Buffy the Vampire Slayer - Virtual Season 7 - Episode 5

Beneath You

by The Devious One (letsrocket_1998@yahoo.com)
Follow the Virtual Season 7 of Buffy the Vampire Slayer by The Devious One Productions at https://deviousone2002.tripod.com/vir7season.htm.

Buffy and all characters who have appeared in the syndicated series Buffy the Vampire Slayer, together with the names, titles, and backstory are the sole copyright property of Mutant Enemy, the WB, UPN, and of course, Joss Whedon himself.  No copyright infringement was intended in the writing of this fan fiction.  All other characters, the story ideas and VR season itself are the sole property of the author.  This story cannot be sold or used for profit in any way.  Copies of this story may be made for private use only and must include all disclaimers and copyright notices.

NOTE:  All works remain the © copyright of the original author.  These may not be republished in any way, shape, or form without the written expressed consent or acceptance of the author of the story.

SPECIAL NOTE:  As you can tell from the title, I'm taking events from the actual Season Seven episode and applying it to this episode.  I'm just altering certain elements to better fit my season.  Enjoy and remember, comments go to the email addy above.  I am also taking certain words from the PDF transcript of Beneath You done by Psyche.  No harm is intended.

(Anthony Steward Head VO)
"Previously on Buffy the Vampire Slayer"

The normal Previously on Buffy music cues up.

Various scenes from different episodes are now shown.  They are in the order as follows.

A small compilation of scenes are shown from the Season Premiere of VS7 Alive Again, ending with Tara's return to life.  Following it is scenes from Returned, depicting Warren's return during the same time Tara was returned.  A few scenes are shown showing Warren's strike against Buffy and her friends at the Cemetery (Returned).

What follows are scenes from Episodes Three and Four, depicting Xander and Anya's slowly rebuilding relationship, as well as the troubles Willow and Tara are going through as they try to renew the relationship they had before Tara's tragic death.  After those scenes, the recent altercations between Spike and Buffy are shown.

EXT.  Night Club in Frankfurt, Germany - Night.

A beautiful teenage GIRL, dressed in black leather and bright pink colored hair runs desperately through the deserted hallways of an office building over the bustling night club.  She is being pursued by several figures in dark cloaks, their faces being obscured by hoods.  The girl enters a stairwell and stops, taking deep breaths.  After a few moments, she moves down the stairs.  She emerges on a rooftop patio and quickly drops over the side, scaling the wall and landing right outside the rear door of the club.

She runs to the heavy metal doors and drags them open, relieved at the sight of all the people around her.  However, before she can even get her wits about her, more cloaked men charge her from inside the club and push her backward, towards outside.  They close the door, sealing the girl off from the relative safety of the crowd.

They throw her up against the wall and she fights them to the best of her ability, afraid but brave.  She kicks one in the gut and elbows the other before she is knocked to the ground by a vicious blow to the head.  One of the cloaked figures pulls a knife with ceremonial carvings on it's handle out and brings it down, but the girl blocks the blow only to be savagely stabbed by the second man.  She cries out at the painful infliction as her life begins to slip away.

The shot moves to her face as her eyes glaze over and death comes closer to her.  She speaks in a deep and resonating voice.

From beneath you....it devours.

Cut to:

INT.  The Summers Residence, Willow & Tara's Room - Night.

It is mostly silent in the Summers Household.  Night time has fallen over the city and the shot opens, showing two peaceful figures intertwined together in the middle of a bed.  It is WILLOW and TARA, sleeping peacefully.  Both are on their left sides, Tara facing the door with Willow holding her from behind her, her right arm draped over Tara's middle.  Willow has her entire body pressing against Tara's.

Suddenly, Tara's body shakes and she screams as Willow leans up, hearing the scream.  A few moments later, the door opens as BUFFY rushes in, her Slayer hearing proving true.  Willow shakes her lover awake.

Tara!  Tara, wake up!

Opening her eyes, Tara wakes up and looks around, a dazed and confused look on her face.  She is panting and beads of sweat cover her brow.

I um....I heard screaming.

That was you.

I has a nightmare.  It felt so real, though.

(Concerned look on her face)
Wanna talk about it?

(Buffy comes over and sits on the edge of the bed as Tara speaks)
There was a girl.  I know none of us have ever seen her, but she spoke these words.  And everything in me is telling me that they're important words to us.

What were they?

(Looking at her hands)
"From beneath you, it devours."  That's what the girl said and then they....killed her.

Tara, it was probably just a dream.  You know watching those scary movies always gives you bad dreams.  That's probably all it was.

(Shaking her head)
No.....there's more like her, Will, Buffy.  Out there...somewhere.....and they're going to die the same way.  From beneath you, it devours.

Cut to:

INT.  Residential Street in Sunnydale - Night.

