Buffy the Vampire Slayer - Virtual Season 7 - Episode 2
by The Devious One (letsrocket_1998@yahoo.com)
Follow the Virtual Season 7 of Buffy the Vampire Slayer by The Devious One
Productions at https://deviousone2002.tripod.com/vir7season.htm.
Buffy and all characters who have appeared in the syndicated series Buffy the Vampire Slayer, together with the names, titles, and backstory are the sole copyright property of Mutant Enemy, the WB, UPN, and of course, Joss Whedon himself. No copyright infringement was intended in the writing of this fan fiction. All other characters, the story ideas and VR season itself are the sole property of the author. This story cannot be sold or used for profit in any way. Copies of this story may be made for private use only and must include all disclaimers and copyright notices.
NOTE: All works remain the © copyright of the original author. These may not be republished in any way, shape, or form without the written expressed consent or acceptance of the author of the story.
(Anthony Steward Head VO)
"Previously on Buffy the Vampire Slayer"
The normal Previously on Buffy music cues up.
Various scenes from different episodes are now shown. They are in the order as follows.
A small compilation of Willow and Tara scenes from the episodes "Who Are You?", "New Moon Rising", and "Family". Following that is various scenes showing Xander and Anya's relationship evolving and ending in "Hell's Bells". Just after that is the third compilation. This compilation of scenes shows Giles actions during the fifth season, ending with his departure in Season Six in accordance with the progression of the Buffy and Spike relationship, ending with the scene in "Seeing Red".
Following those scenes is a compilation showing the events and after effects that took place in the episodes "Seeing Red", "Villains", "Two to Go", and "Grave". Finally, the final moments of the Previously on Buffy ends with the last moments of Virtual Season 7 episode 1, "Alive Again".
EXT. Empty & Deserted Cemetery, Sunnydale - Night.
It is the same night as the one with Tara's soul being returned. It is not, however, the same cemetery. This cemetery is silent. The only sounds that can be heard is the crickets making their usual sounds and a few frogs making their sounds. The grass on the ground is moving slightly as the wind is silently blowing through the area. Just then, the winds that blow through the silent cemetery begin to pick up their speed and flashes of light begin surging through the area.
Pan up towards the night sky to reveal a circular white in color vortex opening. It is not very big, but it is circular in shape and it floats in the sky. Suddenly, two things happen from the vortex. A pure white ball of energy exits the vortex. It is the same ball of energy that restores Tara's soul to her body. But the other object that exits from the vortex is larger and different in shape.
It is human shaped and it hits the ground hard, landing on it's stomach as it falls near a tombstone. Pan back up to the night sky to see that the vortex slowly closes until it is no longer visible in the sky. We pan back to where the human body lay. There is a pair of black pants and a light blue button up blue shirt, untucked, over the pants at the waistline. The person slowly begins to move towards his hands and knees, coughing as his right hand grasps the tombstone.
Pan on the back and back of the person's head as the individual slowly stands on two unsteady feet. The shot stays still as he turns around to reveal a familiar face. The person is revealed to be WARREN. He looks around the silent cemetery in shock, then looks at his hands.
Pan down to show that there are tendrils of black and purple energy surging through his hands and sparkling off his fingertips. Pan back up to his face.
A devilish smile crosses his face.
He opens his mouth, as if to say something, but a new sound alerts him to something behind him. He turns around to see three VAMPIRES breaking through the group of trees. Without speaking, Warren steps forward two steps and raises his hands. The vampires scream out in pain as the purple and black waves of magical energy touch their bodies and slowly burns them where they stand.
Pan back to Warren's face. There is another devilish smile that crosses his face.
I'm back.
Cut to:
INT. Summers House - Upstairs Bathroom, Time Lapse - Night.
The bathroom upstairs has one sound that resonates through it. The shower is on and the water is pouring downward as we pan to see TARA, her face only. Her eyes are closed and she is just standing there, letting the water pour over her face. Her lips are trembling as she moves her head a fraction of an inch.
Slowly, her left hand comes up to her face and rubs just under her eye. A second passes before she raises her other hand and runs her fingers through her dark blonde locks. A beat passes as she soaks her hair, the water continuing to pour downward.
She then slowly opens her eyes and looks at her hands and arms.
A silent beat passes as her eyebrows furrow and eyes flicker shut and open a few times. We fade into Tara's mind to see what she is suddenly seeing. We see the final two days of her previous life. From waking up with WILLOW in bed after getting back together from their brief time apart to the time they spent together that day and finally, to the final moments. Of the bullet shattering through the window and puncturing her heart, taking her life instantly.
Slowly pan back to the shower as Tara rubs her eyes. She reaches down and turns the steamy hot water of her shower off and sets her hair back as she reaches to her left and opens the shower sliding door. Pan over to see the interior of the bathroom. The white walls are covered with moisture from the shower just taken. Tara slowly exits the shower stall and grabs a large and fluffy towel and dries herself off.
