Buffy the Vampire Slayer - A Virtual Season 7 - Episode 16

A Glorious Union

by The Devious One (letsrocket_1998@yahoo.com )
Follow the Virtual Season 7 of Buffy the Vampire Slayer by The Devious One Productions at https://deviousone2002.tripod.com/vir7season.htm .

Buffy and all characters who have appeared in the syndicated series Buffy the Vampire Slayer, together with the names, titles, and backstory are the sole copyright property of Mutant Enemy, the WB, UPN, and of course, Joss Whedon himself.  No copyright infringement was intended in the writing of this fan fiction.  All other characters, the story ideas and VR season itself are the sole property of the author.  This story cannot be sold or used for profit in any way.  Copies of this story may be made for private use only and must include all disclaimers and copyright notices.

NOTE:  All works remain the © copyright of the original author.  These may not be republished in any way, shape, or form without the written expressed consent or acceptance of the author of the story.

(Anthony Steward Head VO)
"Previously on Buffy the Vampire Slayer"

The normal Previously on Buffy music cues up.

Various scenes from different episodes are now shown.  They are in the order as follows.

A small compilation of scenes from 'Ties That Bind' and 'The Boss', depicting Xander and Anya's slowly rebuilding relationship, as well as the troubles Willow and Tara have been going through as they try to renew the relationship they had before Tara's tragic death.  Scenes from the same episodes regarding Buffy and Spike's relationship are shown.

And then, scenes from the episode 'Beneath You' are shown.  The scenes that are shown are the young woman in Germany being killed by the robed figures and the words she spoke that led to Tara's vision of her.  Also shown are the scenes of the worm creature attacking Nancy and Buffy's saving her, followed by the ending sequence of scenes between Buffy and Spike.

Next, scenes from the episodes 'The Test' and 'Selfless' are shown.  From the scenes of Xander and Dawn being captured by the Boss's people to the meeting with Warren and the Boss and including the fight involving Buffy, Willow, and Tara against the six demons, Willow's use of dark magick and Tara's newfound power making an appearance, to Spike saving Xander and Dawn and ending with the Boss's manipulation of Spike during the final scene where Spike attacks a homeless woman.  And the scenes depicting Anya's last wish and her fight with Buffy are shown.

Scenes from 'Revelations' are shown, showing the Harbingers attacking the Gang and taking Spike, and the final scene, in which the Source rises up a hideous beast that is a true full blooded vampire.  And then, scenes from 'Inner Demons' are shown, showing Willow and Tara's battle with Rack to Spike's torment by the Source and the Ubervamp.

And next, scenes from episode 10 'The Sacrifice, Part 1' is shown.  The scenes shown are the Ubervamp's hunting of Buffy, Giles, Anya, Dawn, Willow, and Tara, followed by the conversation Willow and Tara had about possibly leaving Sunnydale when the big battle is over.  The scene showing Buffy's victory over the Ubervamp is shown, followed by the Source's interactions with the demon sorcerer Kronell.  A couple more scenes are shown of Kronell completing the ritual with Warren's unexpected appearance towards the end and ending with the Source's visit to the Council of Watcher's headquarters in London and the Harbingers attack against Xander, Andrew, and Jonathan at Xander's apartment.

Following those scenes are scenes from the episode 'The Sacrifice, Part 2' are shown.  Beginning with the gang finding Xander, Andrew, and Jonathan unconscious, to Buffy, Xander, and Giles's meeting with the Old Woman, to Buffy's slaying of Kronell, and with the climactic scenes of saving Tara and Buffy's fight with Warren, and ending with the appearance of Michael, and the sad goodbye Tara made to her friends as she left with Michael to return to the Higher Realms.

Just after those are shown,  the next scenes are shown from the episode 'Alternate Possibilities' showing Buffy's time in the parallel reality.  Showing the Coalition of Demons and Vampires, Buffy's meeting with Willow and Xander and later Tara and then the subsequent battles with Angelus and Spike.  The compilation ends with showing the scenes of Skips final words to Buffy and then Tara's shocking reappearance at the Magic Box.

And next, scenes from the episode 'Lost Memories' are shown.  The scenes are showing the explanations to Tara about her history with the Scoobies as well as her interactions with the Source at his mansion. Then, we see the fight between the Scoobs and the Source's minions before ending on scenes of the Source's speaking with the Dark Mystics and Spike's arrival at the Summers House with Ravnos.

Following that, scenes from the VS7 episode 'Restoration' are shown.  The scenes that are shown are depicting the events of Ravnos's explanation of the Final Apocalypse to the gang, Tara's and Giles's meeting with the Great Oracle, and ending with the showing of the battle where the ritual took place.  The final shot in these scenes shows the Source's smile as he glances at a resting Glory sleeping on a bed.

