Buffy the Vampire Slayer - Virtual Season 7 - Episode 4

The Boss

by The Devious One (letsrocket_1998@yahoo.com)
Follow the Virtual Season 7 of Buffy the Vampire Slayer by The Devious One Productions at https://deviousone2002.tripod.com/vir7season.htm.

Buffy and all characters who have appeared in the syndicated series Buffy the Vampire Slayer, together with the names, titles, and backstory are the sole copyright property of Mutant Enemy, the WB, UPN, and of course, Joss Whedon himself.  No copyright infringement was intended in the writing of this fan fiction.  All other characters, the story ideas and VR season itself are the sole property of the author.  This story cannot be sold or used for profit in any way.  Copies of this story may be made for private use only and must include all disclaimers and copyright notices.

NOTE:  All works remain the © copyright of the original author.  These may not be republished in any way, shape, or form without the written expressed consent or acceptance of the author of the story.

SPECIAL NOTE:  At the special guest star, there is a name, Jason Isaacs, there.  He was the man from the movie The Patriot with Mel Gibson and he played Tavington, the officer that killed Gibson's son.  If my episodes were ever aired and acted out by the actors, I envision Jason Isaacs playing the Boss.

(Anthony Steward Head VO)
"Previously on Buffy the Vampire Slayer"

The normal Previously on Buffy music cues up.

Various scenes from different episodes are now shown.  They are in the order as follows.

A small compilation of scenes are shown, showing the progression of events of the episodes Two to Go and Grave.  It shows the battle between Dark Willow and Buffy and moving to the battle between Dark Willow and Giles.  The compilation of scenes ends with showing Xander's helping bring Willow back and Buffy and Dawn fighting their way out of the hole in the cemetery.

The next compilation of scenes shows the resurrection of Tara in Alive Again, following with scenes from Returned, involving Warren's return and his attempt to strike back at Buffy and the gang.  Compilation continues with showing the scenes from Alive Again depicting Buffy's battle with the Hooded Figure that called himself the Messenger.

Final compilation of scenes are from the episode Ties That Bind, showing Tara's interactions with her father and the date she had with Willow and her father.  Scenes involving Buffy and the demon Dorach are shown, as well as the events that led to Dorach being destroyed by a shocked Tara.  Compilation ends with showing the reading of the Tara's letter and the kiss from Ties That Bind with Willow.

EXT.  An Abandoned Warehouse - Early Morning.

It is very early in the morning.  So early that not even the birds outside are chirping.  The shot opens on the outside of an mostly abandoned warehouse.  There is a black van parked outside with the windows tinted so no sunlight can enter it.  The shot moves up to the window at the top level of the warehouse.

The shot cuts to the interior of the top level of the warehouse.  We see a person, their back the only thing visible, moving around a small, mostly empty room.  The person has a strong build and very muscular around his upper body.  He is dressed in black pants, a black long sleeved sweater with a leather vest over it, and black leather gloves.  He turns around and the shot shows his chest, but not his face.  The necklace with the red heart and the cross severing through it is revealed to be around his neck.

There is a knock on the far door to the small room the person is inside.  The person walks over and opens it.

The Man With the Necklace

His voice is revealed to be that of the Hooded Figure from "Alive Again".  The shot moves to the individual on the outside of the door.  It is revealed to be a vampire, his game face on, with dark hair.  He is also wearing the red heart with the cross necklace.

The Vampire
Sorry to disturb you, but the Boss is on the vid phone.  He's asking for you.

Hooded Figure
Thank you.  Have everyone ready in fifteen minutes.  I don't want mistakes happening today.  And neither will he.

The Vampire
Yes sir.

The Hooded Figure closes the door and walks over to a chair, where his cloak and hood are laying.  The shot is still low and his face is still hidden from view as he sits down and activates a video phone that is set up on a table.  The shot stays on his chest, just below his chin as we hear a voice from the other line answer.

Hooded Figure
(bowing his head)
My lord.

Is the Slayer still there?

Hooded Figure
Yes.  I gave her the warning as you requested and I have stayed in this town, watching her.  She has ignored the warning and has stayed in Sunnydale.

It is as I have foreseen.  The Slayer and her group will stay and defend their town to the death.  The time has come for the Slayer and I to have a face to face confrontation.  I want to know just how strong she is and I want her to know who she's dealing with.

Hooded Figure
Sir, she has killed the demon Dorach.  It happened a few weeks ago and there is another minor detail you should be aware of.

And that would be...

Hooded Figure
A member of her group, a witch, was murdered by a man before the summer began and her soul has been returned to her.  The man that shot her was also murdered, but he, likewise, now lives.  The part that could be of use to us is that they are somehow connected.  If one dies, the other dies.

Hmm, that is interesting.  That could be of interest to me.  Keep tabs on this murderer.  I want the full details when I arrive.

Hooded Figure
As you wish.

The shot moves back to the screen to show that the call has ended.  The Hooded Figure in the chair rises and grabs his cloak and hood and wraps it around his shoulders.  Pulling the hood up over his head, the shot reveals the chin and lower lip of the face of the Hooded Figure.  It is pasty white, similar to the face of the Master.  The Hooded Figure moves to the door of the small room.

The shot cuts to the outside of the small room.  There is a railing just outside the door and the Hooded Figure walks to it and places his hands on the railing.  A fleet of stairs is just to the right that descends to the first level of the warehouse.  The Hooded Figure gazes down at the interior of the warehouse.  Shot moves to show the interior of the warehouse and to see what the Hooded Figure is looking at.

There are multiple vampires moving around on the bottom floor.  They are all wearing similar clothing.  Black pants with a black short sleeved shirt and they are wearing robes over the shirt with the design of the necklace with the red heart and the cross severing through it.  All the vampires have their morphed game face on and they are moving closed wooden crates into the warehouse.  Off to the side, vampires are tearing the crates open and taking what is inside out.

Shot of a crate being opened.  Inside there is tons of cubes of ice with packets of blood inside.

Cut to:

INT.  Sunnydale Airport, Time Lapse - Early Morning.