A few seconds pass before she grabs a light blue robe and pulls it over her now clean skin. She ties the robe off at the waist and walks over to the mirror above the sink. Pan around to show the steam covering the mirror. Then, Tara's hand reaches up and rubs across the mirror, removing the moisture that was there. The shot stays there to see Tara's face in the mirror. Her face is still, as if in a silent depression for a moment, before her lips tremble and she closes her eyes as she silently cries.
A few more seconds pass as she continues to cry before a new sound is heard.
Pan to the outside of the bathroom to see WILLOW silently knocking on the bathroom door, a concerned look on her face.
There is no answer from the bathroom, so Willow tries again.
Willow (continued)
Tara? Are you okay?
Shot goes back inside the bathroom to see Tara wiping the tears from her eyes with a tissue. She takes a deep breath and then turns and walks over to the door. She reaches down with her right hand and opens the door. A concerned looking Willow gazing at her.
(trying to smile)
I'm okay.
(a little anxious)
Do you need anything to drink or eat?
Tara silently shakes her hand, but she does feel a certain need. Without speaking, she reaches out and grabs Willow's left hand with her right hand, just needing the physical contact. The contact gives her silent strength. She is able to smile more now. And she does.
I'm okay...now. I just...I need some rest.
Tara lets go of Willow's hand and turns and walks into their shared bedroom, silently closing the door behind her. Pan around to see Willow's face. It is a look of extreme concern and sadness on the redheaded witch's face.
Cut to:
Opening Credits:
Special Guest Stars
Anthony Steward Head
Adam Busch
Cut to:
EXT. Summers House - Living Room, Time Lapse - Night.
Willow slowly descends the stairs, moving downward until she steps off the last step. She turns right and we pan around to the living room to see BUFFY and DAWN sitting on the couch, both looking very concerned and a little bit shocked at the events that this night brought. Both at the vampire trap under that warehouse and the sudden return of Tara's soul to her body. They both look over and see her. Buffy and Dawn rise.
Willow takes a couple of breaths as she walks over to them.
(VO as the shot is on Buffy and Dawn)
She's in our room. She just needs some rest.
Buffy walks over to her best friend.
What about you Will? How are you doing?
(shaking her head)
I'm....I don't know how to phrase what I'm feeling. I'm thrilled, ecstatic
that she's back. I mean, it's what all my dreams have been about
since....since it happened. But, I'm kind of shocked too. I mean,
why did it happen now?
Buffy shares a glance with Dawn. Neither knowing the answer and both wishing Giles would return. Buffy furrows her brow as an thought comes to her.
Will? Um...how exactly did you know that ball of
light would be going there? I mean, all I remember happening is telling
you guys about that hooded guy's necklace and the next thing we know, you're out
the door.
Did you have like....this sudden premonition or something?
Shot of Willow looking down towards her feet for a moment. A beat passes and she looks back up.
Well, earlier, before Giles brought me back from the
mountains, I was doing one of his meditation techniques and I had a vision in
the middle of it. I swear to you....I saw that light coming from the sky
and entering her grave. When I had the vision, I couldn't see who's grave
it was or what was written on the tombstone. And I also saw some guy
wearing a suit. And the thing about the guy....he had a necklace just like
what you were describing. And I just thought....
You thought if the part about the necklace was correct,
then there was a chance the ball of light could be, too?
The front door just beyond where they are standing opens and GILES and XANDER enter, just having finished re-piling the dirt back into the grave. Their hands are dirty and they look exhausted. They come to a stop as they see the three women standing there. Giles pushes his glasses towards his nose.
Don't worry, she's fine. Willow took her upstairs
and she's resting now. We were just discussing how Willow knew to go
Pan to Giles face. Looking at Willow.
(his right hand on his right hip)
Yes...I was wondering about that myself.
Pan around to Willow's face.
I'll explain it to everyone in the morning. Right
now, I just want to get some sleep.
Yes and I believe we all need to get cleaned up.
Buffy, would it be alright if I stay here tonight?
Pan around to Buffy's face. She nods silently.
I'll go ahead and head home. I'll see you guys
Xander exits through the front door as Giles heads upstairs to take himself a shower. Willow looks at Buffy and Dawn for a moment before she turns and goes upstairs as well, to head to her and Tara's bedroom. Dawn and Buffy are left alone.
The two sisters share a look. Tomorrow was looking to be a very eventful day.
Cut to:
INT. Along the Streets of Sunnydale - Night.
Pan down to show that WARREN is walking along the streets of Sunnydale. There are hardly anybody out. Those that are walking pay hardly any attention to him as he slowly walks through the street. There are very little sounds on the streets as well. The only streets that can be heard are the occasional vehicles driving by or random people moving down the sidewalk, their footsteps being the sound or them talking amongst themselves.
