Buffy the Vampire Slayer - Virtual Season 7 - Episode 7
by The Devious One (letsrocket_1998@yahoo.com)
Follow the Virtual Season 7 of Buffy the Vampire by The Devious One Productions
at https://deviousone2002.tripod.com/vir7season.htm.
Buffy and all characters who have appeared in the syndicated series Buffy the Vampire Slayer, together with the names, titles, and backstory are the sole copyright property of Mutant Enemy, the WB, UPN, and of course, Joss Whedon himself. No copyright infringement was intended in the writing of this fan fiction. All other characters, the story ideas, and VR season itself are the sole property of the author. This story cannot be sold or used for profit in any way. Copies of this story may be made for private use only and must include all disclaimers and copyright notices.
NOTE: All works remain the © copyright of the original author. These may not be republished in any way, shape, or form without the written expressed consent or acceptance of the author of the story.
(Anthony Steward Head VO)
"Previously on Buffy the Vampire Slayer"
The normal Previously on Buffy music cues up.
Various scenes from different episodes are now shown. They are in the order as follows.
A small compilation of scenes are shown from the Season Premiere of VS7 'Alive Again', ending with Tara's return to life and the Hooded Figure's warning to the Slayer. Following it are scenes from Returned, depicting Warren's re-appearance during the same time of Tara's re-appearance. A few scenes are shown showing Warren's strike against Buffy and her friends at the Cemetery.
Next is a small compilation of scenes from 'Ties That Bind' and 'The Boss', depicting Xander and Anya's slowly rebuilding relationship, as well as the troubles Willow and Tara have been going through as they try to renew the relationship they had before Tara's tragic death. Scenes from the same episodes regarding Buffy and Spike's relationship are shown.
And then, scenes from the episode 'Beneath You' are shown. The scenes that are shown are the young woman in Germany being killed by the robed figures and the words she spoke that led to Tara's vision of her. Also shown are the scenes of the worm creature attacking Nancy and Buffy's saving her, followed by the ending sequence of scenes between Buffy and Spike.
And finally, scenes from the episode 'The Test' are shown. From the scenes of Xander and Dawn being captured by the Boss's people to the meeting with Warren and the Boss and including the fight involving Buffy, Willow, and Tara against the six demons, Willow's use of dark magick and Tara's newfound power making an appearance, to Spike saving Xander and Dawn and ending with the Boss's manipulation of Spike during the final scene where Spike attacks a homeless woman.
EXT. The Summers Household, Buffy's Old Bedroom - Night.
DAWN, BUFFY, and XANDER are helping WILLOW and TARA unpack their stuff as they are moving into Buffy's old room and she is moving into the room that once belonged to them.
Hey uh, thanks for letting us move in here, Buffy.
(after a glance at Tara)
Sure, no problem. It'll be nice having the bigger room for a change.
XANDER enters the room with a box of Tara's clothing.
You know Tara, I really didn't know you had this much
Yeah, I have a lot of stuff. Too much, but thanks
for the help.
Not a problem, that's what I'm here for.
Buffy looks over at him as he sets Tara's belongings down.
So, have you talked to Anya recently?
(shaking his head)
Not since that night with the Test. And that wasn't exactly a situation
for small talk. More of the "how are we going to get out of this
one" kind of talk. I'm thinking maybe I should call her thought.
You should Xander. You two need to get back
You two do need to get back together, but I just don't
want you to get your hopes up again.
Hopes? I'm getting to the point that I think it's
better if we just remain friends. We had our run and it didn't work.
Granted, it was my fault, but it didn't work nevertheless. And besides, I
love being single. I'm a strong, successful male who is giddy at the
thought of all the women I will no doubt be dating in the near or distant
Strong, successful males say 'giddy'?
I just worry about her sometimes, that's all.
I know.
We all do.
She just seems so sad sometimes.
Well, to be honest, I'm not so sure I get the sad vibe from her, but there's a
definite vengeance vibe worth worrying about.
Oh that? No, no. I don't worry about that. She was hurt and
she just turned back to what she knew when I.....you know. But that's just
not her anymore.
I hope you're right.
Well, she turned that worm guy back before any real damage happened, didn't
she? It'll just take some time. I really think she's coming around.
Cut to:
INT. A Fraternity House at U.C. Sunnydale, Time Lapse - Night.
