Buffy the Vampire Slayer - A Virtual Season 7 - Episode 8
by The Devious One (letsrocket_1998@yahoo.com)
Follow the Virtual Season 7 of Buffy the Vampire by The Devious One Productions
at https://deviousone2002.tripod.com/vir7season.htm.
Buffy and all characters who have appeared in the syndicated series Buffy the Vampire Slayer, together with the names, titles, and backstory are the sole copyright property of Mutant Enemy, the WB, UPN, and of course, Joss Whedon himself. No copyright infringement was intended in the writing of this fan fiction. All other characters, the story ideas, and VR season itself are the sole property of the author. This story cannot be sold or used for profit in any way. Copies of this story may be made for private use only and must include all disclaimers and copyright notices.
NOTE: All works remain the © copyright of the original author. These may not be republished in any way, shape, or form without the written expressed consent or acceptance of the author of the story.
(Anthony Steward Head VO)
"Previously on Buffy the Vampire Slayer"
The normal Previously on Buffy music cues up.
Various scenes from different episodes are now shown. They are in the order as follows.
A small compilation of scenes are shown from the Season Premiere of VS7 'Alive Again', ending with Tara's return to life and the Hooded Figure's warning to the Slayer. Following it are scenes from Returned, depicting Warren's re-appearance during the same time of Tara's re-appearance. A few scenes are shown showing Warren's strike against Buffy and her friends at the Cemetery.
Next is a small compilation of scenes from 'Ties That Bind' and 'The Boss', depicting Xander and Anya's slowly rebuilding relationship, as well as the troubles Willow and Tara have been going through as they try to renew the relationship they had before Tara's tragic death. Scenes from the same episodes regarding Buffy and Spike's relationship are shown.
And then, scenes from the episode 'Beneath You' are shown. The scenes that are shown are the young woman in Germany being killed by the robed figures and the words she spoke that led to Tara's vision of her. Also shown are the scenes of the worm creature attacking Nancy and Buffy's saving her, followed by the ending sequence of scenes between Buffy and Spike.
And finally, scenes from the episodes 'The Test' and 'Selfless' are shown. From the scenes of Xander and Dawn being captured by the Boss's people to the meeting with Warren and the Boss and including the fight involving Buffy, Willow, and Tara against the six demons, Willow's use of dark magick and Tara's newfound power making an appearance, to Spike saving Xander and Dawn and ending with the Boss's manipulation of Spike during the final scene where Spike attacks a homeless woman. And the scenes depicting Anya's last wish and her fight with Buffy are shown.
EXT. Inside An Airplane Above Ground - Night.
The shot opens on an assemblement of papers on someone's lap. This person is wearing dark black dress pants. Fingers move through the papers, a gold ring on the pinkie of one of the hands. Slowly, the shot pans back to reveal that the person looking at the different papers is GILES. His eyes are on the papers and there is a worried look on his face.
Beside Giles, the Watcher ARTHUR KRISTOF sits beside him, his hands neatly laced together and laying on his lap. He has his one leg crossed over the other and is relaxed, leaning back in his seat. He turns to Giles.
Arthur Kristof
Do you really believe that this Boss person is really him?
(looking over at Kristof for a moment)
Every piece of data that I have found points to that conclusion, yes.
(he is silent for a few moments)
Why are you coming back?
Arthur Kristof
Excuse me?
Why are you coming back to Sunnydale? You and I both
know the Council has no intention of watching Buffy anymore. I know they
want you to watch Willow and Tara. Why?
Arthur Kristof
That's a bit complicated, Rupert. First off, I
should point out that I do not owe you any explanation. This is Council
And if their business involves members of my family, then
it becomes mine.
Arthur Kristoff
Fine. I'll tell you, but only because I know I owe
you. The Council has been watching the world, waiting. There is a
prophesy in the archives that tells of the Final Apocalypse, the ultimate
confrontation between good and evil. Not just the kind
the Slayer and her people deal with on a regular basis, but the ultimate
Apocalypse. One that even they can't stop. The Council knows that
there will be two signs that will happen before the Final Apocalypse begins.
Arthur Kristoff
And.....one of the two signs is that there would be a
witch that would be resurrected and no explanation of how or why. There
are three requirements that the witch must meet. One, the witch's family
must be violent, more importantly, violent to her because of her magick. Two,
she must be killed by accident, not on purpose. And three, she must be
raised through deception. The Council has done an extensive background on
Tara Maclay and learned three important facts.
(shaking his head and closing his eyes)
That Tara's father was abusive to her, as was her brother.
Arthur Kristoff
Yes. And they have learned that Miss Maclay was led
to believe that she was part demon for the longer part of her life.
(he sees Giles nod)
And she was killed by a stray bullet that was meant to kill the Slayer.
(he sees Giles nod once again)
That qualifies as an accidental murder. The Council believes that Tara is
the witch, therefore, they believe that the Final Apocalypse mentioned in their
prophesy is coming true.
What is the other sign? You said there were two
Arthur Kristoff
The other sign that foretells of the Final Apocalypse in
the prophesy is that there would be a sudden unity between demons and vampires.
But....there has been no unity.