The street is mostly peaceful, the night full of calmness.  Suddenly and without warning, the ground starts to rumble and shake and rocks begin to tumble and dirt shoots up from beneath the underbrush and a wave passes along the ground.  It cuts across the lawn of one of the houses in the area and out into the street, pushing up concrete and asphalt as it goes.  It is apparent by the way it moves that it's something big and it's beneath the streets in Sunnydale.

Cut to:

Opening Credits:

Sarah Michelle Gellar

Nicholas Brendan

Allyson Hannigan

Emma Caulfield

Michelle Trachtenberg

James Marsters

Amber Benson as Tara

Gratuitous Group Shots
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Special Guest Star:
Kaarina Aufranc as Nancy
D.B. Woodside as Principal Wood
& Jack Sundmacher as Ronnie

Cut to:

EXT.  Xander's Apartment - Morning.

It is mostly quiet in Xander's apartment with the only sound that of the shower running.  The shot is on the living room of the apartment.  It is much cleaner and orderly than the last time we saw into this apartment.  All the beer bottles and beer cans are gone and everything's been cleaned up.

A few beats pass before we pan over to the bedroom door and see Xander, a bathrobe wrapped around him, step towards his bed.  There are some clothes already set out on the bed and gets the clothes and moves out of our sight.  More beats pass before he reappears, fully clothed in a white button up dress shirt tucked into a pair of blue jeans.

He has a comb in his hand and he's combing his hair as there is a knock at his door.  He walks over to answer it.

He opens the door to reveal ANYA standing there, looking unsure as to if she should be there.


The vengeance demon gives him a little smile.

Hi Xander.

(motions for her to enter)
What are you doing here?

I just came to see what your doing today.

Xander nods as he walks over to the couch, where his working boots and socks are laying.

Well, I'm starting on a new construction job today, so that's gonna take up some of the day.  But I'll be done by two, so if ya want, I can drop by the Magic Box after that.

Also...though, I was wondering when we were gonna go on that date.

Xander stops his movements and watches her for a moment.

How about tomorrow night?

Sounds good.

Alright, it's a date then.

Great, it's a date.  I'll leave now so you can get ready for work.  I will see you later.

Anya didn't wait for a reply as she turned and walked out of the apartment, Xander watching her leave with a smile on his face.

Things are looking up.

Cut to:

INT.  Spike's Crypt, Time Lapse - Day.

A rat squeals as it crawls about the Crypt, searching for a morsel of food in the dank surroundings.  SPIKE peeks out from behind his chair.  He stares at the rat intently and with focus, then starts to slowly crawl forward, mumbling while doing so.

No, no, no.....now is not the time.  You know it.  I know it.  But making them understand...is a totally different matter.  No manners is the problem.  Proper breeding, lack of etiquette.  All of it lacking, all of it lost on them.

He stops mumbling and stops crawling forward as he feels the shifting of the ground beneath him begins to shake.  He stands up and looks around, slightly panicked.

Not the time, not hardly ready.  Stop!!  Please, mum, begging now...make it stop!  Oh god!!

The trembling and shifting of the ground becomes a violent shaking, sending the rat scurrying for cover and Spike drops to his knees, clapping his hands over his ears and screaming in agony.

Cut to:

INT.  Xander's Car, Time Lapse - Early Morning.

XANDER, BUFFY, and DAWN are seated in his car as they near the High School that Dawn is attending.  Along the way, Dawn smiled brightly at Buffy and looked at Xander.

Could you die?  'Cause seriously, on my behalf and speaking for everybody who are with me in this car right now, we're very excited!

(Rolling her eyes)
Well, I'm glad for all of you, then.

I mean, it's just so cool.  You're like....coming to school with me.  It's unprecidented.  You'll be there the whole time.  (She pauses) You understand that you can't talk to me or look at me and my friends when we hang out, right?

Relax Miss Thang, I doubt we'll even see each other.  And I'm assuming I even half-understand my fuzzy job description.

Buffy is, of course, talking about the job she was given by Principal Wood just the day before about being a school counselor and helping him with the kids of Sunnydale High.

It's not fuzzy at all.  You're what.....dealing with troubled kids?

Buffy turns in the passenger's seat and glares at her sister as Xander picks up the conversation.

At a spankin' new Hellmouth High.  I still can't believe it's actually finished and that Dawn's been going there.  Now about your job, please...outside of drugs and violence and unwanted pregnancy and....the unleashing of hordes of Armageddon that comes pouring out of the school's foundation every now and then, what trouble could these kids possibly have?

Thank you Xander, for that wonderful narrative. (Pauses)  But I guess I'll find out.

I'll tell you what, those kids are damned lucky having a Slayer and a friend on campus there for them.  I really hope they appreciate it.  I know I did.  (Smiles) Days gone by, huh?

I thought you hated Sunnydale?

Well, yes and no.  With an emphasis on the yes.  But at least then, I was dating.

(Looking at him)
You could be dating now, you know.

I know.  Believe me, I'm trying to get that element of my life going again.

How is that coming along, anyway?

You and Anya...