And finally, scenes from 'Reapers' are shown.  It is the scenes of Riley and Sam's arrival in Sunnydale, to their helping Buffy, Tara, Willow out with the Reaper and continuing with the destruction and explanation of what the Reapers were and where they came from.  Then, showing the now re-capture of Spike by Riley's troops.  The compilation of scenes ends with Tara's training with Buffy beginning and Willow's own secret of dabbling in dark magick again.

EXT. The Source's Chambers, the Source's Mansion - Morning.

The shot to this episode opens on the private bed inside the Source's private chambers at his mansion that's just outside Sunnydale's city limits.  The shot begins on the very corner of a satin silk covered bed and begins to inch upward.  We see the beginnings of a bare leg showing out of the covers.

The shot continues going upward and we see more skin of that leg until we reach the point where the rest of this womanly body is covered by the cream colored silk sheets.  We continue going upward for the next few moments until we see the face of the person the body belongs to.

It is GLORY, once defeated by Buffy and now resurrected.  She is just now awakening from the rest she's needed to have since her resurrection.  She sits up, part of the sheets falling away from her body.  Glory makes no move to cover herself as she looks around the room she now stands in.

What the hell...

She has a surprised look on her face as she looks around the room.  The last thing she can remember completely was the Slayer repeatedly hitting her body with a sledgehammer.  Then, nothing but darkness.  Glory, and us, hear a sound at the doorway and shot pivots around to it.

We see THE SOURCE standing there, a cigar in one hand and a glass of brandy in the other.  He takes a puff out of the cigar as he regards the resurrected Goddess.

The Source
Hm....you're finally awake, Glorificus.

(looking at him in astonishment)
You...there's something different about you.

The Source
That is true.

I sense humanity in you...but...you feel like your the Source of All Evil.  How can that be?

The Source
I'm afraid I can't go into all that right now.  But, I will say this....you are alive on this world once again because I have allowed it.  I resurrected you, Glory.

(she laughs)
That's a joke!  I'm a Goddess, I can't be killed.

The Source
You're right, you can't.  But Benjamin can be killed and he was.

(suddenly serious)
The Slayer killed Benji?

The Source
No.  She made Benjamin promise to leave Sunnydale.  It was her Watcher that actually killed him.

Glory takes a moment to process the words.  Then, her gaze hardens.  She looks back at the Source.

You resurrected me...why?

The Source
(sipping his brandy)
I have a proposition for you....if your interested.

You looking to make a deal?  What makes you think I'd be interested?

The Source
It involves revenge against the Slayer, her Watcher, the Key, and those witches.

(a cold look on her face)
Tell me more.

The Source smiles and takes another sip of his brandy.

Cut to:
INT. The Summers Residence, Willow & Tara's Bedroom, Time Lapse - Morning.

The morning sunlight shines through the curtains and brings light into the bedroom of Willow and Tara.  As the shot opens, we see TARA, sitting in the middle of the bed, her back resting against the headboard and one leg tucked up beneath her, holding her personal journal, her diary, in her lap with her left hand while she writes with her right hand.

Tara is still wearing her sleeping pajamas.  She is wearing the bottoms with the moon designs on them with a loose white t-shirt.  We hear her voice, speaking over as she writes the words and we know that what she's saying are the words she writes.

Tara (VO)
(shot on her from an overhead angle)
Willow's downstairs right now, getting us some breakfast to eat up here.  I'm kinda glad she's down there because I need to get my thoughts organized and I can't do that while she's so close.  Something is really bothering me right now.  It's what Buffy told me when she began teaching me the sword.  She said that secrets only hurt the ones you love.

No truer words were ever spoken.  I know in my heart that keeping the sword training secret from Willow is wrong.  I know I'm taking a huge risk by keeping this secret and asking Buffy to stay quiet, but I feel in my heart that there's no other way for me to protect myself and Willow.  Glory is back and when she comes for vengeance, both Willow and me will be targets.  And just simple magick isn't going to work.

And that kind of leads me to another concern that I discovered the other day.  I was trying to find one of my magick books and I came across a powerful dark magick book.  I don't want to think it, I hate thinking it, but I think Willow might be experimenting with dark magick again.  The last time, she just did it because enjoyed the power rush it gave her.  This time, though, I know she's doing it to protect me.

Listen to me, I sound as though I've already convinced myself it's true.  And that's bad.  It shows I don't have faith in my partner.  I have to trust Willow, it's the only way we are going to survive together.  And I know that if I am to trust her, she has to trust me too.  Trust is a too way street.

