Buffy the Vampire Slayer - Virtual Season 7 - Episode 3
Ties That Bind
by The Devious One (letsrocket_1998@yahoo.com)
Follow the Virtual Season 7 of Buffy the Vampire Slayer by The Devious One
Productions at https://deviousone2002.tripod.com/vir7season.htm.
Buffy and all characters who have appeared in the syndicated series Buffy the Vampire Slayer, together with the names, titles, and backstory are the sole copyright property of Mutant Enemy, the WB, UPN, and of course, Joss Whedon himself. No copyright infringement was intended in the writing of this fan fiction. All other characters, the story ideas and VR season itself are the sole property of the author. This story cannot be sold or used for profit in any way. Copies of this story may be made for private use only and must include all disclaimers and copyright notices.
NOTE: All works remain the © copyright of the original author. These may not be republished in any way, shape, or form without the written expressed consent or acceptance of the author of the story.
(Anthony Steward Head VO)
"Previously on Buffy the Vampire Slayer"
The normal Previously on Buffy music cues up.
Various scenes from different episodes are now shown. They are in the order as follows.
A small compilation of scenes showing the events of the Season 6 episodes of Entrophy, Seeing Red, Villains, Two to Go, and Grave. The scenes show the evolving storylines involving Spike and Buffy, Willow and Tara, and Xander and Anya's breakup. The compilation ends with the final scene of Grave involving Willow's falling into Xander's embrace and Spike's soul being given to him by the demon.
Following that is another compilation of scenes involving the Virtual Season 7 episode Alive Again. The scenes that are shown are the scene between Giles and Willow in the grassy field, the Hooded Figure setting the trap for Buffy, Xander, and Giles at the warehouse in addtion to their fighting their way out, the scene of the Hooded Figure escaping Buffy and warning her of the future and ending with the scene of Tara's soul being returned to her body.
The last compilation of scenes are scenes from the last Virtual Season 7 episode, Returned. The scenes involve Warren's return and his plot to kill Buffy and the gang, the scene involving Warren speaking to the Old Woman, and ending with the last scene of the episode involving Tara being in the Old Woman's shop.
EXT. Willow and Tara's Bedroom - Morning.
Morning sunlight shines in through the windows and fills the bedroom with light. The room is clean and arranged in perfect order. The bed is freshly made and the room is very silent. The shot pans over to the desk at the far right corner of the bedroom to reveal TARA, sitting at the desk. She is writing in her diary.
We pan down to the page she is writing on to see what she is writing.
Tara (VO)
(shot on page)
Each day has seemingly been harder than the last one. It's been almost
a month since I was brought back from whatever heavenly place I was at and so
much has changed since I was gone. So many changes that I do not even know
where to begin. For starters, every morning I wake up makes me more and
more depressed and I don't know why. I keep getting these flashbacks of
that bullet ripping through my body. The only thing that has made waking
up bearable has been Willow.
The three months since the shooting has been very hard on her, that much I am painfully aware of. The pain and grief she went through I felt, even from where I was. I felt all her anger and rage when she went after Warren. And even during the months after Xander saved her, I felt her grief and despair through the connection that we share. And even from where I was, I wished for what seemed like eternity that I could be with her again.
And now that I'm back, my wish granted, I don't know if I can handle it. It's so hard trying to get back to my old life. And what makes it worse is that I don't even know how I came to be able to be here again. All I can remember is that I was in a heavenly place and my mother was there. Then, I find myself back in my body. It was confusing at first, but now that I've been back a month, I've tried to understand why I was brought back. Because I know that there is a reason for everything that happens. I was returned and there has to be a reason. A couple weeks ago, right after I learned that Warren was returned to life, I went to a sorceress who is known for her dealings in dark magic, with hopes that she could give me the answers I sought. What she told me didn't quell my fears. It just made me a little more afraid than I was.
A sound from downstairs alerts Tara that she is no longer the only person in the house. She stops there and closes her diary. Picking it up, she places her diary in the drawer of the desk. Rising, Tara heads to the door. Tara is dressed in a light blue sweater with three buttons at the top over a pair of blue jeans.
Pan across to the hall outside the bedroom. Tara heads down the hall and stops at the top of the stairs.
Shot of the bottom of the stairs. It is revealed that BUFFY has entered the house and the Slayer looks up as Tara stops. Buffy is dressed in her white button up shirt tucked into a pair of black pants. She smiles when she sees the blonde witch.
Hey Tara. How are you?
(walking down the steps)
I'm okay. Where is everyone?
Dawn's at school, Xander's working, Giles had to make an
emergency trip to England, wouldn't tell me why though, and Willow wanted to get back to the college thing. When are you
going back?
Tara looks away at the question.
I'm not sure. I don't know if I can handle school
right now.
Buffy has a compassionate look on her face, which Tara does not see as her face is turned. Buffy takes a chance and places her hand on Tara's shoulder.
Tara, I know it's hard right now. Believe me, I know
what you're going through. The only thing I can tell you is to just take
each day as it comes. You'll get through this and you'll do it better than
I did.
(on the verge of tears)
How can you be so sure? I'm not as t-tough as y-you.
(giving her a small smile)
It was harder on me because I didn't have anybody I could rely on for
support. You have Willow. That's why I know you'll get through this.
(silent for a moment)
Tell you what, why don't you and I go somewhere where we can talk. It'll
make you feel better.
Tara nods as Buffy turns to grab her jacket. The two head to the door just as the phone rings. Buffy stops and turns.
Let me get that, then we'll go.
Buffy walks over to the phone and picks the receiver up and places it at her ear.
A beat passes. Buffy's eyebrows rise as she hears something from the other end.
Uh...yeah, she's right here. It's for you.
Tara walks over and takes the receiver from Buffy's hand and places it at her ear.
A few seconds of silence reigns as Tara's expression changes to shock. Buffy waits a few feet away as she listens as Tara speaks a few more words into the receiver before hanging up. Tara turns back to Buffy.
Tara? What's wrong?
Th-that was my father. He's in t-town and wants t-to
Shot of Buffy's equally as shocked face.
Cut to:
INT. A Bar, Time Lapse - Morning.
This bar is filled with patrons. There are both humans and demonic patrons in the bar. Most are just minding themselves and drinking their beers and eating chips. And most of them are also smoking cigarettes and there is cigarette smoke filling the air of the bar. The bar looks like most bars do. Assorted tables around the interior, paintings on the walls and a bartender serving the beer with a large and long mirror behind him where the glasses and mugs are.