The interior of the airport is mostly silent.  There are only a few people inside.  Most of the people there are sitting down on the chairs where the windows that overlook the planes, obviously awaiting their loved ones or friends to walk through the door to the side.  The shot moves over to where the luggage is arranged.  We see a man walking towards it, the shot is at his waist, so we don't know who it, in fact, is.

The man is wearing a dark brown jacket as he grabs two suitcases.  Just behind him, another man, this one dressed in a black three piece business suit, grabs one suitcase and follows the individual with the brown jacket over to two empty chairs.

Man in Black Suit
I still don't understand why you didn't call your friends.

Shot of the man in the brown jacket, still at the waist as he turns.  The shot pans up to reveal the man's identity to be GILES.  Giles looks at the man.

They have enough to deal with without me adding to it.

Man in Black Suit
But isn't that what your about to do when you tell them?

Giles looks at him with an expression on his face that says to not say another word.

Let's not concern ourselves with that yet.  First things first, finding you a hotel before we go to Buffy and the others.

Giles and the man in black walk towards the parking lot of the airport without another word said.

Cut to:

Opening Credits:

Sarah Michelle Gellar

Nicholas Brendan

Allyson Hannigan

Emma Caulfield

Michelle Trachtenberg

James Marsters

Amber Benson as Tara

Gratuitous Group Shots
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Special Guest Stars
Anthony Steward Head
Adam Busch
Jason Isaacs

Cut to:

EXT.  The Magic Box - Morning.

The Magic Box has not yet opened up for a day of business.  Instead, it remains closed as the only people inside it are putting up special decorations for the Halloween holiday that is rapidly approaching.  It is ANYA, XANDER, DAWN, and BUFFY who are there putting up the Halloween decorations.

Anya is wearing a flowery sleeveless silk top with a pair of black pants and her hair is combed back and free.  She is behind the counter, arranging the items on the counter.  Some feet away from her, Dawn is up on a ladder, hanging the "Happy Halloween" banner up across the ceiling for the customers to enjoy.  Dawn is wearing a purple short sleeved top with a pair of black jeans.  Across the archway where Dawn is, another ladder is set and BUFFY is standing on the ladder, holding the other end of the "Happey Halloween" banner.  The Slayer is wearing a white turtleneck sweater with a pair of white pants.  She has her hair rolled up into a bun at the base of her head.  At the far wall, XANDER is putting up artificial cobwebs up along the wall.  He is wearing a green short sleeved shirt with a flannel green shirt over it, buttoned up halfway, and a pair of blue jeans.  All of them have been busy at this for at least an hour.

I so love Halloween.

We know, Anya.

Anya gives him a look.

The only reason your so ecstatic about Halloween is because of the money you make.  Remember last year?

Of course I remember last year.  I made a fortune last year.  And this year's going to be even better.  That's why I'm gonna need you guys to help out again.

No way!  Anya, I'm not going to spend all Halloween night in this place again.  No way.

Oh come on Dawn, it can be fun this time.

You're joking, right?


Xander, do you remember how unbelieveably busy and tired we were last year?  It could be twice as bad this time.

Anya gets a delighted look on her face.

Twice?  Did you say twice?

Uh oh.

That's twice the money.  I can get twice the money this year!  I have to do that.

You'll be lucky if you can top last year, Anya.

Oh, I'm going to do it, I just have to come up with the right strategy.

Anya starts pacing behind the counter as she hums to herself, thinking.

Cut to:

INT.  The Warehouse, Time Lapse - Day.

Inside the warehouse, the assemblement of vampires are storing the packets of blood in several small refrigerators.  They are keeping the blood chilled and secure.  The Hooded Figure is walking down the flight of stairs, towards the ground level as the other vamps continue to work at the crates.

Once he reaches the ground floor, he stops and regards the vampires for a moment.  The vampire from before approaches him.

The Vampire
We almost have the blood unpacked and in the freezers.

Hooded Figure
Good.  Everything's going according to plan for tonight's special party.  The Boss will be pleased.  Very pleased.

The vampire goes back to helping the other vamps put the packets of blood in the other freezers that are lined up along the far wall.  Shot of the Hooded Figure's hood as a vehicle pulls up outside the warehouse.  He walks over to the window and looks out.  A moment later, he motions for a vampire to open the large door.

Shot of two vampires, staying shaded, opening the door wide enough for a black sedan to pull in.  After the car is inside the warehouse, the two vampires shut the doors.  Pan over to the Hooded Figure.  He walks over to the sedan as the vehicle's doors open and more vampires get out.  These are three vampires, dressed in black leather fighting gear.  The first was a woman in her human life.  She has dark red hair that goes beyond her shoulder blades and she has the hair braided.  She has blue eyes and has her game face on, as do the other two.

Behind her is a male vampire with black shoulder length hair and a strong build.  The other vampire has rusty blonde hair that is neatly cut with enough hair on the top to leave bangs over his forehead.  He has a black mustache and beard over his face.

Hooded Figure
Did you get it?

The redheaded female vampire, named SELENA, walks over, followed by the other two.

Yes, it took some doing, but we managed to get all the blueprints to that building.  With all the planning that's gone into this, nothing better mess it up.

Hooded Figure
Selena, Selena, you need to relax.  Nothing can go wrong.  The Boss put this plan together.  Tonight, we're throwing a feast for all vampires and demons in this town and before it's over, they're going to be volunteering themselves for the Boss's glorious magnificence.

The two male vampires nod along.  The black haired vampire is named RAVNOS and the blonde haired vampire is named TOREADOR.

When will the Boss be here?

Hooded Figure
Soon.  Don't worry, he'll be here by the time we begin.  Now, let's go upstairs and go over the security patterns for tonight.  If the Slayer even gets a whiff of something happening, you can bet she'll be there and we need to be prepared.  Besides, the Boss has something special planned for her should she drop by.

The Hooded Figure begins walking up the flight of stairs, with Selena, Ravnos, and Toreador following behind.

Cut to:

INT.  University of California at Sunnydale, Bench Outside A Building, Time Lapse - Day.

The shot opens with a perfect view of the blue skies with just a few white clouds there.  The shot slowly moves downward and it's revealed to be at UC Sunnydale.  Sitting on a bench just outside one of the teaching buildings, TARA sits with her right leg crossed over her left, the ankle over her knee.  She is dressed in the same attire as in the episodes "Smashed" and "Wrecked".  Her hair is pulled back into a single ponytail and on her lap is an opened book and she is looking through it.  Sitting on the bench to her right is a large glass of soda.

