Buffy the Vampire Slayer - A Virtual Season 7 - Episode 17
Seeking Answers
by The Devious One (letsrocket_1998@yahoo.com)
Follow the Virtual Season 7 of Buffy the Vampire Slayer by The Devious One
Productions at https://deviousone2002.tripod.com/vir7season.htm.
Buffy and all characters who have appeared in the syndicated series Buffy the Vampire Slayer, together with the names, titles, and backstory are the sole copyright property of Mutant Enemy, the WB, UPN, and of course, Joss Whedon himself. No copyright infringement was intended in the writing of this fan fiction. All other characters, the story ideas and VR season itself are the sole property of the author. This story cannot be sold or used for profit in any way. Copies of this story may be made for private use only and must include all disclaimers and copyright notices.
NOTE: All works remain the © copyright of the original author. These may not be republished in any way, shape, or form without the written expressed consent or acceptance of the author of the story.
SPECIAL NOTE: Two things to say for this episode. One, to all Kittens, while this is not Willow/Tara centric, it will feature Willow and Tara in different scenes. In order for me to further the story that's leading to the final eps, this one ep is not W/T centered. Two, alright everyone, the character 'The Seer' that's debuting in this ep, she comes directly from the series 'Charmed'. If you're familiar with the show, you know who she is. Now, as far as the Gate Keeper goes, I've listed in the credits Julian McMahon playing him. Julian played Cole and later the Source on Charmed. That's basically how I'm looking at this.
(Anthony Steward Head VO)
"Previously on Buffy
the Vampire Slayer"
The normal Previously on Buffy music cues up.
Various scenes from different episodes are now shown. They are in the order as follows.
First, scenes from the episode 'Beneath You' are shown. The scenes that are shown are the young woman in Germany being killed by the robed figures and the words she spoke that led to Tara's vision of her. Also shown are the scenes of the worm creature attacking Nancy and Buffy's saving her, followed by the ending sequence of scenes between Buffy and Spike.
Next, scenes from the episodes 'The Test' and 'Selfless' are shown. From the scenes of Xander and Dawn being captured by the Boss's people to the meeting with Warren and the Boss and including the fight involving Buffy, Willow, and Tara against the six demons, Willow's use of dark magick and Tara's newfound power making an appearance, to Spike saving Xander and Dawn and ending with the Boss's manipulation of Spike during the final scene where Spike attacks a homeless woman. And the scenes depicting Anya's last wish and her fight with Buffy are shown.
Scenes from 'Revelations' are shown, showing the Harbingers attacking the Gang and taking Spike, and the final scene, in which the Source rises up a hideous beast that is a true full blooded vampire. And then, scenes from 'Inner Demons' are shown, showing Willow and Tara's battle with Rack to Spike's torment by the Source and the Ubervamp.
And next, scenes from episode 10 'The Sacrifice, Part 1' is shown. The scenes shown are the Ubervamp's hunting of Buffy, Giles, Anya, Dawn, Willow, and Tara, followed by the conversation Willow and Tara had about possibly leaving Sunnydale when the big battle is over. The scene showing Buffy's victory over the Ubervamp is shown, followed by the Source's interactions with the demon sorcerer Kronell. A couple more scenes are shown of Kronell completing the ritual with Warren's unexpected appearance towards the end and ending with the Source's visit to the Council of Watcher's headquarters in London and the Harbingers attack against Xander, Andrew, and Jonathan at Xander's apartment.
Following those scenes are scenes from the episode 'The Sacrifice, Part 2' are shown. Beginning with the gang finding Xander, Andrew, and Jonathan unconscious, to Buffy, Xander, and Giles's meeting with the Old Woman, to Buffy's slaying of Kronell, and with the climactic scenes of saving Tara and Buffy's fight with Warren, and ending with the appearance of Michael, and the sad goodbye Tara made to her friends as she left with Michael to return to the Higher Realms.