It's coming along.  She agreed to go out on a date with me soon.  I know it's not flat out forgiveness, but it's a start.  And if we do get back together, there's that whole vengeance demon thing to deal with.

Hey, you'll figure it out.  Sure, it'll take time to get your relationship back on track.  But just take a look at Will and Tara right now.  Look at everything they've been put through and look at how they are now.  A simple leaving her at the altar isn't the end of the world.

Xander slows the car to a stop as they near the High School.

(Opening her door as Buffy reaches for hers)
Just remember Buffy, no talking to my friends!

Buffy rolled her eyes and Xander snorted.

Cut to:

INT.  Sunnydale High School, Administration Offices - Day.

Buffy enters the Administration office of the High School with PRINCIPAL WOOD, a young looking black man dressed in a two piece suit.  He's showing her to her new work area at the High School.

Principal Wood
We'll sort of feel our way around this place.  Some students will be sent to you and others, I'm hoping, will come in on their own.

What if they don't?  Should I panic?

Principal Wood
You'll be surprised, Buffy.  You're the youngest and....least stuffy member of the faculty here.  I think the students are going to want to come in and talk to you and when they do, don't evaluate them, just listen to what they have to say.  They need to feel like there's someone around here who actually understands them.

What about detention?  Can I give it?

Principal Wood
It's okay by me, just don't abuse it.  A little authority can be a wonderful thing.  Just remember that while you are here to help them, you're not here to be their friend.  Trust me, you open that door and those students will trample all over you.

The bell rings and all the students in the hallways begin moving towards the classrooms they are assigned to.  Wood turns to Buffy.

Principal Wood
Okay then...and Buffy?  Relax, there's only three things these kids understand: the boot, the bat and the bastinada.
(She blinks at him)
It's....it's a bad joke.  It's the bastinada...no one ever knows what that thing is.

A wooden rod used to slap the soles of the feet in Turkish prisons but if made with the correct wood, makes an awesome billy club.

Principal Wood
(Smiles uncertainly)
I think you're going to fit in just fine.  Is there something else you need?

Yeah, there's one thing that I was curious about.  Not that I'm not grateful or anything, but I guess I was wondering why I...

Principal Wood
....have this job?

I still haven't finished college.

Principal Wood
I understand that.

Was it my sparkling personality.  Or maybe you enjoyed my work at the DoubleMeat Palace?  Cause you know, DoubleMeat is DoubleSweet!

Principal Wood
(Quirking his mouth)
I'm a vegetarian.  These students need someone around here who understands them.  I need someone who understands these students.  That's all there is to it.  Why?  Is there something about you I don't know that maybe I should?

Nothing I can think of.

Her door is opened as a teacher leads in several surly-looking students.

Principal Wood
Now, if you'll excuse me, first catch of the day.  I'll be in my office if you need me.

I'm just gonna go have a look around and get to know the place. (Whispering) Make sure it's all....school like.

Cut to:

INT.  University of California at Sunnydale, Outside the Science Building, Time Lapse - Day.

WILLOW and TARA are walking out the glass doors of the Science Building and are walking along the sidewalk, both heading towards the Student Center.  As they used to do, they would use their free hour to just sit and talk with each other.  Recently, they've fallen back into that routine.  Willow is wearing a red t-shirt with a black skirt and red stockings cover her legs.  She has her hair tied into a ponytail.  Tara is wearing one of her flowing and multi-colorful long skirts with a yellow long sleeved shirt over her upper body and her hair is hanging loose and unrestrained.  Both are holding their books.

As they walked towards the Student Center, both are silent, thinking about different things.  After a certain amount of silence, Willow turns to her girlfriend.



Do you ever....ever think about that incident with the demon?

Tara pressed her lips together.  It was a topic both of them had stayed away from discussing since it happened.  It was the first night when Tara and Willow discovered that the blonde witch had new and powerful magick residing inside her.  Powerful magick that was based in light that was channeled from the divine.  It had saved Buffy's life, but it had been a true shock to both witches and they hadn't yet talked about it at length, something they would have to eventually deal with.

For Tara, she strayed from the topic for one important reason.  She had a major fear.  That fear was that her newfound power would somehow drive Willow away from her.  That it would scare her away.  And that was something that Tara didn't want to have happen.  And by not talking about it, it gave Tara more time to enjoy with her lover.  For Willow, she strayed from the topic because she now and understood that the forces that allowed Tara to return to Earth were good and that Tara's purpose was good.

Willow knew that Tara's new power was channeled through the light based magicks, the divine as it is sometimes called.  And because of her history with dark magick, Willow feared that Tara's connection to the divine would cause a rift to form between them.  One that they wouldn't be able to get beyond.

Finally, Tara nodded.

Yes....I think about that night a lot.  I wonder why......why the Powers gave me these new magicks.  But I know that I'm afraid.

(Stopping her lover)
Afraid of what, baby?

I'm afraid of the answer.  I'm afraid of the real reason I was allowed to come back.  I'm afraid of why Warren is back and why what affects him affects me.