The door to this bar opens and a demon enters. The demon is wearing human clothes. A pair of black leather pants covers his legs and he has black boots over his feet. He has a dark crimson red long sleeved shirt on over his upper body and arms. His skin is scaly and red. He has three inch claws on his fingers and his face is flat. He has dark black eyes and sharp fang like teeth in his mouth. The demon walks to the bar and sits on one of the stools. The bartender walks over with a napkin and places it in front of him.
What'll it be today?
The Demon
The Bartender freezes when he hears the word. He looks at the demon carefully before he replies with any words.
What do you want to know?
The Demon
About ten months ago, a real close buddy of mine passed
through this town, got himself hired by some people and ended up killed.
He was a M'Fashnik demon. I want to know who killed him.
Oh...that's an easy one. Your demon friend crossed
paths with the Slayer. She took him out at her house.
The Demon
There's a Slayer in Sunnydale?
Wait a minute, you don't know about the Slayer in
Hey Chuck! This demon doesn't know about Buffy!!!
Without saying anything, the Demon reaches out and grabs the bartender by the throat with his right claw and breaks his neck. The bartender's now lifeless body drops to the floor. The entire bar goes completely silent as they witnessed the event. The demon slowly rises from the stool and looks around at all the patrons.
The Demon
Now....I want to know where to find this....Slayer.
She and I have something to settle.
Cut to:
Opening Credits:
Special Guest Star
Steve Rankin
Cut to:
EXT. University of California at Sunnydale, Murphy Science Building - Day.
The hallways in the Murphy Science Building were now filling with students as the classes in it were now finishing up. Several students are moving in both directions in the hallway and we pan up towards three steps where the corner of the hallway is as we see WILLOW turn and head down the steps. She is wearing her Chippewa Bay red shirt over a pair of blue jeans and her hair is pulled back into a single ponytail. Willow is carrying a book bag slung over her shoulder.
As she passes by the door of a classroom, she hears a voice calling out for her.
A Teacher (VO)
Miss Rosenberg?
Willow stops and turns back. A college instructor, PROF. ALAN DAVIS is standing in the doorway. He is a man about five feet six with gray hair and a gray beard and mustache. He is wearing a gray and black three piece suit. Willow walked over.
Hi Professor Davis.
Professor Davis
Can I speak to you for a moment?
Professor Davis walks back into the classroom he was in and Willow follows behind silently. Professor Davis walks to the desk, where most of his things are located and picks up a sheet of paper. He turns to Willow.
Professor Davis
Miss Rosenberg, I was hoping I could speak with you about
a friend of yours. A Tara Maclay. I've seen you and her together all
the time, but I haven't seen her for a while. She's one of my best
students. I was hoping you could tell me if she's dropped out or anything
about where she is and why she's not in school.
Willow looked at the floor while she tried to come up with an explanation that the Professor would believe. She didn't like the idea of lying to the Professor, but she knew she couldn't give him the truth either. She looks up as the Professor waits for her response.
Um...Professor, Tara's fine. She's just....going
through some very troubling stuff right now and she's just taking some time away
from school and everything while she sorts it out. But she will be back in
Professor Davis
Oh..well I'm glad to hear that, Willow. Miss Maclay
was one of my favorite students. She was very attentive and always eager
to learn new things. When she didn't show up to a lot of classes, I became
concerned. I tried finding you, but you haven't been going to classes
(giving him a reserved smile)
There's just been a lot going on with me, Professor. I had to take some
time off to deal with some things. But I'm back in school now and Tara
will be back in school soon.
Professor Davis
I'm glad to hear that, Willow. Give Tara my best
regards when you see her.
I will.
Willow turns and leaves the classroom, her mind deep in thought.
Cut to:
INT. The Espresso Pump, Time Lapse - Day.
It is just after midday in Sunnydale. The Espresso Pump has it's usual number of patrons sitting and sipping their beverages for the time of day it is. Atone of the small tables, TARA sits with her hands folded in her lap as she looks around. She has her hair pulled back into a single braid at the back of her neck.
Shot of someone's feet as they walk up to Tara, behind her. The shot pans upward to reveal MR. MACLAY as he stops a few feet from her, just watching her for a moment. Mr. Maclay then moves around the table so his daughter can see his presence.
Tara rises when she sees her father.
Oh my....dad.
She gives him a tentative, small hug, which he almost reciprocates.
Mr. Maclay
Ah...there's my girl.
They both fall silent, neither knowing what to say. Tara breaks the silence.
D-Dad...why have you come?
Mr. Maclay
Tara...your birthday is coming up and I wanted to see you
on your twenty-second birthday. I hope there's nothing wrong with that.
Tara looks doubtfully at her father. He sits down across from her and places his hands on the table.
Dad, the l-last time you were h-here, you tried to take me
home. Are you g-going to do that again?
Mr. Maclay
No Tara...you made it perfectly clear two years ago where
you wanted to be and I am not going to try to convince you to come back.
Then....why are you here? I know there's a reason.
Mr. Maclay
Tara, I'm heading up to Seattle to see your grandmother
and Sunnydale was on the way, so I thought I would stop by and catch up a little
with you.
Tara's look of doubt decreases a little as she senses sincerity in her father's voice.
Cut to:
INT. Crypt in Abandoned Cemetery, Time Lapse - Day.
While it is sunny outside, the interior of a crypt in an abandoned cemetery is mostly dark. There is only a chair inside the crypt and one person is sitting in the chair as the door to the crypt is suddenly opened. THE DEMON from the bar stands in the entranceway and he quickly scans the interior. Seeing the head of someone in the chair, the Demon moves forward.
The Demon
Spike....is that you?
The individual in the chair rises and it is revealed to be SPIKE. He is wearing one of his black short sleeved t-shirts and his black pants. He locks eyes with the Demon and seems surprised to see him.
Dorach. It's been a while.
Yes, it has. About nine years I believe. I
heard you were in this town. Wait....there's something....different about
you. What is it?
Spike doesn't answer. Instead, he looks away and takes a drag off of his cigarette. Dorach stays at the entranceway, rays of sunlight invading the darkness of the crypt.
You have soul, don't you?
Spike nods as he looks at Droach. He walks over to Dorach as Dorach walks into the crypt.
Why have you come to Sunnydale, Dorach?
(walking around the crypt)
The Slayer killed a very close friend of mine. I have a blood oath with
him that I can't ignore. I'm here to kill her.
You're here to kill Buffy?
What? You think I can't do it?
The Slayer has gotten out of so many tough spots that
anyone can lose count. You want to kill her, you're gonna have to have a
good plan.
Don't worry about me, Spike. I never go into any
situation unprepared. I've been told by every lowlife demon in this town
that you know her and her pals better than anybody. I need to know about
her and about those who hang around her. I want to know her weaknesses and
her strengths.