She reaches over and picks up the glass and sips from the straw as she continues to read from the book on her lap.  A hand reaches into the shot and touches her on the right shoulder.  The touch surprises Tara and she almost loses her soda.  She quickly looks up and we cut to see WILLOW there, giving her a smile.


Hey, what're you doing?

Just looking through this book while I wait for you.  And hey, your here.

I sure am.

Willow moves over and sits down to Tara's left.  She has a bag of her books on her left shoulder and she sets it down and turns toward Tara.

So what did you want to do today?  I already went to the admissions office and took care of everything.

(touching Tara's shoulder)
Didn't have any trouble?

(shaking her head)
No, not really.  I had to fill out some papers again, but I'm fully registered again.  They told me not to worry about going to class until tomorrow.  The instructors are going to let me catch up on all the class work, so that's a plus.

Yeah.  Hey, we could go by Chinese place you like.  Have some lunch or something.  And maybe a movie later?

That sounds nice.  Wait a minute, won't Buffy be wondering where we are?

(shaking her head)
No, Buffy knows we need some alone time and we haven't really gotten that much lately.

Standing up, Tara reaches down for Willow's hand.  Willow gladly grasps it as she grabs her bag.

Well...come on then, let's get some Chinese.

The two witches continue to hold hands as they walk away from the shot.  The shot cuts to a shot of behind the witches as they walk away.  It is of someone's point of view as we see a black gloved hand resting on a tree.  The shot pans around to reveal that it is WARREN who is watching them walk away.  He is wearing a pair of black pants and a black sweater with his black jacket on.

So why are we connected, Miss Tara?  And why am I feeling strong power around you?

Warren shakes his head after speaking the words as he moves to follow them.

Cut to:

Commercial Break.

Cut to:

EXT.  The Magic Box, Time Lapse - Day.

It is a few hours later now and the shop is open for business.  The Halloween decorations are up and it looks very festive.  There are a few customers in the shop, looking around, but it is mostly a dull time.  ANYA is standing behind the counter at the checkout as a customer is paying for some things.  BUFFY and XANDER are sitting at the round table.  Buffy is playing solitaire with some playing cards while Xander is looking at some papers he has on the table.

So Buffy...where's Willow at right now?

Buffy looks up from her game.

Oh...they're probably at the University right now.  I talked to Willow this morning and she wanted to spend the day with Tara, just with Tara.  They haven't had much time by themselves lately, y'know?

Yeah, I know.  How is Tara doing, anyway?  You know, with the whole being alive again thing?

Buffy gives him a look at the words he used.

She's doing a lot better, actually.  I'm kind of surprised how well she's been.  Ever since that whole Dorach incident in that tunnel, something's been different.

Anya walks over.

Maybe Willow got through to her.


Well, whatever it is, she's a lot happier than she was and that's a good thing.

What about that thing you told us about?  That whole demon evaporating and you thinking Tara was responsible for it.

Yeah, have you talked to her about it?

Guys, I'm not really sure what exactly happened.  It may not have been Tara's doing at all.  Demon could have just had something stuck in it's throat.  Who knows?

The sound of the bell ringing at the front door draws their attention away from their conversation and they all gaze at the door as it opens and GILES and the other gentleman enter.  Giles smiles at them as he takes his glasses off.

Giles!  Your back!!

How was your trip, G-Man?

Buffy moves over and hugs the Watcher.  He responds in kind.

Yes...I got back this morning.  I have all my business in England taken care of, so I'm here to stay.  But, before we talk about my trip, we have something to talk about.

Uh oh, I don't like the sound of that.

Yes, when you talk like that, it usually means trouble.

The man in the black suit watches all this with interest, watching the exchange and memorizing it for later reference.

Well, first things first.  Where are Dawn, Willow, and Tara?

Dawn's at school and Willow and Tara are enjoying some alone time.  Why, Giles what's going on?

Giles walks over to the counter and just looks at the store that he is the silent partner for.  He then turns to look at the man in the black suit.  The man is about five foot eight and of average weight.  He has brown hair that is thick and combed straight back and is set in place by hair gel.  He is wearing a pair of bifocals.

I'd like everyone to be here before I explain.  Let me just say this, while I was in England, the Council told me some things that are very....interesting.

Alright, let's call everyone and get them here.

What about Dawn?  I mean, do we intrude on her class?

Under normal circumstances, I would say no.  But, this is important.

Alright, I'll go pick her up and I'll call Willow on the way.  When I get back with them, we'll talk about what's so important.


Buffy goes over and grabs her keys before she heads for the door.  As she passes the man in the suit, she and he share a look.  His is a look of study, while hers is one of curiosity.

Cut to:

INT.  The Warehouse, Time Lapse - Day.

Up inside the upper level room, the HOODED FIGURE, SELENA, RAVNOS, and TOREADOR are standing around a rectangular shaped table.  Blueprints of a building structure are laid out across the table and they are looking at it.

Hooded Figure
There are five exits in the building.  The Boss wants the Slayer and her pals to be allowed entrance, but he wants the exits blocked off so they can't escape.

That's not gonna be a problem.  My guys already has the cameras set up, so we'll know the moment she and her friends enter the building.  Once they have, I'll personally have five teams dispatched to each of the exits.  If the Slayer or her pals try to get out, they'll have to go through them.

Hooded Figure
Excellent.  Now, the Boss doesn't expect the Slayer and her pals to show up until later.  So, we can go ahead with the plans.  Ravnos, how is everything on your end?

Everything is set.  We have the merchandise shipped into the building already and I've already been told that those we invited will be there to toast to the Boss's arrival.

Hooded Figure
Well, it looks like everything's in order then.  The Boss is going to be very pleased.

There is one problem I've noticed that might have been overlooked.

Hooded Figure
What is it?

Selena points to something on the blueprints.

There's a tunnel under the building and a few trap doors that lead down to it.  The Slayer and her group could find one of them when we attack her.

Hooded Figure
Well, we'll just have to take that chance.  Let's start moving the blood over.