And that means I have to confess my secret to her.  I know Willow's going to be upset.  She told me once that she never wanted me to be a part of the fights she's a part of when she patrols with Buffy.  And just by learning the sword, I'm getting into that fight.  I'm confident that my mother's words will ring true.  Willow needs me, our friends need me.

I have to rely on that.  Especially now that Glory's returned.  Glory will come for us.  She's going to blame Willow for restoring my sanity.  I think, in some way, that spell she cast weakened Glory somewhat when she fought Buffy.  And she'll want revenge on me because I got my sanity back.  She'll want to take what she took before.

I have to stop her from beating us.  Willow is the most important person in the world to me and I'll do whatever it takes to protect her, and to protect what we have.

Tara reread her words before she closed her journal.  She looked up when she heard the door swing open.  Shot at the doorway.  WILLOW enters, carrying a small bedside table that she laid down on the bed.  There were some sausage, bacon, some eggs and some toast on it.  Willow had a small pitcher of orange juice under her arm and she set it on the table next to the bed.

The redhead was wearing her white bathrobe.  She sat down next to Tara.

As promised, some goody breakfast in bed.  Hope your hungry.

I am.

The two settle down together to enjoy the morning together in relative silence and safety.

Cut to:
Opening Credits:

Sarah Michelle Gellar

Nicholas Brendan

Allyson Hannigan

Emma Caulfield

Michelle Trachtenberg

James Marsters

Amber Benson as Tara

Gratuitous Group Shots
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Special Guest Stars
Jason Isaacs
Marc Blucas
Ivana Milicevic
Claire Kramer
D.B. Woodside
Anthony Steward Head as Giles

Cut to:
EXT. The Summers Residence, the Living Room - Late Morning.

The shot opens on the living room at the Summers House.  As it opens, we see BUFFY and GILES sitting there.  Buffy's on the chair and Giles is sitting on one end of the couch.  On the coffee table between them is a thick volume text.

So, you think this is the spell those Mystics used?

(removing his glasses)
Yes...it's incredibly powerful and it uses the darkest of magicks. (a pause) The kind Willow was using last year.

I see.

And Buffy...if I am correct here, then this spell can be used to resurrect a great and mighty force of darkness.  If your right, and the Source has resurrected Glory, then the soonest as she can, she's going to be coming for us.

I know.  My biggest worry is who exactly she's coming for.

What do you mean?

(taking a breath and releasing it)
Giles, that night when we fought at that tower....I could tell, she wasn't at full strength.  She seemed....off somehow.  I'm wondering if maybe Willow's spell had took more out of her than any of us knew.  Or if the Dagon's Sphere did it.  I just can't help but think that Glory's going to be more after Willow and Tara than any of us.

Well, all the more reason for us to find the spell that can trap her forever.

If this is the spell, then start looking for any spell to counterattack that one.

I have some more books at my apartment.  I'll start searching when I get back.

Buffy nods and gets up to pick up her jacket.  She slings it on.

Well, my lunch break's over.  Time to get back to the school and help those students.

Giles smiles at her and Buffy leaves, shutting the door behind her.  As Giles begins to close the book, we hear footsteps from the stairs and we see Giles look up.

We pan to the staircase to reveal TARA, dressed in a pair of black pants with a blue shortsleeved shirt with flower designs weaved throughout it.  She's pulled her hair back into a ponytail and is wearing the long sweater coat she wore in the episode 'Smashed'.

Where are you off to, Tara?

I have class.

Tara's bookbag is settled next to the chair Buffy was sitting on.  She grabs it and slings it over her shoulder.  As she turns to go, Giles reaches out, touching her shoulder to halt her movements.



Buffy's told me about the sword lessons.

Tara freezes, not sure what to do.  She still has plans of telling Willow tonight once they are in their bedroom.

D-do you have a problem with it?

Personally, yes I do Tara.  Tara, with everything that's started happening this year, all the changes, one thing I had hoped would stay the same is your peaceful nature.  Learning the sword changes all that.

(almost exasperated)
It's just defense lessons!  What's wrong with that?

Tara, when you pick up a sword, everything changes.  Even just knowing how to defend yourself, it will change you.  What's going to happen if you kill someone with it?  Have you considered that?

Of course I have!  Don't you think I haven't considered everything before I even asked Buffy.  But I have to do this.  For me and for Willow.  No matter how much powers I have, magick is going to fail one day.  And when it does, what else will I have to keep her safe?  Magick is all I have.

Alright, what about Willow?  Does she even know about this?

No. (a pause) Not yet.  I'm telling her tonight.

Giles looks surprised.

