Buffy the Vampire Slayer - Virtual Season 7 - Episode 6
The Test
by The Devious One (letsrocket_1998@yahoo.com)
Follow the Virtual Season 7 of Buffy the Vampire by The Devious One Productions
at https://deviousone2002.tripod.com/vir7season.htm.
Buffy and all characters who have appeared in the syndicated series Buffy the Vampire Slayer, together with the names, titles, and backstory are the sole copyright property of Mutant Enemy, the WB, UPN, and of course, Joss Whedon himself. No copyright infringement was intended in the writing of this fan fiction. All other characters, the story ideas, and VR season itself are the sole property of the author. This story cannot be sold or used for profit in any way. Copies of this story may be made for private use only and must include all disclaimers and copyright notices.
NOTE: All works remain the © copyright of the original author. These may not be republished in any way, shape, or form without the written expressed consent or acceptance of the author of the story.
(Anthony Steward Head VO)
"Previously on Buffy the Vampire Slayer"
The normal Previously on Buffy music cues up.
Various scenes from different episodes are now shown. They are in the order as follows.
A small compilation of scenes are shown from the Season Premiere of VS7 'Alive Again', ending with Tara's return to life and the Hooded Figure's warning to the Slayer. Following it are scenes from Returned, depicting Warren's re-appearance during the same time of Tara's re-appearance. A few scenes are shown showing Warren's strike against Buffy and her friends at the Cemetery.
Next is a small compilation of scenes from 'Ties That Bind' and 'The Boss', depicting Xander and Anya's slowly rebuilding relationship, as well as the troubles Willow and Tara have been going through as they try to renew the relationship they had before Tara's tragic death. Scenes from the same episodes regarding Buffy and Spike's relationship are shown.
And finally, scenes from the episode 'Beneath You' are shown. The scenes that are shown are the young woman in Germany being killed by the robed figures and the words she spoke that led to Tara's vision of her. Also shown are the scenes of the worm creature attacking Nancy and Buffy's saving her, followed by the ending sequence of scenes between Buffy and Spike.
EXT. Dark Streets and Alleys in Istanbul, Turkey - Night.
The night is mostly silent and still in the city of Istanbul, Germany. As the shot opens, we go from seeing the stars overhead in the night sky going down to the ground of the city. As the shot goes down, a beautiful teenage GIRL is seen running through the dark streets and alleys of Istanbul. Chasing the Girl are familiar hooded and robed figures. The city's inhabitants close and lock their doors as they see the Girl running for her life.
The Girl runs into an alley, only to find a dead end. She looks around in extreme desperation for an escape from her pursuers and manages to find a drain pipe. Frantically, she started to climb the drain pipe. One of the robed figures seize her ankle, but she pulls herself free and continues moving upward. As she climbed to the rooftop and scrambled up to the peak, one of her pursuers pushes her backward off the roof of the building. She lands hard on her back in the alley below, stunned and disoriented. One of these mysterious robed figures grabbed her wrists and pulled her arms up over her head as his companion drew a curved knife from a ceremonial scabbard.
Without warning or hesitation, he raised the knife high above his head, like in Frankfort, and delve the knife into the Girl's chest, to the hilt. The woman's scream pierced the night's peaceful calm and before her voice faded to nothing, before death claimed her, she managed three final words.
From beneath you...
Cut to:
INT. The Summers House, Second Floor Bathroom - Night.
Inside the bathroom on the second level of the Summers Household, a bubble bath is made inside the marble tub and we see TARA relaxing in the tub full of soapy bubbles. Only her head and neck is above the water. Her face is relaxed and, as the shot opens, her eyes are closed. Her hair is soaked with water and it's slicked back to the base of her neck.
As the shot closes towards her face, we see flashes of a different scene. Tara is asleep in the tub and these flashes are part of her dream. And Tara is seeing, in her dream, the Girl running from the robed figures. It only lasts but a few seconds, but the end of her dream culminates with the Girl's stabbing and her screaming the last three words she would ever say. We hear the girl's voice inside Tara's dream.
From beneath you....
Tara's eyes pop open after hearing the Girl speak those three words. Under the bubbled surface of the water, her chest is heaving with her taking long and deep breaths. Tara raises her left hand and places her palm against her forehead as she closes her eyes for a moment. Opening her lips, she whispers two words, words that have become like a living nightmare to her since her return to life, her second chance at life.
It devours.
Tara stays silent for a few moments and keeps her eyes closed, trying to calm her racing heart rate. After a moment, there is a knock at the door. Tara looks over as BUFFY opens the door and peeks inside.
Buffy looks down at the floor, not wanting to look at Willow's lover in her current state of undress.
I just wanted to let you know that we're ordering pizza
tonight. I just talked to Giles on the phone and he told me some stuff
that I need to tell everyone, so, if you could, please be downstairs in a half
I'll be down by then. Oh, and Buffy?