The group of head vampires leaves the room to head downstairs.

Cut to:

INT.  The Magic Box, Time Lapse - Day.

The front door of the shop opens with the bell ringing as BUFFY enters with DAWN, WILLOW, and TARA following behind.  GILES is standing near the circular table with the man in the suit sitting at the table and XANDER is sitting on the counter with ANYA.

Alright, we're back.

What's going on, Mister Giles?

Giles walks over to where they are standing, the man in the suit staying seated, but watching.

First off, let me introduce you all to someone.
(he motions to the man in the black suit)
This is Arthur Kristoff.

The man in the suit, ARTHUR KRISTOFF, steps forward and looks at the group of friends.

Arthur Kristoff
How do you do?

Giles, what's this about?

Giles takes a deep breath.

Everyone, Arthur Kristoff is a Watcher and he's been appointed by the Council to watch and observe.

As he says the last words, there is obvious distaste.

Great, that's just great.

Why this time?

Arthur Kristoff
Excuse me?

Why is the all mighty Council invading on our lives this time?  A new big threat, Buffy's messing up, what?

Arthur Kristoff
I assure all of you, the reason for the Council's decision to send me is unfortunate, but it is necessary for what's going to be happening in the near future.

Giles, what's he mean?

Yeah, what's that mean, in the near future.

For the past few months, the Council, mainly Quintin Travers, has been involved with a secret project that they have kept very hush hush.

Secret project?

Yes.  From what they've told me, for the past few years, the Council has been tracking a vampire who's garnered an incredible following.  They don't have any information on who he is.  All they know is that his followers call him the Boss.  This vampire, the Boss, has been building powerful followings all over the world.  Quintin told me personally that he's established strong ties to strong military leaders all over the world, including the United States.

Buffy, didn't you say something about that mystery guy warning you of something called the Boss?

Buffy nods, suddenly remembering.

Yeah, could that be the same person?

Yes, I have reason to believe that the mystery fellow that tried to kill you, me, and Xander that night is one of the Boss's generals.  The Council learned a few weeks ago that the Boss has desired to come to America, more importantly, they have learned that he's coming here for some strong purpose.  What that is is unknown.

What does that have to do with this guy?

I'm going to get to that.  Last week, Quintin and his investigators learned of a special party that is being thrown here in Sunnydale in celebration of the Boss's arrival.  This party is for all major leaders of vampire and demon groups.  What Quintin believes is that the Boss is going to gather them together and convince them to join his cause.  Here is what I know about it.  It's going to happen somewhere tonight and the Boss's people have abducted innocents from around different cities and moved them here.  The people are going to gifts to the vampires and demons as an offering to join the Boss's cause.

How many innocents are we talking about, Giles?

It's hard to say.  I want to say a hundred, but it could be more than that or less than that.

We have to break their party up, then.  There's no way I'm letting that many people die or be turned.

They are all silent for a few moments.  Xander slowly raises his hand.

What is it, Xander?

What does any of this have to do with that guy?

He points to Arthur, who is watching them all with alert interest.  His gaze is mainly on watching Tara for some reason.

(looking away for a moment)
After what happened after that shooting at Buffy's house and everything that happened after that...
(he puts emphasis on those words to let them know he's referring to Willow's descent into dark magick)
....the Council made the decision that there needs to be some monitoring of Willow.  And after they learned of Tara's return, they seem to believe that it would be better if both Willow and Tara were monitored for now.

I don't...I don't believe this.  So this guy, Mr. Kristoff, is here to watch Will and Tara?  Is that it?

Arthur Kristoff
My job here, Miss Summers, is merely to observe the two witches.  I am to make sure that Miss Rosenberg does not fall back to that which almost destroyed the world before.

(sad and somber)
You mean dark magick.

Arthur Kristoff
Yes.  I am to make sure you no longer abuse the magick and my other order is to determine how and why Miss Maclay was brought back.

Tara sits down, not sure what to say.

Well...isn't this just peachy.

First things first, I have a map of an area in Sunnydale that Quintin assures me the gathering is going to happen at.  We need to find it and stop this offering of the innocents before it happens.

They all gather near the round table as Giles pulls out a map of the warehouses in Sunnydale.  Shot of Arthur Kristoff, watching them, but fixing his attention mainly on Willow and Tara, his face without expression.

Cut to:

INT.  The Warehouse, Time Lapse - Day.

The warehouse is now mostly empty.  The small freezers with the blood have been moved out and the crates have been disposed of.  There are only a few vampires milling about downstairs and the chief vampires are down there as well.

Shot of the downstairs.  We see RAVNOS, TOREADOR, and SELENA assisting the vampires finish up.  Pan up to show the HOODED FIGURE watching all of it take place.  He raises his hooded head after a moment as he feels something.  He turns and enters his office room and stops at the doorway.

Hooded Figure
I felt your presence, the moment you came.

Shot of inside the room.  We see a person, his back to us, looking around before he turns back around to face the Hooded Figure and it is revealed to be WARREN.  He smiles at the Hooded Figure.

Really....were you expecting me then?

Hooded Figure
Not really, but the Boss has foreseen your contacting me.  What do you want, human?

I want a meeting with your boss.  He and I have a mutual enemy.

Hooded Figure
The Slayer.

Yes...the Slayer.  I believe I can help him as he can help me.

Hooded Figure
I'm listening.

Well...see, the thing is, not too long ago, I was burning in some hell dimension for some things I did up here.  Then, BAMM, I'm hitting the ground, back on Earth.  What's more, the girlfriend of that bitch that killed me is back.  I need to know why.  She and I are linked somehow.  If she dies, I die.  If I die, she dies.  I want to know how all that happened.

Hooded Figure
(Walking around the small room)
Suppose the Boss does this for you.  Suppose he finds out what's behind your problem, what are you going to do for the Boss?

Whatever he wants.  I don't care.  If he wants the Slayer gone, I'll take care of it.  He wants money, I can get him money.  Whatever he wants.

Hooded Figure
That's a pretty high price your willing to pay.  Are you sure it's worth it?

To get these answers, absolutely.

The Hooded Figure nods slowly.