The shot opens on the face of a boy. He is lying on the ground, dead. The shot pans around to show several boys have been killed, their hearts ripped out of their bodies. The place is full of dead frat boys. Off to the side, but still amidst them is ANYA, sitting on her knees, looking at them in shock. She is looking at the mayhem that has been caused, her hands and arms, all the way to her neck, smeared with blood.
Oh god....what have I done?
Cut to:
Opening Credits:
Special Guest Stars:
Abraham Benrubi as Olaf
Andy Umberger as D'Hoffryn
Kali Rocha as Halfrek
Joyce Guy as Professor
Anthony Steward Head as Giles
Cut to:
EXT. Rustic Medieval House in Sjornjost, 880 - Day.
Inside this old home in the year 880, a long haired brunette hair colored ANYA is holding a cute little brown bunny rabbit. The man OLAF is walking in and begins speaking to her in their language, foreign to us. Dialogue is shown in subtitled so that we can understand the conversation. He's wearing leather and animal skins as Anya wears one of her dresses.
Aud! Sweet, beautiful Aud! I am so hungry, I could eat a small
Olaf! Are you injured? You smell of blood and musk!
Fear not, my dear! It takes more than a band of minor trolls to bring down
the mighty Olaf!
Oh! They are wretched creatures indeed. The mere thought of them
makes me bend at the knee and flex! (he then does a muscleman flex type of pose)
Sweetheart, please sit down and relax. Allow me to tend to your injuries.
I am fine, really. I could go for some mead, though.
Certainly Olaf.
(looking around the room)
Is it my imagination, or do we have substantially more rabbits in this house
Well, they do breed so quickly that it's.....
Olaf interrupts her.
Oh, all this talk of breeding....it makes me want to breed!
Honey, of course, of course. But here, drink your mead first.
Ah yes, my mead.
The rapid reproductive rate of our rabbits....has given me a grand idea. I
can give the excess out to the townspeople, exchanging them not for goods or
services, but for goodwill and the sense of accomplishment that stems from
selflessly giving of yourselves to others.
Ha, ha, ha! Sweet Aud, your logic is so insane and happenstance, like that
of a troll. It is no wonder that the bar matrons talk of you often.
You've been to the bar...
It is not my fault they do not take kindly to you. You speak your mind,
and are very annoying. It's one of the many things I love most about you.
Was Rannveig there?
Bah! I've told you a thousand times, I have no interest in this Rannveig.
Her hips are large and load bearing, like a Baltic woman. Your hips are
narrow, like that of a Baltic woman from a slightly more arid region. You
are my perfect Aud. I could never want for another.
I am sorry. I simply love you so much. I feel as though I could
burst at times....I could not live without you.
Fear not, sweet Aud. You will always be my beautiful girl.
Cut to:
INT. Fraternity House at U.C. Sunnydale - Night.
The shot cuts to a bathroom sink. Anya is now washing her blood-soaked hands at a porcelain sink. The water runs from clear to red as Anya looks up from her washing and can barely face herself in the mirror. She looks back down.
How....how could I have done this?
Cut to:
INT. Crypt in Cemetery, Time Lapse - Day.
The Crypt is mostly silent as BUFFY opens the door to it and enters with caution. Across the room, SPIKE is huddled on the floor near the corner, alone. He is muttering incoherent words to himself as Buffy crosses her arms over her chest. It is unknown what Spike has done with the homeless woman's body from the previous episode. She is wearing a black shirt and a pair of blue jeans. She walks over.
(he looks up at her)
This Crypt and your lonliness is driving you insane. You need to stay out
Can't hear you. What did you say? Can't hear
You have a soul? Fine, prove it to me.
Scream montresor all you like, pet.
Get up and get out of here Spike. Find a new place to live.
I don't have anywhere else to go.
We'll see abou that.
Cut to:
INT. U.C. Sunnydale Campus, Time Lapse - Day.
WILLOW and TARA are walking towards one of the buildings. They are talking. Willow is wearing a light pink button up shirt with a pair of dark green jeans on. She has her hair tied back into a ponytail. Beside her, her lover and girlfriend Tara is wearing one of her flowing dress skirts with a short sleeved shirt with flower designs over it.
And you know Tara, it's not like I've been gone for that
long, and I've already done all the reading that I missed. And I can sign
up for....
Honey, I understand what you're saying, believe me. Once you talk to your
professor, you'll have that class squared away for next semester and we'll be
all set.
God, I hope so.
As they near the building, the PROFESSOR comes out. She is a middle aged black woman. She stops before the two women and smiles at them.