Is it bad news?
You'll see.
Buffy then turns and leaves the bathroom, closing the door behind her and Tara is left to the silence of the bathroom and her bath. She shakes her head and stares at the ceiling above her for a moment, then closes her eyes as she moves her head under the water. A few seconds later, she breaks the surface of the water and begins to finish her bath.
Cut to:
INT. Mansion Outside Sunnydale Formerly Used by Angelus, Time Lapse - Night.
At one time used by the soulless vampire known as Angelus as his central base, the Mansion up in the hills outside the Hellmouth home of Sunnydale is now buzzing with activity. There are different beings inside the interior of it, moving things in and moving furniture around. The beings are VAMPIRES and they are wearing the robes with the insignia of the Boss, the cross that severs through a red heart.
Amidst the moving Vampires are the three central warriors for the Boss, TOREADOR, SELENA, and RAVNOS. All three head vampires are instructing the lower ranked vampires in what needs to be done. The shot starts with just showing the movements of the Vampires, but it slowly moves upward in an overhead angle to show the back of someone's shoulder as they watch from the upstairs level the activity below.
The shot moves around to show the second in command vampire BRUJAH, formerly the Hooded Figure. He still wears his dark cloak with the necklace and black gloves, but has his hood down, his ghastly white pasty skin evident as he watches the Vampires move about, getting everything placed as it was ordered. After a few moments of watching, he turns and walks down the long hallway he stands at and comes to a closed door. He knocks softly on it twice.
A voice answers him.
The Voice
Brujah enters the room and stands just inside the door, bowing his head. The shot angles over to show none other than THE BOSS, sitting in a golden throne with intricate carvings. He is wearing his same crisp business suit: white slacks over his legs, a white dress shirt over his upper body with a black tie around his neck and a white blazer over his shirt. The only thing missing is his black robe, but it hangs on a rack near where Brujah stands. The Boss is smoking a cigar in silence as Brujah closes the door.
Boss, your followers are getting everything moved
in. In a few hours, everything will be set up as it has been ordered.
The Boss
Good. I would have liked to have had this done
already, but there have been matters that needed to be attended to.
Yes.....my contacts in Europe assure me they are handling
things. But, they told me last night that they are having difficulty
tracking certain names on the list.
The Boss
(tilting his head slightly)
No matter.....every name on the list will be dealt with sooner or later. I
have come too far now to fail. Nothing will stop me from achieving my
(silent for a moment)
Is there something else Brujah?
Yes....that human......Warren Mears is his name. He
wishes to speak with you. I know where to find him. Would you like
me to take him out?
The Boss purses his lips as he considers Brujah's question. Then, he shakes his head.
The Boss
No, don't take him out just yet. He and the witch
were returned on the same night. They are sharing a spiritual
connection. If we hurt him, she hurts and I need her to fulfill the
prophesy. Find him and bring him to me. He wants to speak to me,
I'll hear him.
Yes...Boss. What about the Slayer?
The Boss
The Slayer.....it's time to find out just how tough she really is.
Cut to:
Opening Credits:
Special Guest Stars:
Jason Issacs
Adam Busch
Azura Skye
Kali Rocha
D.B. Woodside as Principal Wood
with a Special Appearance by David Boreanez
Cut to:
EXT. The Summers House, Living Room - Night.
Everyone is assembled downstairs and in the living room. WILLOW and TARA are seated comfortably on one end of the long couch with DAWN seated on the other end. XANDER is sitting on the recliner chair and BUFFY is standing at the doorway between the living room and the foyer. She has her hands on her hips as she looks at her friends. Noticeably not there is ANYA, who, because of recent events, chose not to attend the meeting. Everyone knew the risk she took by reversing the wish she'd cast on the woman, NANCY, and they were sure she'd have to answer to D'Hoffryn. They'd be patient and wait for her to come to them.
Three now empty pizza boxes are set on the rectangular coffee table in front of the couch. They have eaten dinner and Buffy was now ready to tell them about her phone call with Giles while he stays in England for few more days.
Giles told me that the Council wants him to stay in
England for a few more days to help him clear up some stuff. Wouldn't get
into specifics, but he's positive he'll be back before the week's over.
I don't get it. Why um....why have him go all the
way over there when he was there not that long ago?
(shaking her head)
I don't know either. He just wouldn't go into specifics about that.
We'll get the answers out of him when he returns. He has been doing some
research on this symbol, the cross with the heart? He's come up with
certain answers regarding it.
Did he tell you what he found?
He told me a few things. And the things he told me
are not good.
What'd he tell you?
(taking a deep breath)
One discovery he made about the necklace is that it's an amulet. He's not
sure if it's true or not, but he found that the amulet is from a Masonic order
in a former sub-herald of the Vatican Knights.