Warren continues to walk along the street until he begins to slow down as he comes to a stop at an alley in between two buildings.
Pan around to see the alley he's looking at. There is absolutely no sound or no people in the alley. Pan back around to Warren's face. He looks back and forth in both directions to see if anyone is paying him any attention. Assured that there aren't, he begins to walk down the deserted alley. Seconds count by as he moves deeper and deeper into the alley.
Shot of a certain part of the building on his left. It is mostly still, except for the occasional energy rifting cackling on the building. Pan back around to see Warren's face. It is a look of concentration as he reaches his hand out to touch the cackling portion of the building. His hand touches what should be the side of the building. Pan over to see the wall. The wall shimmers and his hand enters and invisible wall that is where the building should be. Warren slowly enters the invisible energy barrier.
Cut to:
INT. Interior of the Invisible Barrier - Night.
Shot of Warren's face as he enters from the energy barrier. Pan around to see the interior of the invisible barrier. It is what appears to be a magical store of some kind. In front of where Warren stands is the doorway, which is nothing more than a entrance with stringed beads hanging down. Beyond that, a small circular table is visible and an OLD WOMAN is seated on the other side. She has shoulder length faded white and grayed hair with a handkerchief set over her head. Her eye lids are sewed shut and her hands are moving over a smaller sized crystal ball. The crystal ball is glowing an eery green color.
Shot of Warren looking as though he is having doubts for coming here.
Old Woman
Welcome to my store.
(looking a little disgusted)
Who are you?
The old woman laughs, a hideous sound not liked by Warren.
Old Woman
Don't ask questions to which you don't desire answers.
Warren walks past the doorway of stringed beads and walks towards the table. A shot of the small crystal ball as it suddenly begins glowing black and purple.
Old Woman
Oooh.....you have just been returned from the dead,
haven't you?
(sitting down in a chair across from her)
Yes. I've come here because....
Old Woman
(interrupting him)
Because you want to know why you were allowed to return.
That's right.
Pan around to show the woman placing her crystal ball on her lap and reaching for a pouch on the table in front of her. She picks the pouch up with her right hand and pours the items inside on her left hand. Pan down to show gold colored coins falling out of the pouch. The old woman puts her hands together and shakes the coins within them while whispering a chant. She then opens her hands and tosses the coins on the table. Pan down to see the coins on the table. A beat passes before her hands are seen touching the coins.
What are you doing?
Old Woman
Silence! You want answers, then let me work!!
There is silence throughout the interior of the old woman's domain as she runs her fingers over the coins and deciphers the answers that her coins are giving her. For her, these coins are like totem cards for fortune tellers. She slowly moves her hands off the coins after a moment.
Well....what did you see?
Old Woman
My coins tell me that you fulfilled a goal before your
death. You have been returned to fulfill a new goal set forth by a
powerful force. You have been granted mystical energy to help you fulfill
this new goal. But, my coins also tell me that if you are not careful, you
will soon die again.
What?! What goal? What powerful force?
Old Woman
I do not know much more than what I just told you.
But, one other thing to mention. The death you already suffered...it was
at the hands of a vengeance crazed lover...correct?
Yeah, so what?
Old Woman
(now smiling, her teeth yellow and little holes in them)
That lover you killed....her soul was returned to her body at the same time you
were returned. It may not be important to you....but I thought you should
Shot of Warren's face. He has a concerned look on his face.
What am I supposed to do now?!
Old Woman
I told you....I can't answer that. The coins don't
reveal everything.
Warren stands, his expression of anger and he slams his hands down on the table. The force of his hands slamming down shakes the table, rattling the coins. The old woman is unmoved and it was as though she was expecting it.
Look old woman! I don't care, your coins are wrong!!
The old woman slowly moves her hands back. She raises her right hand, palm facing Warren.
Old Woman
My coins are never wrong, Warren Mears.
As she speaks those words, an invisible wave of energy hits Warren and his body moves into the air. Pan close to Warren's face. So close that nothing else is visible. Warren's body hits something solid and we pan back to see that he has hit the side of the other building in the alley he first entered. Dazed, Warren stands and walks across the small distance and reaches his hands out again. This time, there is no shimmer and his hands touch solid brick of the building.
Dammit, old hag!
Warren's lips tense in anger as he shakes his head.
Cut to:
INT. Summers House, Willow & Tara's Bedroom - Next Morning.
The bedroom is mostly silent in the early morning hours. The shot is at the window, so the sunlight shining through the partially opened windows can be seen as it shines onto the floor. The shot pans around from the window towards the bed by the far wall. The shot is moving slowly, so the rest of the room can be seen before the bed and it's inhabitants are now seen.
