Buffy, Xander, and Giles's meeting with the Old Woman, to Buffy's slaying of Kronell, and with the climactic scenes of saving Tara and Buffy's fight with Warren, and ending with the appearance of Michael, and the sad goodbye Tara made to her friends as she left with Michael to return to the Higher Realms.
Just after those are shown, the next scenes are shown from the episode 'Alternate Possibilities' showing Buffy's time in the parallel reality. Showing the Coalition of Demons and Vampires, Buffy's meeting with Willow and Xander and later Tara and then the subsequent battles with Angelus and Spike. The compilation ends with showing the scenes of Skips final words to Buffy and then Tara's shocking reappearance at the Magic Box.
And finally, scenes from the episode 'Lost Memories' are shown. The scenes are showing the explanations to Tara about her history with the Scoobies as well as her interactions with the Source at his mansion. Then, we see the fight between the Scoobs and the Source's minions before ending on scenes of the Source's speaking with the Dark Mystics and Spike's arrival at the Summers House with Ravnos.
EXT. The Summers Residence, the Foyer - Night.
The shot opens, showing that it is in continuation from the ending scene of 'Lost Memories'. We see BUFFY standing a few feet from the doorway. Just on the outside of that doorway is revealed to be SPIKE and RAVNOS. Spike's demeanor is calm and collected, but Ravnos appears as if he is ready to bolt.
Your one of his disciples.
Ravnos rolls his eyes.
Figures that would be the first thing to say. (a pause) I was one of his
disciples. Heavy on the was.
Hearing the voice, the others make their way to the foyer to see Spike and Ravnos.
Spike, long time no see. And wow, you brought a blood sucking friend.
Xander, enough. We don't have time for your comments right now.
(looking down)
Buffy, it would be better if we came inside. Ravnos does have something to
say to you.
I'm not inviting someone who's been associating with the Source into my
home. I'm nowhere close to trusting him. Let's go to the Magic Box.
(to the others) Is that alright with you guys?
Of course. We do need to know what he knows, after all.
Provided his information is valuable.
I'll give you a little preview, then. You want to know about the Final
Apocalypse, right?
That's right.
I can tell you everything about it. And I can tell you because I've read
the in depth descriptions about it from the Nezra-Kalaam.
You've actually held the Nezra-Kalaam.
Yes. That's all I'm saying until we sit down and talk.
Fine, let's go.
They grab their coats and jackets and head out. The group - Buffy, Giles, Willow, Tara, Xander, Dawn, Anya, Spike, and Ravnos - leave the house and begin heading to the Magic Box.
Cut to:
INT. The Source's Underground Caverns, Time Lapse - Night.
As the shot opens, we see THE SOURCE walking through the corridors, heading back in the direction of the mansion. The shot widens outward to reveal BRUJAH following him.
The Source
And you are certain of this, Brujah?
Yes, our contacts have just confirmed that Spike and Ravnos have made contact
with the Slayer.
The Source
(slowing to a stop)
This is not good news.
I understand, boss.
The Source
Ravnos knows about the Final Apocalypse. He will sell his information for
protection. I knew the Slayer would learn of this information eventually,
but...I wasn't expecting it this soon.
Brujah is silent for a moment.
What would you like to do, boss?
The Source
We can't do nothing right now. All of our attention has to be on the
ritual tomorrow night. Tell the contacts to keep an eye on the Slayer and
her people. I want to know IMMEDIATELY if she learns about the Mystics or
about the ritual.
Yes, boss.
The Source stalks off, visibly irritated by the news he just received. Brujah releases a breath and turns to head back in the direction they had been coming from.
Opening Credits:
Special Guest Stars
Jason Isaacs
Andy Umberger
Anthony Steward Head as Giles
with a special appearance by Claire Kramer
Cut to:
EXT. The Magic Box, Front Area - Night.
The shot opens on the surface of the round table near the back of the Magic Box. As we pan upward, we see that WILLOW and TARA are seated next to each other on one side of the table while XANDER sits on the other side.
We pan around and see ANYA sitting on the counter near the register with DAWN sitting next to her. SPIKE and RAVNOS are standing near the center of the room, GILES and BUFFY not far from them.
Okay, Ravnos, you have something to tell us about the Final Apocalypse, let's
hear it.