That could take awhile, mate.
Don't worry, I have time.
Spike snorts as he takes another drag off of his cigarette.
Cut to:
INT. The Magic Box, Time Lapse - Day.
The shot is at the round table near the back of the Magic Box. There is a book there and it is open. The shot is on the papers. We pan up to reveal ANYA sitting at the table looking through the pages of the volumed text. She has her fingers on the pages and she is reading through it.
Shot of her face. She has a serious look to her face and it appears as though she has been reading for quite some time. There is a cup of coffee next to the book and she takes a sip of the coffee as she continues to read through the text.
The shot pans around to show the interior of the Magic Box. Xander's construction company has done a very good job of rebuilding the damage done to it by the events in "Two to Go" and "Grave". The brick wall has been rebuilt and all the structural damage has been repaired. The shop is not opened yet, but it is more than ready to be opened.
Shot of Anya's face again. Her lips are pressed together tightly and she continues to read through the pages.
A beat passes and then there is a knock at the front door. Shot of Anya looking up from her reading before she rises and heads towards the door. Anya is dressed in a pair of black slacks with a navy blue sweater over her upper body. She has her hair untied and hanging freely. Her hair is slightly longer now.
Anya unlocks the door and opens it to reveal her ex-boyfriend XANDER. Xander is wearing his beige colored leather jacket and he is wearing a pair of blue jeans with a blue and white flannel shirt under his jacket and tucked into the jeans. He has his hands in his jeans pocket.
Anya moves aside to let him in.
Thanks for coming, Xander.
Well, you did say it was important.
Anya begins walking back to the table with Xander following. She sits back at the table as Xander takes his jacket off.
What's going on Anya?
Xander, what I tell you is in confidence. I don't
want anyone else knowing what I'm gonna tell you. Promise me you won't
tell anyone.
Xander looks at his ex's face and sees the seriousness that is in her eyes. He nods slowly, agreeing to her words.
Okay, I won't tell anyone. What's this about?
Anya motions for him to sit as she pulls the book she was reading through closer to the spot between them.
Well, ever since Tara's soul returned, I've been feeling
this powerful presence. It's something I've never ever felt before.
Evil presence?
That's just it...I can't tell if it's good or evil.
All I can feel from it is that it's very powerful and I didn't feel it until
after Tara's return. I've been going through some old books that Giles
left, hoping to get some answers.
Anya doing book reading! That's something you don't see everyday.
Stop it Xander, this is serious! There's a powerful
presence in Sunnydale and it could be trouble.
Alright, what did you find?
Anya flips to a different page and points at some of the markings on the page.
None of these books have helped me much, but I am
convinced that there is some benevolent force behind Tara's return. The
fact that Warren was returned at the same time just confirms my belief.
I'm pretty sure that this presence I keep feeling is behind it.
Xander is silent for a few moments as he comprehends Anya's words.
Alright, let's keep this between us for now. If it
turns out that there is some powerful presence here, we'll go to Buffy.
But, we keep Willow out of this. She and Tara are trying to get their
relationship back on track and they don't need to hear about this.
I know. How are they doing anyway?
I talked to Buffy yesterday and she said Tara's having a
hard time coping with things, but Willow's sticking by her.
That's good.
Yeah, it is. Listen, I'm headed over there in a
little bit. You wanna come?
No...I think I'll pass. I wanna get everything ready
for my re-opening.
Alright, well I have to go. I need to finish my
inventory at work before I go to Buffy's. I'll see you later.
Xander heads out the front door as Anya watches him go.
Cut to:
INT. The Espresso Pump, Time Lapse - Day.
The shot begins down at a cup of coffee with two hands holding the cup. Shot pans up to reveal the earlier conversation between MR. MACLAY and TARA and it is now continuing. Mr. Maclay takes a drink of his beverage while his daughter watches him in silence.
After sipping his coffee, Mr. Maclay sets the cup on the table and rests his hands on the table.
Mr. Maclay
How have you been doing, Tara?
Shot of Tara's face. She has an unreadable expression on her face and she stares at her father without responding for a moment.
I'm....I'm okay.
Mr. Maclay
Well....tell me what you've been up to the last couple
years. I want to know.
Mr. Maclay
Ever since that day when you and Donny left, you haven't
even once tried to contact me. And now, you turn up out of the blue
wanting to know about what I've been up to. Why? And don't cloud the
truth from me, dad. Why are you here?
A flash of anger crosses his face for a moment before it leaves his face.
Mr. Maclay
Tara, I'd hoped we could try to talk, but obviously that's
not going to happen. Like I told you, I'm heading to Seattle to see your
grandmother. But, yes, I am here for another reason. I made a
promise to your mother a long time ago that when you turned twenty two, I would
give you something she wanted you to have.
For the first time since her return to life, Tara's heart began to beat rapidly. Every time anyone mentions her mother, she remembers the time she had with her and the final moments she had with her. Tara swallows hard at the lump that is in her throat suddenly. Her eyes water as she stares at her father.
Mr. Maclay
Tara, I know you and I have never seen eye to eye on a lot of things. I
know my feelings on your witchy things have always been one of the major
problems between us, but I need you to understand something. Regardless of
your choices and regardless of the choices your mother made, I loved your
mother, as I do you. I may not be able to show it, but I do love you.
Shot of Tara. She is shocked and it shows on her face.
Pan back to Mr. Maclay to see that he is reaching into his jacket pocket and pulling something out. It is a white envelope and just from the look of it, there are papers inside.
Mr. Maclay
When you were six, your mother wrote what is inside this envelope. I was
working late at the factory and I had gotten home about one o'clock. When
I got home, you and Donny were already asleep, so I headed to bed. When I
got to the bedroom, I saw that your mother was having one of those.....premonition
vision things she used to get. And while I despised that part of your
mother, I'd seen enough of them come true to not believe her. I waited
until it passed before I said anything to her. After it did end, though,
she didn't say anything to me, she just spent the next hour writing a letter to
you. I never asked what she saw and she never told me.
Mr. Maclay pauses.
Mr. Maclay
The only thing she did was ask me that you not receive this letter until your
twenty second birthday nears. And after she died, I'd completely forgotten
about it.
If you forgot about it, then come your here with it?
Mr. Maclay
I was cleaning out a bunch of stuff in the attic a couple
weeks ago and I saw it. And I did promise your mother that I'd give this
to you when your twenty second birthday neared, so...I'm here and I'm giving it
to you now.
Mr. Maclay hands Tara the envelope and she takes it with trembling hands.
Mr. Maclay
She looks up from the envelope at him.