Arthur Kristof
You forget Rupert.....many weeks ago, when the Boss first
engaged the Slayer, demons and vampires alike put their differences aside to
welcome the Boss to the Hellmouth. That, no matter how short a time it
was, was a unity between them. I was assigned to watch over Tara Maclay
because the Council doesn't know if her survival is necessary to prevent the
Final Apocalypse or make it happen. They just want me to keep her alive.
Bloody hell. I bloody well hate being who I am sometimes.
Cut to:
Opening Credits:
Special Guest Stars:
Jason Issacs
Danny Strong
Adam Busch
Tom Lenk
DB Woodside
Harris Yulen
Anthony Steward Head as Giles
Cut to:
EXT. Museum in an Unknown Location - Night.
On the rooftop of a museum, we see three individuals crouched over an open window. The three look down the window. At the floor directly below the window is a glass case. Inside the case is a leather bound cylinder with intricate carvings etched into it. The shot moves around and pans to reveal that two of the figures are dressed in black clothing with the appropriate gear to descend. The shot pans up to reveal JONATHAN and ANDREW. The third figure is slightly behind them, watching them.
Tell me again why you need us to do this. Your
supposed to have all these new powers and stuff.
Your being here is spooking me out, man. Especially
when I know that witch done flayed you alive.
The shot pans back and upward to reveal that the third individual is none other than WARREN. He looks back at them, impatient and exasperated.
Are you two complete idiots! I explained this a
hundred times. This entire museum is protected by Shamans. They know
when anything or anybody with any mystical or magickal powers enters this
place. I almost got caught when I tried to get in here the last
time. That's where you two come in. You're going to go down there
and get that case for me.
Jonathan crosses his arms.
What makes you think you can just make us your
slaves? Your not the boss of us. Well, maybe Andrew, but not me!
It's simple Sparky. You don't get down there and get
me that case, I will kill you both. I have powers now and I can make your
death last what seems like forever. You don't think I'll do it, just try
After a moment of glaring at him, Jonathan backs off and looks back at the glass case at the bottom.
Why do you need that so badly, anyway?
Because, you dope. I need that case and two other
items in order to get some answers that I need.
Alright fine. Let's just get this over with.
After strapping the gear around him, Andrew steps over the window opening and descends from the domed ceiling on a thin wire. After her reaches the case at the floor, he stops and hovers beside the display glass case. He attaches a small metal device to the side of the display case.
Andrew presses some keys on a keypad that's on the device and he watches as small red laser beams cut through the glass in a circular shape. After the cut is made, he removes the device, with the round cut glass and puts it in his bag. He reaches inside the display case and takes out the leather bound cylinder from its pedestal in the case. Carefully putting it his bag, he looks back over his shoulder.
Andrew is pulled back up until he is back on the rooftop. He takes the cylinder out and gives it to Warren. Warren smiles at them and puts the cylinder in a small bag he has at his waist. Then, looking at them, he reaches his hands out as if to shake their hands and blasts them with green energy surges. Jonathan and Andrew fall on their backs from the blast, unconscious.
Thanks for your help boys. By the time you wake up,
the authorities should be here to give you a good morning.
Cut to:
INT. Anya's Apartment in Sunnydale - Day.
BUFFY's in ANYA's apartment, a battleaxe in her hand as she battles a demon. It is unknown why there is a demon in Anya's apartment. The apartment is completely trashed and ANYA is revealed to be on the floor in the corner, crawling and somewhat drunk, but very depressed.
Maybe I'm not even the right Anyanka. Ever think
about that? There's tons of Anyanka's out there. Maybe one of them
pissed off this uh.....what did you say his name was.....D'Hoffryneffer...
(hurling the axe at the demon and it lands in his chest,
killing him)
Good thing I stopped by and heard screaming.
(she helps Anya back to her feet)
So, I guess D'Hoffryn decided to take you out after all?
Yeah. He's uh....not head of vengeance for nothing
you know.
(gets and ice tray from the freezer)
Well, thank you for the generous life-saving. Now please, leave my
(she takes the ice and a dishtowel into the other room and picks up a knocked
over chair)
Look, I don't need anyone's help. Or okay, clearly I do.
(she sits in the chair)
But I don't want to need anyone's help, so stop helping.
I get it. After last week, you feel you need to be
all renegade and broody. Taking yourself out of the loop....
I need to figure out who I am. (she puts the ice pack
she's made on her leg)
Anya, this Boss guy is serious bad news. He's got
something horrible brewing and we need your experience. I don't want any
of my friends out there alone right now, okay?
Well, I-I guess you guys could use my help. Willow's
not very good with the practical strategizing....except when she's evil.
And Dawn...she's not really good for anything.
Buffy smiles at her and nods, ignoring her remark about her little sister.
Cut to:
INT. The Magic Box, Time Lapse - Day.
WILLOW, TARA, ANYA, and XANDER are at the round table, looking through many research books that are scattered all over the table. Willow and Tara are sitting close together on one side of the table while Xander and Anya sit on the other side. Willow is wearing a deep green almost sleeveless shirt with sunflower designs at the collarbone area. She wears a pair of dark pants over her legs. Beside her, Tara is wearing the outfit she wore in the Season 6 episode "Seeing Red" when she and Willow came down after their first night back together.