Ravnos shakes his head.
I'm not giving anything up until I have a promise from you.
What promise?
I want protection. Protection that you'll keep me safe from the Source and
I want your word that you won't stake me. Otherwise, you get nothing from
Buffy stares at Ravnos for a beat, then she steps forward.
Well, that depends on whether or not your information is valuable to us.
If what you have to say helps us, then you'll have your protection.
Otherwise, well, let's just say I'll have my stake in my hand and I might be
feeling the need to dust something.
Fine, that's good enough for me.
Let's hear what you have to say then. You said something about the
Yeah. (watches Buffy and Giles go and sit down) Shortly after I first joined up
with Selena and Toreador, we were enlisted by Brujah to join an army being
gathered by the legendary Source of All Evil. Now, naturally, there were
doubts as to whether it was really him, but through demonstrations and his own
attitude, most of those doubts went away. Now, the three of us only became
allied with the Source during the past two hundred years. I first joined
him because he talked of world domination and giving us all great
treasures. It wasn't until recently that I discovered the fallacy of his
What do you mean?
It didn't take me long to figure out that Brujah is the only one that the Source
will confide in as far as the planning goes. But rumors ran throughout the
vampire soldiers that work for him and one of those rumors was that the Source
was looking to bring about the Final Apocalypse. I had never heard of the
Final Apocalypse, so I decided to do a little searching, try to find what I
could. Through my searching, I found one of the only two sources that give
detailed accounts of the Final Apocalypse. The Nezra-Kalaam was one and
the other is the scrolls.
The Source has the scrolls.
I know. (a pause) I found the Nezra-Kalaam and I read through everything it had
about the Final Apocalypse. What the Final Apocalyps is....it's the end of
not only the world, but of everything. Every dimension, every planet in
the universe, even time itself...reality stops. As you know, there are two
signs that must happen for the Final Apocalypse to in it's stages. One,
the Pure One must have emerged and she has.
They are silent as they glance at Tara and Willow. Tara looks back, staying silent.
And two, the unity between demons and vampires. It happened as I'm sure
you remember.
I remember.
When those signs became evident, that meant that the Final Apocalypse is at
You haven't explained to us how the Source is going to bring it about or what
happens when the Final Apocalypse begins.
If you'll shut up, I'll get to it! (a pause) For the Source to bring the Final
Apocalypse about, he will perform a ceremony.
More ceremonies. Man, as if we haven't had enough already.
(ignoring the remark)
The Source must have the Pure One in his possession. He will take her to a
specific area that is in perfect alignment with certain stars. He and the
Pure One must be enclosed by a ring of fire. (pauses while they listen) What he
will do is take a dagger created by dark magick. A black onyx dagger and
he will use it to get her blood on the dagger.
Killing me.
I'm not sure. All the text said was that your blood was needed on the
dagger. The blood of the Pure One will mix with the dagger. Then,
for the ceremony to be complete, the Source will use the dagger to cut himself,
probably his arm or his palm and his blood will touch the dagger. Two
things will happen when his blood touches the dagger. One, his blood will
mix with hers on the dagger. And two, her blood will mix with the Source's
once it comes off the blade when he cuts himself. And that's what you have
to stop.
Because the Pure One is directly connected on a powerful level with the divine,
or what you call the Powers That Be, once her blood mixes with his, the balance
that exists between good and evil will be broken. Because it is the
balance that maintains the stability of time, the stability of the universe and
all the dimensions. When one of the two forces gets power over the other,
the dimensions, the worlds will begin to destroy themselves.
Destroy themselves?
That's what I said. It will begin with earthquakes and storms over the
cities. Eventually, massive floods will happen and hurricanes, volcanoes
will erupt, the world will just destroy itself. But once the blood is
inside the Source, he will have the power to open the portal to the Higher
Realms. He will be able to invade the Higher Realms and destroy the Powers
That Be. When he does this, he will have complete control over
everything. And then the reign of darkness will begin.
We hear ominous music in the background as the last of his words trail off. We pan around to reveal the reactions of everybody. Xander looks to be about ready to throw up while Willow and Tara's mouths fall open in shock. Dawn looks queasy and Anya looks lost. Spike has an unreadable look on his face and Giles rubs the bridge of his nose. Buffy just shakes her head, not really sure what to say or do.