Whoa whoa whoa......are you saying that that necklace is traced back to the
Catholic Church? Buffy, that's pretty unbelievable in itself.
There's more. He called them the Knights of the Holy See. According
to whatever sources Giles is looking through, these Knights await the return of
something called 'The First' to Earth.
The assemblement of friends are silent for a few moments.
So....Giles is saying that these.....vampires are
worshippers of this 'The First'?
No. Giles's sources are indicating that the amulet is supposed to be worn
only by the ones who wish to prevent the return of 'The First'. That's all
he told me. He'll have more when he gets here. I just thought you
all should know what he told me.
This bad guy....the Boss......does Giles think he's this
'First' thing?
I wish I knew Will. He didn't tell me much. He
seems to think the Council knows more about this guy we're dealing with than
they're letting on. And I have to say, I'm not that far from disagreeing
with him. They've always kept important stuff from us before.
(leaning forward)
But that's only one explanation, though, right?
Yeah, that's only one of the discoveries he made about the
necklace. We'll just wait until he gets back to find out more.
They all remain silent after her words. The idea that the strange necklace they all have seen could be connected all the way to the Catholic Church was incredulous to them all. But yet, the fact that the necklace was even remotely similar to something connected to the Catholic Church had to stop and make them think.
Cut to:
INT. The Espresso Pump - Morning.
At the Espresso Pump in the early morning hours, there are two folk singers, one a guy and the other being a girl, sing a bad love duet while two familiar faces watch, sipping their coffee. They are the vengeance demons ANYA and HALFREK.
God, they're depressing.
Oh....who are they kidding with that happy shiny crap? When we all
know the world is a dull and dark place!
Six weeks tops and she's calling on me for vengeance.
Oh...well then....he better run for cover because the big bad vengeance demon's
coming for him!
What's that supposed tomean?
Oh sweetie....you know exactly what it means. You reversed a wish.
That's just something D'Hoffryn doesn't tolerate. You're lucky he's been
busy with other things lately.
Excuse me? Reversing a wish isn't that big a deal.
Oh please.....if it wasn't that big a deal, every vengeance demon would be doing
it. But your reversal and other things have gotten you in hot water, my
dear. It's the talk of the Order. They're calling you Miss Softserve.
Tell me you don't know this.
Who's saying that?
Listen, Anya. I know I've always been a little competitive with you.
I mean, there was that thing in the Crimean War. We laugh about it now,
but the fact is I've actually always looked up to you. You were the single
most hard-core vengeance demon on the roster and everybody knew it. Do I
have to mention Mrs. Cholgosh?
Hmm....now those were the good time.
And then you lost your powers. It happens and you deal. But then,
you fell for this Xander guy.
It was a glitch, nothing more. A summer thing. I am so back in the
vengeance fold.
Really, well let's examine this then. No deaths, no eviscerations.
You're not goading women into anything inventive and you're not delivering when
it is.
I don't even know....
The waitress downtown. Wished her husband was a frog. You made him
(on the defensive)
He's smelly! And with a little mustache, he.....
Listen Anya, if it was just me....
What do you mean if it was just you?
(looking at her)
D'Hoffryn, the Lower Beings....they're all feeling the heat. This guy, the
Boss? He's up to something big. Something so big that it predates
everything and anything. And everybody's tail is twitching. Some of
them are even wondering just who this Boss guy is. This is a very bad time
to be a good guy, if you catch my drift.
What is this, an intervention? Shouldn't all my demon friends be here?
Sweetie, believe me......they are.
Cut to:
INT. Sunnydale High School, Buffy's Office - Morning.
Buffy is sitting at her desk, wearing a long sleeved white button up t-shirt with a pair of black pants over her lower body and looking slightly bored. She sharpens a pencil in the electric pencil sharpener she was provided with. Every now and then, she glances out the window, but, there isn't anyone coming to her. Releasing a sigh of boredom, she stares at her desk.
The door to her office opens and PRINCIPAL WOOD enters carrying a single manilla folder in his hand. Buffy looks up as he walks to the front of her desk.
Principal Wood
Buffy, hello.
Principal Wood.
Principal Wood
(opening the folder)
I have something for you, Buffy. There's a girl I want you to speak
to. Her name is Cassie Newton. She's in class right now, but she's
coming in here to talk with you after the class.
He hands Buffy the manilla folder and she looks through it. She looks up at him, confused.
Uh...Principal Wood, what exactly am I going to be talking
to her about? Her file shows that everything's normal. Decent
grades, decent attendance.....what am I looking for here?
Principal Wood
(putting his hands in his pockets)
Buffy, she's been sent to my office six times in the last three weeks for not
paying attention in class. And part of the information in that file is
false. Her attendance has been dropping steadily over the weeks.
There's something going on with her and I would rather solve it here rather than
have to face her folks with this.
Okay, I'll see what I can do when she comes in.