Hooded Figure
Alright, I'll talk to him.  I can't guarantee a meeting, but I will mention you to him.

That's all I'm asking for.

Warren vanishes in a green flash of light.  After he's gone, the shot moves to the Hooded Figure and stays there for an extended moment.

Cut to:

Commercial Break.

Cut to:

EXT.  Warehouse of The Gathering - Evening.

The vampires in the dark robes are busy in the preparation of the interior of this warehouse.  The walls are painted black, as are all the tables and goblets that are on them.  The appearance of the interior is very gothic.  There are gothic decorations lined up along the walls and all over the ceiling.  At the far wall, there is a staircase that leads to the upper level.  Up on the upper level, the HOODED FIGURE stands overlooking everything.

SELENA comes walking up.

I've just spoken to Toreador.  The cameras are working and he has everything secure.

Hooded Figure
And Ravnos?

He has everything under control.  As soon as the sun sets, all our guests will begin arriving.

Hooded Figure

And what about the Slayer?

Hooded Figure
What about her?

Are you sure it's wise to even let her in here?

Hooded Figure
What are you talking about Selena?

Forgive me but, I just want to be certain your not going to let your personal feelings cloud your judgment tonight.  We've worked too hard for this.

Hooded Figure
What exactly are you saying, Selena?

(raising her hands in a backing off gesture)
I know about your....issues with the Slayer.  I know why you originally joined the Boss's faction.  I just want to be sure that's not going to get in the way of tonight's preceedings.

The Hooded Figure looks out over the railing.

Hooded Figure
Selena, never question my loyalty to the Boss.  I have worked for him for the longest.  My personal issues as you call it will not effect tonight.  I can guarantee that.

Selena nods as she walks away.

Cut to:

INT.  The Magic Box, Training Room, Time Lapse - Evening.

In the back training room of the Magic Box, Buffy was going through one of the chests of weapons as GILES enters and silently regards her.  He has his hands in his jeans pockets as he watches her pull out a sword, a small pole-ax, and some small daggers.  There are a few wooden stakes also set out on the floor.

(VO as the shot is on Buffy)

(not looking up)

I'm sorry about the Arthur thing.

Buffy looks up from the chest and looks at her mentor.

Giles, does the Council regard Will as a threat?

I wish I could say no to that Buffy.  But the truth is....now that they know she's stronger than anyone knew, they are going to be watching us all much closer now.  And if Willow so much as...looks at a dark magick book, Arthur will find out and he will report it to Quintin.

What's gonna happen if she does?

I really don't see that happening, but if it does....there's a strong possibility that the allure of the dark magick could seduce Willow back like it did after Tara's shooting.  And that's when I fear the Council would intervene.

Giles....Willow wasn't seduced before. She willingly took the dark magick to get Warren.

I understand that Buffy....but dark magick is very alluring to someone who's not used to it.  And before last year, Willow hadn't messed with dark magick all that much.  But if she does, I do believe Arthur will report it to Quintin and who knows what'll happen after that.

This guy Arthur, who is he Giles?

(putting his glasses on)
Arthur Kristoff was a pupil of mine a very long time ago.  He and I never saw eye to eye on so many things.  He was trained to believe that a Slayer is nothing more than an instrument for the Council to use as they will.  Myself, on the other hand, I always stuck to the belief that a Slayer is more than just a weapon.  I've always believed that she's a person as well.  Arthur is a talented Watcher, but he is a Watcher through and through.  Make no mistake Buffy, he cares not for anyone.  He lives to serve the Council.

(shaking her head)
Sounds like Wesley when he first came here.


Are we ready?

Yes, Arthur's pretty sure about which warehouse they're using for the gathering tonight.  We need to wait until after it's dark before we go in.  My guess is...they'll wait until all their guests are here before they offer the innocents.  While the gathering is underway, we'll sneak the people out through the tunnels.


The scene cuts to the front of the shop, where everyone else is.  XANDER and ANYA are over with DAWN near the counter.  Xander and Dawn both have a few stakes in their hands.  Anya is talking to them.  Over at the round table, WILLOW and TARA are talking.  At the far wall, ARTHUR KRISTOFF is watching the witches.

Baby, I still don't like the idea of you coming.  It's going to be dangerous.

Will, I'll be fine.  We've faced dangerous people before.

It was different before.


It just was...okay!

Tara leans back in her chair and stares at her lover.  Tara couldn't remember the last time they had an argument like this one.  And Tara didn't fully understand why Willow was being like this either.

Willow, where is all this coming from?  We went into danger in that tunnel last month.  Why is this so different?

(finally exposing her fear)
Because there's real danger here and what if I fail you again.

(not believing what she just heard)

(closes her eyes)
What if I fail you again and a vampire gets you?  What if I'm not there?

Will.....do you think you failed me....when I was shot?

The look on Willow's face and her not answering is all the answer that Tara needs.

Oh my god.....Will....it was never your fault.  It was Warren's fault, not yours.  It was never yours.

Yes it was.  Tara, the truth is....if I had never started using all that dark magick, that shooting would never have happened.  If I hadn't pushed you away like I did, you would never have been standing in that one spot when Warren came.  I wouldn't have tried to end the world.  I failed you.

(very serious with her words)
I want you to listen to me.  Will, I've always believed that everything that happens...happens for a reason.  We were put on this Earth for a reason.  I was meant to find you, like you were meant to find me.
(Tara cups Willow's cheek)
We found each other and it's like my mother's letter said, the path of true love is never easy.  I believe with all my heart that we were meant to break up and get back together.  And while it pains me to say this, I believe I was meant to die in that house, on that day.  Because otherwise, everything else that happened, wouldn't have.  And I was meant to return to you, just as I have.  Willow, we are going to face dangers in this life, that's unavoidable.  Whether we choose to face them together or separate, that's another thing altogether.

(choked up at Tara's words)
Let's face them together.


Tara leans over and kisses Willow as she whispers the word.

The shot cuts to the door to the training room as BUFFY and GILES exit into the front area of the Magic Box.  Xander, Dawn, and Anya walk over as Willow and Tara stand from the round table.  Buffy notices Willow's red eyes, but decides not to comment.

