Buffy the Vampire Slayer - A Virtual Season 7 - Episode 9
Inner Demons
by The Devious One (letsrocket_1998@yahoo.com)
Follow the Virtual Season 7 of Buffy the Vampire by The Devious One Productions
at https://deviousone2002.tripod.com/vir7season.htm.
Buffy and all characters who have appeared in the syndicated series Buffy the Vampire Slayer, together with the names, titles, and backstory are the sole copyright property of Mutant Enemy, the WB, UPN, and of course, Joss Whedon himself. No copyright infringement was intended in the writing of this fan fiction. All other characters, the story ideas, and VR season itself are the sole property of the author. This story cannot be sold or used for profit in any way. Copies of this story may be made for private use only and must include all disclaimers and copyright notices.
NOTE: All works remain the © copyright of the original author. These may not be republished in any way, shape, or form without the written expressed consent or acceptance of the author of the story.
(Anthony Steward Head VO)
"Previously on Buffy the Vampire Slayer"
The normal Previously on Buffy music cues up.
Various scenes from different episodes are now shown. They are in the order as follows.
A small compilation of scenes are shown from the Season Premiere of VS7 'Alive Again', ending with Tara's return to life and the Hooded Figure's warning to the Slayer. Following it are scenes from Returned, depicting Warren's re-appearance during the same time of Tara's re-appearance. A few scenes are shown showing Warren's strike against Buffy and her friends at the Cemetery.
Next is a small compilation of scenes from 'Ties That Bind' and 'The Boss', depicting Xander and Anya's slowly rebuilding relationship, as well as the troubles Willow and Tara have been going through as they try to renew the relationship they had before Tara's tragic death. Scenes from the same episodes regarding Buffy and Spike's relationship are shown.
And then, scenes from the episode 'Beneath You' are shown. The scenes that are shown are the young woman in Germany being killed by the robed figures and the words she spoke that led to Tara's vision of her. Also shown are the scenes of the worm creature attacking Nancy and Buffy's saving her, followed by the ending sequence of scenes between Buffy and Spike.
Next, scenes from the episodes 'The Test' and 'Selfless' are shown. From the scenes of Xander and Dawn being captured by the Boss's people to the meeting with Warren and the Boss and including the fight involving Buffy, Willow, and Tara against the six demons, Willow's use of dark magick and Tara's newfound power making an appearance, to Spike saving Xander and Dawn and ending with the Boss's manipulation of Spike during the final scene where Spike attacks a homeless woman. And the scenes depicting Anya's last wish and her fight with Buffy are shown.
Scenes from 'Revelations' are shown, showing the Harbingers attacking the Gang and taking Spike, and the final scene, in which the Source rises up a hideous beast that is a true full blooded vampire.
EXT. The Sunnydale City Jail - Morning.
The police station in Sunnydale is bustling with activity. Although the cells are not as packed as they could be, the feeling in the atmosphere is that they could be. Police officers are writing reports of individuals that have been brought in. In the holding cells, however, two individuals are looking depressed and very concerned about their situation.
It is JONATHAN and ANDREW. Andrew is laying on one of the bunks, supporting his hand on his right hand as he lays on his right side. Jonathan is standing at the front of the cell, leaning on the bars, looking out. Mostly, it's silence that hangs in the air.
I can't believe we're back here.
Andrew doesn't say anything. He just stares straight ahead.
Did you hear me, nutball? Your buddy Warren used us
again. Got him his little artifact and set us up perfectly.
Warren's coming back for us. At least for me.
Would you listen to yourself? You're pathetic. You think Warren
gives a damn about either of us. He wanted that cylinder and he would do
anything to get it. He never planned to leave us be and you know it!
Once he got what he wanted, he ditched us yet again. And now, I'm thinking
it would be better if we called Buffy and told her what we know.
You can't be serious.
I am quite serious, probe boy. If they don't know
about Warren, they need to.
You think for one second they'll even listen to us.
In case you've forgotten, the only reason Buffy saved us last time was because
of Willow. And we're the reason for the girl getting killed.
Maybe....but I can't not tell them. When the guards
let me have my call, I'm calling them and telling them what I know about him.
Silence reigned in the jail cell.
Cut to:
INT. Sunnydale Cemetery, Time Lapse - Night.
The shot opens to a close up of a freshly risen vampire being kicked back, his body hitting the ground with purpose. We pan around to see BUFFY move forward before the vampire can move and she stakes him, watching the vampire turn to dust in less than five seconds of the stake entering him.
Buffy puts the stake back in her pocket and dusts her hands off. She's wearing a pair of white jeans with her white turtleneck sweater and a black leather jacket over her arms and back. She turns around and looks at her friends. XANDER and WILLOW are on patrol with her. Xander is wearing a light gray sweatshirt and a pair of jeans while Willow wears a long sleeved elegant button up shirt with tropical flowery patterns everywhere on it. She wears a pair of dark blue dress pants.
The point....Xander.....is that we need to have something
to do.
I know Buffy....it's just, we know we're dealing with some
major evil here and we're just acting like everything's normal.
Xander, I don't know about you, but I need some normalcy
in my life. Especially now. Yeah, we've got this big bad evil coming
at us, wanting to end the world.....but if we didn't have some kind of normalcy
in our lives, then what's the point in trying to save it?
Xander nods, not wanting to press the issue any further and the trio continues walking through the cemetery.
So any luck yet in the Spike search?