TARA is laying on her back, the dark blue with yellow flowery designs sheets covering her body from just above her breasts down. Cuddled to her left side is WILLOW. The redhead is resting with her right cheek on Tara's left shoulder and her left arm is partially under the sheet, but her hand is seen resting over Tara's heart. They are both awake. A smile is grazing Willow's face while Tara just looks peaceful with her left arm around Willow's back.
(looking up)
A shot of Tara looking at Willow and giving her a smile.
Without speaking, Willow raises her head and lifts it towards Tara's. The two kiss, slowly and tenderly for several seconds before Willow pulls away and looks at her.
I missed you.
Shot of Tara's face. She looks away at the words. She looks towards the window.
I missed you too. There's a lot to talk about, Will.
(a little nervous)
Th...there is?
(a compassionate look on her face)
Yes. Will, you know that old saying......the dead can hear the thoughts of
the living if it's about them?
(swallowing and taking a breath)
(lifting the corner of one side of her mouth)
I heard a lot after I....after I died. Especially the first few days after
it happened. I could your thoughts....screaming at me. It
was....strong. Very strong. I could feel you...feel your
presence....and all the emotions you were going through. I felt.....I felt
your rage.
A few silent beats as Willow tries to swallow the lump that's now in her throat. She opens her mouth and takes several deep breaths as she stares at the sheets. Pan over to see Tara watching her. A very compassionate look on her face. Tara lifts her right hand and places her index finger under Willow's chin and gently lifts it up so that she can look at Willow's eyes and Willow can look at hers.
You took a person's life in revenge for what happened to me. I felt and
saw what you did and what you almost did to the world. I need to ask you
this and I want you to be honest with me. How can I be happy....how can I
ever be at peace, knowing what you would do if that ever happened again?
(in a monotone voice)
I....I was hurting so much. I just....I wanted Warren to feel....what I
was feeling. And then....I just wanted it all to stop. I didn't
(rubbing Willow's back with her left hand)
I know Will, trust me, I do. I don't want to dwell on the past too much
Will. I just want us to get back to what we were. We're both hurting
right now, but we can get through it. Together.
Tara pulls Willow to her and they embrace, very emotionally and very gently as they hug each other. They begin rocking each other back and forth, no further words necessary.
Cut to:
INT. Summers House, Downstairs - Morning.
Dawn is walking down the stairs. She is dressed in a pair of blue jeans with a pink sleeveless shirt tucked into them. A white button up shirt is over her arms and hanging down her sides. She turns right and sees her sister, BUFFY, sitting on the couch, reading a book.
(entering and waving)
Buffy looks up from the small, thin book she was reading and gazes at her sister. Buffy is dressed in a pair of black jeans and a dark blue short sleeved shirt. She has her legs crossed as Dawn stops in front of her.
Hey Dawn. Going somewhere?
Actually...no. I was going to wait and see if I
could hang with Tara and Willow today.
(pauses as she takes a breath)
I'm....still a little...I'm having a hard time with the fact that she's back.
A look of understanding crosses over Buffy's face.
I know. I still remember burying her in that same
spot. It's going to take some getting used to, that's for sure. (pauses
for a moment) Are they still asleep?
Dawn looks towards the stairs.
No....when I was leaving my room, I heard them
talking. They...um they have a lot things to talk about, I think.
Yes...yes they do. I know they were getting their
relationship back on track when the shooting happened. But with everything
that's happened, it'll probably be a while before they're back where they used
to be.
Maybe...but I think they'll get there. Y'know, given
that no more psychos decide to shoot you in the backyard and shoot upstairs.
Buffy gives her a look.
(shakes her head)
Buffy tenses her lips.
What I wouldn't give for just one chance to beat up on
Cut to:
INT. Hotel Room in Sunnydale, Time Lapse - Day.
Shot opens inside the hotel room. It looks like most hotel rooms do. There is a single twin sized bed, carpeted floors and a small cabinet off to the side. A bathroom is near the back wall and there is only a few sounds in the hotel room. Firstly, the sound of the air conditioner running is visible. Plus, the sounds outside are heard. But the other sound that is heard is that of keys on a keyboard being typed.
The shot pans around to show that it is WARREN's hotel room and that he is sitting on a chair with a laptop computer on a small night stand. He is wearing a black t-shirt over a pair of black pants and he is typing on the keyboard. Shot of his face. It is a look of intense concentration.
Shot on the screen of the laptop. It is showing blueprints on the screen of the city. There is a red dot near the lower right hand part of the screen. Under the red dot in bold black letters is the words "Buffy Summers". There are other dots, but they are green. One of the dots is marked "Xander's Company". Others that are marked are "UC Sunnydale", Sunnydale High School", and "Magic Box". Warren continues to type.
Warren (VO)
Back to basics. This is how it started last
year. This is how it'll start now...only without those two loser partners
of mine.
Pan around to see Willow's face. A slight chuckle.