Look, what I'm doing is best for all of us.  I need something else to rely on when magick fails me.  And it will.  One day, it will.

Tara stares at Giles for a long moment before she turns and leaves.  Giles stays silent, watching her go.

Cut to:
INT. The Source's Mansion, the Source's Private Chambers, Time Lapse - Late Morning.

It is just a little while later.  As the shot opens, we see GLORY, now clothed in the familiar clothing she was always known for.  She's wearing a pair of black pants with some high heel shoes and a sleeveless red leather vest with a zipper to keep it closed.  She has her hair unrestrained, the golden locks hanging freely.

Across the room from her is THE SOURCE.  He's wearing his normal white business suit getup, only without his blazer on over his shoulders.  He has another glass of brandy in his hand and is sipping from it.

The Source
I've explained things as best I can, Glorificus.  Do we have a deal?

Let me get this straight, you're trying to bring about the Final Apcoalypse?

The Source
That's right.

But...you need the Pure One for that to happen.

The Source
The Pure One has already risen.

She has?

The Source
Oh yes.  And I believe you know her.

(a disgusted look on her face)
Your not telling me the Slayer's the Pure One.

The Source
No.  I'm telling you Tara Maclay is.

A look of delight colors Glory's face.

You mean....that witch with the nummy treat is the Pure One.

The Source
Yes...she was killed by accident, but returned to a second chance at life sometime later.  Everything is ready for the Final Apocalypse.  The only thing I have to do is make sure she stays alive and well and wait for the stars to align themselves.

That's going to be soon.

The Source
Yes, it is.

(after a moment)
I don't see where I fit in, then.  Why bring me back at all?

The Source
The Slayer and her people know about the Jaxon Dagger.  They don't know that it's called that, but they know about the dagger created out of dark magick.

And how, pray tell, did they learn of this?  I would've wanted to keep that secret.

The Source
One of my subjects decided to betray me and gave that information to her.  But the point is, their attention is going to be on getting that dagger when I have the Courier come.  I had you resurrected for two things.  One, to take their attention off the Jaxon Dagger.  Two, you can have a little revenge for what they did to you two years ago.

You really think you can succeed with the apocalypse?

The Source
I know I can.  When it comes down to it, the Slayer can't beat me.  She knows it, I know it. (a pause) What do you say...wanna rule the world together?

(tilting her head)
One condition.

The Source
I'm listening.

(giving him a sexy smile)
Show me what your made of.

The Source smiles and walks over to her.  Without waiting for another sound, the Source grabs Glory's shoulders and he presses his lips against hers, kissing her passionately.  It is primal and wild.  The kind kiss only villains can share.  They continue this wild carnal kiss as the shot...

Cut to:
INT. The Bronze, Table in the Corner of the Upper Level, Time Lapse - Late Evening.

The shot opens with an overhead shot of lots of couples dancing on the dance floor at the Bronze.  We pan around to show WILLOW and TARA sitting across from each other at one of the tables, sipping some drinks they've ordered and talking.

Wow, it's like...occurred to me that we haven't been here in quite a while.

Well, we've been busy.  Y'know....dealing with the Source and all.

I know, but still....the Bronze used to be like...the place for all of us to just go and relax from the stress of fighting the fight.  And I know we've all been really stressed lately.


Stress just makes us do things we'd normally never do.  I think that's why none of us come out here much.

I guess that's probably true.

Willow watches Tara fidget with her drink and notices her nervousness right away.

Tara, why are you all...nervousy?

Tara takes a deep breath and raises her eyes to meet Willow's.

There's something I have to tell you.


Will, darling, I've been doing something lately that I know you won't like.  I've been doing it because I've been worried about Glory.

What is it?

Tara noticed sharp edge to Willow's tone and took a guess that Willow was already upset.  She kept her gaze locked with the redhead's, saying the words she knew she'd speak out today.

I've been meeting with Buffy.  I've been having Buffy teach me how to use the sword.


I asked Buffy to teach me how to use the sword.

A shot of Willow's face.  She is totally shocked at this revelation.  Not necessarily upset as surprised and shocked.  But after a moment, she lapses out of her silence and speaks.

D-do you have any idea what you just had me thinking?


From the way you were talking, I was thinking you had an affair or something like that.

I would never cheat on you, Will.

The sword!  Tara, why on earth do you want to know the sword?  The instant you hold one in a fight, you become a target!

I know.  Believe me, Buffy's already gone through all this.

And Buffy!  What the hell is she thinking!!

I went to her for this, Will.  I made her promise to do it.  It's not her fault.

Then what the hell were you thinking?

Fear. (a pause) Ever since that resurrection in the woods, I've had to face certain realities.  Magick may be a strong force, but it will fail.  It has in the past and it will in the future.  Take magick away and what do I have left?