(VO on their faces)
Alright, here's how we're going to do this.  Giles and Arthur are going to drive us to the warehouse and drop us off.  Once we've got the people out, we'll get to the rendeavous point where they'll be waiting.  If we get caught, Anya will teleport out and find Giles.  Everyone ready.

They nod.

Let's go then.

Cut to:

INT.  A Few Blocks from Warehouse, Time Lapse - Almost Night.

A dark van is pulling up to a parking lot between two large buildings.  It slowly comes to a stop and we pan around to the large door on the side.  It is moved open and we see that BUFFY, XANDER, WILLOW, TARA, ANYA, and DAWN begin to exit from the vehicle.  GILES is on the front passenger's side and he looks at Buffy as they get out.

Buffy, Arthur and I will wait right here.  That manhole over there is where you should come out after you get the people out.  Be careful, all of you.

Don't worry Giles, we'll be careful.

Everyone ready?

Her friends give her an affirmative nod.

Let's go.

The small group begin walking to the warehouse as Giles looks on from the van.

Cut to:

INT.  Inside the Warehouse, Time Lapse - Night.

The guests for the gathering have begun to arrive now that the sun has set and darkness has fallen over Sunnydale.  The leaders of all the prominent vampire groups and demon gangs are in attendance.  There are vampires and demons sitting at the tables, sipping blood out of the goblets, and there are demons and vampires standing around on the ground floor, talking amongst themselves.

The shot is of a downward angle as we are seeing from the higher level.  We pan over to show the HOODED FIGURE watching the gathering with his gloved hands on the railing.  He reaches down with his left gloved hand and grabs his round watch at his belt and he flips it open to reveal the current time.  He nods as he turns and begins walking over to where the stairs are located.

The Hooded Figure slowly descends from the stairs and much of the conversations die down as they recognize him as the Boss's chief general.  The Hooded Figure walks to where a black podium is set up and he steps in front of a microphone.

Hooded Figure
(grabbing the microphone)
Alright, alright....please quiet down and take your seats and we shall get started.

The vamps and demons all move to their seats and sit down as they turn their attention to the Hooded Figure on the podium.

Hooded Figure
Now, all of you have been invited to this gathering because you all play an important role in this town.  All of you lead your respective groups killing and pillaging.  But, the problem has always been that you keep your business low key because you do not desire to bring the wrath of the Slayer on you.  You have all lived in fear of the Vampire Slayer for too long.

A Demon
We do not want to be destroyed.  That's why we stay clear of her.

The Hooded Figure nodded at the words.

Hooded Figure
Yes, that is true.  The Slayer has become a painful thorn in many demons' and vampires' hides.  Well, no longer will you have need to fear her.  It is time for all of you to stand together and stand tall and no longer fear her.

A Vampire
Your talking insanity.  Everyone who's gone against the Slayer have perished.  Even the Hellgod Glorificus perished before her.  If a God couldn't beat her, what hope do we have to go against her.

There are murmurs of agreement among the vampires and demons.  Beneath his hood, the Hooded Figure smiles.  Shot of the Hooded Figure.

Hooded Figure
I am not suggesting all of you go against her.  This gathering is for one purpose.  To give you an offering in the name of the Boss.

A Vampire
The Boss?  He's here?

Hooded Figure
Not only is he here, but he has big plans for this town and for the Slayer.  All you have to do is join his cause and I promise you....the Slayer will not be a problem.

A demon stands.

The Demon
What is this offering?

Hooded Figure
The offering will be a human male, an ex-vengeance demon, two witches, a little girl, and the Slayer herself.  They will be here real soon.

The atmosphere in the large room suddenly changes as the vampires and demons begin to get excited at the prospect of ganging up on the Slayer and her friends.  Pan back to the Hooded Figure.  He crosses his arms and smiled beneath his hood.

Cut to:

INT.  Just Outside the Warehouse, Time Lapse - Night.

BUFFY, and the rest of the gang are now outside the warehouse.  They have approached a large rectangular shaped steel door and are trying to pry it open.  Buffy is grabbing the door handle and trying to use her Slayer strength to open it, but it surprisingly is not giving an inch.

Come on Buffy, where's that Buffy strength?

Xander, shut up.  The damn door won't budge.

Let us try.

Buffy looks at Willow and Tara for a moment, then she nods and steps back.  Shot of Willow and Tara as they approach the door.  Willow is holding Tara's right hand with her left and the two witches have their free hands extended, palm facing outward.

Willow & Tara
Vincini Coitia!

Magic energy bursts from their fingers and surge into the door.  A few beats pass before the door blasts inward with a loud crash.  They all look at the now opened doorway, then at the two witches.

Wow, I've seen you guys do magic before, but I've never seen you do that kind of damage.

I might've expelled too much on that.

Anya leans towards Xander's ear.

It's Tara, I'm telling you.  Remember our conversation!


The group begin moving inward as they follow the hallway of the building they've just entered.

Shot of the hallway.  The group slowly move down the hallway, which is mostly made of steel.  Buffy is in the lead with Xander behind her on the left and Dawn behind her on the right.  Behind Dawn and Xander is Anya with Willow and Tara bringing up the rear.  They come to the end of the hallway and it splits into two different directions.  The right and the left are the options for them to go.

Which way do we go?

We could split up and go both ways.

No.  There's going to be no splitting up.  We don't know what's going on in here and I don't want to take chances.  Anya, can you sense the right way?

Well...how should I know which way to go?  I'm not some compass y'know!

Well you are a vengeance demon again.

Both of you....quiet.  We'll take the right side.  Everyone, stay close and if you see anything, let someone know.

The group moves to the right direction and continues to walk.  Shot pans back to the doorway of the hallway to show a small camera watching their progress.

The scene cuts to a small television screen showing what the camera was picking up.  The shot pans back to show two vampires sitting in front of several small video screens.  Some of the screens are of different angles of the gathering, while the others are showing the hallways of the warehouse.  The shot pans back again to show beyond the two vampires.  TOREADOR is standing there, watching.  He grabs a small two way receiver off his belt and puts it to his mouth.

This is Toreador, come in.

We hear the usual sound of static before a voice comes in loud and clear.  It is the Hooded Figure's voice.

Hooded Figure's Voice
It's me, what is it?