(her voice hoarse)
You...you know this is what he's going to do?
That's what will happen.
You said he needs this dagger.
That's right.
Where is this dagger?
Last I heard, the Source had a carrier in Ireland where he was keeping it.
Once the final preparations for the ceremony are completed, he's going to summon
the carrier to Sunnydale.
Then, that's what we need to keep our focus on. We need to get that
carrier before he delivers the dagger. We get the dagger, then we can stop
the Final Apocalypse.
Actually, if you want to stop him, you need to put your focus on tomorrow night.
Cut to:
INT. The Source's Underground Lair, Time Lapse - Night.
The shot opens on the torch lit corridors in the caverns. We see BRUJAH pacing through the corridors, evidently in a hurry to get to a certain spot. We follow his movement for several moments before he enters the large antechamber where we then see the DARK MYSTICS with THE SOURCE.
As Brujah enters, the Source turns and sees him. The Source comes over.
What is it, Brujah?
Boss, Ravnos has knowledge of tomorrow night's ritual. He has told the
Slayer what he knows.
(unreadable expression on his face)
This is unpleasant, but expected. Nothing changes, Brujah. Toreador
is getting everything put in place tonight. The Slayer still has no idea
where the ritual will take place, let alone what it's for. Things are
still in our favor.
There's something else.
Well, what is it already?
We're not sure, but Ravnos may have discovered where the ritual is supposed to
take place before he betrayed us. If that's true...
Then the Slayer might show up tomorrow night. (a pause) Alright, you stay with
the Mystics. Make sure they have everything prepared. I'm gonna see
if I can't find something to keep the Slayer and her people busy until after
tomorrow night.
The Source quickly vanishes from sight, leaving Brujah to stay with the Mystics.
Cut to:
INT. The Summers Residence, Willow & Tara's Room - Morning.
Morning sunlight shined through the windows, painting the floor and part of the bed with the golden rays. As the shot opens, we see WILLOW getting dressed. She has an old pair of dark red jeans over her legs and she's putting a shirt over her upper body. She selected a dark red long sleeved shirt that she's pulling over her head and tucking into her jeans.
Just behind her, we see TARA as the shot pans back. Tara is wearing her long sleeved pink top with a pair of faded blue jeans. She is combing her hair, glancing at Willow every few seconds, then shaking her head and looking back at the mirror she's standing in front of as she orders her hair.
What's on your mind, Tara?
(looking up)
Oh! I didn't think you knew I was....
Looking at me? Of course I did. I can feel it whenever you look at
me. Call it intuition or whatever, I just feel it.
Shot of Tara. She smiles at the words.
That's good to know Will. (a pause) I was just thinking....what's going to
happen with us if I never get all my memories back? I mean, I'm not a
complete person without them.
(she turns around)
Tara, even if you live the rest of your life without those memories, it won't
matter. I love you and you love me. We have each other to lean on
and that's all that matters.
Willow walks over to Tara and runs her fingers lightly through Tara's bangs, helping to get them settled. Without missing a beat, she leans in and they kiss. It starts out as just tiny, tender kisses. One right after the other. But, as always, a surge of passion surges through them and they get lost in the kiss.
They kiss for several moments before they, and we, hear a hesitant coughing of the throat. The girls turn towards the entrance to their room. BUFFY is revealed standing there, smiling at their display.
Hey, we're in our room, Buffy. We can kiss all we want.
I'm not saying you can't. (a pause as she chuckles) Listen, Giles just came
in. He's got some news that might help us with Tara's memory loss.
We'll be right down.
The shot follows Buffy as she leaves then pans back to the witches. The shot shows them sharing another kiss as we...
Fade to:
INT. The Summers Residence, Time Lapse, the Living Room - Morning.
The shot fades from Willow and Tara's kiss to the living room at the Summers house. As the shot finishes it's fading, we see BUFFY, DAWN, and GILES in the living room as WILLOW and TARA emerge from the stairs. They enter the living room and look as Giles rises. Giles is holding a rolled up scroll in his hand.
W-what's going on?
I may have found the answer to your memory loss.
(surprised, but pleased)
You know why Tara lost her memory?
Well...not really that. (a pause) What I found, however, may be the way to get
them back. I'm not sure we'll ever truly understand why Tara's memories
were taken from her.