Just after those are shown, the next scenes are shown from the episode 'Alternate Possibilities' showing Buffy's time in the parallel reality. Showing the Coalition of Demons and Vampires, Buffy's meeting with Willow and Xander and later Tara and then the subsequent battles with Angelus and Spike. The compilation ends with showing the scenes of Skips final words to Buffy and then Tara's shocking reappearance at the Magic Box.
And next, scenes from the episode 'Lost Memories' are shown. The scenes are showing the explanations to Tara about her history with the Scoobies as well as her interactions with the Source at his mansion. Then, we see the fight between the Scoobs and the Source's minions before ending on scenes of the Source's speaking with the Dark Mystics and Spike's arrival at the Summers House with Ravnos.
Following that, scenes from the VS7 episode 'Restoration' are shown. The scenes that are shown are depicting the events of Ravnos's explanation of the Final Apocalypse to the gang, Tara's and Giles's meeting with the Great Oracle, and ending with the showing of the battle where the ritual took place. The final shot in these scenes shows the Source's smile as he glances at a resting Glory sleeping on a bed.
Then, scenes from 'Reapers' are shown. It is the scenes of Riley and Sam's arrival in Sunnydale, to their helping Buffy, Tara, Willow out with the Reaper and continuing with the destruction and explanation of what the Reapers were and where they came from. Then, showing the now re-capture of Spike by Riley's troops. The compilation of scenes ends with Tara's training with Buffy beginning and Willow's own secret of dabbling in dark magick again.
And finally, scenes from the episode 'A Glorious Union' are shown. We see the scenes Willow and Tara's secrets being exposed and their altercation with Glory. And we see the scenes leading up to Tara's decision to leave Sunnydale in order to give them all a fighting chance against the coming apocalypse.
EXT. Interior of an Apartment, Unknown Location - Night.
The scene opens with an overhead shot of an apartment room. It is a typical apartment. A bathroom is off to one side, a small table in a corner for eating lunch or dinner, a bed posted at one wall and a window on the far side.
And on that bed, we see TARA laying down with her back against the headboard and her legs extended outward. She has a picture frame in her hand and her gaze is traveling along the picture inside the frame.
Shot of the picture. It is one of Willow and Tara's pictures together. The two girls are holding each other and facing the camera, big smiles on their faces and cheeks touching. The shot pans back to Tara's face.
There is a look of deep sadness on her face. A few tears are on her face as most of her tears have already been shed. She runs her fingers over Willow's image for several seconds. As the seconds progress onward, we hear the sound of a phone ringing.
Tara shakes out of her spell of sadness and reaches to the night time table. She picks up a cell phone laying there and presses a button. She puts the phone to her ear.
From the other side, we hear a familiar voice.
Dawn (VO)
Tara? It's Dawn.
As the phone conversation begins, we intercept back and forth from Tara's apartment room to Dawn in her room at the Summers House. As we intercut to Dawn, we see that she is dressed in her normal sleeping atire. She is sitting on her bed, cross legged with a smile on her face as she talks with her surrogate mother.
Dawnie, it's so good to hear from you. How are you doing?
I'm doing okay. It's been a tough few weeks without you here watching out
for me.
Ah Dawnie, you know you don't need me to watch over you. You have Buffy
and Mister Giles for that.
It's not the same, Tara.
Tara smiles into the phone, setting the picture down.
How are things going on back there?
Things are good. Giles has been busy researching the stuff he brought back
from some trip he took. He thinks it might help us figure out how to fight
the Source.
That's good news.
Yeah. Buffy's been taking Xander and Willow on patrol with her.
They've been dusting vamps left and right. Ever since Spike vanished,
she's needed a little backup.
He still hasn't turned up?
No, Buffy thinks he bailed on us. I guess even with the soul, he's still a
chicken on the inside.
How about Willow? How is she?
(a little silence)
She's okay. I think she misses you more than the rest of us, but she's
handling it okay. She's mainly been keeping herself busy.
But she's not...like depressed all the time, right?
Only at night. I can hear her calling your name at night. But she
knows your safe, so that's good enough for her. When are you coming back?