Across from them, Xander is wearing a white t-shirt with a blue button up shirt, unbuttoned. He has a pair of blue jeans on. Anya is wearing a pair of black jeans with a white t-shirt tucked into them, a black vest over the white shirt.
This is pointless. We're never going to find anything
about this guy.
I don't think there's anything in these books about him.
Whatever this Boss guy is, he must be pretty old for none
of these books to have anything.
I wish Giles were here.
What'd you say, Will?
I said, I wish Giles were here.
As if the Fates themselves heard Willow's words, the door to the Magic Box opened and they all turned to it. GILES filled the doorway, his bags over his shoulders and he moved into the Magic Box, relieved that he found them. He'd gone to the house already and no one was there. Just behind him, ARTHUR KRISTOF enters as well, closing the door behind him. Kristoff stayed near the door as Giles put his bags down and greeted the others.
(seeing Giles, then looking at Willow)
I wish I had a million dollars!
He looks at the doorway, as if expecting it to be there.
Oh my god! Giles, you're really here.
(accepting the hugs from his friends)
Yes, I'm sorry for not calling, but there is reason.
(realizing something)
You've uncovered something!
(nodding slowly after a moment)
Yes, very disturbing revelations. But I don't want to have to go through
it more than once. Where is Buffy and Dawn?
Dawn's at school and Buffy's working.
Alright, please, call Buffy and ask her to get Dawn and
get here as fast as they can. What I need to tell all of you is very
important. I may have discovered who and what our adversary is.
There is silence in the Magic Box for a moment before Willow sighs and nods as she goes over to the phone and picks it up.
Cut to:
INT. The Sunnydale High School, Time Lapse - Day.
Inside her small cubicle, BUFFY once again looks bored. There are no students there to talk to her and except for herself, the entire office room is completely empty. She is slumped back in her seat, looking around for something, anything to do. Considering she could be out trying to find information about their new menacing big bad, Buffy is a little peeved to say the least. She drums her fingers on her desk impatiently.
After a moment, the phone rings and Buffy is relieved to pick it up. She puts it to her ear.
Willow? Hey, how's it......
Cut to:
INT. A Crypt at a Sunnydale Cemetery, Time Lapse - Day.
Streaks of sunlight wash through the only window at the crypt and touch down on the ground. Huddled over in the corner, knees drawn close to his chest, is the vampire SPIKE. He has his right hand near his face, holding his temple as he shakes his head back and forth. Every now and then, his head will snap back and bang against the side of the wall. He says nothing, just moves his head back and forth.
The short pans over from where Spike is to reveal a duplicate looking Spike, this one with the long leather trench coat that is the trademark of Spike. He is speaking is Spike's voice, taunting him. The duplicate Spike is sitting on the stone casket in the center of the crypt, the rays of the sun touching him, but not burning him.
Duplicate Spike
Now now, Spikey. Whatever is wrong with you?
Hmm, I've helped you with everything you've wanted. Everything you've
desired for the last few years, I've given to you within a few weeks. So
why, I must ask myself, are you acting this way.
No sound comes from Spike, just more moving of his head.
Duplicate Spike
Ah, I know. You want peace. You have a soul
now and you want to have peace within yourself. I understand that
Spike. Better than you can ever imagine.
(the Duplicate Spike's form morphs in front of the shot and he changes into a
Duplicate Buffy)
But what you must understand is that you can never have peace. Look what
I've already given you. You wanted that chip to stop working, it
has. You wanted to be able to feed on humans, to drink human blood
again. You have. But that doesn't satisfy you. I ask myself
this: what would satisfy you above all else. The answer is simple.
In the corner, Spike looks up, his bloodshot eyes glancing at the Duplicate Buffy's face. The shot pans over to her and her form morphs yet again, this time into the normal form of THE BOSS. Wearing his white suit as he always does. He kneels down and looks Spike in the eyes, his voice and tone humorous, but serious.
The Boss
You don't need me to tell you that answer, Spike.
You've known ever since you got your soul back. You want that peace within
yourself, you know what you must do.
The Boss rises and begins walking away, whistling to herself as she does. As he reaches the door, he begins fading from sight until he is gone. Pan back over to Spike to see him looking at the door for a long moment before he looks back down at the ground.
Cut to:
INT. The Magic Box, Time Lapse - Day.
It is a little over an hour later when BUFFY and DAWN arrived at the Magic Box. At the current moment, they are seated at the round table with Willow, Tara, Xander, and Anya. Giles is standing near the counter, going through one of his bags and Arthur Kristof stands off to the side, not really doing much. He glances at the others every few seconds, but avoids their eyes when they look at him.
While he is going through his bag, he finishes explaining why the Council had Arthur Kristof assigned in Sunnydale.
(rising from her seat)
So your telling us that you were watching Tara because the Council doesn't know
if they want Tara dead or alive?
Willow winces from the words. Not only the meaning of the words, but Buffy's tone as well. Reaching over, Tara squeezes her girlfriend's shoulder.
Arthur Kristof
I will not try to explain my actions here, Miss
Summers. I was given an order by the Council. I obeyed my
order. I am putting myself at risk right now, you need to understand that.
Your putting yourself in danger?
(looking at Buffy)
Buffy, under normal circumstances, the Council punishes anyone who disobeys
their orders very harshly.