What did you find, Mister Giles?
(unrolling the scroll)
I was going through some of the stuff I took from the Council headquarters when
I was there last and I came across this scroll. This scroll mentions a
being of great power known as the Great Oracle. I have also found other
Council sources that show that the Great Oracle has been used by Quentin and
others to give them certain answers.
So, you think this Great Oracle can tell us how to get my memories back.
Yes. All we have to do is open the gateway and enter her realm?
The Great Oracle is a woman. Or a female demon or something.
There is a catch, though.
The only catch is that only the person who opens the portal and the one who
seeks the answers can enter. But only those two.
That would mean only you and me. What about Willow? I don't wanna go
in there without her.
I don't know. But, the Great Oracle may be the only shot we have to get
your memories back.
Tara, why don't you and Giles go? I'll stay by the gateway when you two
get back.
Are you sure?
Yeah, it'll be okay.
Tara reluctantly nods and looks at Giles.
Cut to:
Commercial Break.
Cut to:
EXT. The Lower Realms - Time Unknown.
The shot opens from the break and we see D'HOFFRYN talking to one of the other lower realm beings. This one is a demon with green scaly skin in a cloak with a hood. As we pan back, we see THE SOURCE materialize behind them, not announcing his presence until the demon leaves and D'Hoffryn turns around. He sees the Source.
Wow, another visit from the Source.
Yes, well...I do believe you and I have some business. (a pause) I need you to
arrange an attack on the Slayer and her people. It has to happen near
sundown today.
Why that time?
Let's just say I have a very important meeting tonight and I cannot have the
Slayer ruining my fun.
Do you want her to be killed in this attack?
Please. If you could've killed her, you would have done it by now.
Just keep her and her buddies occupied. That's all I need. Got it?
As you wish.
Good, I'm glad we've got that taken care of.
The Source vanishes out of the lower realms and D'Hoffryn stays silent and still for a moment, then he walks out of the chamber and we follow him as he enters a secret passageway that leads downward. He goes down a dark corridor until he comes to another chamber, where a group of three demons in black and silver armor are standing.
Upon seeing D'Hoffryn, they stand tall as if they were cadets standing in front of a military general.
I have a job for you three.
D'Hoffryn smiles at the gleam that enters their eyes.
Cut to:
INT. Alley Between two Buildings, Time Lapse - Morning.
The shot opens and we see TARA, WILLOW, and GILES walking down a mostly empty alley, boxed in between two buildings. Giles has a small jar with certain magical ingredients mixed together.
Alright, according to the scroll, we can summon the gateway by smashing this jar
and chanting three words. You two step back while I see if this works.
Willow and Tara stay a few feet back while Giles gets ready. He throws the jar down with stunning force and chants the three words that that would open the gateway.
We seek entrance!
As the jar smashes to the ground, a powerful wave of energy knocks Giles back and a white vortex of energy surges and forms an O like form. Giles gets to his feet.
Tara! Are you ready!
(raising her voice to answer)
Tara looks to Willow once again and sees the smile and nod of her head. Then, she goes with Giles and they step through the white vortex and into the realm of the Great Oracle.
Cut to:
INT. The Great Oracle's Realm, Time Lapse - Late Morning.
The shot opens and we see TARA and GILES land in a realm very different than their own. Colorful lines of light are glittering as far as the eye can see. It seems as though the colorful energy is everywhere. They spend several moments just looking at everything. Lines of colorful light zip past them and continue going.
Wow, this place is beautiful.
It is indeed.
From several feet in front of them, we see a ball of red light with blue swirls surging throughout it come towards them. As it nears, it coalescences into a human looking form. It is a form of nothing but red and blue light. Where a human's face would appear with skin, we see red with the blue swirls outlining the eyes, nose, and other bodily features.
The figure is wearing a solid white gown of light. And bright gold hair swirls over her shoulders and down her back. It is THE GREAT ORACLE.
Great Oracle
You have sought entrance.
Her voice, melodic and very tender, touches out to Tara, as if she had heard the voice before. Giles takes a careful step forward.
Yes, it was I who opened the gate. My companion here....
Great Oracle
Tara Maclay, the prophesized Pure One.