Principal Wood
That's all I'm asking for.
Principal Wood leaves and Buffy glances back down at the folder on her desk. She rests her head in her hands as she stares at the picture of the girl named Cassie Newton. There was something familiar about the girl's profile that peaked Buffy's interest. She just didn't know what, but she was convinced to find out when Cassie Newton came to talk to her.
Cut to:
INT. The Boss's New Mansion, The Boss's Chambers, Time Lapse - Day.
The Boss's second in command, BRUJAH, enters the Boss's personal chambers with the returned human WARREN MEARS behind him. Warren's face has a smirk on it, his smugness reaching new heights as he stood inside the personal chambers of the Boss. Ever since his death at the hands of Willow Rosenberg, he'd been in a Hellish dimension, feeling the heat of a rising evil in the world. Warren was pretty sure that evil force was the being that was reclining on his throne, THE BOSS.
Brujah walked forward and dropped to one knee.
My master, Warren Mears as you asked for.
The Boss
(tilting his head and studying Warren for a moment)
Leave us Brujah. I wish to speak to him in private.
As you wish.
Brujah departs through the door he entered, closing it behind him. After the vampire was gone, Warren stared at the Boss.
So.....you're the one that's been stirring all this fear
I've been feeling.
The Boss inclines his head, taking a puff out of his cigar he's smoking. Pulling the cigar away, he blows out the smoke into the air. He reaches over with his left hand and opens a case that has similar cigars inside of it.
The Boss
Would you care to have one?
(shaking his head)
I don't think so. Those things will kill you.
The Boss
(letting out a laugh)
Ah yes.....cigars, cigarettes, they do kill people. Fortunately for you
and me, we're both dead, so what does it matter.
Speak for yourself. You may be dead, but I was dead.
I have a heart beat and a pulse! So, there's still a chance those things
can kill me.
The Boss
(losing the smile that was on his face)
Brujah tells me you've been seeking an audience with me.
Warren nods, walking around the spacey chambers. Warren is wearing a pair of black jeans with a dark blue dress shirt tucked into them and his normal black jacket over it.
Yes....I need some answers and everywhere I go, I keep
hearing something called 'the Boss'. I figure that's you and I need some
answers and I figure you can help me out.
The Boss
What do you want, Mr. Mears?
I want answers! Why am I back on Earth? Why is
that bitch's girlfriend here? And why do we share some kind of life force
The Boss stands on his feet as he finishes his cigar and butts it out in the ash can. He turns back to Warren and stares at him.
The Boss
You want answers...fine. But you must understand
that to get these answers will cost you. Are you willing to pay the price
for these answers?
Warren steps back, suddenly cautious as the Boss stands near him. Seeing him standing, Warren was suddenly struck with just how tall he was.
Like I told your crony, I'll do whatever I have to do to
get the answers. But, you do have my answers, right? You know why?
The Boss
Mr. Mears, I know everything about everything and
anything. I know about the beginning, I know about the time before
time. And I know how the world will end on a chaotic day not to far from
now. And yes, I know the answers you seek and I will give them to you, but
you have to pay my price before you get them.
Whatever you want, I'll do it. You obviously want
the Slayer gone, so I'll go take care of her.
Warren turned to leave when he heard the Boss laugh. He turned back, curious as to why the Boss was laughing.
The Boss
Please, you couldn't kill Miss Summers before, what makes
you think now's going to be different?
Well, things are different now. I've been dead, so I've learned new stuff
and besides, I've got powers now!
The Boss
Yes, you do have new powers, but they're not enough.
When push comes to shove, she will eliminate you because you just don't have
what it takes to take her out. Besides, I already have plans for Miss
Summers. No, I have something in mind for you Mr. Mears. In fact, I
want you to bring me three certain artifacts. You bring me the artifacts,
you'll get your answers.
That's it, just nab these artifacts and bring 'em to you?
The Boss
That's right. (hands Warren a piece of paper) These are
the artifacts and the address where you can find them. As soon as all
three are in my hands, I'll give you your answers. But not until then.
Warren looked at the paper, then at the Boss. There is a moment of silence before Warren turns and starts walking to the door, vanishing in a green flash of light before he reaches it. A few seconds later, the door opens and Brujah re-enters the Boss's personal chambers.
The Boss
Everything is as it should be, Brujah. Soon, Mr.
Mears will bring me what I'm after soon enough. But in the meantime, let's
get started with our test. Do you have everything ready?
Everything and everyone is in place, Boss. They are
just waiting for you to give the word.
The Boss
Let's get started then.
A close up shot of the Boss's face, his eyes sparkling with devious intent.
Cut to:
Commercial Break.
Cut to:
EXT. Sunnydale High School, Buffy Summers Office - Day.