(She wraps her left arm around her)
I know.  We'll get through this Tara.  We will.  Come on, let's get to the Student Center and have some lunch.

The two witches headed off towards the Student Center once again, the topic of that night still hanging ominously between them.

Cut to:

INT.  Residential Street in Sunnydale, Time Lapse - Night.

Along one of the Residential Streets in Sunnydale is a pretty young brunette woman with her small dog.  The woman, NANCY, stops when her dog does on the sidewalk and the dog growls nervously.

Rocky...come on and do your business so I can go home. (she sighs) I could have gotten a cat, but no....

She turns her back on the dog and stares up into the sky while she waits for him to do his business.  Suddenly, the leash jerks violently in her hand and she turns to find the dog gone, the leash leading into a hole in the sidewalk.  And before Nancy even realizes what's happened, the leash goes taut once again and yanks her off her feet, dragging her toward the hole and whatever lies beneath.

At the edge of the hole, the sidewalk erupts in front of her and she screams at the sight of the roaring creature that comes forth from the hole.  She moves away and leaps to her feet, running for her life in the other direction, directly into XANDER.

Okay....that's different.  Hello?

Cut to:

INT.  Summer's House, Living Room, Time Lapse - Night.

BUFFY, WILLOW, TARA, XANDER, and DAWN tend to Nancy's scrapes while she explains what happened to her.

And whatever it was, it was big and strong.  Stronger than....I mean, I don't know how it's possible.  You hear things in this town, living here in Sunnydale, but nobody actually believes them.  You'd have to be crazy and....you guys think I'm crazy, don't you?

Similar looks pass between the group of close friends.

I sure don't.

We've all seen and experienced things too, Nancy.

And we're going to handle this little problem.  It's your lucky night, considering that your dog just got all ate up and stuff. (Pause) Hey, can I get you some more tea?

No, that's okay.  Thanks though.

Xander leans back, wincing at his own stupidity.

So you say this thing just came up out of the ground?  I mean, without any warnings or signs of anything?

Just this kind of rumbling.  You know, like just before an earthquake.

(Looking frightened suddenly)
From beneath you, it devours.


(Shaking out of it)

Willow shares a look of concern with Buffy over Tara's comment.

It's sounding monsterific, all right.  Too bad Giles and that stuff Watcher guy had to go to England, though.

Yeah, we could have used his help here.  Look, Nancy, we're going to get into this and I promise you, if you're dog is alive, we'll find him.  The only thing that I need is a little....

From the doorway of the living room, a voice speaks.

Spike (VO)
What you need is help.

They all stare in muted shock at his sudden appearance.

Fortunately, though, you've got me.

Cut to:

Commercial Break.

Cut to:

EXT.  Summers House, Living Room - Night.

Buffy stands from her seat on the couch as she and the others stare at the blonde haired vampire that's standing at the entrance to the living room.  It is a tense scene to say the least.  Her expression hardens as flashes of the attempted rape flash into her mind.


Who's that?

He's Buffy's.....


And I'm thinking it's a little more complicated than just that.

Always is.

What are you doing here, Spike?

Spike is wearing a blue long sleeved shirt and his black jeans as he stares back at all of them.

Easy now, if you think I like putting myself here, surrounded by people who don't particularly like me that much, you'd be very wrong.

If you're that uncomfortable, we can make you leave.

I'll be quick. (Looking at Buffy) We need to talk.  You want to do that here or privately?

I'm thinking here.  In the company of good friends and pointy weapons.

(to Spike)
You said something about being quick?

I did. Just hear me out and I'll be out of your hair.

Okay, guys, give me a second with him.

She follows the vampire into the foyer.

(After they get there)
Do not start by saying you're sorry.

I didn't come here to atone.

Then what the hell do you want?

Only to help you.

Help me what?

I was hoping you'd tell me.  You're the Slayer, connected to the visions, long line of worthies, right?  I'm just a guy with his ear to the ground but even I can feel it.  This guy, the Boss, he's got something nasty brewing and it's so big, so ugly and damned, it makes you and me look like bitty puzzle pieces.  If I'm wrong, say so.  Lovely, no hard feelings.  I'll just go out that door and you can lock it behind me with any spell you like.  So....am I wrong?

Everything about you is wrong, Spike.  But the Boss is here and he's got something planned.

You're gonna need some help.

Since when did you become the champion of the people?

I didn't.  I'm just a guy who can lend a hand if you'll let me.  This one's up to you, Slayer.

Cut to:

INT.  Summers House, Living Room, Time Lapse - Night.

Re-joining the others in the living room, Buffy stands closer to her friends and Spike just stays off to the side as they converse about this creature that attacked Nancy.

Okay, we're gonna split up.  Three pairs.  Whatever this creature is, it's burrowing through solid ground.  That means a strength and power that we don't usually deal with but we may have to get used to now that the Hellmouth is getting all perky.

Buffy walks over and slips on her coat and opens the weapons chest.