(shaking her head)
No, Giles has been checking all the usual haunts that people go to when they
want to lay low, but no one has seen or heard anything. Anya's been
checking with the lower beings, but their not telling her anything because of
D'Hoffryn's issues with her, so...
So, we're on our own.
Yeah. But we're always on our own, so, it doesn't
make that much different. Hopefully, Giles will be able to decipher some
more of that text.
(she lets a moment of silence stretch on)
Well, let's go ahead and get home. With the Source out there, we don't
need to be separated from our loved ones for too long.
After her friends nod, the three begin walking away, the shot moving up towards the sky as it does so.
Cut to:
Opening Credits:
Special Guest Stars:
Jason Isaccs
Danny Strong
Tom Lenk
DB Woodside
Jeff Kober
Anthony Steward Head as Giles
with a special appearance by Charles Mesure as Michael
Cut to:
EXT. Sunnydale High School, Principal Wood's Office - Morning.
The principal of the Sunnydale High School, Alvin Wood, is sitting at his desk, interviewing two teenage boys seated in chairs in front of his desk, as the shot opens on his face. He is wearing a white dress shirt with a black tie and black dress pants.
Principal Wood
Now guys, look, we can settle this one of two ways.
You can repaint the walls, or I can suspend you and report this little incident
on your permanent record.
Teenager #1
(looking smug and arrogant)
Fine, you do that.
Principal Wood
Okay, I was bluffing. I hadn't really thought that
one through.
(he leans forward on his desk)
Listen, this whole permanent record thing is such a myth anyway. Colleges
never ask for anything past your SAT scores and it's not like employers are
gonna be calling up to check to see how many days you missed back in high
school. So listen, I-I could suspend you, which I prefer not to do...
(he stands and walks around the desk)
...but that would mean calling your parents, alerting your teachers, filling out
paperwork, and quite possibly, having to talk to the school board...
(he sits on his desk in front of them)
...all of which sounds positively exhausting to me. No. No, I think
it would be much easier if I just called the police, let them deal with it.
(he looks at them in their eyes)
Oh, and in case you're wondering, this is the part where I'm not bluffing.
So, make your choice.
Teenager #2
(looks at his cohort)
We'll repaint it.
Principal Wood
Good decision.
(there's a knock at the door)
Excuse me.
(he moves over and opens the door)
Miss Summers. I'm with students.
DAWN gives the principal an apologetic look.
I just wanted to tell you that Buffy won't be coming in
today, she's really sick.
Principal Wood
Oh, no.
Yeah, last night she was vomiting, and then this morning
she was vomiting some more, and then, just when we thought she was done, she was
vomiting again. (she laughs)
Principal Wood
Yeah, we got that stomach flu going around.
Her exact words were, "I've got stuff coming out of
both ends."
Principal Wood
Thank you, that's very helpful.
(smiles at him)
Sure, no problem.
(she glances at the teenagers)
Hey guys, how's it going?
Teenager #2
Pretty good.
Principal Wood
Um, tell your sister not to worry about it. We'll
soldier on without her here. Just um, tell her to concentrate on getting
Yeah, she'll be fine. She just needs to get some
stuff out of her system.
Dawn leaves and the principal closes the door slowly. As he turns around, he mumbles one word.
Principal Wood
Cut to:
INT. The Summers Household, the Kitchen, Time Lapse - Morning.
BUFFY, XANDER, WILLOW, TARA, ANYA, and GILES are standing around the white kitchen table, looking at a map. The map has several things marked on it.
Okay, I think these places are the most likely areas the
Source's lair could be. We need to check them all out before we go in.
Alright, so what's the plan, then?
Buffy and I will check some of the more dark warehouses in
town. There have been some demons that prefer them. So perhaps
that's where the Source's forces may be. Xander, you and Anya should check
all the crypts in the cemeteries. Be careful, keep crossbows and stakes
with you in case there are any vampires or demons in them. And I would
like Willow and Tara to go down to City Hall and go through all the files to see if
there are any empty mansions in Sunnydale.
Okay, we can do that.
Silently, Tara nods.
Alright, hold it! You think I like this plan, think
again bucko! You want me to go to cemeteries while everyone else'll be
checking less evil places? I don't think so.
Anya, this is the only way. We have to find Spike
and Mr. Kristof and soon. We have no idea what must be happening to them.
Oh, I'm sorry, but Spike is a vampire! Why should we
give rat's patootie about a vampire?
He has a soul.
You think that stopped him from killing the people he's
killed. If anything, it's spurred him on.
Anya, even if Spike didn't have his soul, it still
wouldn't matter. Spike knows where the Source's hideout is now. We
get him back we can find that out too and maybe figure out what the Source is
planning. It's our only choice right now. We need to know what the
Source is up to.
Fade to:
INT. The Source's Lair, Dark Cell - Morning.
The shot slowly fades the the kitchen at the Summers residence and goes to this dark, dank, cell inside the mansion once used by Angelus, now known as the Source's Lair. SPIKE is huddled near the corner, his shirt is laying on the ground nearby. He is resting with his back against the wall, his legs stretched out in front of him. The wounds inflicted into him by the Harbingers are still there. The cuts aren't bleeding any longer, but the cuts have scabbed over and the skin around them are raw and red.