Alright Willow, I've just gone over the records and we
should be able to get you caught up in no time. Just sign up for the class
next semester and attend the class.
What am I gonna say? No, I don't want my best
student back in my class? Well, of course I noticed that drop off in your
grades at mid-term last year, and I was concerned by that.
Yeah, that was....
But then...viola, you turned it around and aced your
finals like it was magic.
Yeah, similar to, but um...
Look, come see me during office hours tomorrow and we'll
see about everything else for next semester, alright?
Okay. Thanks Professor.
The Professor leaves and the two witches start to leave in a different direction, but Tara notices something. Pan around to see ANYA. She is wearing a raincoat pulled tightly over her dress to hide the bloodstains as she walks out of the fraternity house into the populated campus. Willow and Tara are happy to see her, but Anya is nervous and distracted.
Anya! Anya!
Willow, Tara hi! What're you guys doing here?
Oh, I'm just getting all my classes and stuff lined up for
next semester at school. All the Professors have been great about
it. I-I was a little worried, but I already have books and the supplies
already, so. What are you doing here?
Walking out of a fraternity house in the middle of the
Uh...um.....I have a new boyfriend now. He lives
That's great.
(avoiding eye contact with them)
Yeah, we just had lots and lots of sex.
This is so great. I am so happy to see you've.... (Anya
nervously pushes a strand of hair behind her ear, and the witches see blood on
her hand) moved on.
Yeah, we're tremendously happy together. Now, um, if
you'll excuse me, I'm late for something important.
Uh okay, see you later.
Glancing at each other, the witches nod silently and head over to the fraternity house to check something out. Willow and Tara enter the house through huge glass paned wooden double doors. It's the Gamma Kappa Tau house.
Uh hello?
Is anybo...
Tara looks down at the floor and sees huge blooodstains. Willow sees them as well. There are also smudges on the floor. Looking around, the house is eerily empty. They walk in further to investigate, and there are blood stains everywhere, on the walls, door, and floor. When Willow opens the door to an adjacent room, what they see horrifies them both. A high-pitched whimper comes from another room and they go to investigate it. It's coming from a closet. Tara opens it to reveal a young woman in there crying and rocking in a fetal position. She also has blood on her clothing.
Young Woman
I take it back. I take it back. I take it back.
(bends down to talk to her)
It's ok. You're ok.
Young Woman
I take it back.
What do you take back?
Young Woman
'S gonna be a party. Everyone's gonna be
there. Everyone's bringing a date. I'll have a great time. But
it was just me. And them. He broke up with me in front of
them. I was a game. it was all a game.
It's ok. You're ok now.
Young Woman
(crying more hysterically)
They laughed and they laughed and I cried and they laughed. And I yelled,
"Just once, I wish you could all feel what it's like to have your hearts
ripped out. Just once....I wish..." (sobs) and it came.
Willow and Tara share a glance, putting the pieces together.
(looking around)
Okay, come on, what came? What did this?
Young Woman
A spider.
A spider?
Where did it go?
Young Woman
What do you mean?
The spider......where is it now?
As Tara asks the question, we see a huge (five foot long) spider crawling up the wall behind her and Willow.
Cut to:
Commercial Break.
Cut to:
EXT. Fraternity House at U.C. Sunnydale - Night.
Willow and Tara are talking to the Young Woman when the five foot spider crawls along the wall behind them. It suddenly lunges and Willow's instincts rise as she turns and puts her up for a spell of protection.
A shield of yellow light protects Willow, Tara, and the Young Woman from the spider's attack. Frightened, the Young Woman starts crying again.
Calm down. It's alright.
The spider tries to get through the protective barrier and Willow uses her powers to thrust it out through a window that is nearby.
Tara, we need to tell Buffy about this and then see Anya.
I know. Let's get her to a hospital first.
Cut to:
INT. Sjornjost Medieval Village - Day.
The village that Aud and Olaf lives in are fleeing in a mob, fleeing in terror as a Troll is near them.
Village Man
Village Woman
It's the largest troll I've ever seen!
Village Man
Run! Hide your babies and your beadwork!!
(moving through the village)
The troll is Olaf with his hammer in his hand. He's got horns and green skin now and so no one recognizes him.
Stop! It is me, Olaf!
Village Man
The troll is doing an Olaf impersonation!
I am Olaf!!
Village Man
Hit him with fruits and various meats.
Aaarrrgh! I am Olaf!