Well, you and Buffy have disobeyed them plenty of times.
Buffy's the Slayer, they need her fighting the
darkness. And as for me, well, let's just say I hold bargaining chips over
certain members of the Council.
Ooh, you blackmail them!
Giles looks down, not acknowledging that remark, although it was somewhat true.
Let's get back to the point here. The two signs that
foretell the coming of the Final Apocalypse, as it's called, have
happened. It is very possible and likely that Tara is the witch described
in the scrolls they have. She fits the description of the witch. And
there was a unity between demons and vampires recently. That means that
the Final Apocalypse is coming and we need to be prepared for it.
You uncovered some stuff about this Boss guy?
Giles is hesitant to say the least, but he does nod. He grabs some papers from his case and heads over to the round table.
First of all, I am almost positive that the Boss is not a
vampire whatsoever.
(unsure of what Giles said)
Giles, I saw fangs on him when I first faced him. Those were vampire fangs
if I ever saw 'em.
Buffy, you saw what he wanted you to see. According
to every source I've gone to, the Boss is the Source of all evil. That's
his only identity.
What....the Source?
Yes....when I was visiting the Council's library in Paris, I saw an old
reference to the Source of all Evil. There was an old picture there of the
human form he liked to use. The picture is very close to the description
of the Boss. The Boss, as we've come to recognize him, he is the Source of
all Evil on this Earth.
How come we haven't ever faced him before now?
Well, chances are we have. One of the older
references that I've looked at shows that the Source is a shapeshifter. He
can take any shape he wishes to further whatever plans he has. We have
likely come across him from time to time and never been aware of it.
Okay, so why hasn't he made his moves on us before
now? I mean, he's had plenty of chances, right?
Giles sighs and leans against the bookshelf he is near.
Arthur Kristof
I'm afraid...... (he answers for Giles) ....that is where
things get troubling.
And that is where the prophesy comes in. I have
convinced Arthur to tell me everything he knows about the prophesy that
foretells of the Final Apocalypse. And now, I will tell you what he has
told me.
Sounds bad.
Believe me Dawn, it is.
They are silent for a few seconds.
Spike (V.O.)
Then you might need my help.
They all turn to stare at SPIKE. He stands at the entrance to the basement. He stares back at them, unafraid, unconcerned about what they might do to him.
Because I sure need yours.
Cut to:
Commercial Break.
Cut to:
EXT. The Magic Box, Continued From Before - Day.
They were all silent as they stared at the new entrant into their conversation. Giles backed up slowly, his guard up. Spike had gotten in so quietly that it astounded him. But then again, Spike was a vampire. Buffy slowly rose from her seat and stepped toward Spike, but it was Xander who spoke first.
Get out, Spike. Your not wanted here.
Buffy ignored the threat in Xander's voice and approached Spike until she was a few feet from him. She glared at him.
What are you doing here, Spike?
You heard Giles, luv. What your dealing with isn't
just some Big Bad, he's the King of Big Bads. The Source itself. Not
even you can take him down, Buffy. Your going to need my help and I want
to help you. But, I also need yours.
What do you mean, you need our help?
(looking away from them for a moment)
The Source, he's.....he's been doing stuff to me.
Like what?
He stopped the chip from working.
(hearing this, he noticed them immediately rise and step back)
But lately, I've been experiencing blackouts. Periods of time where I
can't remember where I've been or what I've done.
Spike, are you telling us that you've been feeding?
Last night, I had a blackout that lasted two hours.
Then this morning, I walked to a house I know I've never been to and I found
three people, dead. I'm pretty sure I killed them. And there could
be more that I can't remember.
You want our help....how exactly can we help you?
By making sure I don't kill again. Tie me down, lock
me up, put me somewhere, or hell, just stake me good and proper. Just do
something that will prevent me from killing.
Buffy shook her head, unsure of what to do. She glanced at Giles, but noticed the same uncertainty. She sighed.
Cut to:
INT. Mansion Formerly Used by Angelus, Time Lapse - Day.
BRUJAH entered the personal chambers of his leader, the one he'd called the Boss, but who is actually known as the Source. He stood just inside the door and watched his Boss. The Source, in his human form, has his back to Brujah, but is aware of his presence. He is looking out the window of his chambers. In his right hand is a golden goblet with red wine in it. He takes a sip from it before he acknowledges Brujah's presence.
The Source
So, the Slayer and her people know who and what I am now.
Yes, boss. The Watcher has returned from England and
is telling them what he has discovered about you.
The Source turns around and looks at his most loyal subject. His white dress jacket lies on a nearby chair. He takes a small sip from his wine.
The Source
And Spike?
Our spies have reported that he is at their little get
together as well. Forgive me, master, but shouldn't we get rid of the
Slayer now instead of just toying with her?
The Source
Brujah, you of all people should know that everything
that's happened, has happened according to my design. There is a purpose
in everything I do. You need to understand that.
Forgive me, boss.
The Source walked over to his chair and sat down. He set his goblet down on the table and looked at the object that was on the table. Picking it up, he looked at it with reverence, the shot on his face so the object was out of our field of vision.
The Source
Everything is as it should be. Now, get everyone in
position. We move when the sun goes down.