Spike himself is staring straight ahead, not moving, just blinking. His eyes flick up when a HARBINGER opens the door to his cell. A form fills the doorway. The figure enters slowly and reaches up, pulling on the string that turns the light to the room on. We see that it is THE SOURCE, in his human form. As he always does, he's wearing his impeccable white dress suit. He kneels down near Spike, just looking at the vampire.
The Source
Aw, why the long face Spike? It's all gonna be over
real soon.
(he looks up)
You think....your vampire is going to take her out?
The Source
She can't stop it. Spike, you think so absent
mindedly. Back in the beginning, the true vampires, the fully blooded
ones, they owned this planet. They were the most ruthless and aggressive
creatures known and humanity feared them. And soon, it will be that way
again. Not only for them, but for all darkness, all creatures of the
night. The Slayer you love so, she won't be able to stop it. The
Final Apocalypse nears and she will die.
The Source rises to his feet and moves to the door. Stopping at the hallway, he turns and looks at the blonde vampire once more.
The Source
Things would go much smoother for you if you accepted the
inevitable William. Forget about her.
The Source nods and the Harbinger closes the door, locking Spike inside the cell alone once again.
Cut to:
INT. The Sunnydale City Hall, Time Lapse - Day.
At the City Hall, WILLOW and TARA are revealed to be sitting near a computer terminal set up with Willow's laptop also set up, some wires hooking it into the computer terminal. They are there going through any records that would indicate resently vacated mansions or castles. So far, their progress has proven ineffectual.
Willow, however, is not just thinking about the search she and her lover are supposed to be doing. Also, she is thinking about her recent actions of the last year. For some reason, those decisions of killing Warren and then, Rack, are bothering her more today than they have since they happened and since she woke up, she keeps seeing those particular images flash through her mind and she is unable to stop it.
Tara looks at Willow, a concerned look on her face as she touches the redheads hand.
(looking at Tara)
(she touches Willow's temple)
What's going on in here?
Nothing's going on.
Tara gives her a little look and leans back in her seat. She stares at Willow for a beat, then....
I know something's bothering you, Will. I wish you
would talk to me about it.
Willow looks over at Tara for a moment, seemingly deciding on what she should do. Then, she sighs.
I've just been thinking a lot about.....different things.
Things that have been bothering me more today than they
ever have and I don't know why.
What things?
(looking down at her lap)
Taking a life.
Tara's eyes widen as she realizes what Willow's been thinking about. She moves closer to her.
(putting an arm around her)
Oh honey.
(she lays her head against Willows arm)
You were so lost then. I don't blame you, none of the others blame you, so
you don't need to beat yourself up over it.
I can't seem to help it. Ever since it all happened,
I keep thinking about it. I keep seeing Rack's face when I...then Warren,
I see him too. I saw his face just before I....it's tearing me apart.
You know what, let's forget about this researching
thing. Let's you and me go up to that field in the hills we used to go to
all the time. We can try that bonding spell I found. Okay?
Willow nods as she and Tara collect what belongings they had brought with them and begin heading out of the City Hall, the shot following them as they walk out.
Cut to:
INT. The Source's Lair, His Private Chambers, Time Lapse - Day.
The shot opens on a neatly polished and organized desk as the shot pans back to reveal THE SOURCE, in his white suited glory, sitting on a throne like chair, one leg crossed over the other, leaning back and regarding a figure that stands in front of him. He is, of course, in his usual human form.
We cannot make out the other person present in the room with the Source, but we get the sense from the atmosphere that he is an strategic plan put forth by the Source.
The Source
You understand, of course, why I've brought you here?
The shot moves to behind the person's head. We see that he has sandy brown hair and that it is shoulder length. We see the head nod once.
The Source
Good....then. You know what happens to those who
fail me. So, get moving. You know where they are.
Same shot as before and we see that the head nods again before he turns and leaves. We still are unaware of the person's identity or who he is going after. The Source watches him leave with a smile.
Cut to:
INT. A Grassy Field in the Hills Outside Sunnydale, Time Lapse - Day.
WILLOW and TARA are sitting across from each other in a peaceful field of grass. There are winds gently sweeping by and blowing through their hair. They are facing each other, eyes closed, in the Indian sitting position. Their hands are linked together as they perform the bonding ritual that Tara had discovered a few weeks earlier.
Back before all their problems with the Source had arisen.
The bonding ritual Tara had found was a way for those that are deeply connected on an emotional level to lay all their feelings an emotions out in the open for both members to share. Tara enjoyed this ritual because it helped her get a better idea of who Willow was, who she'd become since the shooting, and how to better help Tara connect with her.
They'd already chanted the Latin words to the ritual and they were now sharing the emotions and the feelings that were rushing through not only Willow, but Tara as well. Tara saw what Willow was so worried about. She saw Warren's flesh ripped from him before his body was burned by fire. She saw Willow taking Rack's life away, she saw everything that Willow had done after the shooting. And Willow saw everything that Tara was going through since her return to life.
She saw all the concerns about what Tara's mother's letter had indicated. She felt all the worries that Tara felt towards Willow. It truly went both ways with this ritual. And with all the emotions and feelings laid bare, the two could start the healing process, together.
As their eyes begin to open now that the ritual had completed and done what it was supposed to, their gazes locked onto one another. They both knew, just by the locking of their eyes that their would be in depth conversations real soon about the many topics that still exist between them.
The two Wiccans just concentrated on regaining the strength they used for the ritual for the next few minutes. The shot moves back to a tree behind and to the right of Tara. We see the back of the head of the individual that spoke with the Source. He stops just behind that tree, silently observing the ending of the ritual. The shot sees his left hand go up to the tree and presses on it. Red crackles of energy surge through his fingers as he watches them.