The villagers chase him out of town while Anya watches, her face impassive. D'Hoffryn, leader of the Vengeance Demons steps up beside her.
Impressive work for a human.
Thank you.
What is that? A Woodlow Transmogriphic spell?
No, it's Thornton's Hope.
Thornton's Hope. But how did you get the troll element to work?
Eelsbane, that's quite brilliant. What did this one do to deserve such as
Bar matron. A load bearing bar matron.
Is there any other kind. (he sees Anya start to walk off) I'm sorry. How
rude of me, please allow me to introduce myself. My name is D'Hoffryn.
I am called Aud.
Are you? Hmm, I'm afraid you don't see your true self. You are
Anyanka. I'm a patron of a family of sorts. We're Vengeance
Demons. I'm sure you've heard of us.
No, I'm sorry I haven't.
Oh...well, that's quite...
Oh, no, don't feel bad. I uh, I don't talk to people much. I mean, I
talk to them, but they don't talk to me. Except to say that your questions
are irksome, and perhaps you should take your furs and your literal
interpretations to the other side of the river.
Olaf is now chasing the mob through the village.
Come here tiny little man. You are small and toy like.
I get the sense that your talents are not fully appreciated here, Anyanka.
We'd like you to join us.
Why do you keep calling me that? My name is Aud.
Perhaps, but Anyanka is who you are.
What would you have me do?
What you do best. Help wronged women punish evil men.
But only to those who deserve it.
All men deserve it.
That's where I was going with that, yeah.
Cut to:
INT. Buffy's Cubicle at Sunnydale High School, Time Lapse - Day.
BUFFY's at her desk, wearing the same black shirt she wore at the Crypt. She is clearly bored, as evidenced by her balancing a pencil holder full of pencils on her forehead. The phone rings after a moment and breaks her concentration, and she spills the pencils. She answers the phone.
Hello Willow. Is everything...a spider demon? Wh—
h-hold on. A-are you and Tara all right? Like how? (grabs paper to write
something down) Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Wait, OK, go ahead. No, no, no, no, no. It's all
good. I'll get Xander to go. But seriously, you just— Whoa. Ripped out the
heart? My God. Hey, did you get that physics class you wanted?
Cut to:
INT. Anya's Apartment, Time Lapse - Day.
ANYA is reclining on one end of her couch with her friend HALFREK, visiting. They are talking to each other in friendly conversation.
This is just wonderful, Anyanka. There's even talk
of having some sort of ceremony. I can't tell you how many times today,
I've heard "Anyanka is back to her old self again." (Anya looks
troubled) Honey, what is it? What's wrong?
It's nothing. I just....there was just so much
screaming, so much blood. (Halfrek smiles, imagining it) I-I forgot how much
damage a Grimslaw demon could do.
Oh, tell me about it. They can be feisty little guys
and impossible to house train. I would know, I used to have one. I
mean, once they start nesting, forget....are you okay? Oh, did something
I-I guess I'm just a little rusty. I didn't think it would hit me like this.
Oh, sweetie. This is perfectly normal. It's a reflex. You'll get over it in no
time, trust me.
Oh, Hallie! I can't tell you how good it is....thank goodness you're here.
Oh, sweetie. Of course.
It's just lately, with everything that's been going on, I-I've had trouble even
WILLOW and TARA walk into the room, their faces set into seriousness.
Get out Halfrek.
Lemon drop, if you think I'm gonna...
We need to talk to Anya, now.
(looking at Anya, who nods)
Well, okay. If you need anything, you just holler.
Halfrek teleports out of the apartment with her trademark exit.
Anya, you have to stop this.
Do you know what they did to her? It was a game to them. They were
humiliating her.
That doesn't give you or anyone else the right to take their lives.
Anya, listen to us. You're in trouble and you know it. We're here to
help you.
You're here to....well, that's great Willow. Flayed anybody lately, have
you? How quickly they forget.
I haven't forgotten. I'll never forget.
Tara looks at her lover for a moment, then looks back to Anya
What do you two want?
We want to help you.
As far as I'm concerned, they got what they deserved.
NO! They....
I am a Vengeance Demon! Do you guys understand that?
Try to. It's what I am! They got what they deserved.
Cut to:
INT. Woods in Sunnydale, Time Lapse - Day.
BUFFY and XANDER are walking through the woods along a trail, looking for the spider demon. Xander is carrying a sword and Buffy has her battle axe. The sun shines over them, covering them in light.