(to Xander)
Shouldn't we....I don't know.....call the police or something?

And tell them what exactly?

I'll stop interrupting.

Xander, take Nancy home.  Drive, don't walk and try not to stop until you get there.


Is your girlfriend always this commanding?

(An incredulous look)

Nancy points at Buffy.

Buffy?  Oh, no, no!  I mean, yeah she's a girl and she's my friend, but no, she's not my girlfriend.

Xander....little drool there.

Spike and I will check out the scene.

Okay, in the biggest way, I am not loving this plan.  I'm not loving Spike. (to Buffy) He tried to rape you.

And he failed.  I know I can take him Xander.  Take Nancy home.  Spike and I will patrol.  Will, Tara, head by the hospitals and see if there've been any attacks.


We can do that.

I'm command central, so everybody will check in with me. (after a moment) Okay, I'll actually be here doing my homework, but the other one was so cool sounding.

Stay safe, all of you.  (To Spike) Let's go.

Cut to:

INT.  Residential Streets in Sunnydale, Time Lapse - Night.

Buffy and Spike are walking through the streets, looking for the scene where Nancy was attacked.

You're awfully quiet.

(Shaking her head)
Wouldn't know what to say.

Fine with me.  I was more than half-expecting to get an earful from you anyway.  You know, something....anything.  Just not the quiet.

What are you doing?

What?  I told you once, straight up, I'm here to help and that's all.  Think this here's our spot?

How'd you guess?

I don't fancy sticking my head in there, you know.

But if something bites it off, that'd be a clue.

Spike gives her a look and kneels down before he starts clearing away the debris.

Look, this...us working together, it's not a way for us to get back together if that's what you want.

It's not.  Look, I can't blame you for being all skittish.

(Anger bubbling to the surface)
Skittish?  That's not a word I would use for it.  You tried to rape me.  I don't have the words.

Neither do I.  I can't say "sorry".  I can't use "forgive me".  All I can say is, Buffy, I've changed.

For some reason, I believe you.

Well, that's something.

I just don't know what you've changed into.  You come back to town, you make with the big surprises.  I don't know what your game is Spike, but I know there's something you're not telling me.

You're right.  There is, but we're not best friends anymore, so too bad for me, I'm not sharing.  We've been through things, the both of us.  The end of the world and back.  Now I can be useful 'cause honestly, I've got nothing better to do.  Make use of me if you want.  And there's nothing here.  Just a bit of slime, mounds of displaced dirt and such.  Whatever our beastie is or was, he's gone.

Spike turns and walks off.  After a few moments of silence, Buffy sighs to herself and follows him.

Cut to:

INT.  Nancy's Apartment Building, Time Lapse - Night.

XANDER and NANCY enter the foyer of her apartment building in silence.  As they move into the foyer, she turns to him.

I still can't believe all this is happening.  I mean, even with this town's reputation for, you know, unexplained weirdness.

Right, Sunnydale...come for the food, stay for the dismemerment.

There's good food? (she smiles) Well thanks.  And that's a couple of levels of lameness right there, me saying thanks after everything you've done for me tonight.

Well, you could slip me a twenty but then I'd have to act all offended.

Got it.  So....do you think I might, instead, give you a call sometime?

(slightly nervous and it shows)
Just to check in?

No actually, I'm hitting on you.


I'm really pushy so you better just give in.

There's an awkward beat of silence before she finally turned and headed for the stairs.

Good night.

Xander hesitated a moment, then stopped her.  Before anything could be said, the building started to vibrate and a loud rumbling fills the foyer.  The lights flickered on and off.

Nancy....I just got a swell idea.  Run!!

Don't need to tell me twice.

The front door shattered and the brick tile shoots up into the air as something massive burrows towards them beneath the hallway floor.  Xander and Nancy race for the stairs at the opposite end and leap to the top just as a monstrous worm rises up, it's teeth snapping at their heels.  They stare in horror at it as it roars at them before finally disappearing back beneath the ground.

Are you okay, Nancy?

I just...

That was a dumb question.  Are you injured, are you hurt?

I don't think so.  I just....I don't think that I can take anymore of this.

Two attacks in the same night.  I'm starting to think it's not coincidence.

Oh sure, why now?  A monster is trying to kill me.  It's just the thing that was missing to make my life absolutely perfect.  Ronnie would love this.

Right and who's Ronnie?

Oh...only my psycho ex-boyfriend that I've been trying to get rid of for the past few weeks.  I almost prefer the monster.  Ronnie was...he was trouble.

Uh huh and I'm just curious....was this Ronnie guy a borrowing money kind of trouble or was he a raising demon trouble kind of guy?

Ronnie?  He couldn't...he just.....he was an abusive bastard is the catchy headline.  And he'd just show up, even after......You know the feeling that you get when your ex is constantly ruining every part of your life and it just doesn't stop?


And you get so tired of feeling helpless that all you can do is just wish that it would stop?