After a few moments, he moves away from the tree and steps out from his shadowy hiding place. The shot moves around to reveal the believed deceased warlock magick dealer, RACK.
(looking at Willow)
Hello strawberry...
Both Willow and Tara's heads turn at the sound of the voice. When they see Rack standing there, looking squarely and pointedly at Willow, they both jump to their feet. Tara stands protectively in front of Willow, but both Tara's and Willow's faces show their horror at seeing the warlock.
(whispering in horrid despair)
Cut to:
Commercial Break.
Cut to:
EXT. Grassy Field in the Hills Outside Sunnydale - Day.
The shot opens at the same scene as before. WILLOW and TARA are standing in the grassy field, their faces showing their shock as they stare at the warlock long thought to be dead RACK. There is an evil smile on his face as his gaze locks on Tara's face, then on Willow's and staying there. Tara is slightly in front of Willow, the blonde standing protectively in front her girlfriend.
Well, well. I thought you were dead blondie.
And strawberry, your hair's not black.
(shakily tone of voice)
Rack....but you're....you're....
Dead? I was, but lucky for me, I was brought
back. So as long as I take care of the two of you.
T-the Source brought you b-back, didn't he?
You're pretty smart blondie. I can see why he
fancies you more than the others. But don't worry, this won't take long.
Rack raised his hands and two balls of red colored energy materialized an inch above his palms. He smiled when their eyes widened. With two flicks of his wrists. He flung the magick balls at them. Tara jumped to her right, to the ground as the blast hit a tree. Willow dove to her left and just barely dodged the magick blast. The two witches moved to their feet and, as if the two shared one mind, they raised a hand at Rack. Dark red energy surged from Willow's right hand and bright blue and green energy surged from Tara's left as they blasted at Rack.
Rack's body few back, crashing through the bark of a nearby tree. The witches got to their feet as they stared at the warlock. Then, they glanced at each other.
W-we need to get to the cabin Will.
Swallowing, Willow nodded as she and her partner turned and headed away from where Rack was just now starting to move.
Cut to:
INT. The Magic Box, Time Lapse - Day.
BUFFY, GILES, XANDER, DAWN, and ANYA are gathered inside the shop, repairing the damage done to the interior of the Magic Box. Xander is sweeping some of the debris near the back of the wall. He is wearing a black t-shirt and khaki pants. Over at the counter, Anya and Dawn are cleaning up. Anya is wearing a brown shirt with lighter brown sleeves and a pair of jeans. Dawn is wearing a light blue button up shirt and a pair of jeans.
Buffy and Giles walk from the training room and head into the main interior where everyone else is. Giles is wearing his dark gray sweatshirt and a pair of jeans while the Slayer wears a black shirt with a black jacket over it and light blue jeans. Xander turns to look at the others.
You know, maybe it's a loop. Like the mummy
hand. I'm doomed to replace doors and these walls for all eternity.
Buffy gives him a look.
Guys, let's give the cleaning a rest. We need to try
to research the Source. See if we can find out anything.
Buffy.....I'm afraid there isn't anything in the books here that make any
reference to what the Source is.
Where do we find the information then? Because we need to know more.
There's only one place that has ever had information on the Source.
You mean the Council.
Giles nods as he walks over towards the back wall. There is a door at the wall and he unlocks it. Entering, he picks up a small steel box and brings it back into the main room. He slowly places it back on the table.
These are a few books and other documents that I took from the Council's
headquarters in London when I was there recently. What's in these files
should be able to help us. It's about the only known information about the
And you knew to get these....how?
(looking at them)
Just a strange feeling I guess. I can't really explain it. And, I
believe I know who those girls were in Tara's dreams.
Well, potential Slayers. You see, other than you and Faith, there are many
girls are over the world who the Council knows will be called when a Slayer is
killed or dies. They have Watchers who train them until that day
comes. I believe the girls in Tara's visions are the Slayer
potentials. And I've already done some checking. It seems all the
potentials have been killed by the Source's Harbingers except for a certain
few. The Council is trying to track these few down, but there hasn't been
much luck.
Well....why kill them?
To erase all Slayers and their Watchers so that when the current Slayers are
(a realization in her eyes)
There won't be anyone to stop him....it.
Yes. If the Source can eliminate the Slayer line, there won't be anything
that can stop him from bringing about the Final Apocalypse.
There is a few seconds of silence as they digest this information.
We should start going through this stuff.
Shouldn't we wait for Willow and Tara?
Yeah, where are they?
Oh....Will called me last night. They went up to that cabin they
bought. She said they needed some alone time.
But they're okay?
Cut to:
INT. Small Cabin in the Hills Outside Sunnydale, Time Lapse - Day.
A small rustic cabin sets on a hill surrounded by trees. Inside the interior of the cabin, a small fire is lit in the fireplace on one side of the cabin. There is a small table off to one side and a large queen sized bed near the far wall. Along the walls are pictures and decorations and a bookcase lies against the wall next to the door. The very door now opens quickly and the two witches, WILLOW and TARA, hurriedly enter and close the door behind them.
Tara moves over to the bed and picks up the portable phone they have. She presses a button and puts it to her ear. There is no sound coming from the phone.
There's no dial tone.
We need to get back to Sunnydale before Rack gets here.