Mr. Maclay
I'm going to be in town for a couple days before I head
towards Seattle. And before I go, I would like to see you again.
Alright...I think I'd like to have dinner with you later.
Mr. Maclay
Thank you Tara.
(he pauses for a few moments before asking his next question)
Tara, I've been wondering about this since I left this town. Are you
seeing anyone?
(nodding her head to him)
Yes. I've been seriously involved with someone for about three years.
Mr. Maclay
(rising from his seat)
Alright, tell you what...why don't you and your boyfriend meet me at that
Celeno's Italian place I saw.
Tara's attention is on the envelope in her hands and she isn't really paying attention to what her father just said.
Mr. Maclay doesn't say anything else. He turns and walks away. Pan back to Tara. Her complete attention is on the envelope.
Cut to:
Commercial Break.
Cut to:
EXT. A Cemetery in Sunnydale - Night.
Night time has fallen over the city and covered all the land with darkness. Shot begins in the night sky to show multiple stars sparkling down and the moon in it's banana shaped form shining down over the city. Shot pans down to reveal BUFFY moving through the cemetery on patrol with DAWN. Buffy is decked out in her blue leather pants and her light blue top with her crucifix necklace on. She has her leather jacket on as well and her hair is pulled back into a single ponytail. To her left, Dawn is wearing a pair of brown pants and a dark red t-shirt with her jacket on.
They both are carrying stakes in their right hand and Buffy has a crossbow with a strap attached to it slung over her shoulder. Dawn has a sword, in it's sheath, strapped across her back and both are looking in all directions in case a vampire or demon should pop out of nowhere and attack them.
Yeah Dawn?
Dawn looks at her.
Thanks for finally taking me out on patrol with you.
(smiling at her)
Well, it's about time I let you make your own decisions, you know?
Besides, it's better when I have people to talk to. Patrolling by myself
is so boring.
I hear ya.
They walk a few steps in silence, looking for rising vampires.
You're being quiet tonight. Usually, your talkative.
I'm just thinking, that's all.
Thinking? About what?
(looking pensive)
I'm kinda worried about Tara.
Hearing this, Buffy stops and stops Dawn as well.
Dawn, Tara's going through the same thing I did.
It's normal...after coming back.
I know...it's just....she's different somehow. It's
like a part of her is missing and it's never coming back. She's been so
quiet and....sometimes she leaves the house early in the mornings without
telling anyone. She never did that before.
Dawn, you remember how I was. I was depressed for a
long time.
And you slept with Spike and kept it from us.
(rolling her eyes)
Yes....but Tara's not going to do that. Dawn, you just need to give her
some time. Tara's got Willow. She's going to get through this and
she'll be the same quirky gal we both have come to care about. Just be
patient with her, alright?
They resume walking through the cemetery.
I know....I just miss the time Tara and I used to spend
together. Watching movies....or....just talking about stuff.
What kind of stuff?
Their conversation is interrupted when they see something up ahead of where they are walking.
You can tell me later....c'mon!
They run over to the place where they saw something. The shot moves over to show two vampires about to feed on a woman with dark hair.
Hey bloodsuckers!
The vamps turn and look at her.
We really have got to talk about your insult
Dawn shrugs her shoulders as she moves forward and shoves her wooden stake into the first vampire's chest, dusting it. Buffy wasted no time, she grabbed her crossbow and released the wooden arrow at the other vampire, dusting it. The woman looked at her two saviors with frightened eyes.
Come on ma'am, let's get you to a hospital.
The woman looks at Dawn's innocent face and lets her help her to stand. Dawn leads the woman towards the nearest exit to the cemetery with Buffy following behind, looking for other vampires. The shot moves to their backs as they walk away and then reveals someone watching them.
The shot moves up to reveal DORACH watching them.
And there's her weakness.
Cut to:
INT. Parked Vehicle Outside Celeno's Restaurant, Time Lapse - Night.
WILLOW is sitting on the driver's side, behind the wheel, in the parking lot at the Celeno's Italian Restaurant. She is wearing a green silk blouse with see through material making up the sleeves, tucked into a pair of black slacks. She has her black high heel shoes on over her feet and has her hair combed neatly back with just the right amount of makeup on to make her look radiant She is looking across from her.
Shot moves to the passenger's side to reveal TARA, nervously looking at her lap as she fidgets with her outfit. She is wearing the wraparound skirt and top that she had worn the morning after she and Willow had gotten back together in "Seeing Red". The only difference is that she has her hair pulled back into a single ponytail.
Shortly after her meeting with her father, Tara had gone back to the house and spoke with Willow about her father's meeting with her and about the letter left to her from her mother. Willow was as supportive as she could be towards her lover and Willow told her that they would get through anything as long as they did it together.
Maybe I should give you and your dad some time before I go
Willow reaches over and gently grasps Tara's hand.
Tara, your dad doesn't even know you're gay. Maybe
it would be better if you told him that before bringing me in there with you.
I...I d-don't think I c-can go in there without you Willow. I need you
with me.
Willow smiles before she leans over and brushes her lips across Tara's, kissing her softly. The kiss is just a kiss of reassurance. It lasts for a few moments before Willow starts to pull back. Tara, needing the contact to last a little longer, uses her right hand to pull Willow back. A few moments later, they separate.
If you need me, I'm here for you.
Let's go in.
The two witches leave the car, after locking it, and hand in hand, they walk into the restaurant. Celeno's Restaurant has the appearance of any Italian Restaurant. There are booths lined up at the walls with tables in between and ceiling fans with air conditioners keep the atmosphere nice and cool and there is soft music playing in the background. Tara sees her father sitting in the booth to the far left and she gives Willow's hand a squeeze as she leads her over to where her father is sitting.
MR. MACLAY is sitting with his back to the witches and he is looking at a menu that is on the table in front of him. Tara and Willow stop a few feet behind him.
Hearing his daughter's voice, Mr. Maclay turns around in his seat and sees his daughter and an attractive redheaded woman.
Mr. Maclay
Tara? Who's this....I thought you were bringing your
Exchanging a glance with Willow before taking her hand.
Shot of Mr. Maclay's face as he sees the hand holding. He has an unreadable look on his face.
Dad, I never said I had a boyfriend. You made the
assumption. Either way, I want you to meet Willow, my girlfriend.
Willow smiles broadly, hearing the words. She is just glad to be able to hear Tara speak.
Shot of Willow extending her hand. Pan over to see Mr. Maclay looking at the proffered hand before shaking it politely with his own. He smiles tightly at her.
Mr. Maclay
I believe we met before.
Yes we did, it just wasn't a formal greeting.