Yes...she was taken to the Higher Realm by the archangel Michael some time
ago. She was recently returned without her memories. We have come to
ask if you can help us get them back to her.
Great Oracle
Yes, I can not only help you, but I will give them back to you, child. (a pause)
But, only after he leaves us alone.
The Great Oracle glances at Giles. The Watcher is unsure of what to do. He was clearly not expecting this. He glances at Tara and sees her nod once, but keeps her eyes on the Great Oracle.
The Great Oracle raises a hand and Giles disappears from the Great Oracle's realm. Tara looks at the Great Oracle, astonished at the beautiful sight of her. But her astonishment also comes from a realization she is just now making as some of her memories are suddenly reinstated into her mind.
Goddess! (whispering) I know you, don't I?
The Great Oracle smiles.
Cut to:
INT. Where the Gateway Is, Time Lapse - Late Morning.
WILLOW was sitting in the Indian cross legged position, watching the vortex when GILES suddenly appeared as he came out of it. He landed on his feet and the redheaded witch rose to meet him, looking very anxious that Tara was not with him.
Giles! Where's Tara?!
Willow, the Great Oracle wanted to speak with Tara privately. She's going
to restore her memories.
Are you sure?
Yes, Willow, there's no need to worry. The Great Oracle is not evil at
all. Tara is safe. We just have to wait for her to come back.
Willow nods once, but looks as if she's about to dive into the vortex herself.
Cut to:
INT. The Magic Box, Time Lapse - Early Afternoon.
The shot opens and we see that there are a few customers purchasing magical items. We see ANYA at the register, BUFFY and DAWN are sitting at the round table, looking through some historical books, trying to find any information on the Dark Mystics that Ravnos had told them about. So far, they were having no luck.
The bell on the front door rings and we see XANDER enter. He goes over to the table.
Any luck yet?
Nothing so far. There are all kinds of references about the word
'dark'. Dark magick, dark warlocks, etc. But dark mystics?
What about this ritual that that vampire told us about?
There's nothing in these books about that either. If we can't find
anything in these books, I don't know how we're going to be able to stop it from
And if we don't stop it, then the Source is going to have something else to
throw at us. Whatever the ritual is for.
Yeah, and whatever it's for can't be good.
What about Jonathan and Andrew? Did you ever find out where they went off
No, their stuff was gone when I went to my place last night. I have no
idea where they are now.
Yeah, we probably won't be seeing them again. Chickens they are.
Xander snorts.
Where's Spike and Ravnos right now?
Before he took off last night, Spike mentioned doing a little digging in the
demon part of the town. Who knows, maybe he'll find something that we're
not finding.
They stay silent as they go back to researching the books, Xander helping them this time.
Cut to:
INT. The Great Oracle's Realm, Time Lapse - Early Afternoon.
This shot opens on TARA's face. She is standing in front of the GREAT ORACLE. There is not much difference in time since the last we saw her. She is remembering many things about her time in the Higher Realms and she is remembering the Great Oracle as well.
W-why did y-you want Mister Giles to l-leave?
Great Oracle
Because I have a few things to say that you should know, and you alone.
How do I know you? I mean, you seem awfully f-familiar to me.
Great Oracle
Well, I should Tara. I was in the Higher Realms after you died.
Great Oracle
Yes, I was there. I was one of many who watched over you while you were
there. The Powers That Be have had doubts that you could handle the mantle
of the Pure One. That you could handle the responsibility that comes with
that mantle. You have surpassed their expectations I am proud to say. (a
pause) But, before we continue, I want to restore your memories to you.
The Great Oracle reaches out with her right hand, the red and blue colored skin, flashing with energy. She touches Tara's forehead and Tara's head snaps back and her eyes open very wide. She sees flashes of images dance inside her eyes and we see the flashes right along with her.
The images are of her first meeting with Willow at the Wicca group meeting, then going through various Season 4 episodes of their adventures in magic together leading to Buffy's final confrontation with Adam. Then, we see all the images of Willow and Tara's life together when Glory emerged. And the images end with seeing all the moments Willow and Tara had together which led to the shooting at the Summers house.
When the flashes of memories stop, Tara blinks several times, tears beginning to fall down her cheeks. She stares at the Great Oracle, breathing heavily.