With a nod, Brujah leaves the Source alone.
Cut to:
INT. The Summers Household, Time Lapse - Day.
WILLOW and TARA enter the house. Willow goes over to the answering machine while Tara goes upstairs. The redheaded witch checks the messages. There is only one message on the machine, but Willow is surprised at who it was. Pressing the button, she listened to the voice of QUINTON TRAVERS as he spoke.
Quinton Travers
"Hello Miss Summers. I believe you know who this is. I need you
to call the Council Headquarters immediately. Mr. Giles may have already
told you some of what he discovered, but there is still pertinent information
that I need to tell you. Please contact me soon."
Willow frowned at hearing the message and shook her head. Looking up, she saw that her lover was still upstairs.
Tara, we need to hurry!
Upstairs, Tara heard her girlfriend's voice and she quickened her steps. She was in her and Willow's bedroom, grabbing a couple things. She grabbed her diary and a quick change of clothes. It was decided that everyone was going to stay overnight at the Magic Box until they had things situated. There were some sleeping bags in the back room at the Magic Box and they were going to use them.
Grabbing what she needed, Tara turned to leave when she saw a green flash visualize in front of her eyes and then, the form of WARREN MEARS appeared, stopping her progress. She regarded him in silence, as he did the same.
Well, here we are.
Yes, here we are. (a pause) What do you want?
What.....your not going to welcome me?
You're a killer Warren. Now, what do you want?
Willow is downstairs if you were thinking of trying something.
Warren moves his hands to his hips.
There's a couple things I've been wondering about.
One, I've been wondering why you and I seem to have this life-force kind of bond
thing. I know there's a divine hand in this, because, let's face it, two
people who were killed don't just get returned for no reason.
Is that all you wanted to say?
Hm, touchy aren't we? No, there's something
else. I tried to get the information out of the Slayer's new menace, but
he just sidestepped it all by sending me after some artifacts. I've pretty
much figured out that he doesn't have any intention on giving me my answers, so
I'm not giving him what he sent me for.
(slightly impatient)
What does any of that have to do with you being here?
Well, see, here's the thing. If someone hurts me,
you seem to feel it. What I'm wondering is.....if you were to get hurt,
would I feel it. I've been wondering about that....and I think it's time
we both found out.
Tara backs up a step.
Let's find out.
Warren raised his hands, green sparkles of energy bouncing off his fingers to strike at Tara. But it was a voice that stopped him.
Willow (V.O.)
Let's not.
Warren turned around to blast the redhead, but she was already moving. She spoke a quick chant in Latin and a fireball came from nowhere and blasted him in the chest. Warren few by Tara and hit the ground, gasping. As Warren was blasted, Tara closed her eyes, anticipating the pain that Warren was going to feel. She opened her eyes in surprise when she felt nothing. She looked at Willow, who was looking slightly fearful at having temporarily forgotten about the earlier connection between Warren and Tara.
Warren looked over at the witches and saw that Tara hadn't felt the pain he had felt from Willow's blast. He shook his head.
Oh, you have got to be kidding me!
Looking over, Willow noticed that there was a black bag laying on the ground next to Tara. She reached over and picked it up. Warren's eyes widened as his hand flew to his waist and knew it wasn't there.
No! Give that back!!
Warren jumped to his feet and charged the witches. Willow and Tara gripped hands and sent twin bolts of gold energy at Warren, knocking him back again. Warren stared at the witches with hostile intensity for a long moment.
This isn't over. Not by a long shot.
With that said, Warren vanished in a flash of green light. After he was gone, Tara slumped her head against Willow's shoulder, more afraid than she cared to admit.
Come on baby, we need to get back.
They took the black bag with them as they left the Summers house.
Cut to:
Commercial Break.
Cut to:
INT. The Magic Box, the Back Room, Time Lapse - Day.
BUFFY is in the back room of the Magic Box with SPIKE, GILES and XANDER. Spike is sitting on a chair, his wrists being tied to the arms of the chair by Buffy and Xander.
We're going to get to the bottom of this Spike. If the Source is doing
this to you, we'll find out. Otherwise, I'll stake you myself.
Don't....make them tighter. The knots'll give
otherwise. I get free, someone's gonna die.
Can I get you anything?
I think you should probably go...
Buffy turns around to go and hears something. Turning back, she sees Spike's eyes roll back and he vamps out. He struggles against his restraints. After a few moments, she sees his struggling cease and his face devamps. She stays cautious, as do the others until he opens his eyes.
(sees him nod slowly)
What just happened? I don't remember...
You just vamped out, big time.
I did. (sees them all nod) I see flashes here and
there. It's like I'm watching someone else....do it, kill people. I
wake up in strange places too.
When did your chip stop working? How long ago?
I can't remember the exact time. I just recently noticed it.
How long have you been getting the blackouts?
Oh, things have been wonky since I got back....ever since....
You got your soul.
Figured that's what it was like....it'd been so long since I had one.
How did you do it? How'd you get your soul back?
Saw a man about a girl.
(sighs at their expressions)
I went to seek a legend out. Traveled all the way down to Africa, made a
deal with a demon.
Just like that?
No, not just like that. There was a price. There were trials,
torture, pain and suffering....of sorts.
Of sorts?