BUFFY is sitting at her desk, her hands interlaced together in front of her as a girl in a black shirt, CASSIE NEWTON, slowly sits down across from her. Cassie has long blonde hair with shiny purple streaks that run through the hair. The girl looks around Buffy's desk until she finally looks at the Slayer.
(looking at the very thorough file Wood gave her)
So, you're not doing your homework and you seem to be missing some of your
I guess that's correct. It all just.....seems kind of like.....whatever.
(leaning forward and smiling slightly)
I know high school can seem kind of frustrating sometimes. But, if you
just get through it, then you can go to college, you know, or you can join the
French Foreign Legion, or anything you want.
(smiling back)
Yeah well.....none of that stuff is gonna happen for me.
Ok, no Foreign Legion. I get that, I really do. I mean, all the
changing your name, and being indentured for all those years, and occupying
It's just that I'm not graduating from high school.
Why not?
Hey you know, that's a really nice shirt. I like it. Where'd you get
Cassie, please don't change the subject. Why won't you graduate?
You know, I just don't see the point. Most people who graduate don't even
go to college. They usually just end up in dead end jobs that don't
require a diploma, so I figure, what's the point.
(concerned by the turn this conversation has gone)
Cassie, the point is to have the knowledge of what you've done. To be able
to look back on your life and know you've accomplished something great and be
able to be proud of this accomplishment.
Look, I don't mean to be a pain. You seem like a really nice person, and
I'm sure you are, but I'm wasting your time.
No, you're not. This is why I'm here Cassie. To help you. Now,
just give me one legitimate reason why you don't want to graduate from high
Why should I? It's none of your business.
As a school counselor, I think it's my business.
Actually, it's Principal Wood's concern, not yours. Thank you for being so
nice, I really do like that shirt. I have to go.
Cassie leaves without another word, leaving Buffy sitting there at her desk in complete bewilderment. She shakes her head, still feeling something very familiar about Cassie Newton that she can't quite put her finger on.
Cut to:
INT. The Summers Household, Living Room, Time Lapse - Night.
DAWN is walking from the kitchen through the house, towards the living room. Everyone else is gone. Xander is at his house, Anya at her apartment, Buffy is on her usual patrol, Willow and Tara left less than an hour earlier, and that leaves the younger Summers sister as the only one inside the house. As she enters the living room, she moves to the couch to sit down. Sitting down, she reads through the magazine she carried with her and reclines her feet on the coffee table, her sister not there to stop her from doing so.
A few moments of silence ensue in her home before Dawn hears a clicking sound coming from the kitchen area she just came from. Looking up from her magazine, Dawn looks towards the doorway towards the kitchen.
Hello? Buffy, that you?
Dawn heads back towards the kitchen, and finds it empty as it was when she left it. She shakes her head as she moves back to the living room. The shot, just over her shoulder, follows her movements as she goes back to sit on the couch. As she sits down, the front door suddenly bursts open and Dawn jumps to her feet suddenly, moving into a defensive position immediately.
However, no one moves through the doorway. Dawn swallows audibly as she moves slowly to the door. It is empty. She shuts the door and locks it from the top lock to the bottom lock, breathing heavily. After a moment, she straightens and turns around. The shot moves to her face and shoulders as she is suddenly grabbed by two VAMPIRES in the black robes that signify the Boss's forces. They hold Dawn against the wall as BRUJAH walks up to her, smiling and exposing his fangs.
How easy was it for us to get in here?
He smiles devilishly as he holds up his palm and places it over Dawn's face for a split second, before lowering it, Dawn's consciousness lowering as well before she slumps to the ground.
(looking at them)
You know what to do.
Cut to:
INT. Xander's Apartment, Time Lapse - Night.
Xander was sitting at the dining table inside his apartment. He was going over his inventory for some of the projects his construction crew has been working with. His face was set in deep concentration as he moved his pen over the pages. After a few moments of nothing but silence, there was a knock at his door. Xander looked up, and then got up from his seat and headed to the door. He opened it.
Opening his door, he was surprised to see that there was no one there. Xander frowned, shaking his head as he closed the door. He turned to walk back to his table when he heard a knock again. He went back to the door and opened it, once again finding it empty. Xander blew out and annoyed puff of air as he shut the door. He turned around.
And came face to face with the VAMPIRE TOREADOR, with two robed VAMPIRES. Before Xander could make a move, the two vampires had him by his arms and slammed him against his door. Toreador smirked as he crossed his arms.
What do you want? How did you get in here? I
didn't invite you!
Silly human. You know so little about us.
Toreador slammed Xander's head against the door, knocking him unconscious. Toreador looked at the fallen human.
This is easier than I thought.
Cut to:
INT. A Cemetery in Sunnydale, Time Lapse - Night.
The cemetery is dark and silent as three women walk through it, looking around. It is BUFFY, WILLOW, and TARA. The three are wearing their usual night patrol clothing as they move through the mostly deserted cemetery. They are in the middle of a conversation.