Xander's eyes bulged as he just now realized what might be going on.  He takes a shaky breath.

A wish?

Cut to:

INT.  The Bronze, Time Lapse - Night.

ANYA is sitting with a pretty young WOMAN, listening to her as she tells her woeful story of betrayal by her boyfriend.  She is nodding and smiling at different points of the tale.

And it's not just the fact that he cheated.  It's the way he cheated, you know?  I mean we could have talked.  I could have handled it.

Uh huh, I get it.  Go on.

You know what he is?  He's spineless.  Yeah that's it.  He's like this spineless little pig.  And you know what I wish?

God, do I want to!

Cut to:

Commercial Break.

Cut to:

EXT.  The Bronze - Night.

The shot opens with the last shot.  Anya and the Woman are still having their conversation.

You were saying?

Um....I want more quesidillas?

Before that.

A Marguarita.

After that.

Oh yeah, God my boyfriend's spineless.  He should just....you know, he should just be spineless for real.

No spine!  Got it, I can do that.

What do you mean?

See honey, what I'm driving this towards here is sometimes don't you just wish that....(sees Xander) Oh penis.

Xander approaches Anya and the Woman with Nancy, Buffy, Spike, Willow and Tara following alongside.

Xander looks at Nancy.

(to Nancy)
Is this the one you talked to?

Nancy nodded and Anya gave the young woman at her table a placating smile.

I'll tell you what, why don't we put a pin in it?  Why don't you go get yourself a drink and we'll pick it up in a few.

Utterly confused by the sudden events, the woman got up from her seat and headed for the bar.

(very annoyed)
You guys, I am working here.

Buffy stepped forward and laid her sword down on the table in front of Anya.

We noticed.

That's why we're here.

Right.  Did you turn this nice lady's ex into a giant worm monster?


No way!  Are you telling me that that thing was Ronnie?

You wish it, I dish it.  I thought of that one myself.  Besides, I thought we were clear on this.  I didn't think you were gonna go all narc on me.

(to Nancy)
You wished your ex was a worm.

We were just talking.

Anya here has a way of making things happen.

Hey, I had a quota!  The guy had it coming so that's the big deal?

Oh god, I think I'm going to be sick.

Anya, that thing you created burst through solid pavement and ate her dog.

A horrified look crosses Anya's face.

Oh puppy!

Wait a minute, that gets your sad noise?  People's lives are in danger and you give it up for the Yorkie?

You never understood me, Xander.

Xander, who in the world is this woman?

Anya, she's.....Anya.  My ex.


Hey, nobody's bragging here!

Anya decides she's had enough of them and gets up to leave, but Spike grabs her to stop her from leaving.

Hey!  Hands off the merchandise Spike.  You don't get to go there again.

Please.....I've already forgotten about our little time together.

I thought you were Xander's ex-girlfirend?

I am.

But you and....Spike?

Had a thing?

Didn't last.

But weren't you Buffy's....


Never serious.

Is there anyone here who hasn't slept together?

Xander and Spike stare at each other and Buffy gives Tara a look.

Look, at least we're all bipeds which is more than I can say for Ronnie the Worm Boy.

Okay guys, can we please focus here for just a second?  Anya, this Ronnie, okay, he wasn't a worm.  Worms are like this big.  (she holds her fingers apart)  This thing was like....

A Sluggoth demon.  (to Anya)  Am I right?


Wait, I didn't wish for that.  I mean, I don't even know what this whatchamacallit demon thing is.

Sluggoth demon.  It's a very large, very nasty, natural predator who died around the Crusades.

Same phylum...it's not cheating.  I just embellished.

Well, now you can un-embellish.

Bite me Harris!  I have rules to work with here.  Vengeance demon codes of conduct, which you'll never understand because you're all still so....human.

I'm not.  I'm a demon.  Just like yourself Anya.  Now you're going to turn this spell around like a good little vengeance demon or I... (pauses as he noticed her stare)  What?

Oh, my god...

What are you staring at?

Oh, my god!

(nervous that she knows his secret)
Right let's go.

He abruptly turns to leave, but Anya grabs his arm and stops him.

How did you do it?

(sharing similar looks with her friends)
Spike, what is she talking about?

I can see you.

Nothing.  Let's go, got some worm-hunting to do.

How did you do it?!

Shut up!

This shouldn't be possible!

Shut your mouth!

I mean, how did you get it?

I said you shut up!

Without further warning, Spike reeled back and punched her in the face, sending her to the floor.  Nancy has had enough and she fades into the crowd before ducking out the door.  Spike stands over Anya and punches her again and again.  She backhands him and sends him flying 30 feet across the room where he lands on the pool table.  Anya stands up, her face the face of the vengeance demon and she glares at the vampire.

I am so gonna kick your ass.

Leaping off the table, Spike confronts her.

Right bitch.  Round and round we....

Spike can't finish the sentence as Buffy grabs him and spins him around to face her.  His face has also transformed, the demon rising to the surface.

You haven't changed, Spike.