Thanks for side-kicking. I didn't want to trouble
Willow or Tara and Dawn's at school.
Are you kidding? We're doing vent work at the site. Anything's
better than breathing freon for eight hours. (beat) So, did she say what
this thing is?
Some sort of spider demony thingy. She had to go pretty quickly. I
think she and Tara had to sign up for next semester's classes or something.
Ah yes, there is little that can distract the Willow when she's on the
hunt for the mighty syllabi.
I don't know. I guess she was a little more nervous thatn she was letting
They stumble across a boy's body. The heart has been ripped out. Xander starts hyperventilating.
How big did she say this thing was?
She didn't. But I can't imagine she'd send us out if it wasn't...the heart is
completely ripped out. This is our guy.
Or a copycat spider demon. So what's this black stuff?
There's black stringy things hanging on the nearby tree. Xander touches it.
Aw, it's sticky!
Willow said it was a spider demon. Maybe it's its webbing.
This isn't springy high-flying fun.
A noise comes from the tree above them, like something's moving around in it.
(looking up)
Is that it?
I can't tell. There is definitely something moving up there.
Maybe we can somehow lure it.
One of the sticky black webs is shot down from the tree, landing on Xander's shoulder. He dives out of the way.
The spider jumps out of the tree, knocks Buffy down to the ground, and lands on top of her. She squirms, but can't get free, as the spider demon's second mouth comes out to try and bite her face. She pushes it off, and it scurries away. She grabs her battle-axe off the ground and looks up in the tree for the spider demon.
You OK?
Buffy, where'd it go? I think we need more swords.
(still looking up into the tree)
I say we go home, pick up more swords, and some sort of spidery demon protection
amulet. We come back, and...
Buffy, who has never stopped tracking the spider demon in the tree, throws her battle-axe up into the treetop. The spider falls to the ground with the axe in it.
Cut to:
INT. The Summers Household, the Living Room - Day.
Xander and Buffy come home covered in huge scrapes and gashes.
I'm more concerned with where that thing came from. If there are more of those
spider demons running around, we need to know about it. We should hit the
research, find out if...
Buffy and Xander walk into the living room to see Willow and Tara is waiting for them.
We know where it came from.
Buffy and Xander sit down beside each other on the couch, facing Willow who's in the chair. Tara sitting at a small table near the wall.
How many?
Ten, twelve.
When were you planning on telling us?
We're telling you now.
Great. Thank you. Willow, it's Anya. How could you let us....how could you not
have told us?
How could you not have told me?
Xander. It's OK. They didn't tell us for a reason. They didn't tell us because they
know what I have to do.
(Xander looks from Willow to Tara to Buffy)
I have to kill Anya.
Cut to:
Commercial Break.
Cut to:
EXT. Banquet Hall in St. Petersburg, 1905 - Night.
Generals and such are slumped over onto their dinner plates, while ANYA and HALFREK chat it up at the head of the table. There is a window behind them, showing a battle going on outside. The girls are wearing Victorian outfits with the feathered hats and elaborate jewelry, etc. and sipping champagne.
I swear, I'm in awe of you.
Oh, stop.
Oh, I will not.
I grant wishes. It's all inside the girl. I just bring it out.
Yes, I'm sure this is what she had in mind.
Well, I don't know about her mind, but it was in her heart. Besides, Russia was
ready to explode. All we did is just give it a little push.
What should we do with the rest of our evening? I hear they're going to raze the
Winter Mansion.
Well, I thought we'd head on down to Madame Dubasov's. No better spot for
vengeance than a brothel.
Oh, it's always work, work, work with you.
A man comes into the room on fire, and the girls don't even flinch. They just carry on their conversations without noticing him or helping him.
Well, of course. What else is there?
What else is there? Why, the whole world, for one. Darling, take a look around.
There's a lot to see. There's a revolution going on outside that you are
somewhat responsible for. Aren't you the teeniest bit interested?
Well, what is there to be interested in? The worker will overthrow absolutism
and lead the proletariat to a victorious communist revolution, resulting in
socio-economic paradise on earth. It's common sense, really. I have better
things to worry about.
But, Anyanka, there's a whole world out there.
Yes, filled with wronged women who need my help.
Oh, but you're talking work.
I'm talking about life. Vengeance is what I do, Halfrek. I don't need anything
else. Vengeance is what I am.
Cut to:
INT. The Summers Household, the Living Room, Resume Earlier Scene - Day.