Will, how can Rack be here, alive?
Willow looks at her lover sadly.
I know....I know what happened to him. I just don't
understand how he can be here.
(looking at the floor)
I don't either.
Tara looks at Willow for a moment before she makes a quick decision. She walked over to Willow and enveloped her girlfriend into a warm embrace, wrapping her arms around the other girl.
Hey....you know, I didn't mean to upset you. We
should probably try to get down the hills before Rack finds us.
Willow nods to her as they turn to head to the door. They open it and leave the cabin with no incident before they see RACK come out from the wooded area and stand directly in front of the path they need to head down. His hands are crackling with dark magick.
Did you think it would be that easy Strawberry, blondie?
I'm not leaving this little area until both of you are dead and your power's
Why do you want us dead, Rack? You and I both know I
won't ever use dark magick again.
Oh, I know that. All that is in the past. And
I do have my reasons for wanting to see you dead, but I won't go into them
now. I have a job to do and I intend on doing it.
Rack smiles at them before he advances toward them, raising his hands. In the two seconds it took for the action to happen, Willow was the one who knew what he was going to do. She had to make a split decision and she knew she wouldn't regret it. Just moments before Rack's dark magick blasts would have hit them, she grabbed the back of Tara's shirt with both hands and threw her towards the ground from the porch where they stood.
Rack's blasts surged from his hands and soared at the small cabin. One blast his the front of the house while the other hit one of the posts that held the roofing over the porch. The post exploded and the top of the porch roof fell down. As it fell, Willow ran towards the end of one side of the porch and dove off just as Rack released another blast, which destroyed the cabin completely. The many pieces of the debris impacted with Willow's back as she landed on the ground, covering most of her form.
Tara had hit the ground about ten seconds before the cabin was blown up by Rack's blasts and now, she rose to her hands and knees and looked in despair at the scene before her. She glanced at Rack for just a moment before her gaze fell on a lock of red hair just barely visible under a pile of exploded wood. She felt her heart stop.
No. It can't be.
She scrambled over, mindless that Rack was watching, and pushed the wood off of her lover and turned her over. There was a cut over Willow's right eye and a little blood running down her cheek. Tara held in a breath as she pressed two fingertips to Willow's throat. A heave of relief expelled from her chest as she felt the pulse at her neck. She swallowed hard and then looked over towards Rack again.
The resurrected warlock was slowly stalking towards them, menace in his eyes. Small sparks of red power were surging through his fingers as he closed in on them. Tara felt a white hot surge of anger flare in her and she slowly placed lover down on the ground, as gently as she could. She then rose to her feet and faced the warlock.
Think you can stop me, blondie?
I-I don't know. I'm getting her to the
hospital. You are not going to stop me.
What makes you so sure, I wonder?
Because I am not going to let her die. And I will do
whatever it takes to protect her.
Let's find out just how true that is, then.
Rack raises his right hand and sends a blast directly at Tara. The blonde Wicca doesn't move. At the last possible second, she says one word.
A white wave of energy appears in front of her and Willow, each blast of Rack's having no effect whatsoever. Tara steps forward and raises her hand again, this time planning an attack against the warlock.
Dosevo Melekenevo!
Three fireballs appears out of nowhere at the words and hit Rack at the same time. The blasts send him into the air, crashing through the forrested area. Tara doesn't waste any more time. She gently scoops her girlfriend's unconscious form up and begins walking down the path that leads to Willow's car.
Cut to:
Commercial Break.
Cut to:
EXT. The Sunnydale City Jail - Day.
At the Sunnydale City Jail, BUFFY and XANDER are following a guard to the holding area, where the cells are. They rounded a corner and followed the guard towards a cell near the far wall at the end of the current corridor they were going through.
Okay, tell me again why we're here?
Xander.....Jonathan and Andrew might have some information we need.
Jonathan said something about Warren, so we need to let them talk. So,
let's just hear what they have to say and go from there, alright?
Fine, but I still think we're wasting our time.
A few moments later, they are standing in front of the cell with JONATHAN and ANDREW. The two geeks look delighted when they see the Slayer and her friend.
(moving to the bars)
Buffy, thanks for coming.
What do you guys want? We are kind of busy.
You said something about Warren?
Jonathan and Andrew share a look.
Yeah, we were in Mexico when Warren found us. He just like, has these
powers and stuff.
Yeah, we know about him.
He needed us to break into this museum and get this little case with some old
scrolls in it. Of course, he betrayed us again after we got it for him and
now, we're in here.
Guys, I hate to burst your bubble, but we already have this scroll that Warren
took from you. So, if that's all you have to say....
Well, then you know about the Prophesy of the Final Apocalypse, right?
Yes, that's what the Scroll was about.
Yeah, but what you don't know is that there are two more scrolls that explain
more about the Final Apocalypse than that first one does.
How do you know about this?
When we left Sunnydale, I sort of started researching ancient texts and I found
references to the three scrolls that predict everything about the Final
Apocalypse. Warren said he needed that scroll and two other items so he
could get information from someone. I'm guessing that the other two items
are the other two scrolls.
Your probably right, Jonathan. Where are the other two scrolls?
We'll tell you...only after you get us out of here.
Get you out...why? So you can take off again?
Hey, running was the best option for us before. In case you forgot, your
witchy friend was on the warpath.
And it's because of actions you made. Don't forget that, geeks.