Alright Slayer....round two is about to begin.
He stops typing as he finishes what he wanted to type. He sits back in his chair and picks up one of several manilla folders that are lying on the floor. Written on the outside of the folder is "Willow Rosenberg and Tara Maclay". Warren then opens the folder and places the opened folder on his lap. There are several items inside the folder. Pictures of both Tara and Willow together and single pictures of each woman by themselves.
Shot of Warren's face as he looks at a picture of Willow. His expression is one of anger and seething rage.
He puts the pictures down and picks up a piece of paper. On the paper is a summary about the history of Willow and Tara. He begins reading aloud.
First met each other during a meeting of the University's
Wicca Group. Tara sought out Willow during the time of the Gentlemen's
movements in Sunnydale. They became friends after that and soon
after....lovers. Their relationship strengthened over time.
Puts the piece of paper down as he glances at the screen of his laptop. Shot of Warren's face.
(to himself)
How do I want to announce my presence to them? What do I do first?
Hmm, let's see.
He begins thinking about the possible ways for him to make his move against Buffy and the others. For several seconds, he remains quiet as he thinks about the different ways to go about it. After a few moments, he smiles, an idea suddenly hitting him.
Ooh, I have the perfect idea. Round two begins
sooner than I thought.
(he laughs)
He stands up and walks to the bed. There is a black jacket strung over it. Warren leans over and picks it up, putting it on as he heads to the door. He opens the door and exits quietly.
Cut to:
Commercial Break.
Cut to:
EXT. The Magic Box - Day.
The interior of the Magic Box is filled with people. Workers in fact. They are workers of Xander's construction company that he is just now getting started. They are working on getting the Magic Box repaired from the damage that Willow did back then.
During the summer, Anya simply couldn't bring herself to come near the shop after it was completely destroyed. There are workers standing on ladders and trying to repair the structural damage done to the ceiling and there are a couple workers in the back, fixing the brick wall in the back training room. Behind the service counter, ANYA is standing and watching it all with nervous anxiety.
XANDER enters a moment later from the back training room entrance. He walks over towards Anya and slows to a stop. He has a bottle of water in his hand and he takes a sip.
(relieved to see him among the strangers)
Hey. How's the work going?
Xander looks around at the many workers filling through the shop.
Um...it's good. Almost got that wall in the back
finished. Greg up there on the ladder is telling me the damage to the
ceiling might take a little longer than originally thought.
(not looking pleased at the words)
How much longer?
Add a few days work to what was expected.
(slightly relieved)
Oh...is that all? I was thinking it was going to be longer than that.
Xander shrugs at her.
No....everything's coming along nicely. You should
have this place up and running again in probably two weeks. Getting that
steel support beam out of here was the biggest problem. Once we did that,
everything else just fell into place.
She looks at him, then nods.
Well...thank you. I mean, thank you for...paying for
all this. I know you didn't have to.
An...look. After everything that happened even
before this place got trashed, the least I could do for you is take care of
(he is silent for a few beats)
Hey listen...
(takes a deep breath)
Anya.....do you wanna do something later?
(looks at him, not really paying attention)
Like what?
Catch a movie or get some dinner somewhere?
Shot shows Anya's head turning to see his face swiftly.
You mean....like a date?
Yeah. I know you still need time away from me, but I
was kinda hoping we could....start fresh. Just like we used to do.
Y'know, just dinner. Nothing more.
Anya is silent for a few moments.
Alight. Just dinner.
Just dinner.
Xander smiles at her. She smiles back. And the construction work to the Magic Box continues, regardless of their exchange.
Cut to:
INT. The Espresso Pump, Time Lapse - Day.
The shop is packed full of patrons who are drinking their espressos and talking amongst themselves. At one of the tables closest to the sidewalk, TARA sits at a small table, looking around the shop and glancing at the different patrons as they sip their coffees.
Shot of Tara's face. Her face is set in a hard appearance. There is sadness in her eyes as she looks around. She looks down at her hands.
Shot of her hands. They are trembling slightly. She grips them into fists to stop the slight shaking in her hands. A moment passes before she begins rubbing her hands together to stop the shaking of her hands.
Pan up from Tara's hands to reveal WILLOW standing behind Tara, watching her actions of hands with concern.
Willow reaches out and touches Tara's shoulder.
Tara? Baby, you okay?
Tara jumps at the sudden touch on her shoulder. She looks over it as Willow comes around and sits beside her. Tara gives Willow a small smile.
I'm...I'm okay Will. It's just.......I'm trying to
adjust to things.
Willow takes Tara's right hand in her own and gently squeezes it.
Maybe we shouldn't have left the house today. You're
not ready for this.
No, getting outside was good. I need to be around
people. It's just....it's gonna take some time Will. You being here
with me is helping me in so many ways.
Baby, I'm always going to be here for you. I promise
you that.