BUFFY, XANDER, WILLOW, and TARA are talking about ANYA's recent actions and about Buffy's statement of her killing Anya. Xander is upset to say the least and the two witches are looking sad, but not saying anything.
She's not the Anya that you knew, Xander. She's a demon.
That doesn't mean you have to kill her.
Don't act like this is easy for me. You know it's not.
There are other options.
I've considered them.
When? Just now? Took you all of ten seconds to decide to kill one of your best
The thought that it might come to this has occurred to me before. It's occurred
to you, too.
But we can change what she did. Fix it. These are mystical deaths, right?
(looks at Willow and Tara)
There has to be something.
I don't have anywhere near that kind of power. I didn't have that kind of power
when....and I-I don't think I trust the power I do have.
What about you Tara? We know you have power.
I'm sorry Xander, but I won't use whatever magick I do
have to alter the the course of life and death. Not again.
(to Willow)
It's okay.
(turns to Xander)
Xander, I know this is hard for you to hear, but it's what I have to do.
Hard for me to hear? Buffy, you wanna kill Anya!
I don't want to.
Then don't! This isn't new ground for us. When our friends go all crazy and
start killing people, we help them. (looks at Willow)
Sitting right here.
(looking upset)
Watch your mouth, Xander.
I'm sorry. But it's true.
It's different.
Because you don't care about her the same way I do. Buffy, I still love her.
I know. And that's why you can't see this for what it really is. Willow was
different. She's a human. Anya's a demon.
And you're the Slayer. I see now how it's all very simple.
It is never simple.
(he stands up)
No, of course not. You know, if there's a mass-murdering demon that you're, oh,
say, boning, then it's all gray area.
Spike was harmless. He was helping.
He had no choice.
And Anya did! She chose to become a demon. Twice.
You have no idea what she's going through.
(she now stands up)
I don't care what she's going through!
No, of course not. You think we haven't seen all this before? The part where you
just cut us all out. Just step away from everything human and act like you're
the law. If you knew what I felt....
I killed Angel! Do you even remember that? I would have given up everything I
had to be with....I loved him more than I will ever love anything in this life.
And I put a sword through his heart because I had to.
And that all worked out okay.
Do you remember cheering me on? Both of you. Do you remember giving me Willow's
message: Kick his ass.
I never said that....
This is different....
It is always different! It's always complicated. And at some point, someone has
to draw the line, and that is always going to be me. You get down on me for
cutting myself off, but in the end the slayer is always cut off. There's no
mystical guidebook. No all-knowing council. Human rules don't apply. There's
only me. I am the law.
There has to be another way.
Then please find it.
Xander takes his coat and leaves. Buffy goes to the tool chest and grabs a sword. She looks at Willow, then at Tara, wanting her friends to follow, but both do not move.
I can't. I'm sorry.
Buffy leaves the house, sword in hand.
Cut to:
INT. Willow and Tara's Room at the Summers Household, Time Lapse - Day.
Willow enters and goes to her desk and looks frantically through the drawers. Finally, she finds what she's looking for. It is an amulet. She turns back to Tara, who is watching her with an impassive look on her face.
I need to see if he'll help us, baby. I hope you can
understand that.
I understand. (Tara leaves and heads downstairs)
Willow watches her go for a moment, then sighs as she goes to the bathroom. She pours sand on the floor in a circle while she chants in Latin, holding the amulet in her hand.
Beatum sit in nomine D'Hoffrynis. Fiat hoc spatium porta ad mundum
There is a bright flash of light, then the head of all Vengeance Demons, D'Hoffryn, appears. He is facing away from Willow.
(low tone of voice)
Behold, D'Hoffryn. Lord of Arashmahar. He that turns the air to
blood and rains.... (sees Willow and his tone changes to his normal tone) Miss
Rosenberg. How lovely to see you again. Have you done something with
your hair?
Hello, D'Hoffryn.
I figured I'd be hearing from you soon. The flaying of Warren Meers? Oh, truly
inspired. That was water cooler vengeance. Lloyd has a sketch of it on his wall.
That's not me anymore.
Is that right? So, I didn't feel your presence earlier today? I didn't feel a
bit of the old you?
We need to talk about Anya.
Very well. Let's talk about Anyanka.
Cut to:
INT. Fraternity House at U.C. Sunnydale, Time Lapse - Night.