Willow scoots into the booth seat across from Mr. Maclay and scoots to the wall. Tara slides in next to her and the three are silent for a few moments.
Mr. Maclay
Well...I have to be honest here Tara. I wasn't
expecting this.
I know.
Mr. Maclay looks at Tara for a moment, then looks at Willow.
Shot of Willow. Her face and eyes are on Tara. She has an extremely concerned look on her face as she watches Tara.
Mr. Maclay
But...I do want to try to make things better between you
and me, so I'm not going say what I feel here.
Which is what?
There is a hardness to her tone that her father has never heard before.
Mr. Maclay
Tara, you know what I'm talking about. I was raised
to believe homosexuality is immoral and it is what I believe. Just like I
believe that witchcraft is wrong. I can never accept your relationship
with this woman. And Miss...I'm sure you're a nice person, but I just
can't accept it.
Mr. Maclay....
Excuse me.
Saying this, Tara rises from her seat and heads away towards the restroom. Willow watches her go with worry etched into her facial features. She looks at Mr. Maclay after a moment.
Mr. Maclay, I want to make this clear to you. I love
Tara. I love her more than I have ever loved anything or anyone and I
don't like to see her in pain. Now, your free to have your own beliefs,
but don't you dare try to impose them on Tara. Can't you see that your
hurting her with you said?
Mr. Maclay
What I see...is that my daughter was better off staying at
home than coming here. Two years ago, when I saw Tara, she was practically
bubbling with spirit. It surprised me how happy she seemed. When I
saw her today, that spirit was gone. Now you tell me, Willow, what could
have happened to her here to have done that?
Willow shuts her lips as she stares at him. The redheaded witch wanted to tell him off, but she knew in her heart that she couldn't because there was a margin of truth in his words. She remains quiet and sits back, her green eyes on him.
Cut to:
INT. A Cemetery, Time Lapse - Night.
BUFFY is back in the cemetery. This time, however, she is alone. She still has her crossbow slung over her shoulder and she is carrying the stake in her hand as she moves through the large and spatious cemetery. The cemetery is mostly silent, with small winds blowing through the grass that has grown high.
Shot of the corner of a crypt, from the point of view of someone watching Buffy near. A red skinned hand rests on the corner of the crypt. Pan back to Buffy. She looks bored, but she continues to move through the mostly deserted cemetery. She hears a sound in the direction of the red skinned hand of the person watching her.
Who's there?
Shot of the crypt. DORACH walks out from behind the crypt and looks at her. Shot of Buffy watching his movements.
So...your the Slayer.
That's right.....and who might you be?
The name's Dorach, Slayer.
I take it you want to fight, right?
Dorach looks at her.
You and I have something that needs to be settled.
And what might that be?
Dorach moves forward.
Some time ago, you killed a demon in your home. He
was a M'Fashnick demon. Remember him?
(remembering the demon)
Yes, he tried to kill me.
But you killed him.
Yeah, it was either kill or be killed. What's it to
you, anyway?
That demon was a close friend of mine. I have had a
blood oath with him that demands justice. You killed him, and I'm here to
return the favor.
Dorach wastes no more time. He advances forward and attacks Buffy. Buffy tries to shove her stake at Dorach, but the demon backhands the stake away with his left hand.
Shot of the wooden stake hitting the ground.
Pan back to Dorach and Buffy fighting. Buffy strikes Dorach across the face with her right hand, but the strike has little effect on the demon. He moves forward with a snarl and grabs her by the upper arms. Leaning forward, Dorach head butts Buffy before he throws her away from him. Buffy hits the ground hard and Dorach pursues her. Buffy nips back up to her feet and strikes out with a thunderous right kick to Dorach's face, which knocks him back a few feet.
Well....your a tough one.
Hmph...you have no idea.
Dorach moves forward and lets out a right handed backhand that sends Buffy into the wall of the crypt behind her. She sees Dorach moving forward and he tries a right handed punch straight at her head. She diverts her head from the shot and Dorach's right hand punches straight through the stone, making a large hole in the wall. Buffy moves around and hits a kick that knocks Dorach against the wall of the crypt.
Shot of Buffy as she prepares to attack again. She is breathing heavily and there is a small cut above her right eye. She runs forward to hit him again, but Dorach anticipates the action and he catches her by the arms and twists his body, thrusting her and him through the wall of the crypt. The sound of stone crashing is heard as they burst through the crypt into the interior of the crypt.
Shot of the floor of the crypt. Buffy and Dorach are on the ground, recovering from the fall. Buffy is on her side and breathing even more heavily than before. Beside her, Dorach is on his back, more or less okay and rolling towards his left side. A few moments pass before they both begin moving to their feet.
He told me you would be tough.
Buffy holds her left arm, where there is a gash that is bleeding. There is also a few cuts on her face.
And who told you that.
Doesn't really matter. Your gonna be dead soon,
Dorach starts to move forward, but they both hear a rumbling sound coming from under their feet.
Shot of Buffy's surprised face as she looks down at her feet. The ground suddenly gives free and both Buffy and Dorach fall through the floor of the crypt.
Cut to:
INT. Outside Celeno's Italian Restaurant, Time Lapse - Night.
The shot opens on the double glass doors to the restaurant. The doors slowly open and WILLOW and TARA exit slowly. Both women are looking a little depressed and they are holding hands. Tara has her head down, while Willow leads her towards their car.
I'm sorry, Will.
Don't be, Tara. There's nothing to be sorry for.
Tara stops and looks at her girlfriend.
I didn't think he'd react like that. I thought he'd
at least try.
Tara, it doesn't matter to me what he thinks. It
doesn't matter what anyone thinks. All that matters to me is that we're
together. Okay?
(smiling a little)
The couple resume walking towards the car.
Baby, there are going to be people who can't get beyond
their single minded beliefs. There are going to people who think the love
we have is wrong and I say to hell with them. What we have is special and
it's something that most people never has in their lifetime.
Your soulmate.
(nodding and smiling)
Yeah. We have each other and that's good enough for me.
Tara squeezes Willow's hand as they arrive at the car. Willow walks over towards the driver's side and unlocks her door. Sitting down, she reaches over and unlocks the passenger's side. As Tara sits down and closes her door, Willow reaches for her cell phone, which she left in the car.
Huh...Xander called while we were at dinner.
You should call him back.
Willow keys in Xander's number and presses the send key before she places it up at her right ear.
Xander, yeah...it's me. What! When did that
happen? Alright, we're heading to the house now.
Willow ends her phone call and turns to Tara to see her watching with an anxious face.
What is it?
(looking back at her)
Buffy didn't come back from patrolling when she was supposed to.
Cut to:
Commercial Break.