The Slayer and her pals have arrived, just as the Boss has foreseen.

Hooded Figure's Voice
Excellent, seal off the exits and post the guards.  The Boss has already arrived and I'm getting those orders from him.

As you command.

Toreador puts his walkie talkie back at his belt and turns to a vampire standing at the doorway.

You know what to do.

The vampire nods and runs off.  Toreador walks up the panel of computers and begins pressing some keys.

Begin securing the exits.

The two vampires do as ordered.  The shot stays on Toreador's face as he smiles.

The shot cuts from there back to Buffy and the Scoobs as they move through the hallways.  They are now in a different part of the warehouse.  The hallways are no longer steel, but mainly just rested metal and some are just old plywood.  They slow to a stop as they near a pair of double doors.

Giles said the room the people would be in is mostly like double doors with a chain wrapped around the handles.

The double doors are, indeed, chained up.  Buffy puts her ear to the door to listen to the inside.

The sound of people screaming can be heard from the interior of the room.  Buffy moves her head back and, stepping back, she kicks at the double doors with as much strength as she can and the double doors are knocked off their hinges as they fall to the floor.  The group hurry into the room with Buffy in the lead to free the people.

Hurry everyone!!

Buffy and the others come to a stop at the center of the large and spacious room when they see that it is empty.  At the very far wall of the room is a single wooden chair with a tape recorder on it.  The recorder is playing and the sounds is of people screaming and crying out.

Shots of their faces.  They are all shocked at what they have just seen.

What's going on?

Suddenly, they hear a loud clicking sound.  Then, the floor beneath them moves and it is revealed that the entire room is a single trap door.  They fall downward, their sounds of yelling is heard as they fall to the room beneath them.

Shot of Buffy as she slowly begins to move to her knees.  She looks around in shock.  Pan back to reveal that they have all fallen into the black room where the gathering is taking place.  They are surrounded by all the vampires and demons.  They have fallen in front of the podium and Buffy looks behind her when she hears a laugh.

The Hooded Figure stands there.

Hooded Figure
You should have heeded my warning, Slayer.

Shot of Buffy and the others.  Their faces are of shock and disbelief.

Cut to:

Commercial Break.

Cut to:

EXT.  Inside the Warehouse - Night.

Scene continued from before the break.  Buffy and the others are getting back to their feet, surrounded by the vampire and demon leaders.  They are snarling and waiting to pounce on Buffy and the others.  Buffy looks at the Hooded Figure with an intense look on her face.

Hooded Figure
My friends!  I give you....the offering of the Boss!!!

There were no innocents.  We were the offering!

I have figured that out, Xander.

What are we going to do, Buffy?

(getting on her feet)
We're gonna fight our way out of this, that's what.

A Demon
Let's have some fun, fellas!

The demon and vampire leaders attack the Scoobies.  The group splits up as they take on their enemies.  The Hooded Figure watches from the podium as Buffy engages four of the members of the gathering.  Watching with respect, he watches as Buffy jumps up and kicks a demon in the face, sending the demon flying into the air and crashing through the wall.  Buffy lands back on the ground as a vampire moves up and tries to kick her in the face.  She ducks below the shot and places her hands flat on the floor.  She raises her legs up and wraps her lower legs around the vampire's neck and sends it flying towards the floor.

The two other vampire charge her.  Buffy pulls a stake out of her pocket and sends it flying into the chest of one of the vampires, dusting it effectively.  She runs forward and jumps into the air, somersaulting over the other vamp as she rolls to the ground and grabs her stake.  The vampire leader turns and snarls at her as he charges her.  Buffy easily catches him, staking him.  The vampire is dusted.

Some feet from Buffy, Dawn is holding her own with a sword against three vampire leaders.  One of the vampires charges at her and she ducks under his attack.  She turns swiftly and swings hard with her sword, taking the head of the vampire.  The vamp turns to dust.  Dawn turns to face the other two vampires, but she is grabbed by them at the shoulders.  Her sword falls.

Let me go, creeps!

The vampires ignore her as they try to manhandle her to a wall of the room.  One of the vampires moves to bite her neck, but he never reaches.  Shot of the vampire's face full of pain a split second before he turns to dust.  Dawn yanks her arm free and moves to grab her sword.  After picking the sword up, she turns back around and a look of surprise colors her face.

Shot of the other vampire as he turns to dust.  As the dusted vampire fades away, we see SPIKE standing there with a stake garnished in his hand.

(VO as the shot is on Spike)

(smirking at her)
Yep niblet.

Buffy walks over after seeing Spike.

What the hell are you doing here!?

Yell at me later, luv....I'm here to help.  That's all.

Shot moves to Xander as he fights a small group of vampires.  A vampire charges right at him and Xander can't move out of the way in time, so he lets the vamp take him to the ground.  As he hits the floor, Xander grabs his stake and dusts the vampire.  After the vampire dusted, Xander moves to his feet and throws it at another vampire.  The vamp is dusted easily.

Shot switches to Willow and Tara.  Instead of weapons, the two are using their magical abilities to beat their attackers.  Willow raises her right hand and says a quick chant. A green flash of magical energy bursts from her hand and incinerates the vampire and two others that stand with him.  Willow smiles at her accomplishment.  She turns to look at Tara and her smile fades from her face.

Shot of Tara.  Tara has just finished a vampire with a fireball.  There is a vampire behind her, about to grab her.


The vampire goes up in flames after Willow's word.  Tara turns around as she hears Willow's word.  She smiles in thanks to her.  Willow smiles back.  They continue fighting more of the vampires and demons that remain.

Shot switches back to where Buffy is standing.  Most of the vampires and demons have been destroyed and there are only a few remaining.  Enough that the gang are taking care of them.  She turns back to the podium and sees that the Hooded Figure is no longer there.  She looks towards the railing and sees him standing there, looking down at her.

Shot of his hooded face as he locks eyes with her for a long moment before he turns and begins walking away.  

Shot of Buffy.  She seems unsure if she should leave her friends.

Buffy...go!  We've got these guys taken care of!

She nods at him as she turns and runs off.  She moves up the stairs and onto the upper level railing.  Once she is at the top of the stairs, she runs after him in the direction he went.