M-my memories. They're all back. (a moment of reflection) And, I remember
things about being in the Higher Realms.
Great Oracle
You are a gifted person, Tara Maclay. But I'm afraid I must warn you.
Warn me?
Great Oracle
Yes...there is going to come a day in the near future. When the conflict
with the Source culminates, you will have a very difficult choice that you will
have to make.
A choice...
Great Oracle
You are the Pure One, Tara. In the end, it is going to be up to you
how this war ends. The Slayer may be the prophesized Chosen One, but
should she fight the Source to the death as she intends, she will perish. (a
pause) Even she cannot prevent what's coming. Just be warned, Tara...that
the day will come when you and you alone will have to decide how this
ends. I have restored your memories and the memories of your time with the
Higher Realm. It is up to you if you want to share with Miss Rosenberg. (a
pause) One last thing, Tara.
The Great Oracle tells Tara of where the ritual is going to take place that night. The very piece of information that the others could not find from the books.
Great Oracle
Be brave, young one. The greatest struggle you will ever face is still to
We stay on Tara's face as the shot slowly...
Fade to:
INT. Where the Vortex Is, Time Lapse - Late Afternoon.
The shot fades to directly in front of the opening of the vortex as we see TARA emerge from, landing on her hands and knees. The vortex closes right after Tara emerges back on this plain. As we see WILLOW and GILES rush over to her, we see the last of the vortex vanish from sight.
Oh my god, Tara!!
I'm okay honey.
Tara, how are your memories?
(smiling as she gets to her feet)
Fully restoredy.
Willow also smiles and hugs her gf tightly, overthrilled with the news. The girls embrace tightly for a few moments, then Tara pulls back and looks at Giles.
We should get to Buffy. The Great Oracle told me where the ritual's going
to take place.
Giles's eyes widen as the information is passed. He nods and they quickly head away from the alley.
Cut to:
Commercial Break.
Cut to:
EXT. The Magic Box - Late Evening.
It is near sundown. The shot opens and we see XANDER, DAWN, and ANYA sitting at the round table. The shot widens and we see GILES, BUFFY, WILLOW, and TARA standing around, near the round table.
(shaking her head)
Man, why must all these rituals take place in the woods! Why the woods?
Well, that's simple. The forest...at night....so much badness happens out
Regardless, we know where it's going to happen now. We just need to get a
game plan going so we can stop the Source from doing whatever it is he's going
to be doing out there.
They all turn to hear the new voice. We see SPIKE emerge from the door to the basement. He is wearing his usual black get up, only without his normal black leather coat.
I've been doing some research of my own today. All the demon bars I've
gone to have told me that the Dark Mystics were summoned from Los Angeles.
They were summoned by the Source to resurrect something that...according to
them...is going to destroy us.
So, like the Turok-Hai...
The Source is resurrecting something else to throw at us.
Is that all you found?
That's it. Just that he needs these Dark Mystics to do it. I was
listening to you talk. You know where the ritual's taking place, then?
Yeah, we're about to come up with a plan.
Let's hear it.
Now, I'm pretty sure the Source is going to be out there and he may have some
vamp soldiers and Harbingers out there. Once we get there, everyone split
up, but have a weapon on you. Watch each other's backs as well. Got
They all nod and head out towards the woods.
Cut to:
INT. The Alleys Behind the Magic Box, Time Lapse - Night.
They decide to take the back alleys behind most of the buildings to get to the wooded area just outside Sunnydale. And that's where the shot opens, on them as they walk through the back alleys. Suddenly, we see three forms in black and silver armor surge out of nowhere, putting themselves in their path.
They are the demon warriors that D'Hoffryn had spoken with earlier. The small assembled group takes a defensive stance as the demon warriors emerge from out of the shadows.
What the hell are these guys?
Well, he would send them!
What are you talking about, Anya?
They're D'Hoffryn's prized assassins. Called the Dang Zin Knights.
Whomever D'Hoffryn puts a bounty on, they go out and take 'em out.
Looks like the Source is using D'Hoffryn in this little game.
Let's take 'em out before that ritual is successful.
Buffy and Spike each engage a Dang Zin Knight. That leaves the last to face off with the others. The Dang Zin Knights have red skin with horns on their head and fangs coming from their mouths. They have black eyes.