Well, it's all relative....isn't it?
Meaning what?
(he stares at Buffy)
Meaning I have come to redefine the words pain and suffering since I fell in
love with you.
(looks down)
How can you say that?
Apparently, I might have slaughtered half of Sunnydale, kitten. I'm not
really worried about being polite anymore.
So, that's what this is about. Your feeling sorry for yourself, Spike?
I'm feeling honest with myself, that's all. Having a soul's not all about
moonbeams and pennywhistles, luv. It's about self-loathing. I get
it. Had to travel around the world, but I understand you now. I
understand the violence inside.
Violence? William the Bloody now has insight into violence?
Not the same. As bad as I was, as evil and as wretched as I was, I never
truly hated myself back then. Not like I do now.
Cut to:
INT. The Magic Box, the Front Area, Time Lapse - Day.
WILLOW and TARA returns to the shop after their visit to the house and their encounter with Warren. They are just now telling everyone about it. The only one not present is Buffy, who is still talking to Spike in the back room. Tara hands the black bag that fell from Warren's waist to Giles. He looks inside the bag and pulls out the leather cylinder stolen from the museum.
Giles opens the top of the cylinder and a rolled up scroll falls out. Taking it in his hands, Giles looks at it, then his face shows amazement, utter disbelief and amazement.
Oh dear.....do you know what this is. It's the
Prophesy of the Final Apocalypse. It's the actual Prophesy!
I thought you said the Council had it.
They have rewritten versions of it. But this....this is the actual
Prophesy. I don't know how Warren could have gotten this, but I don't
care. We can use this to help fight the Source and perhaps prevent the
Final Apocalypse.
They were silent as they looked at the scroll in Giles's hand. Just then, the lights flickered on and off before they went out. The front door of the Magic Box is slammed open and several black robed figures charge in. They are all carrying weapons of different type. They scatter as the robed figures come after them.
In the back room, the dark robed figures burst through the small windows on the walls. One of them pushes Buffy to the ground, away from Spike. Buffy gets back to her feet and fights the robed figures. A robed figure comes at her with silver curved daggers in both hands. She grabs his wrists, kicks him back, and grabs the daggers. One of the figures lunges at her, and she stabs him in the gut. When the other robed figures comes at her, she does the same. Xander enters the back room to help her.
Back in the front room, Willow pushes one of the robed men off of her. Dawn and Tara fights back as well. Buffy enters from the back room with Xander and helps the others fight the robed men. Dawn's on the floor and weakly stands, grabbing one of the robed men's wooden staff. A robed figure is lying still on the floor in front of her. She inches closer to him, holding the wooden staff defensively. He swings his leg at her ankle, tripping her. Climbing atop her, he pulls out a silver dagger, aiming at her chest. Xander runs over, wielding a wooden staff and knocks the robed man off of Dawn.
A little ways off, Anya uses her demon powers and blasts some of the robed men away from her and Tara. She looks over at Willow and Dawn and notices that the robed men start leaving. A quick look around shows that they are all leaving like they came: silent and with a purpose.
Is everyone alright?
Everyone nods that there are no one that's hurt. Buffy is relieved.
Is this it? I thought there was more of them.
They exit the front room and go towards the back room. They stop when they see the empty chair in the back of the room. Slowly, they head back to the front room of the shop, gathering near the round table, sitting down and just trying to comprehend what they just encountered.
They were so fast. And organized.
And they were after Spike all along.
And we were just in their way.
Buffy kneels to inspect one of the dead robed men who's lying face-up on the floor.
I know these guys. They're the Harbingers.
They serve the First Evil. I thought we were dealing with the Source?
We are. Buffy, you seem to forget, the First Evil is
a servant of the Source. The Source can call on any servants of evil he
wishes. In this instance, he chose the Harbingers.
These were the guys from my visions. From beneath
us, it devours. These guys killed those women. Everything is linking
back to the Source.
Dawn looks around the now slightly disheveled and trashed Magic Box.
And where is that Kristof guy? Did they take him
Several looks of surprise cross their face as they look around and realize, like Dawn did, that Arthur Kristof is indeed missing.
Cut to:
INT. Watcher's Council Headquarters in London, Time Lapse - Day.
The headquarters is buzzing with activity. People are all moving about, reviewing reports and talking to each other. QUINTON TRAVERS is sitting at the head of the table, on the phone and talking.
Quinton Travers
Are you sure? They did what.....no, you two just sit
tight. Does the girl know what they're up against yet? They
do.....well, we couldn't keep it secret for that much longer anyway. No,
as I said, you two keep a low profile and keep your eyes open and watch Miss
Maclay, the pieces of the Prophesy are all falling into place.
Quinton Travers puts the phone back on it's hook and he looks out over the assembled members of the Council. He takes a few deep breaths before he rises and walks around toward a bulletin board that has a black and white map of the continents on it. Several square marks are made on it, A WATCHER'S AIDE walks over to him.
Watcher's Aide
They took all our files, wiped out our records.
We've lost contact with operations in Munich, Switzerland, and Rome. We've
already got casualty confirmations coming in from as far away as Melbourne.
Second Watcher's Aide
Sir, we are being crippled by their strikes.
Quinton sighs and looks at another person in the room, a blonde haired woman to his right. He moves toward her.