But how.....that's what I want to know! Was it like
Angel with the Gypsies?
(shaking her head)
I don't know. I don't think it's Gypsies. I think Spike went
somewhere after.....
Tara looks over at Buffy after she faded off. She scrunches her face up.
Anyway, I don't think it's important how he did it, the
point is, he has his soul back. Right now, we have to keep an eye on
him. I mean, he was damn near certifiable in that church. He's
losing what little he has left of his mind. He could hurt someone real
You think he's a danger?
I think he's getting closer to it, yes. If he
becomes a danger to us, I will stake him.
Why don't you do it anyway?
One reason. This guy, the Boss. If that's his
real name. Whoever he is, whatever he is, he's strong, very
powerful. When it all goes down with him, we're going to need Spike's
help. That much I know.
Further conversation is suddenly halted as SELENA, a VAMPIRE that works for the Boss, steps forward with a small group of robed VAMPIRES, her fangs showing and smiling at the three women. Buffy pulls her stake from her leather jacket and the witches prepare to chant a spell if need be.
My my.....it's the Slayer and her witches.
What do you want?
(crossing her arms over her chest)
I bring a message from my master. We have just captured three friends of
yours. Your sister, your guy friend, and his ex. Do you want to see
them again?
What did you do to them?
Oh, they're alright for now. You want them safely,
then you follow us, without restraint to a location specially picked. No
The three women share a glance before reluctantly nodding.
Alright, lead the way.
Selena turns and begins walking away, a few vampires following her. Buffy, Willow, and Tara begin following them, the other vampires following behind the three to make sure they are going. Out of the shadows near a crypt, SPIKE steps out of the darkness, smoking a cigarette and looking deep in thought. He takes another drag off his cigarette and shakes his head.
Cut to:
Commercial Break.
Cut to:
EXT. Unknown Location, Time Lapse - Night.
It is a darkened room, like an enlarged cell made of steel. There are two benches on both sides of the room. Sitting on one bench is DAWN and ANYA. On the other bench is XANDER. All three are relatively unharmed. And they are staring around them.
This is a big move for them.
(looking contemplative)
Well, just think about it. Ever single bad guy we've ever faced have never
made such an aggressive move against us so early. It's always so late in
the game. But this guy, whatever he is, has made a major move in this
Xander, if you call it a game one more time, I'm going to
hurt you. This is not a game. I can't even teleport out of
here. This guy knows about all of us.
I wonder what they want with us?
Buffy obviously. This guy probably wants to know how
serious an enemy he has and he's testing her.
I'm not so sure it's about her.
Oh, I think it's a test, but not for Buffy. Well,
she may be part of it, but I think this guy's testing Tara.
You can't be serious Anya. Buffy's a much bigger
threat to him than Tara is!
Xander leans back against the wall as he stares at Anya, his gaze now even more contemplative.
Think about it. Tara comes back from the dead, no
explanation how or why and this guy, the Boss shows up. And I told you a
while ago, Xander, there's something different about her. Tara's been
gifted with new power. I don't think all this is just coincidence.
Well, we'll find out soon enough I guess.
They turn their heads as the door to their cell opens and BRUJAH enters. He has his robe on, hood down, and he looks at them for a moment.
Let's go humans, it's time.
I am NOT a human.
They are taken by VAMPIRES out of the cell, the metal door shutting after they are taken.
Cut to:
INT. The Sunnydale Junkyard, Time Lapse - Night.
A very large section of the mostly abandoned Sunnydale Junkyard has been arranged specially for the event to take place here. A large circular space has been cleared. Cars, old furniture, and other large pieces of junk are piled high, to eliminate escape. The only gap in this circular space is a small one, one that SELENA is walking through, leading BUFFY, WILLOW, and TARA into the large circle.
As the three of them stand near the center of the circle, SELENA exits the circle through the gap and three vampires move a large car to block that exit. Buffy looks upward. Near the top of the enclosed structure is a cage, being suspended in the air by a cable attached to a hook. Inside the cage is her friends, XANDER, DAWN, and ANYA, all three looking down at them. Just a few feet away from where the cage suspends, atop a large bus, the being Buffy knows as the BOSS and BRUJAH stand.
The Boss
Welcome, Slayer.
What the hell is this!?
The Boss
Hmm.....you can call this a test. You pass this
test, you and your family walks out of here. You fail, I will kill them
all and let only you walk out of here. It's that simple Slayer. So,
it's better if you don't fail.
What about Willow and Tara? They shouldn't be a part
of this. This test is for me, not them.
The Boss glances to Tara's nervous face for an intense moment, before looking at Buffy again.
The Boss
Silly girl, you really do have a one tracked mind.
Let me put in words I believe you'll understand.
(his body suddenly morphs from his human form into another form. The form
of Angel)
You think this was just about you. It wasn't and you fall for it every
single time!