I'm not sure, Dawnie. I have to stay away for now. It's better all
round. But I will be back soon.
In the background from Tara's end of the conversation, we can hear a door shutting.
Oh, that must be Buffy, Xander, and Willow. They went patrolling
earlier. I better go....unless you wanna talk to Willow.
No...I think it's better for Will if we don't talk right now. Call me
again when you can.
I will.
Tara presses the end call button and slowly relaxes against the bed, clutching the phone to her chest and closing her eyes. She takes a deep breath and puts the phone back on the table. She opens her eyes and looks back at the picture. The look of sadness returns and she stares at the picture with a sense of longing.
Cut to:
Opening Credits:
Anthony Steward Head as Giles
Special Guest Stars
Jason Isaacs
Claire Kramer
Andy Umberger
D.B. Woodside
with Julian McMahan as the Gate Keeper
& Debbie Morgan as The Seer
& a special appearance by James Marsters as Spike
Cut to:
EXT. The Magic Box, Near the Back - Day.
ANYA is standing behind the counter, ringing up a purchase for a customer as the opening scene begins. She is wearing one of her new outfits, a business suit. Pressed gray slacks with a light blue silk blouse tucked into them and her hair is curly, but not pulled back like she sometimes does.
Thank you for purchasing at my store.
Anya smiles at the customer, then watches the woman leave after paying for the items. With a heavy sigh, Anya turns and walks back to the round table, where the others are gathered. We pan around to reveal GILES, BUFFY, XANDER, WILLOW, and DAWN all gathered together.
As Anya nears, we see that there is a thick leather volumed text on the table in front of Giles. He has it open and is looking through it. Anya stops before the round table, seeing them glance at her. She looks at Giles.
Alright Giles, you got everyone here. In MY shop. Now, do you care
to explain why you're here?
Giles glares at Anya for a moment.
Anya, can you at least try to be civil here? I wouldn't have called the
meeting unless I thought it was absolutely necessary.
Anya looked behind her, seeing the lack of customers and frowning. Turning, she sat down at the round table and gave her attention to the Watcher as the others did the same. Giles released a breath and looked at the book in front of him.
I've been looking through all the items I brought back from my trip.
You've been all secrety about that. Where did you go?
Yeah, and why have you been all hiding with the information?
(looking at them)
The contact I went to see...well, for his own reasons, he asked me to fly out to
see him at an undisclosed location. He had things we could use against the
Source. He's sort of like Willie.
Ooh, so he's a bartender who'll give ya information if you beat it out of 'em.
No, it's a bit different than that. He's a Dark Mystic.
As in the kind that helped the Source resurrect Glory.
(nodding to them)
Yes. Only, my contact doesn't share the same beliefs that the other
Mystics share. He's been opposed to the Source gaining power and he's
opposed to what the Source has planned. That's why he gave me these books.
(looking at the book)
What are those books?
A way to fight the Source.
You mean....they have the answer to how we can beat him?
Not necessarily the answer to his destruction. (pause) These books were written
by ancient prophets who foreseen the events that we are going through now.
They documented their visions about the Final Apocalypse and about how we can
achieve answers to what the Source is.
Sounds like something we can use.
Well, let's get cracking on these books.
There's a downside, Buffy.
What is it?
In order to get the answers we seek, you have to undergo a journey to prove your
worthy of the answers.
(raising her eyebrows)
What do you mean?
(taking a deep breath)
What's written in this book is something similar to the spiritual quest Slayers
go on. It's a journey to another realm. There is someone there known
as the Gate Keeper. The Gate Keeper has all answers. There are
documented ocassions of past Slayers who have sought answers from him. You
have to enter his realm to get answers. He will test you before he gives
you any answers.
Buffy stands up and puts her hands on her hips. We have a close up of her face. It is set in stone seriousness and it is a look of absolute determination.
So, let's get started. Giles, we're running out of time fast. We
need these answers. I'll go through whatever test this Gate Keeper throws
at me.