Xander, quiet. Jonathan, Andrew, if we get you two out of her....and get
the charges against you dropped, you'll help us get these scrolls? Is that
the deal you're going to make?
That's right. I promise Buffy, get us out of this mess, you'll get the
scrolls and all the information you need about the Final Apocalypse.
Close up shot of Buffy's face as she considers the situation with Jonathan and Andrew.
Cut to:
INT. Wooded Hills Outside Sunnydale, Time Lapse - Day.
The pebbled path edged downward, towards a dirt road where the car was currently parked. The shot moves from the path up to reveal TARA, with WILLOW's unconscious body, walking down the path as quickly as her legs could carry her, though the added weight she carried slowed her down.
The Wicca was currently breathing slightly heavier than usual and she was sweating slightly, proof of her strength fading as she tried to get to the car. Tara looked down when she felt the body she was holding move slightly. She saw that Willow's eyes were fluttering open and then, the redhead was gazing at her, the deep green eyes meeting hers before Willow winced at the pain in the cut on her face.
Tara looked behind them quickly to make sure Rack wasn't following, then she carefully dropped to one knee, placing Willow on the ground, but keeping her arm around her shoulders. She took a few deep breaths as she tried to calm her rattling nerves.
Willow touched the cut slightly and felt the dried blood on the right side of her face. The cut was sore, but it was more like the soreness of a bruise than anything. And she had a headache, but she felt fine otherwise. Besides the bruises she could feel on her arms, that is.
(looking at her face)
Yeah sweetie?
Is Rack gone?
No....he's still back there somewhere. That's why we need to get to the
car. I need to get you to the hospital.
Tara....I'm fine. I don't need no hospital.
I saw that cabin explode Will. You were on the porch when it did.
Please, just let them check you out.
(not wanting to, but seeing the very concerned look on her lover's face)
They are both silent for a few moments as the peace and quiet of the forest around them continues. The only sound being crickets or other animals moving through the brush.
Willow fiddled with her hands, making a decision and hesitating about telling Tara for a long moment. She then glances at Tara, seeing the concern etched there as Tara keeps looking behind them to make sure their pursuer doesn't appear.
(looking at Willow)
We...we can't go back to Sunnydale until we deal with Rack.
Rack being here is my fault. We both know it's true. If we leave,
he'll eventually find us. We already have enough to deal with, we don't
need Rack to be added to it.
(after a moment of silence)
Will, I agree that Rack needs to be dealt with, but you need to know that this
isn't your fault.
Willow gazes at her girlfriend sadly.
Yes it is. Tara, if I had never used that spell on you, I would never have
gone to him. If I had never used dark magick in the first place, I would
have never let Amy get me to go see him. We have to accept the
responsibility for everything that's happened and it's time I do.
(cupping Willow's cheek in her hand)
You're wrong. (she waits a moment when Willow is about to object) You
can't dwell on the what ifs Will. If we both did that, we would have to
question everything about ourselves and neither of us can afford that. We
all make decisions that we aren't proud of. I have.
You have?
Yes. Packing up and leaving you was one of the biggest mistakes I've ever
made. I've regretted it ever since.
Willow's eyes flickered shut, a few tears falling over the soft skin of her cheeks silently. She opened them after a couple of moments.
Then....why did you leave?
(smiling with sadness)
Because it's what I thought I had to do. I thought separation was what you
needed. I was wrong.
(shaking her head)
No, you were right baby. Your leaving was the one thing I needed to see
what I was becoming. I had a lesson to learn. And I learned it the
hard way.
We um....we've both grown a lot since then.
We've both changed since then.
Yeah. (a beat of silence passes) Can you walk?
Yeah, the only thing wrong is my head and some cuts. But I don't feel
anything else wrong.
Okay, then, we should get moving. Do you want to stop Rack here or get
back to Sunnydale?
Let's deal with Rack.
Okay. If this is to be how we die Will, then I'm glad it's with you,
fighting the bad guys.
Me too.
Tara leans over and kisses Willow on the lips softly before she rises and helps Willow up before they turn back towards the path and begin heading back towards the now destroyed cabin.
Cut to:
INT. Underground Cavern in Sunnydale, Time Lapse - Late Evening.
The underground caverns had fire torches lined along the walls, giving light throughout the interior. Not much activity is happening around the place, but there is some. With the caverns directly below the mansion once used by Angelus, it was very convenient for the Source to use this one area as his dungeon.
There were a few HARBINGERS moving about the place. The shot moves towards an opening in the caverns to see two of the Harbingers dragging a clearly tormented and tortured SPIKE behind them. Spike is clearly in a lot of pain, the marks that were scarred into his chest no longer bleeding, but still there. His arms are spread outward as the Harbingers drag him to the center of the cavern, where the shot pans around to reveal THE SOURCE standing next to the creature that was released from the Seal of Danthazar. The creature, known as the UBERVAMP, stands just behind and to the right of the Source, waiting for an order.
The Source motions for the Harbingers to move away. They do and then, the Source moves closer to Spike. His necklace, the heart with a cross severed through it, swings back and forth from it's position around his neck. He crouches near Spike.
The Source
Tell me something Spike, why are you resisting so much? The Slayer is not
coming to get you.
Spike remains silent, just watching the Source's face.
The Source
Spike, Spike, Spike.....if you were half as smart as I always thought you were,
the best option for you is to join my side. The Slayer and her misguided
people are not going to wind this war. They all will die and the world
will die with her. I'm only going to ask you this one more time.