Willow opens her mouth to answer, but nothing comes out.  She closes her mouth, shaking her head.

When it comes down to it, Glory is going to blame you and me for her defeat two years ago.  She's going to come after both of us.  When she does....I'm going to need more than just magick to protect us.

And you think learning the sword can help against Glory?!

I think it's a good way to at least be prepared.  I had to do something, Willow!

Willow shakes her head and stands abruptly.  She looks at Tara, shaking her head.

I-I need to be alone right now.  I'll see you at the house later.


Willow is already walking away, disappearing behind disperses of people that are standing around and talking.  Tara exhales, feeling nauseous from the argument she and her lover just had.  Tara leans back in her chair, looking over the crowd.

Cut to:
INT. Apartment at Unknown Location, Time Lapse - Night.

The shot cuts from the scene at the Bronze to this rundown apartment.  First, we see a camera monitor showing the scene at the Bronze, Willow and Tara's argument and Willow's storming off.  Like the Evil Trio of last year, the latest in scientific surveillance is set up in this apartment.

We slowly pan back from that first shot to reveal more television monitors with more views of all the hangouts.  From the Bronze, to the Magic Box, to the Summers House, and finally, different angles of the High School.  We hear someone off screen moving about, sitting near the screens.

We slowly pan back to reveal who is watching these screens, the same person who has set all this up.  It is the Principal of Sunnydale High, PRINCIPAL WOOD.  He is watching everything take place with an unreadable look on his face.

Principal Wood
It's almost time.

Principal Wood's eyes continue to watch the different screens in front of him.

Cut to:
INT. Along the Streets in Sunnydale, Time Lapse - Night.

The shot opens on WILLOW as she walks along the sidewalk, on one side of the streets in Sunnydale.  She is walking away from the Bronze, her mind a whirlwind of emotions.  She is walking at a quickened pace.  As she moves past an alley, we see an arm reach out and grab the collar of her shirt and tug, hard.

Willow's body is thrown against the side of a building, back first.  She stumbles to the ground, on one knee.  Dazed, she looks up to see the attacker that grabbed her.  We pan around to see GLORY walk out of the shadows, smiling wickedly as she looks at Willow.

Hi ya doing, Red.

Shot of Willow's face.  A look of horror and shock colors her features.  The Goddess laughs.

Cut to:
Commercial Break.
Cut to:
EXT. The Same Back Alley - Night.

The shot opens on the last scene.  WILLOW is on one knee, staring up at the Hell Goddess resurrected, GLORY.  After a moment's pause, Glory steps forward, grabbing Willow by the throat with one hand and slamming the redheaded witch against the brick and stone building, leaning into her body to produce pain.

Willow gasped at the pain on her back and the pressure around her neck.  She opens her mouth to chant a spell.

Ah ah...I wouldn't.  You think your hurting now, believe me, I can make it all that much more painful.

What...do...you want?

Hmm, what do I want?  Well, let's see, I wanted to go home.  But, because of you and your precious girlfriend, I didn't get to do that.  See, it wasn't the Slayer that beat me, it was you and that spell you cast.  It weakened me somehow.

I had to help Tara.

Doesn't really matter to me now.  See, I'm going to go ahead and kill you...then I'll take care of little miss Pure One and I might even tell her your dirty little secret.

Willow's eyes widen.

What?  You didn't think I wouldn't know.  You forget that us villains can sense dark magick from anywhere.  And let me tell ya, there's an abundant amount swirling within you right now.  It would make me wonder why your lover can't notice it, but...I think it's because she's so in love with you.  Or that she chooses to not believe you would deceive her like that.

I'll do whatever I have to to protect her.

Which I'm sure is why she's been learning the blade.  She thinks it might be a way to protect you. (a pause) Human emotions do make me sick.

Let me go.

I don't think so.

Glory smiles and squeezes her fingers, shortening the level of oxygen that's going through Willow's mouth and nose.  Willow starts clawing at Glory's fingers, trying to dislodge them from her throat, but she is not having that much luck.

Suddenly, a bright blue flash of light hits Glory from the side angle and the blast knocks Glory back several feet, knocking the Goddess to her back in the progress.

Willow slumps down, sitting on her rear and clutching her neck.  She looks up, surprise and relief on her face and Glory looks up, leaning up from where she had been knocked down.  A gleam of surprise colors her face.  She smiles.

Well...if it isn't the Pure One herself.

We pan around to show TARA, breathing heavily from the exertion of running down from the Bronze once she felt that Willow was in trouble.  She stares at Glory for a moment, then looks at Willow.  She swallows and looks back at Glory.  Glory, and us as well, realizes that Tara heard Glory's words about Willow's secret.