Cut to:
EXT. Sewer Tunnel Under the Crypt, Time Lapse - Night.
Shot opens on DORACH, slowly getting back to his feet. He has dust and dirt covering his red skin and he is slowly getting to his knees. He looks down the darkened sewer tunnels that the cemetery was built over. There is a thin level of water on the ground of the tunnels and the tunnels themselves are made of brick and stone. Gorach looks in both directions, hoping to see Buffy.
Shot cuts to reveal BUFFY moving through the tunnels, holding her left arm. She is breathing heavily as her feet skitter through the thin level of water at the floor of the tunnel she moves through. As she nears the end of one tunnel, she stops and looks around the possible directions she could take.
Think Buffy think. Which one leads to the city?
She is silent for a few moments before she makes her decision and heads in the tunnel to her left.
Cut to:
INT. The Summers House, Time Lapse - Night.
Inside the living room of the Summers House, XANDER, DAWN, ANYA, WILLOW, and TARA are sitting while Xander explains what he knows about Buffy's disappearance.
She and Dawn dusted two vamps and took a woman to a
Buffy said she'd do a quick check through the cemetery to
make sure there aren't any vamps left. It wouldn't have taken her but a
half hour. She's been gone over two hours now. It's not like her.
Yeah, she would have called us if she was going to be out
for longer.
Well, she has to be around somewhere. We just have
to start searching.
Shot of Willow as she stands. She has a look of concentration on her face. The shot moves to Anya's face. Anya is watching Tara with a curious look on her face. Shot moves to Tara. The blonde Wiccan is oblivious to Anya's watching of her. Instead, she is watching Willow.
Alright, we'll split up. Xander, you and Dawn check
out the cemeteries on the east side of town. Anya, can you use your
teleporting powers to check the hospitals?
Yeah, I can do that.
Good, me and Tara can check out the other
cemeteries. If we find something, we'll notify you. If you find
something, look for us. Chances are Buffy's just fighting a group of
demons or vamps. Alright, let's move everyone.
The group gets up and moves into their groups. Anya wastes no time and just teleports out as Xander and Dawn move towards the eastern part of town and Willow and Tara move towards the other cemeteries.
Cut to:
INT. The Tunnels Under Sunnydale, Time Lapse - Night.
BUFFY is moving, now faster than before, through the semi-large tunnels under the city. It is obvious she has been moving for quite some time. She is still holding her left arm and the scrapes and cuts on her face have stopped their bleeding, making the blood on her face dry.
Her feet are splashing through the water on the floor as she moves down a straight path of the tunnel she's moving through. As she nears the end of the tunnel, she turns her head back and looks behind her.
Shot of DORACH moving through the tunnel faster than Buffy is moving. He is catching up to her. Shot moves back to Buffy as she comes to the end of the tunnel. The tunnel ends, but it ends at the entrance or back entrance to a large underground chamber. The underground chamber is filled with empty wooden crates and boxes upon boxes of junk piled on top of each other. There is also a few ladders scattered around and broken glass all over the floor.
Buffy looks at the chamber she's and moves forward into the chamber. Shot moves back to the entrance where the tunnel ends to see Dorach stop as he approaches the underground chamber. He is breathing slightly heavier than before and his eyes move to and fro in all directions.
(calling out loudly)
I know your here Slayer. There's nowhere to hide so why don't you just
come on out!
There is no response so Dorach moves into the chamber and slowly checks the possible places Buffy could be hiding. He walks past a few piles of boxes and crates, without having any luck finding her. He nears a large pile of wooden crates and stops after moving past it.
Pan up to the top of the pile to reveal Buffy, standing there in a crouched position as she waits for the right moment to make her move. A few moments pass before Dorach takes another step away from the pile and that's when Buffy takes a chance and dives off the top of the crate pile, fully intending to land on his large muscular back.
Instead, Dorach turns at the last possible moment and catches her in mid-air and throws her away from him, directly into a pile of boxes. Buffy crashes through the boxes, back first and gasps at the landing.
Instincts. That's what you call instincts.
Actually, that was luck.
Well, let's see if it's luck that kills you.
Dorach moves forward and grabs her by her shoulders and he squeezes her injured shoulder. Buffy cries out from the sudden pain and Dorach throws her from him. Buffy flies into the air and lands on the ground, hard several feet away. After she hits the ground, she looks around her for any possible weapon to fight the strong demon and sees a knife laying to her left. She reaches over with her right hand and grabs it. Leaning up with her body, Buffy threw the knife with all her might, hoping her aim was true.
The scream was the only sound in the large chamber as the knife Buffy threw made contact with Dorach's left shoulder, severing into the demon's shoulder to the hilt. The red skinned demon moved back as he yanked the knife out of his shoulder. He growled as he looked at her.
If I'm going to die in here, I'm taking you with me!
Buffy dove to her feet and began running straight towards Dorach. A few feet from him, she leaped into the air and delivered a powerful kick to Dorach's face. With her Slayer strength in the kick, Dorach's head snapped back and his body was propelled into the air, landing on the ground several feet away.
Now....let's talk about your instincts.
Cut to:
INT. A Cemetery, Time Lapse - Night.
WILLOW and TARA are walking through a darkened cemetery, looking around with hopes of finding Buffy.
Any sign of her?
Willow shakes her head.
No. This is usually one of the cemeteries she
usually patrols. I figured she'd be here somewhere.
Maybe she was here, but left already.
I hope so.
The two witches move through the large cemetery in silence until they round the corner of a set of trees and sees something. Tara runs over toward a crypt.
Willow! Over here!!
Willow hurries over to where her girlfriend is standing and her eyebrows widen when she sees a crypt.
Pan over to reveal the CRYPT that Buffy and Dorach fought their way through. Tara looks inside the crypt and sees the large hole in the ground.
She's down there, Will.
How can you tell? There are a lot of things that
could have done that.
I can't explain it Will, but I can feel her essence
here. She went down there and...I think she's hurt.
If she's hurt, we should find her before something
The two witches carefully move into the crypt and begin climbing down the large hole at the floor of the crypt and into the tunnels.
Cut to:
INT. Another Cemetery Across Town, Time Lapse - Night.
In a cemetery on the eastern part of the city, XANDER and DAWN are walking past tombstones as they search for their friend. Both are looking in all directions and calling out for their friend and loved one.
I don't think she's here, Dawn.
I should never have left her.
Xander turns and looks at her.
Dawn, this is not your fault. Buffy has been
patrolling by herself for a long time now. You know as well as I do that
she comes across demons every now and then.
Are you saying a demon's got her?