Join me and I will make you a powerful force of destruction. What do you
(swallowing a few times)
The Source
Hmph. Okay, I'll bite. Why not?
Because....Buffy thinks I can change and I.....want to know if I can.
The Source rolls his eyes. He is in his human form, his white dress suit as clean as ever. He straightens back up and walks over to the Ubervamp. He looks it in the eye.
The Source
Once nighttime falls over this town, I'll let you have some fun.
But for right now, give William the Bloody here a little lesson. A lesson
in pain.
The Source steps back as the Ubervamp moves towards Spike. She shot stays on The Source as the sound of Spike's screams echo throughout the caverns.
Cut to:
INT. Hills Outside Sunnydale, Time Lapse - Late Evening.
The wood was smoking as WILLOW and TARA slowly came up upon the remains of what was a cabin the two of them had bought about three weeks after Tara was returned. They had planned to take vacations to this little cabin when the stress of everyday life on the Hellmouth began becoming too much. Now it looked like they wouldn't have that chance.
The two witches slowly walked towards the old cabin, glancing around them to see if they could spot the warlock that they knew was still in the area. Willow moved away from Tara and looked at the shattered remains. Tara stayed near a large oak tree, looking around nervously. And as Willow looked around, that's when Tara felt it.
A sharp tingle that raced up and down her spine and raised what she was becoming to realize were her hackles of awareness. She felt the blast moments before she saw it and she managed to raise her hand towards Willow just in the nick of time, her palm facing her lover.
Willow whirled around just in time to see the gold protection shield stop the blast that would have probably killed her. She looked over and saw Tara keeping the shield up with her left hand. Then her gaze looked over opposite them to see the warlock RACK emerge out from behind some bushes. He looked at both of them and smiled.
You witches are brave. I must give you that.
We're not running anymore, Rack. We-we're gonna stop you.
You're welcome to try. But I'm not leaving these hills until your both
Then, your not leaving these hills. Exstato!
A blast of red energy surged from Willow's hand and impacted Rack, knocking him against a pretty large and sturdy tree. He hit the tree hard and struggled back to his feet. As he was doing so, Tara ran back to Willow and they joined their hands.
Rack got back to his feet and saw their hands joined.
Oh....so the love birds want to hold hands. Let's see where it get you.
Rack sent out red bolts of dark magick, the blasts hitting the ground at their feet. The force of the blasts sent the witches both flying through the air, in opposite directions, to land on the ground several feet apart. Rack surged forward with his attack, holding his left hand up. The red dark magick energy siezed Tara by the throat and she was slammed into a nearby tree, her face scrunching up in pain as the air was stopped going into her body.
Rack didn't let up. He looked at Willow and held his other hand, blasting her with more of his energy and knocking her back to the ground, knocking all the air out of her lungs. He turned back to Tara and grinned with evil intent as he moved closer.
I hope you enjoyed Heaven....because your going back.
Tara drew in lungfuls of oxygen into her lungs before she managed to wave her left arm out. An invisible arc of magick hit Rack full on and threw him from his position and knocking him to the ground with a savage impact. Tara dropped to her knees, breathing deeply and moved towards her lover as quickly as she could. Once there, she looked at Willow, relieved to see her coughing.
You okay?
Yeah, he just knocked the wind out of me, that's all. C'mon, let's finish
Rack before he gets away.
Tara nodded as the two rose from their kneeling position and faced off against Rack again. This time, the two gripped hands, squeezing tightly and pressing together so firmly that every inch of skin touched, leaving no room of separation. The raised their free hands as Rack snarled, racing towards them. Both witches felt a calming sensation race through them as they used the magick that they had mastered together and surged a powerful blast of green and red energy at the warlock, the blast capturing him.
Rack screamed as the powerful magick siezed his body and begin destroying him. The magick began burning his flesh away and slowly turning his body into nothing more than ashes. The process lasted a few moments, but when it was over, he was left nothing more than a pile of ashes.
Willow and Tara both slumped their shoulders as they fell to their knees, the victory, if it really was one, assured by the pile of ashes. Both witches were breathing heavily as they leaned towards one another, seeking the comfort that only each other could provide.
Cut to:
Commercial Break.
Cut to:
EXT. The Sunnydale City Jail, Time Lapse - Late Evening.
The front double glass doors into the Police Station are opened silently as the shot reveals BUFFY, XANDER, and GILES enter and begin walking towards the front desk. Xander has a resigned look on his face, Buffy has a serious one, and Giles has a reluctant agreement kind of look on his.
Are you sure about this, Buffy?
Yeah, I mean, Jonathan and Andrew? They'll turn on us the first chance
they get, surely you realize that.
Yeah, they probably will. But we need those scrolls. And the only
way we're going to get them is if we get these guys out of here. This is
the only way. Let's just get these guys out of here and then we'll figure
out what to do with them.
The three stop at the front desk and the officer sitting there looks over at them. The officer is older man with dark hair.
Yes, I'm Rupert Giles. I believe Judge Whitney spoke with you on the phone
regarding a Jonathan Levinson and Andrew Wells.
Yes, the Judge has called. Though I'm wondering why he's having the
charges dropped. Doesn't make that much sense to me. (the officer pauses)
Anyway, just sign these papers, then we'll get those two released to you.
Should take about a half hour.
Thank you.
Giles signs the papers, then the three of them go over towards the bench that's nearby and sit down to wait.