(he morphs back into his form)
No, my dear Slayer, this test is both for you and.....her.
The shot moves from Buffy's face to Tara's stunned face as they both realize what the Boss is saying. Willow looks scared.
(whispering in horrified disbelief)
The Boss
Enough talk. Let's get this started. Toreador,
Selena, Ravnos, release them.
Three vehicles are moved away and three gaps are made in the circular space. As the three women stand and watch, six demons are moved into the space through the gaps. They are demons of different species, all of them snarling and looking lethal and dangerous. The gaps close behind them.
The Boss
Let the test begin.
The demons move in and attack the three women. Buffy pulls a sword that she had strapped at her back. She uses it against two demons that come at her. Across the circular space, Willow and Tara are mainly moving, just trying to stay clear of the demons that are coming after her.
The demons maneuver the witches in such a way that they are separated. Willow runs towards one side of the circle, the demon coming after her. She is breathing harder and harder with each step, seemingly trying to hold herself back. Another demon joins him and two now face Willow and the last two are cornering Tara. Willow, however, sees not that her lover is being cornered. She presses herself against a car and closes her eyes.
The demon reels back it's claw and prepares to separate Willow's head from her shoulders. The claw comes down toward's Willow's face. Then, her eyes open. They are shaded completely coal black.
With her eyes black, Willow thrusts her hand out, the demon flies back through the air and lands on the ground, hard. She turns her attention to the other demon as he advances towards her. She raises both her arms up and a yellow colored magical barrier activates around her. The demon tries to get through it, without success. Willow lifts her chin upward an inch and the demon flies up, catching on fire as it happens.
Two other demons have Tara now cornered against a van. Tara looks at one, then at another as she thinks about her options. One of the demons takes the decision from her when he seizes her by the throat. He slams her against the vehicle behind her. Her eyes widen without her even realizing it and her eyes shade color as well. Only, her eyes are different than Willow's coal black. Every centimeter is pure white. Pearl white. White crackles of energy surge through her body, starting from the eyes. She moves her hand to his chest.
The surges of power blast into the demon and he screams, releasing Tara and stepping back as his body melts from the inside. Tara turns her eyes to the other demon as he tries to come after her. An invisible barrier keeps his shots from touching her. Tara glares at him and the demon drops to his knees, unable to move. She jerks her head to the right and the demon's body slides along the ground until it slams into and through the metal of a car.
The pure white and coal black eyes lock gazes as their enemies are defeated. Both the black eyes return to Willow's green ones and Tara's pure white eyes return to their blue ones as their gazes lock together, two souls connecting on a level that no one person could understand.
The last two demons advance on Buffy. She has her sword in her hand as she dodges their strikes and moves around. She steps forward and, using every ounce of strength she has in her and thrusts the blade out in a perfect arc, taking the head of the demon. The other demon snarls, moving toward her in an attempt at a savage punching shot with it's claw.
Buffy dives to the ground in a roll and evades the savage attempt. Getting back to her feet, Buffy runs to the demon and kicks it in the face and it hits a vehicle. Buffy steps forward with her attack and thrusts the sword into the demon's chest, impaling it. The demon coughs only twice before it dies. She pulls her sword free and looks over at Willow and Tara to see them embracing each other. Buffy frowns, knowing something important just happened, but not understanding what it was. She turns her attention upward when she hears clapping.
It is the Boss clapping, smiling down.
The Boss
Well done, ladies.
Release our friends as you promised.
The Boss
(looking at the cage)
Well, first of all, little witch, I never promised. But, I know what I
said and I won't break the deal I made. So, you and them are free to go.
The Boss raises his right hand, palm out, at the cage. As his hand moves towards the center of the circle, the cage moves as if an invisible hand were pushing it until it's directly above Buffy, Willow, and Tara. The Boss smiles at them.
The Boss
But I never said you could leave unharmed, did I?
Buffy's face stills as she realizes what he's going to do. With a devilish smile, the Boss flexes his fingers and the bottom of the cage collapses under her friends and the three of them fall towards the ground at a frightening speed. Buffy moves to try to let herself break their fall. As they continue to fall, a dark clad form suddenly dives from one part of the circle, catching Xander and Dawn by the waists under each arm and landing on the ground several feet from Buffy. She looks to see who it is, then looks up as she raises her arms and catches Anya as she hits her and they both hit the ground hard.
Willow and Tara help Anya and Buffy up as Xander and Dawn get to their feet and look to see who saved them. It is revealed to be SPIKE. He glares at the two before stepping away and looking up at their advesary.
The Boss
Spike, Spike, Spike. What am I going to do with
you? You ruined my fun.
Yeah well, what are you going to do?
The Boss
The Boss flexes his hand at Spike and his body suddenly crashes back and through a van, puncturing a hole in it.