Tara smiles, the first real smile she'd given since being returned. The two share a look of sentiment and a look of love as they hold each other's hands.
Cut to:
INT. The Summers House, Time Lapse - Afternoon.
The house is mostly silent as there are hardly anyone at home. The lights are not on and all the appliances are turned off. A beat passes before the front door opens and enters GILES. Giles walks over towards the living room and he suddenly hears a noise coming from the stairs.
(looking towards the stairs)
Giles walks up the stairs slowly, hearing similar sounds as he gets closer up the stairs.
Pan around to show the empty hallway. The door to Willow and Tara's bedroom is ajar as we pan back towards Giles. Giles's face shows a state of carefulness as he begins to move down towards the door.
Willow? Tara?
Giles walks a few more steps towards the door before it moves open as though an invisible force opens it. Giles goes on alert and stops. A moment passes before a figure steps into the doorway of the room. Giles's face shows his disbelief. It is WARREN, wearing all black clothing, standing there and smirking at the shocked Watcher.
Hiya doing there, Rupert!
(face showing caution)
Warren smiles at him.
But....how? You're dead.
Your right, I was dead. But I'm back. And this
time, the Slayer and that witch are going to pay. And it starts with you.
Without saying anything else, Warren raises his right arm and places his palm to where it faces Giles. A blast of green energy bursts from his palm and it hits Giles straight in the chest. Giles is propelled back against the far wall from the force of the blast. He rolls to the floor, already unconscious.
Pan back to Warren as he walks to Giles's unconscious form. He stops next to him. Warren reaches into his pocket and pulls an envelope out of his jacket. Using his other hand, he places it over Giles's chest. Giles vanishes in a green energy flash. Warren walks down the steps and to the living room, where he places the envelope on the table. Then, Warren vanishes in another flash of green energy.
Cut to:
Commercial Break.
Cut to:
EXT. The Summers House, Time Lapse - Afternoon.
The front door to the Summers House opens and XANDER and ANYA enters hurriedly and move into the living room. BUFFY, WILLOW, TARA, and DAWN are already there. They look up as the two enter.
What's going on?
We just got your message.
Buffy rises from her seat on the couch, holding the piece of paper that was laying next to the opened envelope.
(handing him the paper)
Read this.
Xander takes the paper and does a scan of the writing on the letter.
Pan down to see the writing on the letter. It says as follows:
The Letter
Greetings Slayer, I have your precious Watcher. If
you ever want to see him alive again, your going to do exactly what I want you
to do. I want you and all your buddies, especially that witch that cast me
into that demon dimension to come to the abandoned Wexon Myers Cemetery after
it's dark. If you don't show up, I can promise you that the Watcher will
be dead by morning. Your pal, Warren.
Shot of Xander's shocked face and a resolute Anya's face. Xander glances at Buffy for a moment before looking at Willow.
Pan around to see Willow sitting on one of the recliners, her elbows on her knees and looking down at the ground. Tara is kneeling next to her and rubbing her back, her face showing her concern.
But....how can this be? I mean, Warren was
dead. Buffy, we both saw it.
I know Xander. It doesn't matter how he's back, the
point it...he is. We have to get Giles back and deal with him.
Buffy, we can't just go into his trap. He's gotta be
stronger than before. There has to be some way he returned!
There is.
They are all silent as they look at Tara. Willow looks up and glances at her partner. She reaches up with her hand and touches Tara's left hand. Tara seizes it and squeezes it.
I think.....I think Warren was returned when I was.
I felt...I felt this evil presence all around me as I was passing through the
realms. I think something returned Warren the same time I was returned.
Shot of everyone's reactions. Buffy is troubled, Dawn is scared, Xander is shaking his head, Anya is looking toward the window, and Willow is just watching Tara. It was the first time since her soul was returned that she had spoken about it.
Alright...so what are we gonna do?
Shot of Buffy's face. Her face is set in anger and determination.
We're going to go into his trap and get Giles. Then,
I'm going to take care of Warren like I should have done from the beginning.
Cut to:
INT. The Wexon Myers Cemetery, Time Lapse - Night.
Darkness has fallen over the city of Sunnydale as BUFFY and everyone else slowly move through the deserted Cemetery that is no longer used by any Funeral Service. Those that are buried here have risen as vampires and they are the beings that run the Cemetery and keep everyone else out. The gang are equipped with weapons as they move through the cemetery. There are stone crypts all around them as they ease their way through.
Shot of the top of one of one of the crypts. We see WARREN standing there with his hands on his hips, watching them. Pan up to his eyes. He squints as he gazes at them.
Warren pulls out a small black device from his pocket and he presses three buttons that are on it.
Shot of the gang. Several small blasts of light burst all around them and they stop, already on the alert. The area they are standing on is illuminated by light and green energy bubbles up from the ground and conceals them inside a circular ball. Warren hops off the Crypt and walks through the shield, letting them know of his presence.