Spike is hefting a broadsword and he matches the Knight's own strong broadsword with his own, strike for strike. They go back and forth several times, Spike forcing the demon back and the demon likewise, doing the same. When Spike is backed near a wall, he lashes out with a foot, catching the Knight in gut. The Knight backs up a step and Spike surges forward, swinging his sword in an arc that separates the head from the demon's shoulders. The headless body falls to the ground.
Buffy is having the same luck against her Knight. She has an axe in her left hand and a sword in her right and is meeting the demon's metal sphere strike for strike. She uses her strength and forces the demon back several steps before she lashes out with her right leg, whipping her foot at the demon's face. The demon flies back and hits the ground hard. Putting her sword down for a moment, she takes out a small dagger and whips it into the air.
The dagger imbeds itself to the hilt into the demon's forehead, just as it is rising to it's feet. The body stills and drops to the ground.
Buffy looks over to her friends. Giles and Xander are fighting it.
Buffy! Go! Stop the ritual! We'll be fine.
Buffy nods and grabs her sword and takes off. Spike follows her, keeping up with her to the best of his ability. Behind them, we see the final Knight stepping away from Giles and Xander and looking at his fallen comrades. A beat later, he turns and takes off.
Well, that was easier than I thought it would be.
Speak for yourself, I'm not as young as you.
Are you guys okay?
Yes....we should try to get to that ritual. Buffy might need our help.
Willow, Tara, Dawn, and Anya nod as they begin heading off in the direction that Spike and Buffy had headed off to.
Cut to:
INT. Forested Area Outside Sunnydale, Time Lapse - Night.
The shot opens and we see an overhead shot of where the ritual has begun to take place. Magical powder has been poured out to form a two triangle. One laid out one way, with the other backwards going through the first. One of the triangles is in white powder, but the other is in black powder. In the middle of the triangles is a large wooden crate with small metal bars, looking like a small cell.
We see the three DARK MYSTICS standing around the triangle, at three different angles. Each Mystic is holding one of the Final Apocalypse scrolls in their hands, unrolled. They have already begun chanting the words from the scrolls.
We pan down and around to reveal that THE SOURCE, BRUJAH, TOREADOR, SELENA, a few HARBINGERS, and a few VAMP SOLDIERS are standing around, watching the ritual take place.
Everything is going according to plan, boss.
Don't get over-excited, Brujah. I won't relax until this ritual is
over. The Slayer has proven herself far too troublesome already.
Yes boss.
As they continue to watch the ritual continue, we suddenly see BUFFY and SPIKE emerge out from the woods and they begin heading straight towards the Dark Mystics. The Source's face turns into a snarl of rage.
Get them!! Don't let them near the Mytics!!!
Brujah leads the vamp soldiers in attacking the two, but Spike takes most of the attack. We see Buffy break free of them and continue towards the ritual. Toreador and Selena begin to move forward with the Harbingers, intent on getting Buffy, but we suddenly see energy surges hit the vampires, knocking them down. The Harbingers turn and see...
Shot showing WILLOW, TARA, DAWN, GILES, ANYA, and Xander as they join the fight. Xander and Anya pair up as some Harbingers come their way. Using their weapons, they fight with the Harbingers. Dawn has a sword and she's using it to the best of her own ability and faces off against two Harbingers.
The two witches, Willow and Tara, are using their magick and facing the two vampires.
Spike is fighting off vamp soldier after vamp soldier. Eventually, however, he comes face to face with Brujah. The Master's descendant has a sword gripped in his hand and Spike has one as well. They go directly for each other, each strike forceful and threatening with their impact.
Buffy is almost at the Dark Mystics when she is blasted from behind by a powerful wave of dark energy. She falls to the ground from the impact. As she gets to her feet, she turns around and sees that the Source is the one that blasted her. He's headed for her, holding an axe in his hand. Buffy pulls the sword she brought out.
(to the Mystics)
Keep chanting!!
Shot of the Mystics. They had paused when the fight broke out, but now they instantly go back to the chanting. The Source comes to a stop in front of Buffy.
Slayer, gotta admit. You just keep on surprising me.
Don't worry, the surprises won't stop here.
Think you can stop me, little girl?
I'm not a girl, and yes I do.
You have no idea who I am or what I'm capable of.