Buffy decks him and he decks her back.  She paused for a moment, then pounds him backward, one brutal blow after another.

Working out some personal issues, are we?

She continues to punch and kick him with vigor.

Hey, I guess this'll be the first contact since.....you know when.  Oh, up for another round in the balcony, then?

Buffy knocked him to the floor.  After a moment, he stood up and chuckled.

Right you are, luv.  I haven't changed.  Not a lick.  And watching your face, trying to figure me out was absolutely delicious.


Not now, Xander!

Nancy, she's gone and out there all alone.  She's worm bait.

(frustrated with the entire situation)
I'll go find her.  You stay with Anya.  Will, Tara, you two should stay here too.


Xander, get her to reverse the spell.

With a final glare at the blonde haired vampire, she turned and ran out of the Bronze.

Hey, is that it?  A little touchy-feely and you're off to the Batpoles?

Cut to:

INT.  A Couple Blocks From the Bronze, Time Lapse - Night.

Nancy is walking quickly down the street, away from the Bronze, all the while mumbling to herself about the situation she finds herself in.

Freaks!  Why do I always surround myself with freaks?  What is it, some kind of magnet!!

She stopped in the street as a familiar rumbling sound grows around her.  She turns to find the pavement buckling upward as her ex-boyfriend-turned-worm tunnels toward her.  Her eyes widen as she sees it.


She turns and runs down the street, trying doors along the way but they are all locked.  She screams for somebody, anybody to help her.  She turns down the alley nearest her and the creature is right at her heels.  She leaps up onto some stacked crates and clings to a fire escape ladder attached to the side of a building.  The line of buckled pavement suddenly comes to a halt diretly beneath her.  She lets out a deep breath, relieved that it hasn't gotten her.

Then, the entire building shudders violently as the worm creature slammed it's body into the foundation beneath the pavement.  Nancy quickly tried to climb further up the ladder, but the blows to the building jar it loose from its anchors and it swings off and away from the side of the building, leaving Nancy dangling precariously twenty feet above the ground.

Help!  Somebody please help me!!

Cut to:

INT.  The Bronze, Time Lapse - Night.

Anya is staring at Xander, Willow, and Tara sullenly as they sit across the table from her.

What is it that you're expecting me to do?

Reverse the spell.

It's not that easy.

You can do it.

Yeah, sure.  The spell part, sure I can.  What about me?  I'm in enough trouble as it is.  Halfrek's all over my case and D'Hoffryn is not pleased with my work.  You don't want to see him angry, trust me.

Nice friends you got there, Anya.

Nice friends I had, Xander.  Chums, co-workers, bridesmaids.  Oh, I had the whole package until something fell apart.  What could that be, Xander?

Are you trying to say this is my fault?

All I'm saying is that none of this happened until you dumped me at the altar.

And sooner or later, Anya, that excuse just stops working.

Cut to:

INT.  A Sunnydale Alley, Time Lapse - Night.

Nancy clings desperately to the swaying ladder as the worm demon erupts from the ground beneath her.  Her grip on the ladder finally fails and she drops toward the waiting jaws of the beast below.  Suddenly, BUFFY swings down off of the roof of a nearby building on a loose electrical wire.  She scoops up Nancy in mid-fall and the two of them arc across the alley and land in a pile of garbage and discarded paper.

Buffy helped Nancy up before she cautiously moved around a pile of stacked crates, looking around warily for the creature.  The concrete behind her explodes and the worm emerges from the ground just as Spike drops down into the alley near Buffy.  He rips a piece of iron rebar off the wall and moved around Buffy toward the demon worm.

You've had your turn, luv.  Leave the real violence to the demons, yeah?

With that, he slammed the bar down on the creature's head and it squeals in pain.

That's right!  Big Bad's back and he's looking for a little death!

He stood back, then ran at the creature with the rebar.  A split second before his blow landed, the worm suddenly morphed and changed back into RONNIE, Nancy's human boyfriend.  The rebar plunged into Ronnie's shoulder, impaling him and he screamed in pain.  Spike's agonized scream joined Ronnie's as he braces himself for the searing pain from his implanted chip.  After a few tense moments, Spike suddenly stopped screaming and looked up in surprise.

Cut to:

Commercial Break.

Cut to:

EXT.  The Alley in Sunnydale, Time Lapse - Night.

Shot opens at the same scene as before.  Spike is looking at Ronnie in surprise.  He steps back after a few moments.


He grabs the rebar and pulls it out of Ronnie's shoulder and the young man slumped to the ground, naked and in shock.  Buffy grabbed an old blanket off the trash pile and covers him with it.  Spike looked at the bar in his hands and shakes his head.

Right.  Wrong.  Wrong maneuver.  Not hardly helpful.  Please help me. (yells) Help me!

(glaring at him)
You're not the one who needs help!  He's going into shock.

Spike walked away, muttering, seemingly out of his mind while Buffy took out her cell phone and dialed.