Alright. Willow, Anya, here's a list of the supplies we'll need to open
the portal to his realm.
(taking the list)
Right, I'll get on it.
Willow doesn't say anything else. She gets up and walks through the Magic Box's aisles.
Cut to:
INT. The Source's Mansion, Time Lapse - Day.
As the shot opens on this scene, we see GLORY pacing back and forth on the ground level of the mansion. Up on the balcony of the upper level, we pan the shot upward and around to show THE SOURCE talking to BRUJAH. The Source's attitude and demeanor is enraged and frustrated.
After a few moments, the Source turns and stalks away from Brujah and descends from the stairs and, once he's at the ground level, nears where Glory is pacing.
The Source
This is impossible!
That little witch couldn't have just up and disappeared! What happened to
your influence!!
Glory, my influence as you put it, only goes so far.
Only goes so far...
That's right. If I had full access to my powers, I'd have no problem
finding her. But unless she starts using her powers, I can't track her.
How are we going to find her, then? You've used just about all of your
The Source shakes his head and lets a chuckle escape.
What are you laughing at?
There's still one avenue I haven't gone down yet.
There is?
It's something I never really thought I'd need to use again. But it's the
only way I believe we have in finding her.
Then go use it. Remember, all I want out of this is revenge. You
promised me my nummy treat, remember.
I remember.
The Source turns and begins stalking away, dissolving in a flash of light as he does so. Glory watches him leave.
Cut to:
Commercial Break.
Cut to:
EXT. The Magic Box, the Training Area - Early Evening.
The scene begins and we see GILES, ANYA, and XANDER getting everything prepared for the ritual to open the gateway to the realm that Buffy will be traveling to. Over in the corner, however, we see BUFFY and WILLOW talking.
Buffy is wearing a white turtleneck long sleeved sweater with a light blue jean jacket and a long black skirt with black boots on and she has her hair pulled back into a ponytail. Willow is wearing a light tan flowery top with a pair of dark brown pants.
How are you handling things, Will?
Oh, I'm okay y'know. At least I'm not crying every day now.
(smiling a little)
You know, you have the number she left us. You can call her to talk to
I don't know what to say, Buffy. I mean, I lied to her about the dark
magick. She kept that sword thing to herself. I just don't know what
to say.
You tell her what your feeling. Will, you didn't say goodbye to her and I
know she wanted to at least talk to you before she left. It's not good to
keep things between you two.
I know....I just...
Buffy, we're ready.
Giles's interrupted words cut their conversation about Tara short. The two women walk over to where the others are standing. Arranged on the ground is a circle made of white magic powder with ancient symbols written out in more of the powder along the inside of the circle.
Giles opens the book to the page he was looking for and looks at Buffy.
When I speak the words, the vortex will open. Buffy, I have to warn
you...I have no idea how long exactly this vortex will remain open.
There's a chance you could be trapped in whatever realm the vortex goes to.
Doesn't matter Giles. We need these answers and if this Gate Keeper can
give them to us, then we have to try this.
Giles takes a step back and chants from the thick volume Latin words that formulated the chant. Within seconds after completing the chant, the circle of magic powder began to glow a bright blue and the entire diameter of the circle sparkled together and formed a perfect vortex, glowing and rippling with energy.
It was much louder now and everyone had to raise their voice in order to be heard.
Good luck Buffy!!
Thanks....I'll be back as soon as I can!
Without another pause, Buffy jumped off the floor and her body descended through the vortex, her friends watching her disappear.
Cut to:
INT. Sunnydale High School, Time Lapse - Early Evening.
We are taken from the shot of Buffy descending into the vortext to a black and white screen showing her jump into the vortex. We pan back and behind us to where we see PRINCIPAL WOOD sitting on his chair behind his desk where it's revealed he's watching video feed from a camera at the Magic Box through his laptop computer.
Principal Wood continues to watch the footage for a few more moments before he picks up his cell phone and dials one button, presumably a speed dial. He puts the phone to his ear.