ANYA is in the Frat House, her fingers touching the wall where blood was spattered with thoughtful patience. The door behind her opens and XANDER enters. She releases a breath at seeing him standing there.
I thought I might find you here. Have you forced yourself to look at the bodies
What do you want?
I want to help you.
(sighs, walks away)
Everyone is so considerate today. I should've slaughtered people weeks ago.
I'm sorry. I'm sorry for everything I did to you. Everything I put you through.
Thank you. All better. Thank goodness you got here in time.
You don't understand. This isn't an intervention. Buffy's coming to kill you.
She's coming to try.
Did everybody have their crazy flakes today? You guys are friends. How could you
talk like this?
I have a job to do. And so does Buffy. Xander, you've always seen what you
wanted to. But you knew, sooner or later, it would come to this.
BUFFY enters the Frat House and stares at Anya.
Buffy, get out of here.
Get out of my way, Xander.
(turns back to Anya)
(in demon face)
Get out of her way, Xander.
Anya backhands Xander and he falls down out of the way. Buffy lunges at her with the sword, but Anya pushes her off. They continue to fight during the dialogue.
This is getting to be a pattern with you, Buffy. Are there any friends of your
left you haven't tried to kill? (fighting) C'mon, Buffy. Don't you have a clever
retort for me? (fighting)
The fighting is fairly even, or Anya may appear to have the slight upper hand. Buffy is thrown onto the floor. She looks up at Anya:
Anya, I'm sorry.
You're apologizing to me. What fight are you watching? Or is this like one of
your little pop-culture references I don't get, 'cause I'm a vengeance...
Anya lunges at Buffy who presses her against the wall and stabs her in the heart with her sword. Anya groans.
Cut to:
Commercial Break.
Cut to:
EXT. Xander's Apartment - Night.
Shot opens with Xander asleep in one of his recliners and Anya is on the couch reading. Xander is talking in his sleep. This is a flashback of some kind. Anya looks over at Xander for a moment before looking at her book again.
I just want... happy... ending...
Honey? Honey?
What? I'm awake. I'm okay.
Honey? Was that weird? That thing earlier with the singing... and the coconuts.
What? No, it's fine.
Singing can be heard through the balcony window.
Neighbor Man (O.S.)
Oh, no. Mustard on my shirt.
Neighbor Woman (O.S.)
Mustard. I'll never get it out.
Neighbor Man (O.S.)
My favorite red shirt.
Neighbor Woman (O.S.)
Dry clean it.
Neighbor Man (O.S.)
How could you serve...
Neighbors (O.S.)
(singing in unison)
Anya shuts the balcony door.
Are you still hungry? Because I'd be....
(looks fondly at Xander sleeping)
Mr. Xander Harris.
(walks to him)
That's what he is to the world outside.
That's the name he carries with pride.
(puts away his hard hat and tool box)
I'm just lately Anya.
Not very much to the world, I know.
All these years with nothing to show.
(puts away his shoes)
I've boned a troll, I've wreaked some wrath,
But on the whole, I've had no path.
(twirling around)
I like to bowl, I'm good with math,
But who am I?
Now I reply that
I'm the Missis
(looks at engagement ring)
I will be his Missis.
Mrs. Anya Christina Emanuella Jenkins Harris.
(twirling, dancing)
What's the point of loving...
I mean except for the sweaty part.
(gathers pillows)
What's the point of losing your heart?
Maybe if you're lucky
Being a pair makes you twice as tall.
(she gathers a blanket)
Maybe you're not losing at all.
(she opens blanket)
No need to cover up my heart,
(spreads blanket on Xander)
Plus see above RE: sweaty part.
So maybe love is pretty smart
And so am I
I found my guy!
And I'll be Missis
(sits on his lap while the recliner spins)
I will be his Missis
Mrs. Anya Lame-Ass-Made-Up-Maiden-Name Harris.
We'll never part.
(walks into the kitchen)
Not if we can
And if we start
Then here's my plan
I'll show him what bliss is
Welcome him with kisses
'Cause this is a Missis who misses her man
He's my Xander
And he's awfully swell
It makes financial sense as well,
Although he can be....I'll never tell....
Just stand aside
Here comes the bride
(goes through balcony door, and is suddenly in wedding gown)
I'll be Missis.
I will be his Missis
I will be....
Cut to:
INT. Fraternity House at U.C. Sunnydale - Night.