Without waiting for a response, the Source charges forward, engaging Buffy in a fierce battle of the swords. Buffy meets him, strike for strike, but she is quickly beginning to lose the battle because the Source is moving much more fast than Buffy was ready for. He uses much more impact than she is and he soon has her off balance and he takes advantage of that by backhanding her using his left hand and sending Buffy flying backward through the air several feet, away from where the ritual is taking place. The Source goes after her.
Some feet away, the shot shows that the ritual is nearing completion. Clouds have come out of virtually nowhere to cover the sky and those clouds have darkened considerably. Bolts of lightning begin hitting the triangle. Surges of mystical power begin flashing and swirling around the crate, lifting it off the ground. The crate begins spinning after it lifts.
Then, a bright red ball of power descends from the blackened skies and fills the crate. All fighting around the area, including the Source and Buffy's fight, stops as the red glow surges into the crate and there is a flash before the area is dark again and the clouds are no longer in the sky. The crate falls back to the ground.
The Source drops the sword he holds and walks over to the crate. Brujah, Toreador, Selena, and all the vamps and Harbingers follow the Source as he stands beside the crate. Buffy drops to one knee, having taken a slice from the sword to her shoulder. Her shoulder is bleeding and she looks at the crate, squinting her eyes.
She sees someone inside the crate, what appears to be human skin within the bars. Then, she sees curly blonde hair as the person inside turns and looks out, directly in Buffy's direction. Buffy, staring at the crate, widens her eyes as she recognizes instantly who the individual was.
Oh my god.
We have what we came for. (a pause) See you soon, Slayer.
The Source chuckles as his followers gather around him and the crate. The Dark Mystics gather around as well. With a flash, the Source takes them all, with the crate, away from the wooded area.
Willow, Tara, Giles, Xander, Dawn, Spike, and Anya gather around Buffy and stare at the empty area now.
Did you see what they resurrected?
What was it, Buffy?
Buffy slowly rises to her feet, gripping her bleeding shoulder.
Not what...who.
Who was it, Buffy?
Buffy pauses as she takes a few deep breaths. In the background, we hear dark music cueing up.
It was....it was Glory.
Crash Cut to:
Commercial Break.
Cut to:
EXT. The Magic Box, the Front Area - Night.
We open from the break at the Magic Box as the shot shows the Scooby Gang nursing the injuries they sustained at the wooded area that the ritual took place at. BUFFY is sitting on one of the chairs at the round table while GILES dresses the wound on her shoulder.
WILLOW and TARA are revealed to be seated across from her, staying close to each other. XANDER is standing near the register with ANYA. DAWN is sitting down near the steps and SPIKE is standing near the entrance to the basement.
Are you absolutely sure it was her, Buffy?
Buffy has a blank look on her face and she's staring straight ahead while the Watcher finishes dressing her wound.
It was her, guys.
But...how? How could she be brought back?
(rising and looking at them all)
I don't know....there's a lot of things I don't know right now. Tonight
was the first time I actually fought the Source in combat. And guess what,
not only did he beat me, he outmatched me. He was faster, stronger...he
was better. He's been outsmarting us since he showed up. And I'm
pretty sure I know why he chose Glory to resurrect.
You do?
Buffy nods.
We all know he's working hard on this Final Apocalypse. We don't know what
all's involved in getting it ready, yet, but with us trying to stop him, he's
gotten pretty tired of all the fights. So, when it comes down to it, he
wanted to bring someone who's....the only other person who's outright beaten us
time and time again has been Glory. He chose her because she's had
success. (a beat) Glory's back and we're going to have to deal with her.
Guys, this is as real as it gets.
The shot stays on Buffy's face for several intense seconds before it slowly begins to.....
Fade to:
INT. The Source's Mansion, Time Lapse - Late Night.
The fading shot moves to the private chambers of the Source. We pan right and see THE SOURCE standing at the doorway to his chambers. He has removed his white suit jacket and is smoking a cigar as he stares at his bed. He is smiling.
The shot pans around to the bed and we see GLORY, completely naked but with a sheet pulled up to her chest, her head and shoulders showing. Depressing and sad music cues up as we see that Glory's eyes are closed and she's resting. The shot stills on Glory's face as we...
End of Episode 14 -
End Credits.