Well, well, well. What do we have here?
The gang turn around when they hear his voice.
Warren! Where's Giles?!
Hiya Slayer. Been a while, hasn't it?
(looking at Willow)
Boy, last time I saw you, you had black hair.
Shot of all their faces. Buffy's face is set in anger while Willow's face is showing stillness. Every muscle in her body is stilled and she is barely holding herself from using her magic on Warren again. That and the hand that is holding hers.
Shot of Tara's face. Tara's face is showing real concern as she holds her lover's hand.
What have you done with Giles?!
Don't worry, he's fine...for now. It's time for
Warren raises his arms and suddenly, vampires come rushing out of the ground and begin heading towards the gang.
The vampires snarl as they close in on the gang.
Cut to:
INT. Crypt at the Cemetery, Time Lapse - Night.
It is mostly dark in the Crypt, the only traces of light is the moonlight coming off of the windows and touching on the cold concrete ground. Off to the corner, GILES is slowly regaining consciousness. He is not bound by any restraints and is laying on his back. He raises his right hand and touches his face as he finally wakes up and he then sits up. Suddenly remembering what happened, he jumps to his feet and rushes to the door.
He bangs on the door and tries to force it open with his shoulder. It remains unmoved after his efforts.
Hello!!! Is anyone out there!!!
Giles breathes hard as he hears no one responding. He looks behind him, his face showing his predicament.
Cut to:
Commercial Break.
Cut to:
INT. The Wexon Myers Cemetery, Time Lapse - Night.
The group of vampires are fighting with Dawn, Xander, Anya, Willow, and Tara. Buffy, however, is going face to face with Warren. The two are trying to beat the other, but are missing their shots.
Things are different now, Slayer.
(ducking under an arm shot)
And why is that?
Buffy steps forward and whips her leg out, hitting Warren in the chest and knocking him back.
I have powers I didn't have before. Powers that are
going to make me your equal.
Having powers doesn't change the fact that you're still a
murderer and a coward. And it's time you got what you deserved.
If you think you're tough enough, try it.
Buffy smiled at him before she rushed forward. She started hitting him in the face and blocking his attempts. She then backhanded him across the face, knocking him back into the ground. As Warren got to his feet, she whipped her leg out and caught him in the stomach before hitting him in the face with her hand. Warren crashed through a tombstone.
Pan across from that battle to where the vampires are fighting the gang. Most of the vampires have already been dusted and Xander and Dawn are taking care of the final two that is left. Willow is watching them finish the vamps. Behind her, Tara is standing, looking at Warren and Buffy fight. Suddenly, Tara gasps and drops to her knees, holding her stomach.
Willow turns, hearing her lover's cry.
Just as Willow reaches her, Tara cries out and grabs her head as her body is moved back, her body hitting the ground. A moment passes as Willow slowly moves Tara's hand off her face. There is a small cut above her right eye. Willow turns her head and looks towards Buffy. She sees Warren laying on the ground and sees him slowly standing up. She sees Buffy kick him in the face that knocks him back. At the same time, Willow turns back as Tara gasps in pain again.
Tara? Oh no.
Willow moves to her knees and looks at Buffy fighting Warren.
Pan back to Buffy fighting Warren. Willow's voice sounds over their fight and Buffy turns back around and looks at Willow.
What is it?!
Don't kill him! Everything your doing to him is
happening to Tara!!
Buffy looks over to where Tara is laying down, holding her stomach and face and it is apparent that she is in agony. Buffy then looks back at Warren. Warren is sitting up on his back and is smirking at what he just heard.
Well well....looks like we've got a standoff going.
What are you going to do, Slayer?
Shot of Buffy's disbelieving face.
Cut to:
INT. The Crypt in the Cemetery, Time Lapse - Night.
GILES is standing at the closed door and he has a steel pipe in his hand as he tries to pry the latch off the door so that he can open it. The Watcher kicks the door a few times before he hears something on the other side of the door. He moves back into the shadows as the footsteps stop just outside the door.
The sound of a booted foot kicking in the door is heard and the door is kicked inward. Giles stays in the darkness as he tries to focus in on the figure that is standing in the now open doorway.
Shot of the silhouetted shadow of the figure. Moonlight shines in around the person as he raises his right hand towards his face and cigarette smoke is seen floating away from his face a moment later.
A look of recognition fills Giles's face.
It is SPIKE standing there and he takes another drag off his cigarette.
Hello there, mate.
A moment of silence passes between them.
You better hurry. Yer buddies need you.
Before Giles could say anything else, Spike turned and was gone from his sight. Giles ran to the doorway of the Crypt and looked both ways. The blonde haired vampire was gone.
Shot of Giles's face. Giles then turns and heads off.