No, no, no. Backtracking here. All I'm saying
is Buffy's gone off and done stuff on her own without telling anyone lots of
times. She could be doing that right now. For all we know, she could
dusting some vamps somewhere or trying to dig up info on that hooded guy with
the heart necklace. The point is, we're assuming the worst.
Well, the fact that there is a hooded guy that tried to
have her killed out there gives us reason to assume the worst. That and
the fact that Warren's back. I don't think it's unfair for us to assume
the worst.
Me neither Dawn, I'm just saying that she might not be in
any trouble at all.
Before they could say anything else, they felt the air in front of them crackle as ANYA teleported directly in front of them, nearly scaring Xander out of his shoes.
Good god Awn, you nearly killed me with your teleporting.
Get used to it, Xander. I came to tell you I think I
know where Buffy is.
Well, you know that cemetery you two were patrolling
Well, when I was looking for Willow and Tara, I saw a big
hole in one of the crypts and I felt traces of Buffy's aura in there.
Plus, there's a tunnel system underneath the crypt that leads to an underground
storage chamber. That's gotta be where Buffy ended up. I think she's
either running from something or she's chasing it.
Wait, wait....I know where your talking about. I
just finished a job near that place. Come on, it's not far from here!
Anya teleports out and Dawn runs after Xander as they head out of the cemetery.
Cut to:
INT. The Underground Chamber, Time Lapse - Night.
Shot opens with Buffy, her body hitting a wooden crate and crashing through it before she rolls to the ground on her back. She looks up as DORACH reaches down and grabs her shirt, easily lifting her up and throwing her again, towards the nearest wall. Buffy's petite body hits the wall, back first. She scoots to the floor from the impact.
You know, for a Slayer, your pretty easy to beat up.
I was expecting a tougher fight than this.
You want tough....alright, I'll give you tough.
Buffy grabs a thick steel chain she spotted earlier on the ground and whips it out, the end of the chain smacking Dorach in the forehead. He steps back with a snarl as Buffy steps up her next attack with the chain. She whips it in circles above her head before striking out with enough length of it to wrap around Dorach's neck. She ignores the pain in her left shoulder and grabs her end of the chain with both hands and uses all of her might to throw Dorach's body against a fenced door that's not far away.
Shot of Buffy's face as it shows the obvious pain she is ignoring.
Dorach's body goes through the locked steel fence, back first and his body rips through thick electric cables that are lined up along the far wall. The cables are ripped in half from the collision. As Dorach struggles to get back to his feet, Buffy looks around for anything to ignite the cables on Dorach. Looking up, she spots a sprinkler system directly above Dorach.
I think that's gonna work just fine.
Buffy grabs a can of spray out of one of the boxes and picks up one end of a cable that is hissing out sparks near her. Shaking the can, she sprays the can directly above Dorach. The sparks from the cable ignite the flammable spray from the can and sends flames shooting up at the sprinkler. A moment passes before the sprinklers turn on and shoots water down on both Buffy and Dorach. Dorach is now back on his feet as the water starts spraying down. His body is glistening with the water's moister as he grabs hold of the cables that are stuck in the wall for support.
Dorach howls in pain as his body ignites up in flames. Buffy dives back as she watches Dorach's body burst into flames. She is breathing heavily as water sprinkles down over her body. A few moments pass before Dorach suddenly dives forward, still in flames, and he grabs her with his hands. His hands are the only part of him that the flames haven't spread to. Buffy tries to fight him off, but his grip is too strong.
If I die, at least I have the satisfaction of taking you
with me.
His hands are wrapped around her throat and, try as hard as she might, she can't break his hold and Buffy is now finding it harder and harder to breath. Then, before either Dorach or Buffy knew it, Dorach's hands fly off of her neck and he reaches for his own neck. Dorach makes choking sounds as he scratches at his neck.
Shot of Buffy, looking surprised to see what has happened.
Shot of Dorach, still gasping for breath, just before his body evaporates from the flames.
Pan back around to show Buffy, still looking dazed at what happened. She slowly rises to her feet and turns around. After turning around, she stops. We pan over to see WILLOW and TARA at the entrance to the chamber. Tara is standing there, her right hand holding Willow's, and her left extended outward, palm facing the area where Buffy was fighting Dorach. Willow is looking at Tara with surprise.
Shot of Buffy's reaction to what she saw. It is surprise and bewilderment as she realizes that Tara just saved her.
Shot of Tara's face. Her eyes are wide and it appears that she is just now realizing what she did. Her mouth is open and she is breathing hard. She slowly lowers her left hand, but it can clearly be seen that red and green tendrils of energy are cackling across her fingers.
(just as surprised as Buffy)
Before anything else can be seen, a scraping sound is heard from the roof of the chamber and then moonlight shines inward. Shot pans up to reveal XANDER and Dawn looking down at them from the manhole cover they moved.
Buffy....are you down there?
Buffy looks up and decides to talk to Willow and Tara later about what just happened.
Yeah, I'm down here. Willow and Tara are here too.
Great, we'll you guys out of there in a few minutes.
Dawn's getting a ladder. Are you guys alright?
(looking at Tara)
Yeah, more or less. My shoulder's hurt, but other than that, I'm fine.
Shot stays on Buffy as she stares at Tara and Willow. Shot moves to Tara, still very much shocked at what happened.
Cut to:
Commercial Break.
Cut to:
EXT. The Sunnydale Bus Station - Day.
The bus station is packed full of commuters and well-wishers. Some are saying goodbye to people while others are handling technicians their luggage and boarding different buses. The atmosphere is loud and very crowded.
We pan over from where the buses are over towards the station building, at the double glass doors. We see MR. MACLAY putting his luggage down on the ground up against the building's wall as he turns around and we pan over to see TARA standing there. WILLOW is seen in the background, a few away, giving her lover enough space to say goodbye to her father. Tara is wearing a white t-shirt with a Mickey Mouse design on the front. The shirt is tucked into a long yellow flowery skirt. She has her long blonde hair hanging freely.
Dad? I just wanted...
Mr. Maclay
Tara, there's no need for you to say anything. I was
out of line last night. I meant it when I told you that I love you.
You are my only daughter and sometimes....I worry about you. And while
I'll never approve of the choices you make, I will learn to accept them.
I'm sorry for last night.
So am I.
Mr. Maclay shakes his head.
(seeing it)
Mr. Maclay
You are so much like your mother that it astonishes
me. Whoever knew you'd surpass the expectations we both had of you.
(looking away)
Say hi to grandma for me.
Mr. Maclay
I will.
(he picks up his suitcases)
Goodbye Tara.
Mr. Maclay begins walking towards the bus that's heading to Seattle. He goes three steps before Tara turns to see him.