(getting to her feet)
I've been waiting for this moment for a long time, Tara.  My nummy treat!

Your not touching me.  Or her.

Come on then, let's see if you can stop me.

Glory advances toward Tara.  Willow, who is still on the ground, can only watch because she is still weak from what happened before Tara arrived.  She is still trying to get her breathing back under control.

Glory closes in on Tara.  Tara waits for the right moment, then she takes a step forward, thrusting both arms out in front of her.  She says a three word chanting spell and powerful surges of magick flash out of her hands, hitting Glory directly in the chest.  The blast knocks Glory backward an even greater distance.

Glory crashes through a green colored steel dumpster.  Tara goes over to Willow and helps her up.  Without speaking, the two depart from the alley, hoping to get back to the house before Glory catches them.

Glory slowly gets back to her feet, looking around and noticing their departure.

Don't worry ladies....I'll have my revenge soon enough.

Glory gets to her feet and stalks off.

Cut to:
INT. The Source's Mansion, the Ground Level, Time Lapse - Night.

The shot opens and we see THE SOURCE standing near the fireplace, smoking a cigar and watching the flames dance around the smoking embers as GLORY enters.  Glory walks over to him, stopping a few feet away.

The Source
Did you have your fun?

It was a start.

The Source
I tried to tell you the Pure One has great power.  Her power might even rival yours.

That's impossible.  I'm a God.

The Source
And since your demise, she's been in the Higher Realms.  The Powers That Be have given her divine power.  And even your strength is no match for them.

But let me guess, yours is.

The Source
Once the Final Apocalypse comes, yes.  Until then, no.

I won't stop until I've destroyed them both.

The Source
Have patience.  Your time will come.  Just like mine will.

Glory crosses her arms over her chest, but doesn't say anything else.

Cut to:
INT. Rivertown Cemetery in Sunnydale, Time Lapse - Morning.

The shot opens on a brand new day.  The sun is shining brightly over the city of Sunnydale.  Willow and Tara eventually got back to the house and they told the others about their run-in with Glory.

Now that everyone knew about Glory's return, they were all much more cautious.  Willow and Tara, however, were not that worried about Glory because at the time, they were still focused on the two secrets that were unveiled the night before.

And for the first time since Tara's return, the two witches did not cuddle up together when they went to sleep.  Instead, they were on opposite sides of the bed and this morning, when Tara awoke, she showered, dressed, and headed out, knowing Willow probably knew when she'd gotten up.

And that is where we currently are.  We see TARA walking through the Rivertown Cemetery, one of the pricier cemeteries in Sunnydale.  It is mostly the richer families that are buried here.  Tara walks to a certain tombstone and stops, looking at it.

In the summer following Buffy's death, Xander helped put the funds forth that would allow Tara to have her mother transported to this burial plot.  The shot slowly pans down and we see the name EMILY PETERSON MACLAY etched into the stone.  We pan back to Tara, a look of sadness on her face as she looks at where her mother is buried.

Hey mama.

Tara kneels down and places a bouquet of flowers in front of the tombstone.  She touches the tombstone with her fingers.

I..I um...I don't know what to do, mama.  Last night, I told Willow about learning how to use the sword.  I knew she'd be upset, but I wasn't expecting to learn what I did. (a pause) Glory's back and Willow's using dark magick again.  Deep down mama, I knew this day was coming.  I felt it.  I saw Willow's dependance on me, on keeping me safe, and I knew she'd do whatever it took to keep me safe.  Some part of me even knew she'd use dark magick again, but when I found out last night, it just shook me to the core.  I really don't know what to do right now, mama.

Shot of the tombstone.  Then we pan back to Tara.

I don't know how to show Willow that we'll be fine without the dark magick.  And even worse, I can understand why she's using it.  I mean, I started learning the sword for the same reason.  And we still haven't really talked about what happened last night.  There's just so much between us right now.

Tara continues to stare at the tombstone, the grave where her mother is buried for a few more moments before she begins walking away.  She does not look back, but with each step she takes to the entrance to the cemetery, she gets closer and closer to a decision she never thought she'd have to make.

Cut to:
INT. Sunnydale High School, Time Lapse - Day.

As the shot opens, we see BUFFY walking down the long hallways at the high school.  Class is currently in session and Buffy is walking to her office.  We stay on Buffy as she enters her office and takes a seat at her desk.  There is silence as we stay on her before there is a knock at her door.

Buffy looks up as the door opens and we see PRINCIPAL WOOD enter.

Principal Wood?

Principal Wood
Buffy, if you have a few moments, I need to speak to you.