Cut to:
INT. The Wexon Myers Cemetery, Time Lapse - Night.
WARREN and BUFFY are still standing across from each other, still at a standoff. Buffy is unwilling to let him just leave, but she doesn't want to hurt Tara, so she doesn't strike at Warren. XANDER, ANYA, and DAWN and kneeling near WILLOW and Tara as the redhead helps her girlfriend up to her feet.
What's it going to be, Slayer? You can't hurt me or
that blonde gets hurt. As long as I'm alive, she's alive. I die, she
I'm not going to let you go so you can kill more
people. That's not how it works.
Buffy? We can't risk hurting Tara again.
Let him go, Buffy.
A flash of anger crosses Buffy's face as she looks at her friend.
What? Are you crazy Will? We can't do
that...you know what he's capable of!
(snapping back)
I don't care! I just got Tara back!! I won't lose her again!!!!
He still has Giles and we don't know where he is.
I'm right here, Buffy.
Giles walks towards the energy circle and he picks up one of the small orbs that Warren was using to hold the force field. Smashing the orb, he breaks the energy field that Warren had. Warren, now realizing that his plan wasn't as full proof as he originally thought, curses to himself and glares at the Slayer, then at Tara.
Looks like I've lost this round, Slayer. But don't
think the war is over. I'm not done with any of you. Not by a long
shot. And just remember, the only way to be rid of me is to sacrifice one
of your own. Are you willing to do that?
Having said what he wanted to say, Warren's body surges with green power and he vanishes in a flash of the green energy. Buffy looks at Willow and Tara, her lips pressed together into a thin line. Giles walks up to her.
What was he talking about?
Warren and Tara are linked somehow. If we kill
Warren, Tara will die. Tara feels whatever pain Warren gets. Wait a
minute, how did you get free from wherever he had you?
You're never going to believe this....but it was
Spike. Warren had me in a Crypt and Spike broke the door open.
Didn't say much, just told me I was needed over here.
Giles and Buffy turn and head over to where the others are kneeling next to Willow and Tara.
An overview shot of another Crypt, a larger and taller one. A person is standing there, watching the entire scene. The camera pans around to reveal the HOODED FIGURE from Episode 7-1, Alive Again. The Hooded Figure has his arms crossed as he watches them.
Hooded Figure
Cut to:
Commercial Break.
Cut to:
EXT. The Summers House, Time Lapse - Morning.
The morning is bringing sunlight all over the city. Inside the Summers household, Buffy is in the kitchen, making breakfast as DAWN enters. Dawn is wearing her sleeping pajamas while Buffy is wearing a sleeveless cream colored silk blouse tucked into a pair of black pants. She has an apron on as she cooks the breakfast.
Good morning.
Is it? After last night, I'm not so sure.
Buffy turns around and looks at her sister.
I know. First, we have this hooded guy luring us
into a trap and then Tara's mysteriously returned. And now, Warren is
somehow alive again. It's all just...too incredible to be real.
Dawn nods, understanding Buffy's words.
Have you talked to Willow yet?
(shaking her head)
Well, don't you think you should sometime today?
Dawn, you don't get it. Willow was and is willing to
let Warren go.
Because the alternative is losing Tara again. I'm
sorry Buffy, but I have to agree with Willow on this one. Regardless of
the situation, I don't like the idea of losing Tara again. We'll find
another way to beat Warren without it costing us Tara.
I hope your right, squirt. I really do.
Buffy goes back to the pan with the eggs that are now just finishing. She moves them into a large plastic bowl before she turns the stove off. She then turns back around with the bowl in her hand. She and Dawn look up as they hear footsteps. WILLOW enters, wearing a white bathrobe. It is evident that she has just taken a shower. Her hair is wet and slicked back.
Hi. What's for breakfast?
Eggs. Is Tara joining us?
Willow shakes her head.
No. She was gone when I woke up. She left me a
note saying she had something to take care of.
Cut to:
INT. Old Woman's Shop, Time Lapse - Morning.
The OLD WOMAN that spoke with Warren sits at her table, wringing her hands together. Her small bag of coins sits at her lap. The interior of her shop is mostly silent and there is enough light in the space to see the shelves and the decorated walls that adorn the space.
We pan all the way to the entrance, over someone's shoulder as the strings of beads at the doorway sound and the person of whom we are seeing over their shoulder moves into the shop and closer to the Old Woman.
Shot of the Old Woman's head moving up, as if she were looking at the person. A smile graces her lips as though she could see the person.
Old Woman
Ah! I've been expecting you, child.
Back to the shot over the person's shoulder. The person walks to the table and pulls out a chair and steps in front of it. Pan around to see the person at the waist as the person sits down. Sitting down, we see that the person is TARA, her face is set with an expressionless look. She looks at the Old Woman with serious intent.
I want answers. Why am I here?
End of Episode 2 - Returned
End Credits.