We are back at the earlier scene with ANYA fighting BUFFY while XANDER can do little more than just watch it happen. Buffy has just stabbed Anya through the heart with her sword. Anya, in her human face, is slumped over, but she hasn't fallen. Xander slowly regains consciousness and is still on the floor. He looks over and sees Anya's condition.
Anya face is tear-streaked and bloody. Suddenly, she gasps for air and opens her eyes. She looks down at the sword in her chest.
Forgotten how much swords through the chest hurt.
(pulls it out)
(breathes heavily)
You know better than that, Buffy. It takes a lot more to kill a vengeance demon.
Oh, I'm just getting started.
Anya comes at Buffy with the sword. Buffy pushes a stool at her, knocking her off balance. She falls to the floor, dropping the sword. Anya's lying with her back on the floor. Buffy takes the sword, straddles Anya, and prepares for another thorough double-fisted stabbing of Anya. Xander pushes Buffy out of the way. They all stand up.
Stop trying to save me, Xander!
Lightening bolts flash in the room knocking everyone down, then D'Hoffryn appears.
Oh, please, don't mind me. Continue with whatever it was you were doing.
(walks to look in an adjacent room)
Oh, breathtaking. It's like somebody slaughtered an Abercrombie and Fitch
(Buffy stands and grabs her sword)
Easy now. I'd be gone before you could swing.
(sighs, offers a hand to Anya to help her stand)
Isn't that just like a Slayer. Solving all her problems by sticking things with
sharp objects. I talked to your friend, Miss Rosenberg. She's a firebrand. I
have high hopes for her.
Stay away from Willow.
(to Anya)
Oh, he's gallant, isn't he. I understand what you saw in him.
(to all of them)
Look, Miss Rosenberg seems to think Anyanka would be better suited outside the
vengeance fold. I think we already know what Lady HacksAway wants. And the young
man, he sees with the eyeballs of love. But I'm not sure if anyone's bothered to
find out what Anyanka herself really wants.
Her name is Anya.
Actually, funny historical side-bar, her original name was....
I wanna take it back.
I'm sorry. What was that?
I wanna take it back. I wanna undo what I did.
Hmm. You want to take it back. Must be twelve bodies in there. Such a thing....not
easily done. But not impossible. You're a big girl, Anyanka. You understand how
this works. The proverbial scales must balance. In order to restore the lives of
the victims, the fates require a sacrifice. The life and soul of a Vengeance Demon.
Do it.
Stay out of this Xander.
OK, all right. That seems smart. He just said you have to die! Perhaps there's
some sort of alternate price.
Xander, you can't help me. I'm not even sure there's a me to help.
(to D'Hoffryn)
I understand the price. Do it.
You're sure? This is your wish?
This is my wish. Undo what I did.
Very well.
D'Hoffryn gestures with his hands, and a flash of light appears.
Where the flash was, Halfrek shows up, smiling sweetly.
Anya looks at D'Hoffryn, realizing what's going to happen.
Halfrek bursts into flames and light shoots out of her eyes. She shrieks and disappears. Anya starts to cry as D'Hoffryn berates her.
Who did you think you were dealing with? Did you think it would be that easy to
get away?
Why? Because you wished it!
But she was yours.
Like you were mine? Haven't I taught you anything, Anya? Never go for the kill
when you can go for the pain.
(Xander starts for D'Hoffryn, but Buffy stops him)
Hold him back, Slayer. Wouldn't want anyone to get hurt. I've got plenty of
girls. There will always be Vengeance Demons. But now you, Anya, you're out.
Congratulations. You're wish is granted.
You should've killed me.
Oh, I wouldn't worry about that. From beneath you, it devours. Be patient. All
good things in time.
In a flash, D'Hoffryn disappears. Anya looks at Xander and Buffy and walks out.
(to Xander)
Go. I'll check on the boys.
Cut to:
INT. Street Outside the Fraternity House, Time Lapse - Night.
Xander follows his ex-fiancée out of the Frat House and he catches up with her.
Anya, wait.
Xander, please. Just go away.
Whatever's between us....it doesn't matter. You shouldn't be alone in this.
Yes, I should. My whole life, I've just clung to whatever came along.
Well, speaking as a clingee....I kinda didn't mind.
Thanks. For everything.
Xander nods, realizing that this is her rejecting his offer to help.
Xander....what if I'm really nobody?
Don't be a dope.
I'm a dope?
That's a start.
Xander walks away, leaving a teary-eyed Anya to deal alone.
End of Episode 7 - Selfless
End Credits.