Quentin Travers
It's all right, Lydia. We are still masters of our
fate, still captains of our souls.
(walking away slightly)
Yes sir.
Quentin Travers
(looking at and addressing the assembled group)
Ladies and gentlemen, our worst fears have been confirmed. The Prophesy of
the Final Apocalypse is coming true. The Source of all Evil has declared
all-out war on the world. His first attacks have proved most
effective. The Slayer now knows what she is up against, but she and her
people will be no match for him. The Source has also begun to consolidate his
power around the world. It will not be long until he is ready for the
final preparations.
(he begins pacing)
I want you to get me confirmations on all the remaining operatives.
Visuals and tacticals, highest alert. (he stops pacing) Get them here as soon as
possible. Begin getting ready mobilization. Once we're accounted
for, I want to be ready to move.
Watcher's Aide
Quentin Travers
We'll be paying a visit to the Hellmouth. My
friends, these are the times that will define us. The times when we will
know who we are. Proverbs 24:6 phrases it best. O, by wise council,
you shall make your war.
Cut to:
Commercial Break.
Cut to:
EXT. The Mansion Formerly Used by Angelus, Time Lapse - Night.
The shot opens inside the basement of the Source's Lair. Several of the robed figures, now known to be the Harbingers, are moving about while the Source, in his human form, watches silently. He is dressed in his usual white suit. Close up of Spike's face. The blonde haired vampire is being strapped to a construct made of wood beams. The Source begins to speak to the vampire, while a Harbinger, secures Spike to the construct.
The Source
(his form morphs into that of Spike himself, only with the
leather coat)
I hope you can excuse the spectacle here, but I've always been a bit of a sucker
for the old classics. (he grins)
Spike is tied to the wheel-like construct with all four corners of his body pulled in opposite directions. A Harbinger takes out a silver edged knife and cuts into Spike's flesh with it. Spike moans in excruciating pain.
The Harbinger does it two more time and Spike continues moaning at the cuts, then slowly looks at the Source.
The Source
(his form is now that of Buffy)
What did you think was gonna happen, Spike? Did you think you would just
go to her and get that peace? Your beginning to act like old Angel.
He goes day by day, looking for forgiveness for the things he's done. But
he'll never get it, just like you won't. And you wanna know why?
Spike says nothing, just screams again as another cut is made into his skin.
The Source in Buffy's Form
That's okay, you don't have to answer. Just
listen. Like Angel, you've simply done too much evil to ever have that
peace. To have peace, you need the forgiveness of those you've
wronged. You may get the forgiveness of those you've slaughtered, but
Buffy, she'll never forgive you for attacking her. You will never have
your peace.
The Source's form morphs back to his normal form and he puts his hands into his pockets.
The Source
BRUJAH, who was standing nearby, walks over at his master's call.
Yes boss?
The Source
Have we located Mr. Mears yet?
Not his precise location, no. But the last report I
received says that he was here in Sunnydale. But, there is bad news, boss.
The Source
And what is that?
Mr. Mears was successful in getting the Prophesy from that
museum. However, he last possession of it when he paid Miss Maclay a
visit. I believe the Slayer now has it.
The Source
This is not the kind of news I like to hear, but it is
inevitable. We couldn't have kept this from her for much longer
anyhow. It's best she know now rather than later. Have all the
vampires and demons on the street keep an eye out for him. Mr. Mears has
betrayed me and that, I won't tolerate.
As you wish, boss.
Cut to:
INT. The Summers Household, the Living Room, Time Lapse - Night.
It is not that much later. Perhaps an hour and a half later. They have left the Magic Box and returned to the house. WILLOW and TARA are sitting on one corner of the lengthy couch. Willow is on the end with Tara leaning against her. DAWN is next to Tara with ANYA sitting on Dawn's other side. XANDER sits beside Anya. Across from the couch, BUFFY sits on the chair while GILES is seen standing nearby, his hands holding the Prophesy of the Final Apocalypse that Tara and Willow had gotten from Warren.
Can you make out any of the text, Giles?
(squinting at what he's looking at)
I have been looking at this since we got back......and the dialect here is very
hard to read. I don't have Wesley's skills in translation...
C'mon Giles, out with it.
I have translated some of this. This is the Prophesy
of the Final Apocalypse. The two signs that foretell of the coming of the
Final Apocalypse are here as well. It mentions, as Arthur told me, a witch
who was born into familial abuse will die by accident and be resurrected by an
unknown source. This witch will return with new strengths. She will
cease to be a witch and become what the upper beings call a 'Pure One'. I
don't know what that means because I've never heard of it before.
And I'm the witch that scroll mentions, right?
(looks at her with compassion in his heart)
All references I've checked points to that, yes.
They are silent for a moment.
Man, things just keep getting worse and worse, don't they?
What about this Final Apocalypse?
Yeah, what exactly is it? How is the Source going to
make it happen?
From what I've been able to decipher, after the two signs
that foretell the Final Apocalypse are seen, there will be a series of events
before the Final Apocalypse begins.
What events?
I'm afraid that's where our problem is. I can't read
the rest of this. I'm going to call Wesley tonight and see if he can help
me with this.