Oh okay.

Buffy follows her boss into his office, closing the door behind her.  He sits behind his desk and she takes a seat in one of the two visitors chairs that's in his office.  He leans his forearms on the desk and laces his fingers together, just watching her.

What did you need?

Principal Wood
Buffy, you haven't been here for the past two weeks.  And when you have been here, it's only been for a couple hours at a time.  I hired you to help the students.  I need you to tell me why you haven't been here.

I've been going through a lot of personal stuff, Principal Wood.  I've tried to be here, things just kept getting in the way.  But I promise, I'm here now and I'm going to start getting here when I'm supposed to be here and you know, help the students like I'm supposed to.

Principal Wood
I hope so, Buffy.  Because, I would hate to have to release you from your position.

Me too.

Principal Wood
Go on, then.

Buffy nods, and then leaves the Principal's office in silence.  After she leaves, Principal Wood opens one of the drawers at his desk and pulls a laptop computer out.  He opens the top up and presses a button.

Shot of the screen.  The screen shows and overhead shot of Buffy's office.  We see Buffy re-entering the office and sitting down.  We can also hear her move about the office as well.  We pan back to Principal Wood's face.  His face is impassive as he watches.

Cut to:
INT. The Source's Lair, the Ground Level, Time Lapse - Day.

As the shot opens, we see GLORY, dressed in the same attire as before, walking around the ground level of the mansion, talking with THE SOURCE.  He is standing near the fireplace, listening to Glory's words.  Various Vampire Soldiers are also dwelling nearby.

I still don't get why your so insistent on me waiting.  You had me brought back to take the Slayer out, right?  Let me get on with it already.

The Source
You have to have patience, Glory.  You want them all dead for your defeat two years ago.  You want the same thing I do.  But before you can do it, I need Tara Maclay alive and well until the Final Apcoalypse.  After that, you can do what you want with them.

Fine...I'll wait.  What am I supposed to do in the meantime?  It's boring just...waiting.

The Source
Okay, you want some entertainment, I'll give you some.  Brujah!

Brujah, who was standing near one one of the exits, walks over and bows.

Yes, boss.

The Source
Contact D'Hoffryn.  Tell him that I want him to send some more of those Dang Zin Knights at the Slayer.

As you wish.

Brujah turns and walks away to relay the order to the lower being.  After he leaves, the Source turns back to Glory.

The Source
You can even go watch if you like.  The Slayer and he buddies will most likely win, but this will be a good test for them and it will keep things from getting too boring.

If that's the best you can do, then fine.  I'll go.

Glory turns and stalks off.  The Source watches her depart for a moment before he walks away in the other direction, shaking his head.

Cut to:

INT. The Magic Box, the Customer Area, Time Lapse - Day.

The shot opens on the front door and we see TARA walk in slowly.  As she enters, her eyes roam over the interior of the shop.  We see that there are a few customers browsing the store, ANYA behind the register, waiting to pounce, and GILES is sitting at the round table in the back, going through a box of things.  She goes towards the Watcher.

Giles looks up from his examination of the box of things he brought back with him from the small trip he made out of town a few days prior.  He smiles as Tara stops a few feet from him.

Hello Tara.

M-mister Giles.

Giles sits back.

Are you alright, Tara?  You seem...I don't know...distant, occupied.

What's all that?

(looks at the box)
Just some things I brought back from my trip.  I'm hoping something in here might help us figure out how to fight the Source.

Hopefully...I guess.

(sitting up)
What's on your mind, Tara?

I um...I need to talk to you.  About...about a choice I have to make.  About Willow.

Giles nods as Tara sits down and she begins explaining her problem.

Cut to:

Commercial Break.

Cut to:

EXT. The Lower Realms - Late Evening.

We open from the commercial break with BRUJAH walking down the darkened corridors in the lower realms.  Brujah enters the realm where D'Hoffryn usually dwells and that's when we see D'HOFFRYN standing in the usual spot where we've seen him in the past occassions when the Source came here.

D'Hoffryn turns as he notices Brujah's approach.  He looks at the Master-like vampire.

Why have you come to my humble abode vampire?

The Source has an order for me to issue to you.

As always, I am at the Source's service.  What does he require?

He wants you to round some Dang Zin Knights and unleash them on the Slayer and her people.

D'Hoffryn shakes his head.

What does he think...Knights come off trees or something?  I can't just summon them.  Not all of them are even here.  Ever since the Rakesh Wars five hundred years ago, they've scattered.  It's going to take a little time to get them together.

How many can you get together in one day?

Maybe ten.

That will be enough.  Send them after the Slayer after you have them.