This is Wood. Inform the Dragon that I have news regarding the
Wood continues to stare at the screen as he listens to whoever is on the other end of the phone.
Cut to:
INT. The Lower Realms, Time Lapse - Early Evening.
The shot opens on THE SOURCE. He is walking into the Lower Realms, more importantly, towards the chamber where D'Hoffryn mainly resides. He stalks forward and into the chamber where we can see D'HOFFRYN sitting, cross legged on a tomb near the center of the room.
D'Hoffryn looks up as the Source nears.
Once again, the Source graces me with his presence.
Cut the compliments, D'Hoffryn. You know why I'm here.
I do.
Then stop wasting my time and take me to her.
She will be pleased to see you.
Move it.
D'Hoffryn nods and gets back to his feet. He walks to one of the walls of the chamber and holds out one of his hands, palm facing the wall. Before our viewing scene, we see a swirl of lights and colors opening up, obviously a portal. D'Hoffryn steps back and bows to the Source.
The Source looks at D'Hoffryn for a moment, then he stalks into the portal.
Cut to:
INT. The Other Side of Portal, Time Lapse - Mid Evening.
THE SOURCE exits the portal and lands in a dark chamber filled with steam rising from the ground. In the center of the dark chamber is a square energy shield enclosing a single figure inside. You can see the outline of the square clearly as it is made of fire.
Inside the square is a middle aged black woman with dark hair that's tied up on her head. She wears gold ear rings on her ears and she is wearing a long dark red dress that covers most of her body. She stands with her back facing the Source.
The Source watches her for a moment, recognizing her immediately.
The woman, however, can sense his presence and speaks without turning around.
Source, my liege...I am honored by your presence after all these years.
Hello Seer.
The woman, known as THE SEER, turns around and smiles at the Source.
It has been a long time, my lord.
Yes, a long time indeed.
She nods her head in agreement of his words.
Cut to:
INT. Unknown Realm, Time Lapse - Late Evening.
A desert wasteland. That's where the shot opens and we see BUFFY, standing there at the top of a hill and looking around for anything. This is where she has ended up.
Shaking her head, Buffy began walking in one direction, moving slowly, hoping to find some type of sign of life in this place that she now found herself in.
After a few moments of walking, her senses kick in and she turns around, but she sees nothing out of the ordinary. She turns back around and we see the reason for her senses triggering her.
There is a demon wearing a black robe standing in front of her with an axe in his hand. He appeared virtually out of nowhere. The shot zooms out to reveal that within a moment, two more demons ascend from under the ground, each of them wielding a fighting weapon. They advance toward Buffy.
Okay...this is my test I take it. I can deal.
Buffy takes a step back and pulls her stake out from her pocket. Without taking a pause, she jumps into the air, performing a splits in mid air, both of her booted feet connecting with the head of the two demons on either side of her. Landing on her feet, she releases the stake into the air, watching it impale into the throat of the third demon.
The demon falls to it's knees, green blood gushing from the wound at the neck. A few more seconds later, that demon is dead. Buffy rushes forward and grabs her stake out of the demon's throat and she grabs the axe. The other two demons are back to their feet and are charging her now.
Buffy times her move just right and when they are about to get to her, she whips her arms out, the bloodied stake and the axe going flying in two different directions. The stake hits one demon in the chest, killing it before it hits the ground. Meanwhile, the axe imbeds itself into the chest of the other demon.
It collapses on the ground, on it's way to death as well. Buffy stands victorious over the three demons. The shot pans around to where her back is facing us as she turns. We pan over and we see a bright shimmer visualize a few feet from where Buffy's standing. She sees the shimmer and readies herself for another battle.
A single human looking figure stands there. It is a man wearing a long black robe from neck to his ankles. He has dark hair, cut short. He smiles at the Slayer. Buffy realizes within a moment that it's the GATE KEEPER.
Well done, Miss Summers.
She stares back at him, not sure what to say.