(he is silent for a moment as he looks at a different part of the Prophesy)
But....I have deciphered something else here. More about what the Source
is planning to do during the final moments.
What is it?
According to this, the Source is going to perform a
ritual, a ceremony if you will. He will have a blood sacrifice and the
sacrifice will herald the opening of a doorway. I can't decipher where
that doorway goes to. But it's likely to be a hell dimension. And
this last tidbit here indicates a grand army of darkness. So...perhaps the
Final Apocalypse is the coming of this army?
Whatever it is, we need to be ready for it. Those
Harbingers beat us without even trying today. And if we were to fight him
today, right now, we'd all die.
We could always run. Like when Glory found about
about Dawn. We ran then.
Buffy shakes her head.
No, we can't run this time. Because somebody has to
be here to stop the Source. Don't you get it, if we don't stop him, he's
going to end the world, destroy it. There is nowhere for us to go that
could escape this. We no longer have a choice.
Well, we need to find out what happened to Spike and that
Kristof guy. I'm not a fan of either, but.....the Source took 'em for a
And we need to find out why.
Fade to:
INT. The Sunnydale High School, the Parking Lot, Time Lapse - Night.
The shot slowly fades from the Summers House to the parking lot at the High School. The shot is on the pavement as we see dress shoes walk along the ground. We pan up to reveal that it is PRINCIPAL WOOD walking across the parking lot, slowly heading towards his car. As he nears his car, he sees cigarette smoke and he looks to the side, where there is a figure standing next to his car. Principal Wood stops.
Principal Wood
I thought we had agreed not to meet out in the open.
The figure walks out from the shadows, into a spot where a nearby street lamp is illuminating light and we see that it is ARTHUR KRISTOF, unharmed, untouched by the Harbingers. He slowly walks toward Wood.
Arthur Kristof
I'm afraid this couldn't wait. Things have changed.
Principal Wood
What are you talking about?
Arthur Kristof
The Slayer is beginning to learn too much about what's
happening. She now knows that it's the Source they're dealing with and not
just another 'Big Bad' as they call it. And the Source has attacked them
today. Your not doing your job, Wood.
Principal Wood
I'm doing what I was told to do. Keep an eye on her,
watch what progress she and her people make. I've done that. It's
not my fault they're learning bits and pieces of the Truth.
Arthur Kristof
Well, someone thinks otherwise.
(he pulls out a small black gun)
I was told to eliminate you.
Principal Wood looks at the weapon in Kristof's hands for a moment before he moved. He moved within Kristof's guard more quickly than the Englishman was ready for and he slammed the side of his hand against Kristof's wrist, the one he was using to hold the gun. The gun fell out of Kristof's hand and Wood grabbed it from mid-air. He pointed it at Kristof's chest and looked at him.
Principal Wood
It looks like I'm not the one who's in danger right now,
doesn't it? I will continue to do my job and keep watch over Miss Summers
and her people.
Instead of pulling the trigger, Wood reeled back and slammed the gun across Kristof's temple, knocking the man unconscious. He slowly emptied the gun he held, the bullets falling to the pavement and he tossed the gun next to Kristof. Without saying another word, he got into his car and drove off.
Cut to:
INT. The Source's Lair, the Basement, Time Lapse - Night.
The shot opens back in the basement of the being many have the Boss, but ultimately, the being known as the Source. Spike is still strapped to the wood construct. Spike has stopped crying out at the pain, but is just watching the Source, who is in his human form.
The Source walks toward him.
The Source
You know, if you had just kept your end of the bargain,
you wouldn't be here right now. I was wanting and would have preferred to
bleed the Watcher, but no. You're the one who hade to make breakthroughs
and learn a little something about himself. So now, fittingly, you're the
one who gets to do the honors. And truthfully Spike, I wasn't planning on
doing this so soon, but I think it'll work better this way.
One of the Harbingers cranks a wheel attached to a mechanism that hoists the wheel Spike's tied to into the air. Spike is now hanging from the wheel about ten feet from the ground, bleeding steadily from his ritualized symbol-shaped cuts.
The Source
To be honest, I'm getting a little tired of all this
playing around. I do enjoy toying with them, but I think it's time a clear
and lasting message was sent to all my enemies. I think it's about time we
brought some authority to our presence here. Now Spike, are you ready to
see what a real, full blooded, pure bred vampire looks like? Because your
about to meet one.
The Source watches on. Spike's blood is falling on a gold looking metal symbol on the ground. It is known as the Seal of Danthazar. The blood is pooling in the grooves and being absorbed into a seal. the seal starts to glow. One by one, the pointed tips of the pentagram at it's center fold up, forming a pyramid. Light begins to shine out from under it. The pyramid sinks into the ground. The remaining pieces of the seal follow suit. Spike glances at the Source for a moment, then watches the hole where the seal is. Something sticks out it's withered, gray, pointy-fingered hand out of the hole. A monstrous figure climbs out, wearing black leather. The shot pans up to show it's horrible disfigured face. It's bald witha distinct vampire forehead and brows and trademark fanged teeth. It looks gaunt, with extremely hollow cheekbones. It raises it's hands toward the sky and looks around the room, snarling with intense menace.
Close up of the Source's face. He is smiling at seeing the creature.
End of Episode 8 - Revelations
End Credits.