Too much, too much, too much.....inside me, all the way.  Deep, deep, deep inside me.

(into phone)
Yeah, I need an ambulance.  Someone's been stabbed.  Yeah, on the corner of 3rd and Fairview.  (to Ronnie) Okay, help is coming so try not to move.  Look Spike, whatever you're doing....

Get away!  Get....

Do it somewhere else.  I am through with this!!

Oh!  Lucky girl calls it quits.  Now there's an option.  If only it was so easy.  If only......if only.......if only..... (looks up overhead) What the hell are you screaming about?  I can hear you.  (yells) No need to shout!

Buffy and Nancy stare at him in amazement as Spike turns to them, laughing hysterically and not even knowing he's doing it.

I get it.  The joke's on me.  Lots of laughs.  Yeah.  Bring the wife and kiddies and come see the show....'cause it's gonna be a circus.

He leapt over to Buffy and kneels down, right in her face.

This.....just the beginning, luv.  A warm-up act.  The real headliner's coming and when that band hits the stage, all of this....all this.....will come tumbling in death and screaming, horror and bloodshed.  From beneath you, it devours.  From beneath... (pause) poor Rocky.

Spike suddenly turned away and ran off into the night just as Xander, Anya, Willow, and Tara arrive.


Nancy stared at Anya as the four of them arrived.

You!  You did this.  What are you?

She gave Xander a quick look before she walked off into the night.

(to Buffy)
She's not calling me.

Willow put her hand on his shoulder in mock support as Buffy stood up and handed him her cell phone.

Okay, help is on the way.  Look after him.

She turned and ran off in the same direction as Spike had gone.

Where are you going?

There is no answer.

(to Anya)
You do know you did the right thing here?

(after looking down at Ronnie)
Tell him that.

You reversed the spell.  It took guts Anya.  I know this is bad, but it could be worse.

Oh, it will be, believe me.

Cut to:

INT.  Sunnydale Church in Cemetery, Time Lapse - Night.

Buffy opened the door to the abandoned Cemetery Chapel and walked inside, looking around for the vampire.  She sees nothing or no one, though there are lights on.  Suddenly, Spike appears out of the darkness behind her and she whirled around, angry.

It didn't work.

What the hell are you....

It didn't work.

He stood before her, shirtless, the scars on his chest prominently displayed.  He tossed aside his blue shirt.

Costume.  Didn't help.  Couldn't hide.

No more mind games, Spike.

No more mind games.  No more mind.

Tell me what happened to you.

She reached out to touch the scars and he flinched away from her.

Hey, hey!  No touching!  Am I flesh?  Am I flesh to you?  Feed on flesh.  My flesh.  Nothing else.  Not a spark.  Oh, fine.  Flesh, then.  Solid through.  Get it hard, service the girl.

He starts to unbutton his pants and Buffy reaches out to stop him.

Stop it!  You....

Spike seizes her by the throat and she breaks his grip, throwing him across the room where he lands on the church pews, shattering them.

Right.  Girl doesn't want to be serviced.  Because there's no spark.  Ain't we in a soddin' engine?

Spike, have you completely lost your mind?

Well yes.  Where have you been all night?

You thought you could just come back here and be with me?

First time for everything.

This is all you get.  I'm listening.  Tell me what happened.

I tried to find it, of course.

Find what?

The spark.  The missing....the piece.  That fit.  That would make me fit.  Because you didn't want....god.....I can't!  Not with you looking.

He stood up and moved into the shadows.

I dreamed of killing you.

Spooked by the tone of his voice and the very nature of his attitude, Buffy bent down and picked up a splintered piece of wood and wielded it as a stake.

I think they were dreams.  So weak.  Did you make me weak?  Thinking of you, holding myself and spilling useless buckets of salt over your....ending.  Angel, he should have warned me.  He makes a good show of forgetting but it's here in me.....all the time.  The spark.  I wanted to give you what you deserve.  And I got it.  They put the spark in me....and now all it does is burn.  Burn, burn, burn.

A stunned look crosses her face.

Your soul....

A bit worse for lack of use.

You got your soul back.  How?

It's what you wanted, right?  (looking up) It's what you wanted, right?  (putting his hands to his head and wincing) And now everybody's in here, talking.  Everything I did, everyone I....and him.....and it.......the other.  The thing beneath....beneath you.  It's here too.  Everybody.  They all just tell me go.....go to hell.

Why?  Why would you do that?

Buffy, shame on you.  Why does a man do what he mustn't?  For her.  To be hers.  To be the kind of man who would nev.... (pause) To be a kind of man. (he approaches the large cross standing at the head of the chapel) And she shall look on him with forgiveness and everybody will forgive and love....and he will be loved.  So everything's okay, right?

Watching in stunned and utter disbelief, Spike drapes his arms over the cross and rests his head upon it.  Smoke starts to curl up around him as the religious icon singes his flesh.

Can we rest now?  Buffy, can we rest?


End of Episode 5 - Beneath You
End Credits.