Buffy, Xander, Anya, Willow, Tara, and Dawn look from where Spike crashed back to where the Boss stands and are shocked when, not only is he and his vampire group gone, but everything in the junkyard is back to what it was before the circle was made. They are now just standing in the junkyard, alone.
Cut to:
Commercial Break.
Cut to:
EXT. The Summer's Household, The Dining Room Table, Time Lapse - Night.
It is a few hours later. The group of friends and family are assembled together in the dining room. They have changed clothing. Buffy is wearing a cashmere sweater and black jeans with her hair unrestrained. Dawn is wearing a red long sleeved button up sweater and a pair of blue jeans. She has her hair tied in a ponytail. Anya's hair is unrestrained and she is wearing a light blue shirt with red leave designs on it with some black pants. Xander is wearing a dark red long sleeved shirt over a pair of dark blue pants. Willow is wearing one of her darker red sweaters with a pair of her blue jeans. A few straps of her hair is tied over the rest of her hair. And Tara is wearing her pink turtleneck sweater and her black pants, her hair tied into the twin ponytails. It is a somber atmosphere to say the least.
So, what do we do now?
I think we need to start researching the Boss. Find
out what he is and how to stop him.
Buffy, that's what we've been doing for the past few
weeks. There's just nothing to be found about this guy.
Then we start searching harder. Look, we have no
choice here. The vampires that work for this guy got into our homes
without even needing a invite. That just doesn't happen. If we're
going to have a chance here, we need to know more about him. It's obvious
he's not just a vampire.
You saying he's something else?
No, I saw fangs when I first met this guy. He's a
vampire. He's just....a different kind of vampire. He may not be
just a vampire. Maybe the First Vampire? Giles used to tell me stuff
about the First Vampire.
Like what?
I don't remember a lot, but one thing he told me was that
the First Vampire will have almost no weaknesses and his powers will be stronger
and unlike any power any vampire has.
Well, that sounds like this guy.
A moment of silence unsues.
What about Spike? What do we do about him?
We keep our eye on him. Make sure he doesn't cross
that line.
No Xander! In case you haven't noticed, we are way in over our
heads against this guy. If we were to have our showdown with him right
now, we'd lose. We're not ready for him. We are going to need Spike
with us. But, if Spike does cross that line and he so much as attacks a
person, I'll stake him. But until then, we just keep our eye on him.
What about my dream?
(looking at her friends faces)
Giles and that Arthur Kristof will be flying back in a couple days. When
they get back, we will talk to them about what you saw in your dream. My
guess is, this guy, the Boss, he is either the 'it' in that From Beneath You
phrase, or he works for the 'it'. We need to find out which it is.
Buffy looks at her friends, herself and all of them understanding that the weeks and months ahead are going to trying and troubling ones.
Fade to:
INT. Alley in Between Two Buildings, Time Lapse - Night.
The shot fades from the Scooby Gang's conversation and fades to an alley. We see SPIKE as he walks along the alley. Just behind him, it is revealed to be a duplicate of himself standing there, talking in Spike's own voice.
Double Spike
There's one just over there. Do it, you know you
want to.
No....you're just in my head. That's all, in my head.
Double Spike
You have been thirsting for human blood for months.
That urge has gotten stronger and stronger since you've laid with the
Slayer. Go ahead, it's just a homeless person. Nobody would notice
if took her. Do it, Spike. Don't resist the urge, you know it's what
you want, it's what you need. Do it Spike, drink, feel yourself with her
(looking troubled and uncertain)
The pain......searing the pain will be.
Double Spike
No, the pain is just in your mind. That's all it has
ever been. You let your animal urges take control, and that small pain
won't matter. Go on, William, you know it's what you need to sustain
yourself. Take the blood, drink the blood, take it! You want
it! You need it Spike! Take it! Don't be afraid! You are
William the Bloody! Let yourself feel what you used to be! Be the
animal! Be the killer! Be Spike!!!
The later part of the words were screams from the double Spike and Spike shook his head until the double Spike finished, then he let out a startling scream and his face morphed into the vampire face, fangs exposed and he ran to the unsuspecting homeless woman. He grabbed her by the shoulders and lifted her up. Holding the young homeless woman in an embrace, Spike rears back and sinks his fangs into her neck. He drinks of her blood deeply, and she screams and struggles, but it is futile against him.
As ominous music cues up, Spike drinks of the woman for several seconds before he drops the woman. He turns toward the camera in vampire face, his fangs and mouth dripping with blood. He looks down at the woman and wipes the blood off his lips with the back of his hand.
The shot moves from Spike's face to the double Spike's face. The face turns up into a smirk just before the form morphs from a lookalike Spike to the Boss, smug and flippant at achieving the goal he had sought.
The Boss
And so it begins William.
The Boss continues to chuckle as he walks away, slowly vanishing as he does so as the shot darkens.
End of Episode 6 - The Test
End Credits.