Cut to:
INT. Underground Caverns, Time Lapse - Late Evening.
The torture sessions that Spike has had to endure are exactly what they were meant to be, painful. At the moment, the shot pulls back to reveal SPIKE, laying up against a dirt covered boulder, breathing heavy and bleeding slightly from two cuts on both sides of his face. His eyes are fastened on something directly across from him.
The shot pans around to reveal THE SOURCE standing next to the UBERVAMP. The Ubervamp looks to be ready to torture him some more, but is holding itself back by the Source's will. The Source paces around, looking at Spike every once in a while.
The Source
It's strange....here I am, having you tortured hours on end, and you still
refuse to join me. At first, I thought it was because of that pesky little
soul you've got. But now, I'm not so sure about that. Do you really
think you can make up for everything you've done?
(breathing heavily)
No....not really. But part of me wants to find out if I can make up for
The Source
Then I guess I really am wasting my time with you, aren't I?
I won't join you, mate. I never will.
The Source
Then, before this is all over, your going to die right along with the Slayer and
her people. And there isn't anything you can do to stop it.
Maybe, but when it's all over, at least I can burn in hell knowing I wasn't a
complete monster.
The Source
We'll see.
The Source turned from his speaking with Spike and walked over to where BRUJAH was standing nearby.
The Source
Yes, Boss?
The Source
Do you have any news?
Yes, I have just learned that the warlock you resurrected, Rack, he failed in
his assignment.
A look of resigned disappointment crossed the Source's face.
The Source
It figures....looks like I'll have to take care of the witches the hard way.
Yes Boss. And, I have just come back from my own assignment.
The Source
Kronell is on his way. He will be here within a week to perform the
request you have made.
The Source
Good. Everything is coming along right as it should be. And tomorrow
night, the Slayer will be introduced....
(he indicates the Ubervamp, which snarls at the Source's words)
to the instrument that will be her downfall.
Another snarl answers the Source's words.
Cut to:
INT. The Summers Household, the Living Room, Time Lapse - Night.
The gang was all assembled in the living room at the Summers house. BUFFY, DAWN, XANDER, GILES, and ANYA were all there listening to WILLOW and TARA relate their little adventure with Rack that had taken place up in the hills. The scene opens on Tara just finishing the telling of their tale.
Once we got to the hospital, we made sure Will wasn't hurt
that badly before I called you.
Buffy rises from her position on the recliner chair and she moves over towards the far window, silently looking out and shaking her head. Giles looks over at her in concern.
She turns around.
I-I can't believe this.
Buffy, it's okay. Tara and I beat Rack. He won't be a bother to us
Tara reaches over and squeezes Willow's hand.
Guys, do you know what this means?
That Willow and Tara make a pretty good magickal team!
(taking a deep breath)
The Source resurrected Rack. If he can resurrect Rack, what's stopping him
from doing the same later on?
What do you mean, exactly?
Buffy looks at them, a worried look on her face.
What if he resurrects the Mayer...or the Master to throw at us?
(she snorts)
What if he resurrects them both at the same time? Guys, we can only fight
off so much. And then, there's Glory. He could do the same with
An uneasy silence fills the room as they all dwell on that.
I'm beginning to wonder if it would better for us to just pack up and run.
I'm beginning to think we can't win this. If he can resurrect guys who've
already been killed, what's to stop him from bringing guys we've beaten back,
all of them at once!
You suggesting we run, Buffy?
I think it's the only choice for us, right now.
The uneasy silence dwells on a moment longer.
They all glance at Tara as she releases Willow's hand and rises, looking over at the worried Slayer.
B-Buffy, that's a choice we can't make.
No, Buffy. We c-can't run.
Tara, it's our only choice. We can't stop this guy.
Maybe...maybe not. But if we run, millions of innocent lives are going to
be tortured to death when the Source completes his plan.
(she takes a deep breath, looking at Buffy and softening her voice)
And Buffy, if we run, then he will have broken our spirits. I don't know
about any of you, but I won't let him break me. I'm not running.
Against her will, a grin breaks out on Buffy's face as she nods. She looks down and takes a few deep breaths. Then, she looks up.
Then we need to be ready for whatever comes.
We will Buffy. We will.
Buffy sits back down and silence reigns over the group once again.
Switch to:
INT. The Heavens Beyond the Mortal Plane - Night on Earth.
The shot, with a great speed, travels upward from the scene with the Scoobies and moves upward, beyond the house, beyond Sunnydale, beyond the clouds and the sky, into the Higher Realm of a Heavenly dimension where the Powers That Be exist and watch over the world below. In this realm, it is revealed to be brightly blue and white everywhere, with large castles as far as the eye can see.
The shot stops moving to reveal a figure standing over a floating cloud. In the center of the floating cloud is a circular shaped opening showing the conversation involving the Scoobies. It is revealed to show the words that Tara just spoke to Buffy. The shot moves from the floating cloud to the figure. He is a human looking person with completely white hair that looks to be combed completely back. He wears a body long white Roman type of gown that goes from just below the neck to his feet. It is sleeveless and there is an armored plate over his chest with intricate symbols over it. The figure looks at the scene he is viewing, a smile etching his face.
He is known as MICHAEL, an Archangel for the Powers That Be.
The time is near, Pure One.
Michael looks from the viewing and looks around the Heavenly realm, a smile on his face.
End of Episode 9 - Inner Demons
End Credits.