Mr. Maclay stops and turns to look at her.
I love you too.
Shot of Mr. Maclay's face. There is a flash of strong emotion in his face. He nods once at her before he turns around and hands the bus driver his luggage. He then gets on the bus. Shot moves back to Tara. Willow approaches Tara from behind and rests her hands on Tara's hips. Tara appreciates the contact and grasps the fingers at her waist. Together, they watch the bus pull out, taking Tara's father with it, away from Sunnydale.
Cut to:
INT. Willow and Tara's Bedroom, Time Lapse - Night.
It is during the same day of Tara's father leaving. The light is on in the bedroom and Willow is laying down on the bed with her back resting against the backboard. She is watching her lover as she prepares for bed. Pan over to show Tara. Tara is wearing her cream colored nightgown. She is just finishing brushing her hair and she sets the brush down. Next to the comb we see the envelope her father gave her. She picks it up and walks over to the bed.
Is Buffy alright?
(getting up to close their door)
Yeah, that demon bruised her shoulder, but otherwise, she's fine. She's
more worried about how your doing.
Tara...we can't just ignore what happened down
there. You did to that demon what I did to one last year. The only
thing is...I was using dark magick and I know your not. We need to talk
about that.
Tara pulls the covers up over her lower body and sets the envelope on her left side, in between herself and Willow. She rolls onto her left side and faces Willow, who is now rolling on her right side to face her.
I don't....I don't know how that happened. It just
happened. When we walked in there, that demon was in flames and choking
the life out of Buffy. I just reacted.
(running her left hand along Tara's right upper arm)
Tara, the power that it took to do what you did is immense. You didn't
even use an incantation. Buffy's worried because she thinks you might be
using dark magick.
Willow...come on. You know me. I don't use
dark magick. I would never use it.
(she sighs heavily)
Willow, I need you to promise me that you won't tell this to anyone.
Whatever it is, I promise.
I think....whatever is responsible for bringing me
back....either gave me more powers than I had.....or I'm starting to tap into
powers I didn't know I had. Either way, ever since I was returned, I've
felt stronger magically.
Shot of Willow. She is surprised by this fact.
Should we do some research on this?
Baby, a lot of Giles's old books have old legends about
resurrections and the changes they can make in a person. I think, if it
affected you, we should look into it. We just won't tell anybody.
Okay, but right now, I want to read this letter. My
dad said my mom wrote this to me when I was six. Apparently, she'd had a premonition
that night. She didn't want me reading this until I was twenty two.
Oh...okay, I'll go downstairs so you can read it. (she
starts to get up)
Tara reaches for her.
Don't go. I want to read this aloud. And....I
want you here.
Willow relaxes and snuggles closer to Tara as the blonde opens the old envelope and removes the letter that is inside.
Tara (VO)
To my dearest daughter Tara,
You should be almost twenty two when you read this letter. I am going to
instruct your father not to give this to you until you are twenty one.
First off, let me begin by telling you that I love you, my sweet Tara. I
love you more than you will ever know.
(Tara pauses as she gets choked up from the words)
It's okay baby.
Tara (VO)
Tonight, shortly after I put you to sleep, I came back up to my and your
father's room to do some spell reading when I was hit with a premonition.
This premonition was different than any I have ever had before. It
involved you and some people I've never seen in my life. But I know these
people were good people because, in the premonition, you trusted them. Let
me explain better. My sweet Tara, you were twenty one in my premonition
and in it, I witnessed events that will happen to you during your twenty first
year of life.
I saw you and a beautiful redheaded woman. And my own instincts told me that this young woman had stolen your heart and that you loved her very much. But what I saw in my premonition is that you and this young woman were journeying down a rocky road because she became too dependant on magick. And worse, her dependency on magick became so strong she used it to do things that can be done normally. My premonition told me that this young woman used her magick on you when you two had a fight.
And after you discovered her secret, you two separated because you both were beginning to travel down different roads. Let me say this before I continue with the vision. I could tell right away that you and this young woman were destined to be together and I know that the path of true love is never an easy one. And while roads often go in different directions, they always lead to the same place. With that said, let me continue. My vision continued with showing me of your time apart from the young redheaded woman whom you love. With her recognizing the problem of her dependency of magick to her working to be rid of the problem and trying to get you back. That much proves to me, my sweet daughter, that she loves you dearly.
And my vision continued with showing me of the night you and your beautiful partner reconciled and renewed your journey together. But then, my premonition showed me some horrific events. It showed me that, two days after your reconciliation, a man whose heart I could practically feel was dripping with hate and darkness desired to kill a blonde woman, but failed and ended up taking your life. And while that was disturbing enough, the events that followed were much worse. The premonition continued to show me the lengths your partner went to in order to avenge your death. Your partner went down a path that not many would have and in the end, almost ended the world. But, when it was over, she was saved by someone who loves her like a sister and my vision continued by revealing to me that you would eventually be returned to life by unknown means.
That is where my premonition ended. And while it wasn't revealed to me who is responsible for bringing you back, what I was shown are things that I will not put on this paper. The only things I know for sure is that I won't be alive when all this comes to pass and when you are brought back, you are going to feel like giving up and just wanting to be dead again. Tara, my daughter, I know you are afraid and hurting and you have every right to be, but your journey hasn't ended. The road you and your partner are traveling on hasn't come to a stop yet. It is going to be hard and things are going to seem bleak now, but trust me Tara, you cannot give up. Your partner needs you and the friends that surround you are going to need you a great deal in the coming months. Don't give up, Tara. Your destiny is intertwined with your partners and the two of you will discover it, together.
Other than these words and my love, I leave with you two things I want you to have. One, you will find two necklaces. They are my last gift to you and the only gift I can leave to your partner. When the time comes, the necklaces will protect you. The other thing that I leave you is something I was shown in the premonition. You need to seek out a woman named Sandra Kendall. I know you are wondering why, but that will be revealed when you find her.
With all my love and best wishes,
Your mother.
As Tara finishes speaking aloud the words of the letter and putting it down, we pan up to see her face. Her cheeks are wet from her tears and we pan over to see Willow's face is much the same way as they both look into each other's eyes.
(choked up)
Your mom was wrong.
Tara looks at her.
She said the necklace is the only gift she can leave
me. That's not true. She gave me you way before this
necklace. I love you, Tara.
(leaning across to Willow)
I love you too, Willow. I always will.
The two touch lips and kiss. The kiss is full of promise and they both deepen it simultaneously as they reach out with their hands to prolong the contact of their bodies together. They continue to kiss as the camera pans up to the ceiling.
End of Episode 3 - Ties That Bind.
End Credits.