Cut to:
INT. Dimensional Prison Chamber, Lower Realms, Time Lapse - Late Evening.
We resume from the last time we were in this scene. THE SOURCE is standing before the square fire prison that holds THE SEER. They are staring at each other. The Source has his hands in the pockets of his white pants. The Seer, on the other hand, is just standing still.
I believe you know why I'm here, Seer.
You have lost the Pure One.
Yes...this close to the celestial alignment, I can't afford to not have all the
information. You can find her for me.
(walking within her limited space)
Why come to me, my liege? Surely, you have all these other means to find
Cut the crap, Seer. You know why I'm here. I can't find her using
all those other methods. I need your help here. (pause) Come on, it'll be
like old times.
If I remember correctly, Source, it was you who put me here.
(rolls his eyes)
Yes well...you did betray me, remember?
I remember. But don't you remember why? It was the only way to
ensure the continuation of your existence.
Says you.
(walking towards him)
I did what I believed was needed to protect you.
Look, what's done is done. I need you to find the Pure One for me.
I will find her for you. But I have one condition.
I'm listening.
You free me from this prison you put me in so that I may return to my service to
You want to serve me....after what I did to you?
You are the Source of Evil. I was your most trusted servant. Allow
me to do that service again.
The Source steps back, appearing to consider the idea. After a moment, he raises his right hand and moves his hand in a circular motion. The fire square that has imprisoned the Seer dissolves before our eyes. The Seer is freed.
Remember Seer, if you betray me again, whatever your reason, I won't just
imprison you next time. I'll destroy you, but I'll make the pain....last.
I understand, my lord.
The Source nods.
Cut to:
INT. The Magic Box, the Front Area, Time Lapse - Late Evening.
The scene begins with a shot of WILLOW. The redheaded witch is sitting at the top of the stairs, a cell phone laying still in her hands. She keeps glancing at the phone, a nervous look on her face.
Close up of the surface of the phone. We see a number on the surface, but above the number is the words 'Tara Maclay'. The shot goes back to Willow's face. She takes a deep breath and presses the speed dial on the number pad of the phone.
Putting the phone to her ear, she waits and listens while it rings.
On the fourth ring, it is picked up and we hear Tara's voice on the other end. As the phone conversation begins, we intersect between scenes, showing Willow and Tara, who is sitting on her hotel bed.
(sighs in relief)
Tara...it's me.
Wi-willow? Honey, is that you?
Is...is everything alright? No one's hurt, are they?
No, no one's hurt. We have a lead on how to fight the Source. If it
pans out, things might be safe enough for you to come home.
Yeah...I miss you Tara.
Willow, and us, can hear Tara intake a breath at hearing that.
Oh honey, I miss you too. So much. I hate how we left things.
I know, me too. I'm sorry I kept that thing about the dark magick from
I'm sorry too. For the sword learning thing. But don't blame Buffy.
I went to her about it.
I know. I don't blame Buffy or you. Things just got way out of
control for us all.
(after a silence)
Are-are you still using dark magick?
Willow took several deep breaths, knowing she had to tell Tara the truth, but not wanting to.
Not...not like it was last year. All I've been doing is dabbling in a few
spells. Just something to keep us safe. That's all it was ever for.
I know. (pause) Willow, while I'm away from Sunnydale, away from you...I want
you to do something for me.
Anything baby. I'll do anything.
Stop practicing the dark magick. It's not healthy and it's not
right. I don't want to have to watch you go all that again. Will you
do that for me?
Yes, I'll stop. I don't want things to get so bad like they were last
year. Your leaving was the hardest thing I'd ever experienced. (a pause)
No, second hardest.
Tara didn't have to guess to know what the other was.
I know. Leaving you was the hardest thing I'd ever done. But
I had to do it. (a pause) So, tell me about this lead you guys found.
We pan back and backtrack slowly down the stairs, the shot staying on Willow as she begins explaining things to Tara. We stay on that shot as we...
Cut to:
Commercial Break.
Cut to:
EXT. Unknown Realm - Late Evening.