The shot cuts to the rooftop of the warehouse.  The Hooded Figure is standing near the very ledge of the roof.  Buffy suddenly barges through the door that leads back into the building.  She breathes hard as she nears him.

I don't know who you are....but this ends now.

Shot of the view the Hooded Figure sees.  The warehouse is on the bank of the river and below, there is a long wooden dock where boats are floating.  Pan back to the Hooded Figure as he turns around and regards Buffy.

Hooded Figure
I suppose it's safe for you to know who I am now.

The Hooded Figure reaches up and pulls back his hood to reveal his face to her.  His face and head resembles the same type of vampire that the Master was.  It is the same pasty white color and the skin is similar to the Master, only his face is slightly younger than the Master's was.

Hooded Figure
I am called Brujah, the Messenger.  And if you really want to end this....why don't you give chase?

Funny...there's nowhere for you to go.

You think so?

Brujah turns and dives off the rooftop.  As his body descends, it appears as if he's flying because he goes a great distance before he lands swiftly on his feet as if it wasn't a hard jump at all.  Buffy stares at where he now is and then looks down.  There is a trash dumpster on the ground with the lid closed and she regards it for a moment before she steps off the rooftop.

Shot of her landing on her side on the trash dumpster.  She rolls off the dumpster and runs after Brujah.

I'm very impressed, Slayer.  I have to admit, you are much tougher than the last Slayer I encountered.

Like I said, this ends now.

Brujah smiles at her.  Shot of Buffy's face.  It shows anger.  Suddenly, we hear the sounds of a car engine revving.  Shot of Buffy as she turns to look behind her.  There is a black limousine parked there and the headlights suddenly turn on, the bright light forcing Buffy to raise her hand to her eyes to shield them.  The limousine moves forward with more and more speed.  As it nears, Buffy suddenly jumps on the wooden dock to miss being hit by the car.

Brujah walks over behind the car as it stops and waits there.  There is silence for several moments as Buffy moves to her feet.  We hear a clicking sound as the door of the limousine slowly opens up and a figure steps out.  The figure is a man and he is wearing a three piece white business suit with a black cape over his shoulders held by a gold clip at the neck.  The man has long black hair that is tied into a ponytail at the base of his neck.  He has deep blue eyes and his skin is like a normal person's.

The figure calmly walks over to where Buffy is standing.

Who are you?

The man smiles, exposing his fangs.  This surprises Buffy because he has no game face on.

The Boss
I am the Boss.  You should have taken Brujah's advise.  And now, your failure will be the downfall of your friends.

Buffy doesn't respond, she is too shocked to.  The Boss moves the sides of his black cape back behind him.  He steps forward and smacks Buffy across the face, hard.  The impact sends Buffy flying into the air and her body crashes to the ground a few feet away.  The Boss stares impassively at her as she struggles to her knees.

The Boss
Your reign in this town is coming to an end, Slayer.  If you care at all for your friends, leave this town.

Sunnydale is my home.  I will never leave.

The Boss
Then you will die before it's over.

Buffy slowly moves her hand to her stake, which is at her waist.  Grasping it, she pulls her arm back.

Been there, done that.

She stands and flings the stake at the Boss.  He stands impassively as it embeds into his chest.  He makes a choking sounds and begins grasping the wood still visible.  Stumbling forward a few steps, it appears as if he is about to perish.  Then, as if in slow motion, he straightens up and pulls the stake out and stares at Buffy with the stake in his right hand.  He lets the stake drop onto the ground and smiles at her.

The Boss
A stake is simply not good enough, my dear.

Shot of Buffy's shocked face as she now realizes the Boss is immune to wooden stakes.  Pan back around to the Boss as he turns around and walks back to his limousine.  Brujah is there.  Brujah opens the door and the Boss turns around one last time.

The Boss
This is the only time I will say this.  If you value your life and the lives of your friends, take them and leave.  I will not stop you if you leave now.  Stay and I promise you, you will regret it.  You have no comprehension of what I am.  You are nowhere near being ready to face me.

The Boss gets into the limousine and Brujah shuts the door.  Brujah smiles at Buffy as he moves over to the other side and gets into the limousine.  The limousine pulls away as Buffy watches them go, shock and disbelief all over her face.

Cut to:

INT.  The Summers House - Morning.

It is morning in the home of the Summers sisters.  Directly after the Boss's departure, the others caught up with Buffy and she told them what all happened. From her brief interaction with Brujah to her confrontation with the Boss, she told them everything.  They were all shocked at hearing of a vampire that can't be staked.

Now, one morning later, all is mostly peaceful in the house.  BUFFY is up and is sitting on the couch with GILES.  Giles is sitting in the chair opposite her and both are looking somber.  Sunlight is shining through the window behind Buffy.

What are you thinking about, Giles?

(shaking his head)
I guess I'm just in shock that....Quintin gave me false information.  Buffy, if I'd known that that was a trap from the beginning....

(a sympathetic smile)
I know.

There is a moment of silence.

So I guess we should start trying to find out all we can about this guy.

Yes....there's got to be something somewhere about him.  And about what he's after.  There is still two other problems we should look into.


This Warren and Tara connection.  We need to learn more about how they were both allowed to return at the same time.  I'm convinced that whatever force brought them back created this life force connection between them.  The other....is Arthur Kristoff.

What about him?  You said as long as Willow stays away from the dark stuff, he won't be a problem.

Yes...but I'm not convinced that that's the only reason he's here.

You think there's something else.

Actually, I think he's here for Tara.

Buffy has a look of surprise on her face.


Yes....my instincts are telling me that the Council knows more about her return than they are letting on.  We need to keep our eyes on Arthur.

Buffy nods silently as the shot fades from their conversation to Arthur's hotel room.  He is sitting at a desk, looking at something on the desk.  The shot pans down to reveal an opened manilla folder.  On one side are a collection of papers.  On the other side is a data sheet with a small picture of Tara in the corner.  It is information about her on the sheet.

Shot of Arthur's face.  He has his hands steepled together and pressing his chin against them.  There is a look of deep concentration on his face as he looks up from the folder and stares straight ahead, impassive.


End of Episode 4 - The Boss
End Credits.