Very well.  Anything else?


Without waiting for any further words, Brujah turns and leaves while D'Hoffryn watches him depart.

Cut to:

INT. The Summers Residence, Time Lapse - Night.

We cut from that scene to establish the living room at the Summers Residence.  Everyone is gathered there.  WILLOW is seated on the recliner chair with BUFFY seated in the other chair.  XANDER, ANYA, and DAWN are seated on the couch and TARA is seated on one of the dining room chairs that was brought into the living room.

GILES is standing at the entrance to the foyer with his arms crossed.  He shares a glance with Tara before he speaks.  Through this short bit of silence, Willow and Tara have yet to share any type of communication.

Thank you all for coming as quickly as you have.

Well, you did say it was an emergency.

Yeah, has the Source done something?

No...no it's nothing like that.

Then, what's going on G-man?

(he looks at Tara for a beat)
(we see her nod back)
(Willow notices it and her eyebrows widen)
This afternoon, Tara came to the Magic Box and she needed to talk.



(sticking his hands in his pockets)
And...Tara's told me some things that I did not want to hear.  But, I should leave it up to her to tell you the rest.

Tara gets to her feet and looks at the staircase for a second.  We pan over and it is then that we see that there is a duffel bag packed.  She looks back at the group.

This whole thing with the Source...is my fault.

Tara, no it's not!

Yes it is.  We can't ignore the truth anymore.  This is all happening because I was returned to this world.  If I was still....still dead, then none of this would be happening.  And since all this has been going on, Will, you and I have been drifting apart.  Don't tell me it's not true.

Willow stared at her, upset at her words, but unable to deny them.  She stayed silent.

Especially with Glory back.  I've started learning how to use the sword, Willow's been experimenting with dark magick again...

You what...

I had to try to protect Tara.  That was the only way I saw how.

It doesn't matter why.  The point is...we've both kept secrets from each other.  And after last year, I thought we'd never do that again.  And it's because the Source is here and it's because I'm this prophesized Pure One. (a beat of silence) I went to my mom's grave today.  And I talked to her.  I'm not sure when or even why, but I left that cemetery knowing what I had to do.

What are you saying Tara?

The Source...he needs the Pure One inside that Ring of Fire.  You heard Ravnos.  He needs me in that fire to do his ceremony.  I'm pretty sure that's why the Powers sent Michael to take me back to the Higher Realms.  Without me here, the Source couldn't proceed.

Then why return you then?

(looking at him)
They didn't.


(turning to her and smiling softly)
I saw how much you were hurting.  I couldn't stay away.  I found the only doorway between this world and the Higher Realms.  The only side effect...was the memory loss.

And with Tara back here, the Source's plans moved forward again.

Right now, the only way to prevent him from winning this...is if I'm not here. (a beat of silence) I think it would be better if...if I just disappeared.

Shot of the group.  Their faces all show shock and stunned disbelief.  Dawn leaps up out of her chair.

Leave?  You can't leave Tara.  W-we all need you here.

(taking a breath)
Until the time that the Source has to do the ceremony, I think it's better if I disappear.  Otherwise...

Tara, I understand what your saying....but don't you think just leaving town is a little drastic?

Drastic...(laughs sarcastically) do you think I want to do this!  Do you think I want to leave....here?  Of course I don't.  I have no choice here.  If I stay, the Source will win.  By leaving, I'm giving us all a chance.


No Dawnie.  It's better is she does leave.  It's better that way.

Willow stands and heads up the stairs, tears spilling down her cheeks as she sees the duffel bag.  Tara takes several deep breaths, looking after the redhead's form as she departs.  She longs to go after her, but at the moment, there are no words to say.  Instead, she hangs her head down and closes her eyes.

We switch to an overhead shot of the entire group.  Sad, emotional music cues up in the background as we slowly begin to...

Fade to:

INT. Exterior of a Bus Leaving Sunnydale, Time Lapse - Night.

The emotional music continues as we fade into this shot.  We fade from Tara's face in the house to TARA's face and we pan back to reveal that she is seated at a window seat on a bus.  We have a view of the window and we see that the bus is nearing the city limits of Sunnydale.

Tara's cheeks are wet with dried tears and new tears covering them.  She stares out the window as the shot switches to an overhead shot of the entire bus.  As the bus continues down the highway, we hang back and the shot slowly moves over to a single sign.

It is the same sign that we saw when Buffy left Sunnydale after being forced to kill Angel.  The sign says 'Now Leaving Sunnydale'.  Below that line in cursive writing is the words 'come back soon!'.

We stay on that shot with the bus continuing to leave the city as we...


End of Episode 16 - A Glorious Union
End Credits.